The moron in chief was laughed at by the two countries which are not part of the G7 but have the most influence through out the world because they know he has know idea what the hell he is doing. China and Russia. The G7 countries are fine with him just as French President Macron said “welcome to the club”. They now have a so- called President of the United States (not mine) that will again play their game. Stand by we are are going to be taken to the cleaners again. By the way let’s see how many vote unsure again. (Part of the problem)
3 years ago
Well at least as of 5 minutes past midnight, no one has been unsure.
3 years ago
Who said we gotta president? Wash their mouth with soap! Biteme is an accident waiting for a place to happen………its beginning to make Jimmie Carter look good.
7:11 still no one Unsure
Carol Ann Murray
3 years ago
Biden was, and getting worse, mentally incapable of being put into the oval office and because the Nazi Democrats wanted a pawn they saw fit to rig the election and commit fraud our country is nothing more than a joke to other countries. When, not if, Biden is put out of office, then we all might as well start speaking Chinese because Harris is a total moron, and if she is ousted then the witch, Pelosi, will be in charge of our counties affairs. God bless us all! We are doomed, period! We really do not have a president, or vice president because they were not voted into those positions, they were put in by the corrupt, Nazi democrats and now our country is at it’s lowest it has ever been since the depression. I hope that everyone who supported that mentally unstable, corrupt, moron likes paying higher taxes, higher gas prices, and a huge spike in the cost of food. Do those who supported this mindless moron feel good not that thousands, and thousands of people are now unemployed, that thousands of businesses are gone??? This country needs President Trump! As far as I am concerned we have no president and I will NEVER, EVER, call that moron my president because he is not the president and the outcome of the forensic election audits that are being done in only a couple of states will prove without a shadow of a doubt that President Trump was elected.
3 years ago
He displayed weakness, arrogance, senility and was laughed at. Can only pray that he doesn’t have access to the nuke button. Problem is the person in the wings is, other than senility, worse.
Tom M
3 years ago
The G7 is a joke to begin with. With the basement creature joey, and the Congressional Commie Democrats, the US doesn’t belong in a G50 summit. We should be replaced by Cuba in the G7.
3 years ago
Biden’s mental incapacity was evident when he ran for office. His family, especially “DR.” Jill demonstrated their evil, self-serving ways by using him then and continuing to use him now. She had to find and guide him at least once and lead him to meet Queen Elizabeth. The Administration is filled with Obama people, and we hear nothing from them. They are probably running the show, writing the scripts for him, and giving the country away as easily as they can because Biden is nothing more than a puppet president–you know, the kind evil regimes put in place to try to make them less obvious. Obama’s original aim to “transform the country” has been successful, and I think we are sunk.
Rev. John R Riddle
3 years ago
Because the United States now has an unconstitutionally-elected president with such obvious inabilities to be in that position, America’s enemies – both foreign and domestic – are being emboldened to continue their efforts to destroy our nation’s sovereign Constitutional Republic and exceptionalism, making it into another third-world country run by Marxist dictatorship. It’s literally heart-breaking to see what has happened to America since the 1960s. I fear our grandchildren will never know “the land of the free and home of the brave”, even from their so-called history classes.
Our only hope for a return to America’s Founding Fathers’ vision is for a Divine intervention by Almighty God in response to 2 Chronicles 7:14 and a national leader like President Trump who has the courage and character to “make America great again!”
Uncle Pat
3 years ago
Think back to the debates. I for one, had never seen such a group of absolute fools standing in one room at the same time. Knowing then that none of those idiots could ever come close to unseating President Trump. We allowed the democrats to cheat and steal the election and provided our enemies with the largest opportunity ever to overtake the USA, knowing this we all know who will benefit from the outcome of any meeting attended by Sleepy Joe.
Lew Rigaud
3 years ago
The higher the monkey climbs the flag pole the it shows it’s ass!! That’s what Biden has done.
3 years ago
The fact that Biden chose not to record or televise his meeting with Putin speaks volumes about his weakness and non-transparency as to his true agenda where Russia is concerned. Red flags everywhere during the G-7, and then the secret meeting with Putin. I laugh when I hear Harold Ford, former Tennessee senator, and other democrats refer to Biden’s 45 years of service in the Senate as a tough negotiator. Reality, 45 years of sitting on his derrière getting independently wealthy through secret deals with the Ukrainians, Chinese and who knows how many other countries who are generally or actually considered our enemies. He is an embarrassment to every freedom loving, patriotic American.
3 years ago
All of the above
3 years ago
The French leader summed it up the best when he was glad to have a “MEMBER OF THE CLUB ” back as leader of the U.S.
Trump was a disrupter and the members of the CLUB didn’t like that at all. Biden is a globalist along with the rest of Europe and we will be taken advantage of by the China, Russia and Iran as long as Biden and the Democrats are in power.
Jim VH
3 years ago
How can you be unsure if this man is a dumb ass! Wake up people!
Tamara Tarbell
3 years ago
Biden and Harris are more embarrassing than Obama and Biden.
John Lenski
3 years ago
The Biden crime family is totally compromised by Russia and China. They can do what they want and Biden will do little or nothing. While Biden is training our military in Critical Race Theory and purging disloyal officers, Russia and China are training in killing Americans.
Edward B. Irvin
3 years ago
The world leaders know Biden is a fraud. A puppet of the communist Chinese who helped install him. As well I am pissed at the GOP do nothings that allowed it to happen because their personal bank accounts are more important than US world leadership!
Amy C.
3 years ago
Wish I could have marked all the choices. What a sham this administration is!
John Di Donato
3 years ago
The proverbial headless chicken running around in the pasture
Judy Smith
3 years ago
Again, I look for “all of the above” or some more specific choices. Of course, multiple choice never allows either because there would be too many to choose among. I am almost bullish on two things when I start trying to choose a candidate to vote for every four years. The first doesn’t quite fit here I guess, and it is which candidate is passionate about obeying basic laws. Murder, for instance, as applied to all ages–even the preborn. The second is basic for all living in the Judeo-Christian community–Jerusalem and all Israel. Where does each candidate stand on that area? For one thing, I believe the Abraham Accords have been about stricken from every logical method of thinking when we look at what our Lord calls us to do. President Trump was very busy with his pen on his first day as President, but he knew what he was striking out. Not so of Sleepy Joe. It was probably getting too close to nap time for him. Obama had a phone and a pen, but I really don’t believe he used his quite as much and as often as he threatened. But on 1/20/21, all I saw was an if it’s there–it’s out attitude. With the securing of the REAL capital of Israel, those terms of the Accords began flying away. Of course, Israel’s own change in leadership has this week even driven what looks as if it is the final nail in that coffin. I remember growing up in the forties and fifties when the saying was that the governor of my state made Alabama the joke of the nation. That governor and his short-termed son were just blips in our history. Suddenly remembered their name. We could call them Alabama’s Folsom Flop. Where can we go from here as a nation? The once respected and even often feared nation in the world is now the country led by a sleepy man whose wife (whom he has been known to not know from his sister) now has to go with him to be sure he walks this way or that. I was hoping to break a century in 17 years a month and about a week and a half, but now I hope to to see things get lots better than they are. Hoping and still praying.
3 years ago
Biden’s passivity and willing to give in to anything to attempt to make “friends”.
3 years ago
He’s a communist like they are and is a puppet of Deep State.So he’s a perfect match for their JV team.
3 years ago
He is a reckless politician who is on the loose, diminishing our position on the world stage and at home.. Outright embarrassing to think this is the best America has to offer with a population of 322 million. Our sacred documents drafted by our forefathers were put in place to protect us from big Gov. overreach. It is not the documents, but the tower of jelly politicians who fail to act. 4+ years of Trump bogus impeachment charges and right before our eyes a man who has violated his primary oath to protect and defend this country and its people with his open door policy of ,come one, come all allowing MS13, terrorists, drug cartels, human trafficking to enter this country in addition to increased taxes, regulations, attacking the 2nd amendment, piling on massive debt, stifling free speech etc. He is clueless and reckless! One proud veteran
Stephen Russell
3 years ago
Weak all over, No decisive plans vs prior summits with Russians etc.
Nothing done
3 years ago
The American Populist need to WAKE UP and stop voting for and putting into office corrupt compromised criminals. This criminal administrations is a disgrace! It’s like the criminals rule in almost every sphere of our society. Check out the Chinese virologist who fled to the US after claiming China covered up the coronavirus outbreak. Has vowed to publish proof the virus was made in a lab.
Dr Li Meng-Yan has previously backed claims Beijing tried to silence anyone who attempted to raise the alarm when the virus first broke out in Wuhan last year. Currently, Dong Jingwei, vice minister of state security, is reported to have fled the Communist country by jetting from Hong Kong to the US along with his daughter, Dong Yang. Both are in FBI custody. They claim to have the contents of Hunter Biden’s hard drive.
3 years ago
To me, the G-7 leaders all looked condescending toward Biden, and there was no attempt to even disguise it by Putin. All must think we will not stand on our principles and many opportunities will come to exploit US weakness and should not be missed. The US is now the doormat and the sugar-daddy for the world – at the same time.
Walter Erbenich
3 years ago
John K
3 years ago
What kind of a poll is this? There’s no “All of the Above” option. While we are all “mature” Americans, Bidet Biden is the perfectly washed up old a-hole.
Jinger Jenkins
3 years ago
The same as we do.. a stupid.. weak.. old .. Pinocchio and his ho! Someone who stole the election.. And he hates the American people.. he like to be a dictator.. would like to ruin the USA!
Harold Hartsock
3 years ago
The 2020 election was stolen by the elite wealthy. Their objective is to control America and our people for their benefit not ours. They control banking (Fed. Res),most of the political parties, media and the last pillar for complete control of our country is healthcare they are working on that now.
3 years ago
Biden is one step short of a total coward and moron. A very bad combination as the leader of the free world. Since President Regan the President of the United States is viewed as the leader of the free world. With Biden we are the prey for every terrorist in the world. The cowardice of Bill Clinton should have been an education for americans.
3 years ago
He’s a weak and feebleminded, racist, narcissistic, self righteous, criminal who should be dealt with like the slimeball that he is. Oh, and a pedo!
3 years ago
Notice in the picture B is the only one
With his arms folded in a defensive
Position, speaks volumes!!
Sends the wrong message to the World!
3 years ago
I was embarrassed as an American! He made America appear foolish and weak. What is wrong with that man and the Democratic party?!
David Nielsen
3 years ago
Pray for our LORD to intervene in our Country. The only hope for our Country is for the LORD to reveal all the wickedness that has happened since early 2020 and how people committed to the evil one, aka the devil, the actions they have taken to undermine freedom, but also, their lust for destroying our relationship with our LORD.
Tonya C
3 years ago
George Soros is behind all of this manipulation of our government with the other elites. Trump won.
Mike Skidmore
3 years ago
World leaders are happy to engage Biden. He and Obama gave American self rule away one little piece at a time. Trump refused to allow that.
Curt G
3 years ago
Which statement best reflects your opinion of how other countries’ leaders view the United States’ position in the world as a result of President Biden’s disastrous G-7 meeting and summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin? More concerned about the “image” of the United States than about what’s best for Americans.
3 years ago
He is the weakest president we have ever had and is surely carrying out the rest of Obama’s agenda…destroy America from within with the help of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc. We are being laughed at by other countries and rightly so. Sad, very sad.
Michael C. Mackanin
3 years ago
Biden is seen as a figure head. President in name only. His handlers, whom ever THEY may be, call the shots and cover for Old Joe. Vladimir Illich Putin knows what’s going on. He was and still is, KGB. He knows Old Joe is a half bubble off plumb and has puppet masters making all the decisions
necessary to keep “THINGS” from getting too messy. Putin also knows that 80 million Americans did
not vote for this imbecile.
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago
Any of them would be pretty accurate except for the “unsure”. Biden is the most pitiful excuse for an American leader in my lifetime and I thought no one could be worse than Obama who set the previous standard. Biden is worse than a disgrace, he is a disaster we may never recover from.
3 years ago
All four choices would apply almost equally to this disastrous (not my) President. I went with the 1st choice which goes hand in hand with the 4th choice. When America has weak leadership other countries tend to take advantage of us as they have in the past. It will be a rough ride while Biden’s in office. The take away from this are the sound cuts of his daily gaffes, not a great trade off for having the country run into the ground but it’s something.
Pamela Brida
3 years ago
I believe it is quite obvious to anyone with a thinking brain that Joe Biden is definitely suffering from some kind of cognitive disorder. Yet, is he responsible for his words and actions? Unfortunately, I think the answer is yes. He has stood in agreement with the people and entities working behind the scenes who committed massive fraud to steal the 2020 presidential election away from President Trump and he is now working with these same evil schemers to dismantle America’s sovereignty as a nation and destroy our freedom- to delight of our enemies. My most fervent prayer continues to echo that of psalmist king David of ancient Israel, who beseeched God to let his enemies fall by their own wicked schemes and devises. My prayer is for the Democratic Party to implode on itself! If and when this happens, you can almost be certain that the primary scapegoat held responsible for the collapse will be none other than Joe Biden himself.
3 years ago
Look around at what’s happening to this great country. Biden doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing. He is doing what he is told to do most of the time. He can’t think far enough in advance to get his own words out of his mouth!
3 years ago
I don’t wish death on anyone, but, in this case I think it is probably best for the country
3 years ago
Who cares what other country’s leaders think of Biden? We need Americans to recognize his “America last, or never” attitude, and strip him, the VP, his cabinet, and every Biden supporting politician from their positions, and destroy the swamp forever. Otherwise, we drown in the mire.
Joe Czesnowski
3 years ago
Biden is a total disgrace to the American people before he leaves office we will have converted to total socialism and the media will have a party knowing that they brainwashed the majority of the American people into voting that idiot in office say goodbye to the America you once knew ????
3 years ago
Biden is a disgrace to the American people. Keystone pipeline shutdown, open border crises, inflation, gas prices just to name a few of his ridiculous policies that effect millions of american families. Lies, racism, election fraud, Hunter Biden, Kamala Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Sanders, and the Squad are all part of the deep state that wants to destroy America. I am just as Disappointed in the Republican party that sits around and does nothing to stop this Communist take over of the greatest country on Earth. Sad times for sure.
Roy H
3 years ago
Our illegitimate President O’Biden is a national security threat. His immigration and foreign policies are making America vulnerable to attack. Just his immigration policy alone is putting our families at great risk. The Mexican cartels are running our souther border running drugs and human/sex trafficking. We don’t know how many terrorist have come across the border in the last six months. Our sovereignty and our nation is at stake. If any President since Barack Hussein Obama needed to be impeached it is him. God help us all!!!
The moron in chief was laughed at by the two countries which are not part of the G7 but have the most influence through out the world because they know he has know idea what the hell he is doing. China and Russia. The G7 countries are fine with him just as French President Macron said “welcome to the club”. They now have a so- called President of the United States (not mine) that will again play their game. Stand by we are are going to be taken to the cleaners again. By the way let’s see how many vote unsure again. (Part of the problem)
Well at least as of 5 minutes past midnight, no one has been unsure.
Who said we gotta president? Wash their mouth with soap! Biteme is an accident waiting for a place to happen………its beginning to make Jimmie Carter look good.
7:11 still no one Unsure
Biden was, and getting worse, mentally incapable of being put into the oval office and because the Nazi Democrats wanted a pawn they saw fit to rig the election and commit fraud our country is nothing more than a joke to other countries. When, not if, Biden is put out of office, then we all might as well start speaking Chinese because Harris is a total moron, and if she is ousted then the witch, Pelosi, will be in charge of our counties affairs. God bless us all! We are doomed, period! We really do not have a president, or vice president because they were not voted into those positions, they were put in by the corrupt, Nazi democrats and now our country is at it’s lowest it has ever been since the depression. I hope that everyone who supported that mentally unstable, corrupt, moron likes paying higher taxes, higher gas prices, and a huge spike in the cost of food. Do those who supported this mindless moron feel good not that thousands, and thousands of people are now unemployed, that thousands of businesses are gone??? This country needs President Trump! As far as I am concerned we have no president and I will NEVER, EVER, call that moron my president because he is not the president and the outcome of the forensic election audits that are being done in only a couple of states will prove without a shadow of a doubt that President Trump was elected.
He displayed weakness, arrogance, senility and was laughed at. Can only pray that he doesn’t have access to the nuke button. Problem is the person in the wings is, other than senility, worse.
The G7 is a joke to begin with. With the basement creature joey, and the Congressional Commie Democrats, the US doesn’t belong in a G50 summit. We should be replaced by Cuba in the G7.
Biden’s mental incapacity was evident when he ran for office. His family, especially “DR.” Jill demonstrated their evil, self-serving ways by using him then and continuing to use him now. She had to find and guide him at least once and lead him to meet Queen Elizabeth. The Administration is filled with Obama people, and we hear nothing from them. They are probably running the show, writing the scripts for him, and giving the country away as easily as they can because Biden is nothing more than a puppet president–you know, the kind evil regimes put in place to try to make them less obvious. Obama’s original aim to “transform the country” has been successful, and I think we are sunk.
Because the United States now has an unconstitutionally-elected president with such obvious inabilities to be in that position, America’s enemies – both foreign and domestic – are being emboldened to continue their efforts to destroy our nation’s sovereign Constitutional Republic and exceptionalism, making it into another third-world country run by Marxist dictatorship. It’s literally heart-breaking to see what has happened to America since the 1960s. I fear our grandchildren will never know “the land of the free and home of the brave”, even from their so-called history classes.
Our only hope for a return to America’s Founding Fathers’ vision is for a Divine intervention by Almighty God in response to 2 Chronicles 7:14 and a national leader like President Trump who has the courage and character to “make America great again!”
Think back to the debates. I for one, had never seen such a group of absolute fools standing in one room at the same time. Knowing then that none of those idiots could ever come close to unseating President Trump. We allowed the democrats to cheat and steal the election and provided our enemies with the largest opportunity ever to overtake the USA, knowing this we all know who will benefit from the outcome of any meeting attended by Sleepy Joe.
The higher the monkey climbs the flag pole the it shows it’s ass!! That’s what Biden has done.
The fact that Biden chose not to record or televise his meeting with Putin speaks volumes about his weakness and non-transparency as to his true agenda where Russia is concerned. Red flags everywhere during the G-7, and then the secret meeting with Putin. I laugh when I hear Harold Ford, former Tennessee senator, and other democrats refer to Biden’s 45 years of service in the Senate as a tough negotiator. Reality, 45 years of sitting on his derrière getting independently wealthy through secret deals with the Ukrainians, Chinese and who knows how many other countries who are generally or actually considered our enemies. He is an embarrassment to every freedom loving, patriotic American.
All of the above
The French leader summed it up the best when he was glad to have a “MEMBER OF THE CLUB ” back as leader of the U.S.
Trump was a disrupter and the members of the CLUB didn’t like that at all. Biden is a globalist along with the rest of Europe and we will be taken advantage of by the China, Russia and Iran as long as Biden and the Democrats are in power.
How can you be unsure if this man is a dumb ass! Wake up people!
Biden and Harris are more embarrassing than Obama and Biden.
The Biden crime family is totally compromised by Russia and China. They can do what they want and Biden will do little or nothing. While Biden is training our military in Critical Race Theory and purging disloyal officers, Russia and China are training in killing Americans.
The world leaders know Biden is a fraud. A puppet of the communist Chinese who helped install him. As well I am pissed at the GOP do nothings that allowed it to happen because their personal bank accounts are more important than US world leadership!
Wish I could have marked all the choices. What a sham this administration is!
The proverbial headless chicken running around in the pasture
Again, I look for “all of the above” or some more specific choices. Of course, multiple choice never allows either because there would be too many to choose among. I am almost bullish on two things when I start trying to choose a candidate to vote for every four years. The first doesn’t quite fit here I guess, and it is which candidate is passionate about obeying basic laws. Murder, for instance, as applied to all ages–even the preborn. The second is basic for all living in the Judeo-Christian community–Jerusalem and all Israel. Where does each candidate stand on that area? For one thing, I believe the Abraham Accords have been about stricken from every logical method of thinking when we look at what our Lord calls us to do. President Trump was very busy with his pen on his first day as President, but he knew what he was striking out. Not so of Sleepy Joe. It was probably getting too close to nap time for him. Obama had a phone and a pen, but I really don’t believe he used his quite as much and as often as he threatened. But on 1/20/21, all I saw was an if it’s there–it’s out attitude. With the securing of the REAL capital of Israel, those terms of the Accords began flying away. Of course, Israel’s own change in leadership has this week even driven what looks as if it is the final nail in that coffin. I remember growing up in the forties and fifties when the saying was that the governor of my state made Alabama the joke of the nation. That governor and his short-termed son were just blips in our history. Suddenly remembered their name. We could call them Alabama’s Folsom Flop. Where can we go from here as a nation? The once respected and even often feared nation in the world is now the country led by a sleepy man whose wife (whom he has been known to not know from his sister) now has to go with him to be sure he walks this way or that. I was hoping to break a century in 17 years a month and about a week and a half, but now I hope to to see things get lots better than they are. Hoping and still praying.
Biden’s passivity and willing to give in to anything to attempt to make “friends”.
He’s a communist like they are and is a puppet of Deep State.So he’s a perfect match for their JV team.
He is a reckless politician who is on the loose, diminishing our position on the world stage and at home.. Outright embarrassing to think this is the best America has to offer with a population of 322 million. Our sacred documents drafted by our forefathers were put in place to protect us from big Gov. overreach. It is not the documents, but the tower of jelly politicians who fail to act. 4+ years of Trump bogus impeachment charges and right before our eyes a man who has violated his primary oath to protect and defend this country and its people with his open door policy of ,come one, come all allowing MS13, terrorists, drug cartels, human trafficking to enter this country in addition to increased taxes, regulations, attacking the 2nd amendment, piling on massive debt, stifling free speech etc. He is clueless and reckless! One proud veteran
Weak all over, No decisive plans vs prior summits with Russians etc.
Nothing done
The American Populist need to WAKE UP and stop voting for and putting into office corrupt compromised criminals. This criminal administrations is a disgrace! It’s like the criminals rule in almost every sphere of our society. Check out the Chinese virologist who fled to the US after claiming China covered up the coronavirus outbreak. Has vowed to publish proof the virus was made in a lab.
Dr Li Meng-Yan has previously backed claims Beijing tried to silence anyone who attempted to raise the alarm when the virus first broke out in Wuhan last year. Currently, Dong Jingwei, vice minister of state security, is reported to have fled the Communist country by jetting from Hong Kong to the US along with his daughter, Dong Yang. Both are in FBI custody. They claim to have the contents of Hunter Biden’s hard drive.
To me, the G-7 leaders all looked condescending toward Biden, and there was no attempt to even disguise it by Putin. All must think we will not stand on our principles and many opportunities will come to exploit US weakness and should not be missed. The US is now the doormat and the sugar-daddy for the world – at the same time.
What kind of a poll is this? There’s no “All of the Above” option. While we are all “mature” Americans, Bidet Biden is the perfectly washed up old a-hole.
The same as we do.. a stupid.. weak.. old .. Pinocchio and his ho! Someone who stole the election.. And he hates the American people.. he like to be a dictator.. would like to ruin the USA!
The 2020 election was stolen by the elite wealthy. Their objective is to control America and our people for their benefit not ours. They control banking (Fed. Res),most of the political parties, media and the last pillar for complete control of our country is healthcare they are working on that now.
Biden is one step short of a total coward and moron. A very bad combination as the leader of the free world. Since President Regan the President of the United States is viewed as the leader of the free world. With Biden we are the prey for every terrorist in the world. The cowardice of Bill Clinton should have been an education for americans.
He’s a weak and feebleminded, racist, narcissistic, self righteous, criminal who should be dealt with like the slimeball that he is. Oh, and a pedo!
Notice in the picture B is the only one
With his arms folded in a defensive
Position, speaks volumes!!
Sends the wrong message to the World!
I was embarrassed as an American! He made America appear foolish and weak. What is wrong with that man and the Democratic party?!
Pray for our LORD to intervene in our Country. The only hope for our Country is for the LORD to reveal all the wickedness that has happened since early 2020 and how people committed to the evil one, aka the devil, the actions they have taken to undermine freedom, but also, their lust for destroying our relationship with our LORD.
George Soros is behind all of this manipulation of our government with the other elites. Trump won.
World leaders are happy to engage Biden. He and Obama gave American self rule away one little piece at a time. Trump refused to allow that.
Which statement best reflects your opinion of how other countries’ leaders view the United States’ position in the world as a result of President Biden’s disastrous G-7 meeting and summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin? More concerned about the “image” of the United States than about what’s best for Americans.
He is the weakest president we have ever had and is surely carrying out the rest of Obama’s agenda…destroy America from within with the help of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc. We are being laughed at by other countries and rightly so. Sad, very sad.
Biden is seen as a figure head. President in name only. His handlers, whom ever THEY may be, call the shots and cover for Old Joe. Vladimir Illich Putin knows what’s going on. He was and still is, KGB. He knows Old Joe is a half bubble off plumb and has puppet masters making all the decisions
necessary to keep “THINGS” from getting too messy. Putin also knows that 80 million Americans did
not vote for this imbecile.
Any of them would be pretty accurate except for the “unsure”. Biden is the most pitiful excuse for an American leader in my lifetime and I thought no one could be worse than Obama who set the previous standard. Biden is worse than a disgrace, he is a disaster we may never recover from.
All four choices would apply almost equally to this disastrous (not my) President. I went with the 1st choice which goes hand in hand with the 4th choice. When America has weak leadership other countries tend to take advantage of us as they have in the past. It will be a rough ride while Biden’s in office. The take away from this are the sound cuts of his daily gaffes, not a great trade off for having the country run into the ground but it’s something.
I believe it is quite obvious to anyone with a thinking brain that Joe Biden is definitely suffering from some kind of cognitive disorder. Yet, is he responsible for his words and actions? Unfortunately, I think the answer is yes. He has stood in agreement with the people and entities working behind the scenes who committed massive fraud to steal the 2020 presidential election away from President Trump and he is now working with these same evil schemers to dismantle America’s sovereignty as a nation and destroy our freedom- to delight of our enemies. My most fervent prayer continues to echo that of psalmist king David of ancient Israel, who beseeched God to let his enemies fall by their own wicked schemes and devises. My prayer is for the Democratic Party to implode on itself! If and when this happens, you can almost be certain that the primary scapegoat held responsible for the collapse will be none other than Joe Biden himself.
Look around at what’s happening to this great country. Biden doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing. He is doing what he is told to do most of the time. He can’t think far enough in advance to get his own words out of his mouth!
I don’t wish death on anyone, but, in this case I think it is probably best for the country
Who cares what other country’s leaders think of Biden? We need Americans to recognize his “America last, or never” attitude, and strip him, the VP, his cabinet, and every Biden supporting politician from their positions, and destroy the swamp forever. Otherwise, we drown in the mire.
Biden is a total disgrace to the American people before he leaves office we will have converted to total socialism and the media will have a party knowing that they brainwashed the majority of the American people into voting that idiot in office say goodbye to the America you once knew ????
Biden is a disgrace to the American people. Keystone pipeline shutdown, open border crises, inflation, gas prices just to name a few of his ridiculous policies that effect millions of american families. Lies, racism, election fraud, Hunter Biden, Kamala Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Sanders, and the Squad are all part of the deep state that wants to destroy America. I am just as Disappointed in the Republican party that sits around and does nothing to stop this Communist take over of the greatest country on Earth. Sad times for sure.
Our illegitimate President O’Biden is a national security threat. His immigration and foreign policies are making America vulnerable to attack. Just his immigration policy alone is putting our families at great risk. The Mexican cartels are running our souther border running drugs and human/sex trafficking. We don’t know how many terrorist have come across the border in the last six months. Our sovereignty and our nation is at stake. If any President since Barack Hussein Obama needed to be impeached it is him. God help us all!!!
Brain dead Joe