

What are your thoughts on cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and others? Check all that apply.

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1 year ago

Wish I knew more about this

Don Firman
Don Firman
3 years ago

How does bit coin have value? For that matter, does the dollar have any real value other than the faith of the American people. Perhaps AMAC can educate its subscribers on the way bit coin has more value or lesser value than greenbacks. With inflation going through the roof, retirement funds may not be enough in the future. God help us!

Paul Jogan
Paul Jogan
3 years ago

I still believe that cash, although it is mailable institutionally, it does provide a certain degree of freedom that crypto forfeit s.

3 years ago

Is crypto backed by anything? Granted, the dollar doesn’t have the backing it once did, but what backs crypto. With the wild ride in value it’s inflating like crazy, and we’ve seen it drop like crazy too. I don’t trust it.

Tod Lane
Tod Lane
3 years ago

Nowadays even the dollar is ones and zeros. The dollar is controlled and manipulated by the FED (a non-governmental agency) with a trend towards having our government audit every dollar you spend. The upside is that the government can detect and track fraud, tax evasion, and money laundering more easily. The down side is repressive totalitarian control. Crypto for now, has a limited ability to provide privacy, but governments world wide have been making it illegal because they don’t control it. So, in my opinion both the US dollar and crypto are fiat the difference is that some cryptos have a fixed and limited supply where *hyperbole* trillions of dollars get printed every day, diluting the buying power of the U.S. Dollar. I should also point out that not every crypto is the same. Some cryptos perform functions or jobs such as verifying transactions, converting to another crypto, or helping secure code created by developers. If you want to know more, there are crypto trainers that pay people to learn about their ‘coin’.

3 years ago

Crypto will be used by government to control every aspect of your life. It will replace cash and therefore your privacy and security will be compromised. They will know everything you do and can at any time steal money from you because everything you have will be electronic and trackable, traceable and subject to government control.

Tom K.
Tom K.
3 years ago

1984, the scariest movie I ever saw!

Dr. Beanhead
Dr. Beanhead
3 years ago

Digital currency assumes connectivity to retrieve the blockchain and prove your possession; connectivity is easy to block or spoof by almost any amateur blackhat. Consider how the government professional blackhats will certainly intrude individually and collectively when they desire. In contrast, that multiparty risk is mitigated by physically possessing non-taxable assets e.g. the three precious metals: Pb (82), Au (79), and Ag (47). The later have been recognized for millennia as true enduring property.

Kenneth D.
Kenneth D.
3 years ago

I believe crypto is the Trojan Horse that will lead to a global electronic currency that can be totally controlled and manipulated by a global cartel of financial and political elites. Like the man-made Covid chaos it will be used to condition, intimidate and herd great masses of people as well as establish a global data harvesting system to be used to track and control global events. Lastly, it is inevitable as it was foretold over 2000 years in the Judeo-Christian Holy Scriptures….

John Koss
John Koss
3 years ago

If you really give it some thought. Financial powers will control all. Need fuel, pull up to the pump; Oh! You’ve used your allotment for this period. Need a beer? Oh! It’s bad for you. Wake Up people. Electromagnetic burst? Oh! What money!!!

3 years ago

I own several different cryptos. They have done me very well. The interest earned each week is substantially better than any bank. It by far is better than the dollar but hasn’t got to the point of replacing it yet. Will it ever, who knows but the technology behind it is rapidly being applied in everyday life.

3 years ago

Cryptocurrencies are a double edged sword. While Bitcoin has appeared to remove the control from the Fed, it is ultimately the system of the Beast. Globalists that’s are in league with the antiChrist system, love the idea of just shutting non conformist out from being able to buy or sell. Cryptocurrency ( digital currency) is ideal for their plans. Noticed you didn’t give this idea any thought in your selection of responses.

3 years ago

A fool and his money are soon parted.

3 years ago

I’m not crazy about the idea because it will become a very easy tool for the Government to spy on American Citizens. They need to get out of our lives!!

3 years ago

Well, $70000.00 worth for $60000.00 ain’t bad, except two weeks ago the value dropped $100000.00.
If the Yuan wasn’t going to take over the dollar in a couple of years, crypto would be a great investment.

J Rea
J Rea
3 years ago

I dont understand what backs the cryptos or gives them intrinsic value. I am not sure that they are any more valuable than tulip bulbs. For those invested , good luck but for me I will pass. ( note, I have passed on a lot of very profitable ideas that I didnt understand or appreciate so this wont be the first train I have missed )

Therese Ledger
Therese Ledger
3 years ago

I think it’s the government’s way of controlling people and their spending.

3 years ago

Cash is still king. Electronic ”money” is useless when your batteries are dead, or the power is out.

3 years ago

I cannot get involved with cryptos . Too many drastic ups and downs .

Nick Selembo
Nick Selembo
3 years ago

Crypto”electric” money is ok until the lights go out….which they a lot in California unfortunately. Now the Marxists want to make the rest of the country end up like that dumpster fire. No thanks.

3 years ago

Don’t care, period. Do not want to have anything to do with them.

Norman B
Norman B
3 years ago

If the Fed is against it…….I’m for it!

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
3 years ago

I am slow to respond to new ideas. I still drive cars with standard shift, except my 1965 T-Bird which was only available with an automatic transmission. What the heck is wrong with cash ?

3 years ago

The real problem is that we don’t know who owns and manages the currency (and pricing). Where is the oversight from the Fed?

3 years ago

It’s all still “funny money” and the moment the Internet crashes you have no money. WHEN the grid goes down it would be better to have cash on hand than a ledger of funds you no longer can access.

3 years ago

Me thinks that the best reserve currency is gold and silver, that’s been held for 40 plus years…….a sack of junk silver will be more valuable than a wheel barrow full of worthless paper money or poof it’s gone crytocurrency, I can sleep at night.

3 years ago

It sounds like a pyramid scheme to me

Pamela Brida
Pamela Brida
3 years ago

I am and always will be an advocate of cold hard cash in hand or in the bank. Not only will the proposed cryptocurrency allow the government access to everything you buy or sell, but, what will happen when cyber identity thieves figure out personal information or access codes and are able to clean out peoples’ bank accounts?

3 years ago

It’s just another way for the elite and wealthy to steal our wealth. I am all about gold and silver; something that has real value. The cryptocurrencies can be digitally controlled, which means they can manipulate it and even determine who can buy what. That is their goal – to control all of us; telling us what we can and can’t have.

3 years ago

It seems as though its very expensive venture to get started in. Then which bitcoin is good to buy.

3 years ago

Those who think that the Fed would remain out of the Crypto equation have not beem paying attention. Crypto adoption would speed up the control of who gets permission to buy what.

3 years ago

Lead is the precious metal of last resort and the ability to turn it into useful items.

T Davis
T Davis
3 years ago

Option #2, I like the ‘idea’ of no gv’t control, but agree with most comments here: I don’t trust cyber currencies. We have King George Soros, the gracious Gates Foundation, Baron Buffet and other billionaires that are trying to control our every move. I wished i did’t believe this, but they are trying to ruin us!! Why isn’t our GOP fighting them? Why isn’t AMAC polling on this?

3 years ago

When it comes to monitary issues, the wealthy will get total control of it just as they have the “federal reserve.” It’s not federal, and there is no reserve.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Too much volatility and is another form of a stock market. Our central bank is already looking at crypto as well as @ 100 other countries. The proposed communist appointee to be in charge of currency at the FED is major proponent of crypto. That alone should give anyone pause. The New World Order needs ways to control the sheeple. This just one proposal. I don’t believe that crypto will go away but I sure do not need it as the main money system. One simple question: How would you get a mortgage or a car loan?

James Jarema
James Jarema
3 years ago

Might as well take the Monopoly money out of the board game in the closet and try to spent it in the real world !

Al Smith
Al Smith
3 years ago

Anything I can’t fondle is not for me. I love hundred dollar bills and gold coins. Crypto is a pathway to world government and the destruction of our country and economy as we know it.

Robert Bailey
Robert Bailey
3 years ago

Crypto currency is the closest fulfillment to the Revelation prophesy of the “mark of the Beast” which is clearly a global cashless society.

3 years ago

another way for the Mr. Madoff’s to made off with your money

3 years ago

Like Benny Hill said cut out the middleman. Banks , government all with their hands in your pockets just like this . Someone hidden controlling it . I am all in to spend to the penny a association with people with like ideas and who believe in God , family and Country . Amac you in ? You got 2 million and growing customers .

3 years ago

No government has let anyone or thing control their tax dollar income. It is a path to a one world government, as it has no underlying value, so it can be easily controlled by one global source in the future. China is buying into this, right after they sent out Crona Virus to get out of the USA trade agreement. Countries followed communist idea by suspending individual freedoms.

3 years ago

Once the governments of the world force their will on your crypto currency, all it will take is a few taps of the keyboard to wipe you out.
Silver and gold will always have value, as long as we’re allowed to own it.

Rich H
Rich H
3 years ago

Crypto is not merely a currency. It is ultra-secure method of facilitating transactions. It has applications that haven’t even been fully exploited. It will also become a hedge against inflation as Congress and the Fed continue to debase the dollar. The market establishes crypto’s value, not a handful of board members who are fallible and easily influenced by politicians. I used to see crypto as a get-rich-quick vehicle, but I no longer do. One can make a better return there than in equities, but owning crypto is security against the fiscal insanity we see playing out every day in DC. I wish I owned more.

Paul Difflipp
Paul Difflipp
3 years ago

I would never invest a big bundle into crypto because it is not something I can hold on to , but if you can play it right I think it’s a viable alternate to the Evil Central banking system and the Federal Reserve Scammers. THEY don’t like it because it is Out of their control,that makes it a good thing just like investing in Gold or Silver.

Krull The Warrior King
Krull The Warrior King
3 years ago

I started exploring and buying various currency units in April of 2021. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was or what it could do, I just knew that more and more people were getting involved. Once I understood the power and beauty of Block-chain technology, I KNEW it was something that was going to eventually be adopted into everyday use. Find a YouTube video that explains the blockchain, it will take some of the mystery out. I’m 8 months into this journey and am starting to see over the horizon a bit, and OMG are people going to be surprised at all of the different uses it will have around the world. About 4 months in, I found someone to listen to and learn from that I have grown to trust the advice of. I advise that for everyone. What I learned up front was the incredible security that exists on the blockchain. Various aspects of blockchain technology is being adopted all over the world. It’s happening whether you understand it or not. Who remembers all of the fear, anxiety, loathing and confusion when the internet was starting up? The detractors I see here, were probably saying the same thing then.

Is there risk? Of course, dummy! EVERYTHING has risk. What backs up the US Dollar? Nothing. People say, “buy gold and silver just in case”. Think it thru. I remember when silver ran up to $50oz, then fell back to $5oz. If the top layer of any blockchain is set up correctly, it can’t be hacked. Has the Bitcoin chain ever been hacked? Nope. Have some individuals had their crypto stolen? Yep. Every time it’s happened, it occurred because someone didn’t follow normal security measures. Nobody can steal my currency units unless I allow it……NOBODY. I believe the only way it can be stopped is if the entire internet gets shut down. If that happens, you got bigger problems that wondering how to transfer your currency units to trade for goods and services.

There are some Blockchain based businesses that are useful to society and run by good people, and some that are complete dumpster fires and are run by idiots and crooks. Just like everything else out there. Your and my job is to figure out which is which. Be discerning and find someone to get information from. Watch available videos. It’s not hard, it’s just new, to almost everyone on the planet. Just like the internet, cars, planes, trains and the telegraph when they first came to the public. Open a free account and put $100 total into 8 of any of the top 20 cryptos and let it sit for a year. I’d bet you a $100 that your money would double. Well, there’s my 8 1/2 cents worth.

3 years ago

I will get more excited about Crypto when someone comes with something that is commodity backed. The US used to have a gold standard. The problems with Crypto from my perspective is I don’t know the monetary philosophy of the managers and it is not tangible value for real backing.

3 years ago

Cryptocurrency is WAY too easy to be manipulated by the czars of digital transactions. For example if you are not vaccine registered it can be an easy algorithm on your identification to restrict your ability to purchase. You are totally dependent on the digital world and not on what’s in your pocket!

Martin Plecki
Martin Plecki
3 years ago

Crypto is being sold as a non government controlled currency system, which I like. But, there are a lot of people and organizations on Earth with so much money that I think there are opportunities for crypto to be manipulated by them. Any human system that does not have oversight by humans with a strong ethical foundation and a military to back them up, when needed, is at risk from scammers, dictators, and the most immoral among us. From these thoughts, I am wary of Crypto.

pete kennedy
pete kennedy
3 years ago

Perhaps it is the beginning of a move to remove the dollar as the world currency. A move to make the world bank the primary institution in the world? What say you ?

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