
What are your thoughts on Vice President Kamala Harris’ trip to El Paso, Texas to visit the United States' southern border?

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Russell Klinger
Russell Klinger
3 years ago

This was an absolute joke, nothing more than a PR stunt. The only reason this moron finally went is because Trump is going next week. This skank went to El Paso instead of where the real problem is. Of course this idiot blamed it on Trump, it is Sleepy Joe’s policy. The fake news will of course lie about everything. Kamala Harris is an absolute joke, she is UnAmerican and should be removed from office.

3 years ago

Fox should come out with a comedy show inspired by the current alleged Biden-Harris administration. Instead of calling it, “the West Wing,” it should be called, “the Lost Wing.”

3 years ago

Now she needs to go to Europe– and stay there!

3 years ago

Need to have the ability to select more than one answer.

Cheryl Wincz
Cheryl Wincz
3 years ago

Her visit to El Paso is the same as going to Lake Placid NY to see the crime in New York city.

3 years ago

She is a disgrace to our nation. I also believe she made this trip just when the sentencing for Derek Chauvin came out, using it as a diversion, which is what the demonRats always do

3 years ago

So unfortunate, we have a demented puppet in the White House & a grossly incompetent border monitor!

3 years ago

She scares me more than Biden, (as long as he doesn’t have access to the nuke button). If Biden can hold out for another year, we must take the house & senate to keep her from doing serious damage to our country.

Tim Ricke
Tim Ricke
3 years ago

This administration is a disgrace to our nation. She took this trip as a photo op to make it appear that they are doing something. Typical democrat “symbolism over substance” as Rush used to say.

Jim VH
Jim VH
3 years ago

Just another episode of the fumble and bumble show starring Sleepy Joe Biden and Kommie Harris, brought to you by the lame stream media. Wait for it, how many unsure voters again.

3 years ago

Ever country in the world is laughing at the United States.We have a man and woman that say they are president and Vice President and are destroying America. They do not care about the country or the people. They did everything they could to win the election and people won’t them running our country.They both are traders and need to be run out of the United States.They both are a real joke.

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
3 years ago

I really did not pay any attention to her visit and did not even watch it on the news. I believe that she needed a Taco and heard that the best ones were in El Paso.

Lisa Shippy
Lisa Shippy
3 years ago

This southern border is NOT Ellis Island, people arriving at Ellis Island were not coming here to harm the American citizens, were NOT bringing in Drugs, were NOT coming to involve themselves with human trafficking, the 99% of those coming to America were just humbled to be entering on to soil that was DIFFERENT than the rest of the world, MORE GODLY ethics. 99% of the people entering the southern border are not coming to become Godly upright American citizens, it for FREE things, and a FREE ride or to do damage to this country and it’s citizens. She is nothing more than a SHOWBOAT, her dog and pony shows are a disgrace to this country. If President Trump doesn’t take back his position that he was elected to do soon, God help this country. No one else will be able to stand up for the citizens like he did. No one else can do the job without compromising, No else can stand boldly to China, Russia or Iran without backing down. The average “politician” has shown, they think of their political career and don’t have President Trump’s back bone. The Republican party showed their true colors when they refused to fight for President Trump’s position as the America’s TRUE PRESIDENT.

Anthony Truppa
Anthony Truppa
3 years ago

It’s clear this trip was cobbled together to beat President Trumps visit next week with Governor Abbott. The challenges at the US-Mexico border has been an issue fir many years and only now the democrats are interested in a visit,

One of the few responsibilities the federal government has is to protect our borders and this matter has been ignored by both Republicans and democrats for too long. President Trumps administration was doing something about it and he was excoriated by the media.

All Americans must demand and end to the political theater and demand results to this problem. We put men on the moon to gather bricks and soil samples you’d think we could protect the boarder of our homeland! It’s not that we can’t do it but rather no one has the political will to do so!

Respectfully submitted, Anthony Truppa

Elizabeth L. DiBernardo
Elizabeth L. DiBernardo
3 years ago

Kamala went to Texas merely to take pictures….She didn’t even go to where the extreme chaos is…She’s a complete disaster!!

3 years ago

If the Republicans don’t take back both majorities in ‘22, and the Presidency in ‘24, then there’s no hope.

CA Patriot
CA Patriot
3 years ago

Imagine a hole in a dam, and the person in charge of protecting the valley’s citizens pontificates from her ivory tower: “It’s not my job to go and see the dam breach. We’re developing a comprehensive 5-year plan to provide water to the valley.”

Meanwhile, illegals flood into our sovereign nation, including drug cartels, gangs, rapists, Covid-infected, criminals, terrorists, et. al. A crisis insinuates emergency action immediately!

Bill Day
Bill Day
3 years ago

The entire administration is a ruse. Even worse than the pres., we actually had, who hated my Republic, Obama ! Sometimes I think I’m having a bad dream ! ALL of their ability to pull this off, is a VERY SAD ‘tribute’ to the indoctrinations of students from our public school system – for GENERATIONS. This, followed by propaganda from 90% of the media, has resulted in the horrific number of ignorant citizenry now occupying MY COUNTRY. It’s time for prayer, indeed !

Gene DeMorrow
Gene DeMorrow
3 years ago

She is one of the most worthless people who have ever held that office she’s one of the definitions of actually eats crap ???? and barks at the moon because she is in so far over her head don’t know what she is doing of course her boss has doesn’t know where he’s at most of the time makes a great pair of idiots wow what a Country Please God come back soon

Margie McGraw
Margie McGraw
3 years ago

She is nothing but a vagina. Her whole face looks like one. Is that what men see when they look at her?

Craig Contofalsky
Craig Contofalsky
3 years ago

That laughing from her all the time is hideous!! She is queen of the fools!! Hilary 2.0!

David Moyer
David Moyer
3 years ago

This country was founded by mostly Christian people. I do not believe that Kamala or Joe and the squad are followers of Jesus Christ. However, they are certainly energetic people who if they do a 180 with their belief system could really make a difference. John 3:16.
In His Service, David Moyer

J. J.
J. J.
3 years ago

In my 65 years of life, as a military veteran and former LEO, I’ve NEVER been more embarrassed, ashamed, or angry than I am with these two puppets! Obama 3.0! ????

Tom Cassity
Tom Cassity
3 years ago

Pitifully transparent pandering…and only to her radical supporters at that. Timing is transparent as well…words fail me…

Walter Lambertson
Walter Lambertson
3 years ago

This whole trip was a set up from the start. I do not see here willing to visit the Tucson sector or other places along the border.

Roy Howard
Roy Howard
3 years ago

She is not the Vice President of the United States, it was a fraudulent election. She is plain and simple a criminal, a Terrorist!!!

3 years ago

The theme of the Biden administration is, “America and Americans last!”

Bill Bedell
Bill Bedell
3 years ago

Kamala Harris is a bigger joke than Al Gore ever was,

John G Slough
John G Slough
3 years ago

She, like the entire democratic administration, are all show and no action. They couldn’t care less about the border crisis. She’s worthless, like the rest of them!

Laurence Daniels
Laurence Daniels
3 years ago

Her visit to the border was a total farce, a reaction to President Trump’s upcoming visit! She and the entire Biden administration are a joke! Unfortunately, a very BAD joke for America!

3 years ago

Who cares?

Paul E Costello
Paul E Costello
3 years ago

“The Giggling Kamal” is a phony. inmature, still thinks she is in college like most of her idiot friends, she should not be allowed to be where she is. The bad part is Biden’s dementia is getting worse, and this brainless incompetent idiot could become president Just think a giggling idiot as president of the United States.

Barbara Spierling
Barbara Spierling
3 years ago

I certainly hope that anyone who voted the Biden-Harris ticket are proud of themselves and happy with the state of the Union. Go Creepy Joe and Camel Toes!

Tom M
Tom M
3 years ago

Harris and joey are not even on my radar after reading a piece about the recent “vaccination” bill signed by DeSantis, who many believe is the new Republican savior. I am extremely disheartened. It seems that on line 1111 of the bill (SB 2006), there is wording that allows the state of Florida to force vaccination on anyone for any reason. While vaccination passports may be banned, it doesn’t stop them from giving forced injections to anyone by any means. The article appears in Principia Scientific Intl.

Rollin D Hough
Rollin D Hough
3 years ago

Flaw in this poll. Before unsure the option of “All of the above” should of been offered.

3 years ago

I am not a Harris or Biden fan or supporter, but this is a fixed Poll. All answers are negative toward the Poll and didn’t have a single answer for anyone who supports the Adminstration.

3 years ago

She is the biggest joke for a vice president and Biden is just dementia pos puppet.

3 years ago

It was a joke

3 years ago

The whole 2020 election is a fabrication due to the fact that everything was rigged….it ain’t over yet, she only thinks the Presidency will fall into her idiot lap!

Lew Rigaud
Lew Rigaud
3 years ago

The only crisis this person has a clue about is the size of Willie Brown’s penis!! She no better than a cheap prostitute!!

3 years ago


3 years ago


Howard Smith
Howard Smith
3 years ago

They are all liars communistic bastards that do not give a damn about us or this country just want to control us.

3 years ago

How about an all of the above option.

3 years ago

Her actions and behavior amount to what in my chosen career would be labeled “Dereliction of Duty”. Shame on her!

3 years ago

It was a hastily planned trip to get there before Trump did. This administration has been a S*** show since the beginning. They got rid of policies that were working, but replaced them with nothing.How do any of them look in the mirror and think that are helping us? Continuous handouts buy votes, because hey who wouldn’t stuff that someone else is paying for. Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer only care about themselves. They must be removed from office before it’s too late.

Connie Marx
Connie Marx
3 years ago

I accidentally hit unsure!! Need to change my vote!!!

3 years ago

Harris is one nightmare, and Biden is another, but DeSantis has totally, TOTALLY DISSAPPOINTED me. He’s probably on his way out after signing that bill. Everyone is starting to wake up and become aware of that bogus vaccination

Edwin Shipman
Edwin Shipman
3 years ago

What it was is a stop over on her way to Los Angeles to galvanize her supporters before Trump/Abbott visit next week. A photo op. She considers Texas and the Border as flyovers, surprised she actually stopped.

Connie Marx
Connie Marx
3 years ago

This visit was purley a show before Pres. Trump got there. Only going to ElPaso (about 700 mi. from Rio Grande)proves that she is a coward and her comments along with others was all bs and hot air. Hey Kaklin Harris…how’s dramatizing your comments with all that hand waving going for ya? You are a joke…along with all your other biden friends.
What are you all scared of???

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