
Joe Biden

We’re on “VP Watch.” Joe Biden has pledged to nominate a woman as his running mate. Regardless of your opinion on any name below, who do you think he will choose?

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Dan W.
Dan W.
4 years ago

The pick is irrelevant. The choice is simply Trump versus Biden.

That said, I am sticking with my original choice of Amy Klobuchar. She is a strong advocate of the Democratic party’s position on the issues and on the oft chance that the pick is relevant, Minnesota would be a good state for the Democrats to nail down,

4 years ago

Seriously? Who cares who the V.P. pick on the Democrat side is. If Biden should happen to win (by any means), neither he nor his V.P. pick will actually be running anything. They will be stage props for the folks behind the scenes really running things in a so-called Biden administration. Several in the DNC have already said as much. Every over the top socialist / globalist policy and program will be front and center on the menu as the American Socialist party systematically undoes everything accomplished by President Trump over the last four years. People will have a whole lot more to be concerned about, like surviving in an imploding economy with all that entails and the new realities of being crammed back into the globalist agenda, than who is Biden’s V.P. when his dementia gets to the point where it can no longer be ignored or glossed over by the MSM. Another worthless poll. Enjoy the weekend everyone.

4 years ago

He could go for a first and pick Duckworth for the first all disability ticket; her with her ambulatory loss, and him with his mindlessness.
In the extremely unlikely event that Biden wins in November, the Dem VP candidate would probably become President during the first term due to Joe’s obviously advancing dementia.
The Dems want to take the Senate so reason would say the VP wouldn’t be a current senator, but then, they’re not rational anyway.
Michelle is out because she should be busy baking cookies for Barack while he’s in prison for starting a coup.
Whoever it is, he, she, or it won’t be worth voting for.

Ronny Junkins
Ronny Junkins
4 years ago

Since he’s going to lose who cares???

4 years ago

Do not really care who he picks , there all losers & Sleepy Uncle Joe is a 3 time loser come November 3rd !!!

Donald M. Mondragón
Donald M. Mondragón
4 years ago

We need more votes for Grisham so she’ll leave NM and we can get our freedom back from Governor Half-wit!!! Realistically Biden HAS to pick a black woman or be tagged a bigot by the libtards!

Rocky Duff
Rocky Duff
4 years ago

He is going to pick Michelle Obama, Biden is going to win because they are going to cheat with their mail in ballot crap. 6 months after taking office, Biden gets declared incompetent and Michelle Obama becomes the first black female president

Rob J
Rob J
4 years ago

If Biden were to win, you can be sure he’ll ‘ Slip on a Banana Peel ‘in short-order, which will put the ‘ Too unelectable as #1, VP ‘ into the #1 spot …. rest assured, that #2 spot couldn’t possibly be palatable to the everyday Dem, but that’s the guy the Powerbrokers want at the helm.

Never forget …. the folks that dislike President Trump, hate those of us who voted for Trump more than anything, WE are the target … that’s why Paper Ballots are being pushed, they know it’s the only way to be us !

Tom M
Tom M
4 years ago

I seriously doubt that Biden is gonna be the Dem candidate. Come on, they know he is brain dead on arrival. And that’s one thing Dems know a whole lot about…being brain dead. Come convention time, Biden will be ousted and replaced by a mystery savoir of the Marxist party. Actually, the only ways that the Dems can win are by massive voting fraud and somehow making sure Trump is not around to run for a second term. Biden is a puppet, and that’s on his best days.

4 years ago

Not Klobuchar with the mess from Minnesota with the Floyd incident. Adams and Harris too radical.

4 years ago

I think it will be Val Demmings, not as polarizing as Harris or Abrams and under the radar for most Independents. The fact that she was an impeachment manager proves she is incapable of thinking for herself and will be a puppet President in a worst case scenario. Obama is worshipped now, nowhere to go but down. Why would she do that? Lol

Malsch Joan
Malsch Joan
4 years ago

Joe Biden is not qualified to be president period!

Nanette ramsey
Nanette ramsey
4 years ago

I know Biden will pick Mouchelle because, even though Obummer was the worst president we’ve ever had, too many morons want him back in the WH!

Ursula Buchnat
Ursula Buchnat
4 years ago

Another four years of an Obama would destroy what is left of this country.

4 years ago

Regardless of who he picks; we need to vote, no excuses! Watching him, I don’t think he will make it to November and be able to speak one sentence. Also think that the libs knew this and have a surprise VP candidate. Lord help us if any of the women listed on this poll become our next president.

Paul Zardus
Paul Zardus
4 years ago

He will select a black woman & then get sick & turn it over to her. The country will not elect a black women as # 1.

Dorothy Diromualdo
Dorothy Diromualdo
4 years ago

. The Obama ‘s wants back in the White House to finish what they started . End of story. End of America! Biden is sick only a matter of time till the VP takes over as President. It’s the plan!! They know it and we know it! I pray Trump wins !!!!??????????

Dave Gorjup
Dave Gorjup
4 years ago

In military vernacular: DGAS

Hal-E Photography
Hal-E Photography
4 years ago

Hypothetically speaking of course, Biden would not be the one actually choosing the VP candidate, he would be told whom to announce. Any candidate would be based on two things 1) Electoral vote power in key states, and 2) name recognition. The Democratic Left is thinking beyond Biden. Don’t be surprised at anything that the Democrats do at the DNC and during the election. They are desperately wicked.


Merrill K. Hackett
Merrill K. Hackett
4 years ago

I don’t really care as I don’t intend to vote for him anyway.

Cynthia O’Neal
Cynthia O’Neal
4 years ago

By picking Michelle Obama that out the Obamas back In The White House to do there dirty work!

4 years ago

Haven’t a clue, are you really asking us to get inside that dimwit’s head and decipher his thinking? What are you thinking?

If Biden wins, whoever it is will be the first female President as its pretty clear he doesn’t intend to serve out his term. He’ll resign at some point for “health reasons”. Not only is Biden looking to bypass the voters to install the first female President, she’ll be far left and thus a disaster for this country. If I were a woman I’d find that offensive, it’s like ole Joe is saying to women, “here, let me help you ladies out, I’ll get you into the office since you can’t do it on your own”. How condescending! Worse, as a lefty, the job she will do will turn off the voters to good women candidates for a very long time.

4 years ago

Wait! I thought “gender neutral” was the mandatory brainwash for liberals. Why does gender matter in their “new world”?!!

4 years ago

Who cares. All are losers like Creepy Joe

4 years ago

Who cares. All are losers just like Creepy Joe

4 years ago

This is the dumbest poll question you’ve ever presented! I’m not a mind reader and who knows what lame reasoning the Dems will come up with!

4 years ago

The lady from Hawaii would be a reasonable choice. She seems to have her own mind and the most conservative voice they have. Of course that is not what the party desires. They want puppets. We want freedom from the big hand of crooked government and their socialist big money supporters.

Harry J Welsh
Harry J Welsh
4 years ago

I think the pick may well become the president. After about 6 months Article 25 will be invoked. And will be true, he cannot complete a single thought. I fail to see where he is in any way a viable candidate. The democrats really distain the voters.

ds patriot
ds patriot
4 years ago

Who cares? What about focusing on our country now? The situation in Seattle should have been squashed with in 24 hrs but now they know they can get away with it and it empowers them. Too late. Good luck everybody, ” coming to your city soon”
God Bless America, we need it more than ever!

Craig Contofalsky
Craig Contofalsky
4 years ago

Who really cares! He’s a loser with dementia and his VP pick will be picked for him!

Bill Carson
Bill Carson
4 years ago

Amy Klobuchar is like that nice girl next door and she wear sensible shoes…

Matthew Makowski
Matthew Makowski
4 years ago

So they want to elect sleepy Joe based on who his running mate will be. What their doing is voting for the running mate because Joe will be found to be incompetent and not able to remain as President .

Jim Godfrey
Jim Godfrey
4 years ago

The only female he will accept is another LW incompetent loud mouth Jackass

4 years ago

It doesn’t matter what jo Bydumb chooses for his running mate he is senile and incompetent and as such not physically capable of being the president and everyone knows it especially those in the media and his emidiate staff they are banking on all of us being gullible sheeple believeing what they say and voting for the stupid fool. Jo Bydumb wakes up in a new world every day because he doesn’t remember where he has been or where he’s going or what he’s going to do he probably has to have someone tell him which hand to wipe himself with or he wouldn’t come out of the bathroom for days, when they put the hair plugs in his head they went a little too deep, I guess that would make him a hair brained person…

4 years ago

Dear God, help us. The entire field runs from “bad” to “worse”.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
4 years ago

I know who the VP choice will be. It will be Kathy Griffin. lol

Blanca I
Blanca I
4 years ago

Just thinking that Biden wins, brings chill through my spine. The 8 years with Obama was a terrible suffering, may the Lord spare us! I just can’t take more liberal/socialist/comunist agenda. USA is going down with the democrats in power. Hopefully people will awake and see the reality and vote Republican, go Trump 2020!

4 years ago

Jo Bydumb is really max headroom a few years older now but just as empty headed as ever and just as real

Brian White
Brian White
4 years ago

First, Moochelle Obama ISN’T an attorney. He gave up his law license to avoid prosecution in Illinois.

Second, who cares?
The Democrats are going to lose badly, anyway.

Bob L.
Bob L.
4 years ago

Whoever he chooses, he stated they will have to be ready to step up to become president on day one.
I did not vote for any of the poll choices because I think Hillary is already the waiting in the wings VP choice.
If not Hillary, then Obama is the next best bet.
Either way, a Democratic “win” by any and all means, would be the ultimate disaster for America.

4 years ago

I figured the democRats would make him choose Hillary, thinking if he were elected, after the election, something would happen to him and then she would be president.
In lieu of that, I would bet on Michael Obama, he’d want her for the black vote.

R Jeffrey Savlov
R Jeffrey Savlov
4 years ago

Michelle Obama may have been a lawyer but was disbarred. She Destroyed the school lunch program and is likely the nastiest and most hated by everyone but Dumbocrats. If he picks her or anyone else who is radical, he should just call it a day and go to a home. Remember, anyone who is picked could end up in the White House. He would likely have to surrender the presidency due to mental incompetence.

Russel Doty
Russel Doty
4 years ago

Who cares, the idiots going to lose

4 years ago

Governor Whitmere of Michigan is more then capable of destroying the fabric of American Society,the continued slaughter of the innocents,the ravaging of our economy,and the socialist/democrat “wet dream” of unbridled power over the citizens of America.Not just Michigan.She is after “Bigger Fish” to fry as they say.

4 years ago

I hate that he and/or any of them are running. But he (aka the DNC) will choose someone who is a minority but hasn’t had a lot of exposure yet, I think.

4 years ago

Who ever you evil demos tell him to.

JoAnn Bjorkman
JoAnn Bjorkman
4 years ago

He must choose young and healthy. He is a puppet candidate and will remain a puppet president, as long as he survives. If i were his children, i would be furious with his handlers allowing him to appear such a bafoon, when it’s obvious his health is poor.

4 years ago

Who ever demon demos tell him.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
4 years ago

None of the given choices. There is an assumption that it must be a woman, preferably a women “of color”.
I differ.
An excellent choice would be Adlai Stevenson.
True, he is long dead, but so is sleepy Joe. So for that matter are most Democrats, a very large base.
Besides, Adlai was from the great state of Illinois, the home of Chicago, the home base of the late Mayor Richard Daley whose skill at resurrecting the dead during elections was legendary.
So what if all these gentlemen are dead?
Nobody is perfect

4 years ago

You missed it. Hillary will have her fingers in Joe’s back (oops-she does now!)

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