The $3.5B bill is a Democrat Party (Marxist/Bolshevik) dream, and should be opposed by every Republican in Congress, and opposed by every Democrat who might still recall things like the Constitution, Bill of Rights, free enterprise and individual liberty. Unfortunately, there are none.
The $1.2B bill is extremely flawed, filled with billions of dollars and federal programs designed to increase federal government intrusion into every American’s life while increasing Democrat/Bolshevik Party power. Yes, it has some positive infrastructure ideas which warrant taxpayer funds (bridges and roads, power grids, broadband), but the rest is a Democrat Party socialist wish list filled with dangerous nonsense. All 19 Republican senators who voted for this bill should be called out, ashamed to call themselves conservatives, and all GOP members of the House must oppose. We must uphold our nation’s founding documents and ideals, limited government too, and never allow the shredding of our individual liberty.
3 years ago
If we want nice parks, nice schools good roads and spiffy new bridges over every creek, we should demand that our local and state governments raise our taxes to pay for those things. It’s insanely stupid to think we can get any of those things from “The government” and not have to pay for them. We don’t get money from Washington– Washington gets money from us!
Michael Edwards
3 years ago
Bad idea ,very little will go to infrastructure .
There goal is to bankrupt America definitely not AMERICA FIRST !!
Ernie Marvin
3 years ago
All I see is Democratic pork! These people have no shame
Bill Williams
3 years ago
When does the spending stop with these people, can liberal politicians not understand numbers? Google a list of government spending programs, that’s a shocker. Obviously the Federal budget will ‘never’ be balanced, but the deficit is insane.
3 years ago
Partisan waste is rampant on all sides.
Pull up the horses and stop sending wasted money to foreign governments and keep it here and that begins to solve it.
3 years ago
We need to demand from our representatives that no more money be spent until the budget is balanced. Also that the debt ceiling not be raised. Hold their feet to the fire! If either of these things are allowed to happen, then we must vote them out of office.
3 years ago
I believe the government should balance a budget just like all the little local governments. No one in the government should get paid until the budget is balanced. We do not need so many branches such as the IRS, and so many more -they are just a waste of money. Seems like the people really do not have any say while they are in office and when it is time to vote, the damage is already done
3 years ago
You’re crazy if you believe that Congress, either side, will ever cut the budget. Especially with the economy infected with the fake pandemic, fake variants and fake vaccines.
That $4.7 trillion will go a long way toward making the slime-o-crats look better in the coming 2022 elections. It will help them rig them once again. Even some of that money will find its way into the stock market.
Helping the average American? Dream on. Why would we need infrastructure rebuilds when they are killing off citizens with poison mRNA injections? It’s all a house of mirrors, lies and deceptions to get more money into the hands of the all powerful.
Maybe the Repubs say no, but we can never trust the RINOS not to turn coat and run into the arms of the Dem Commies. $50 trillion in debt by 2030 no matter which gang of useless thugs runs the DC Swamp.
3 years ago
Socialism 101
Give, Give and Give some more and get people dependent on government and you own them!!!
If this bill ever passes it will change the U.S. into a socialist country .
Pray for Senator Joe Manchin he is our only hope to save this country at this time.
3 years ago
I would think that the Repubs would be solid against this type of spending however we have some Senators that think otherwise. There is too much junk in these bills and amnesty,are you kidding???? The Dems are dividing this country like never before except the Civil War. The Dems do not want history taught so they may not know about the Civil War. The problem as I see it is that everyday Americans are not paying attention and believe every headline they read. So,my conclusion,the FAKE media is the true cause of this divided America because they lie and only give their side of the story. They are opinion makers that should not be part of the so called news media. This includes big tech which should be broken up and sued for their unfair censorship which lets the Taliban on the network and not our 45th president!
Robert Sims
3 years ago
Any support for all this spending shows a lack of understanding, or possibly a knowledge of history and its lessons. We are heading in the direction taken in the past by reckless governments that led to massive devaluation of currency creating massive inflation and recession. People on fixed incomes are going to have a huge problem, and future generations will be paying for this forever.
John Bossing
3 years ago
Stop the spending. Balance the budget.
3 years ago
Government corruption and money laundering is out of control and if not checked and corrected will bankrupt and topple our Representative Constitutional Republic. Rigged elections have consequences and we are seeing them now as America sinks into a third world cesspool of corruption, tyranny and treason by our own government, we are being destroyed from within.
3 years ago
The infrastructure bill has little to do with actual roads, bridges, airports, etc. And the $3.5T bill is nothing more than a progressive wish list of federal government over-reach. Reckless spending is part of the Marxist’s goal to destroy from within our economy, our culture and our nation. Not one penny of federal money should be allocated to anything without showing how that spending is constitutional. The federal government must remember that it works for the States – the States agreed to join the union, and any authority not delegated specifically to the federal government falls to the States. Our Constitution provides for a limited federal government. Perhaps it is time for an Article V Convention of the States to return to the vision that our illustrious Founders had.
3 years ago
The corrupt Republicans and Democrats must be voted out. Election forensic audit in every state.
3 years ago
Roads and bridges, except for US highways, should be taken care of by each state. US infrastructure should be highly maintained and improved with funding from a clean infrastructure bill which should include wireless communication, rail , waterways and ports. It’s time Congress – both sides are guilty- stopped cramming essential bills with all manner of nonessential items, or non related issues.
3 years ago
A very limited hard infrastructure bill would be acceptable if the projects were previously suggested and public support exists. A public referendum should follow Town Hall meetings in each affected community, including reconsideration of previously approved projects. US Citizens must take back their power to be governed as they choose, not as special interest groups and American Marxists say we must behave and live. The US National Debt should be controlled by US Citizens, not foreign or domestic parties or allied groups (e.g. NATO, UN). It is time again for the Tea Party Patriots of 2010 to become actively involved in the future of the USA.
JJ moran
3 years ago
It all points to a Marxist heading. No more freedom. Have we forgotten what Patrick Henry said! One more thing how can immigrants vote with no citizenship? No culture base. Wake up America. The Dumbacrats and most Sorry Republicans are selling you out for power and there prestige. Say it again, once the 2nd amendment gone or ratified how will you stand your ground, military, what a joke for top brass. My uncle ww2 survivor is rolling over in hard earned grave. At least he had GUTS. God help what’s left of America.
3 years ago
Just a BRIBE to distract from Afghanistan fiasco.
Robert & Joanne Rorke
3 years ago
How about we take a BIG pause on more/additional money until all the previous infusions have been FULLY evaluated regarding effectiveness against the metrics like inflation and others
Wild bill
3 years ago
Almost everything the crooks do is bull
Calvert Smith
3 years ago
We can’t keep spending money we don’t have. Printing new money does not mean we have more money, if it is not worth anything
Bill Douglas
3 years ago
The appropriations process has been destroyed by feckless politicians who would rather jam through “continuing resolutions” for years. If we are to have ANY hope of reining in our runaway spending, we must return to regular order.
Jim Fitzgarrald
3 years ago
Scrap this ‘nothing more than’ a partisan power grab, NOW! If they had any sense of duty to country AND were citizens, they would abandon this reckless plan. They should ALL resign and let’s get some Patriots in Congress.
mike falzone
3 years ago
they are all a bunch of crooks, padding everything to spill cash to friends and family- we need a designated survivor moment- all gone- start fresh- dont understand why people keep electing liars and chiefs
3 years ago
On my computer, there is no place to vote one way or the other. They are both digging the USA deeper into debt and that must be worked over before any more spending. Our government has been spending more than it has taken in for many decades. No family, business, or institution would exist if it spent more than it had year after year, but our government does. Now we are in debt to other nations, particularly the Communist Chinese Party which has maticulously stolen from us in ever ares of business, education, government and Military. AS pay for that theft, we need to declare the debt paid by their theft and STOP spending more than comes in to the government. FURTHER and as important, Our government needs to trim itself of the gross fat. The government needs to look to the Constitution, determine the areas the Federal Government is delegated responsibility and cut everything else out of spending. Finally, but probably of first priority is that they need to immediately STOP giving money we do not have to other nations, especially nations which have vowed to destroy our government. Then with all that, we need to turn to the Creator and follow the foundation laid in the Constitution which depended heavily on the Bible.
3 years ago
Our elected leaders should fix our social spending (Social Security-Medicare) programs first and then consider something new. For example, the billions of weapons just abandoned In Afghanistan could have been sold and proceeds used to begin to shore up Social Security and Medicare.
3 years ago
Doug H
3 years ago
If you want to have a Lie Ridden useless conversation, get with a Democrat.
Uncle Pat
3 years ago
I am much closer to the end of my life and the democrats socialist plans will have little affect upon me. However, my greatest concern is for my grand children who will inherit this mess. But, even the smallest one at 3 years old is much smarter than any democrat who ever walked upon God’s great earth.
3 years ago
Both bills are filled with left wing socialist garbage. It’s not true infrastructure, which is what’s really needed. If we don’t get both our borders sealed shut and begin deportations by ICE, because of how many illegals and criminals here already, we won’t have a country left.
Kent Wyman
3 years ago
biden’s administration cannot be trusted with ANYTHING!! To believe the smoke and mirrors from his administration is world-class stupidity. Think about the Afghan pullout. This was a single focus opportunity to demonstrate competence and professionalism. If they cannot pull something like that together, how can anyone possibly imagine they will effectively manage anything like the mult-year, multi-trillion dollar, multi-objective, multi-departmental boondoggle like these HUGE bills.
Dave Cooper
3 years ago
The leadership of the Democratic party is part of the evil that has infected the United States. This is not about “Building Back.” It is about destroying the United States economically. If you have ten dollars in your checking account, and write a check for twenty dollars, guess what? The U.S. Government has a 29 trillion dollar debt. There is no money for these two pieces of legislation. Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of the democrats must go.
3 years ago
The bipartisan infrastructure bill is mostly leftist policy wishes and not actual infrastructure. And nineteen idiot republicans took part in it. They also did this knowing that the demos were going to push through a socialist based reconciliation bill (also falsely called an infrastructure bill). The republicans were either fooled again or knowingly took part in this fiasco. Either way, it shows we need better republican representation.
Albert Miller
3 years ago
Because of so many allowing them to lie and ultimately use these bills and monies for whatever government entities desire, we have totally lost accountability. Now with the destruction of citizen only votes, selective enforcement of all laws, the real answers lie in our past. Time will tell if we have the guts to respond in the appropriate manner.
3 years ago
This is the Left’s plan to destroy us, our dollar will be worthless, it will take a barrel of cash to buy groceries, if there will be food to buy. Every country that has gone this way, are all the same, hungry and cold, except for those in power. These Bill’s are thousands of pages long, with a few sentences hidden that take another Right away. These traitors have to be stopped, at all levels of Gov, and in all 3 branches of Gov.
3 years ago
Looks like nearly all of the current congressional spending is to further the democrat/communist party (for the people). The government is NOT the provider for to all subject to it power. Some necessary functions include providing a stable currency, providing for the national defense, and a lawful framework to conduct commerce. The nation would be much better off if all legislation had to pass by a 2/3rds majority – then all the pandering and idealistic spending would greatly diminish. Much was started by LBJ and his “Great Society” and it has gotten increasingly worse since then.
3 years ago
Everyone has to live within a budget except the Federal government. That needs to change. The size & cost of the government has grown exponentially and we are all aware that anything done by government is automatically run with less efficiency. The national defense & protections of the constitution should be their only focus.
Stephen Russell
3 years ago
We need our Hwys, bridges etc Rebuilt ONLY
If not we cant make it ahead for the future.
Agree CUT spending overall
Cut the damn pork
Mary Ellen Sherman
3 years ago
Even if the bill made sense, which it surely does not, I wouldn’t give them another inch. Their plan to destroy the country is succeeding and must be stopped and reversed.
3 years ago
I’d really like to see a line item breakdown on each item in these bills. I fear there is lots of pork hidden in them.
3 years ago
Having been around a LONG time, I know Congress NEVER seems to get the message that someone has to pay for all their ‘bills’. Does anyone ever think about the ‘long run’ effects of them?
Remember Government has NO money. It is YOUR money and YOU will pay the bill.
Linda K.
3 years ago
Social security and Medicare is in trouble but they can afford trillions for bills to line their pockets? Really?
Bruce D Wood
3 years ago
The Democrats are destroying our country in the name of Global Warming. They are stealing taxpayer money for their own agenda and accomplish nothing beneficial to our country. There was a .3 increase in global in the 70;s and since then there has been a decrease I believe was said to be 1,08 degree. Yes I agree we should work and strive to keep our air and water pure but not to the tune of 5 trillion plus tax payer money when other countries are pollution the air more than we are. If more trees and greenery were to be planted in place of what is being destroyed by housing projects and businesses and even planting trees in the medians of divided highways and even on the shoulder of other roads would do more good than what they are proposing with unproven and not practical solutions. We have to preserve our country and it people for the future generations of our country and we can sell out to foreign countries like the Biden Administration is doing. Why is Biden dealing with a know terrorist’s group to bring our citizens home from Afghanistan. Since when does America leave any one behind? like the 30 plus school children and other American citizens he left behind defenseless. No other American President would do that. Then they had the bomber in a drones sights that could of taken him out that killed our 13 service members and they denied taking the shot because it might piss off Biden’s terrorist’s group. He need to resign, be removed by the 25th amendment or Impeached and charged for treason and crimes against America and its citizens. The acts he committed are un forgivable.
3 years ago
No pass it so we can read it on this one…….
Mariann G Coyle
3 years ago
Any one out there who is old enough to pay their own way knows you cannot spend what you don’t have if you know how to budget. These so called Representatives obviously have never had a real job or pay out of their own pocket. Their the pampered plus group. They have to raise taxes on the working class. They will say corprerate taxes but Corps will raise prices and who pays ,.. WE THE PEOPLE, that’s who. One way or another we will pay while they rob S.S.I. and use it for Representative s banquets fund and food for the Kennedy Center.
3 years ago
“All of a Sudden”, or at least it feels that way; but in actuality, the democrats have been sneaking in the “entitlements” and “government responsibilities” to provide for people in every manner of need across this great country.
That is NOT why this country was founded and it is NOT the way it has been governed up until the turn of this century. We have made a wrong turn along the highway of democracy and it is time to “make a U turn when it is possible” to quote my GPS. We need to get our country back on track…no wait…we just need to get our country back, period.
We start that by zero-based budgeting. Get the Federal Budget under control each year- don’t build upon mistakes after mistakes, creating such massive deficits, that no one will be able to pay. If we get back to bringing the budget in line- WE will become responsible for what we use and pay for it at that time; NOT leaving it for someone else to pick up the tab at a later date.
A conservative approach is totally in order to get our country back in our hands, so that we Can be the great country that we once were!
God Bless America!
3 years ago
Seems like socialism for all. When will the voters reign in the outta control politicians? Pork filled special interest bills that barely fund or address the stated intent of the title. Look at the actual funding levels for “infrastructure” as opposed to the pork content. Generations of self serving career politicians have brought us to this point. They enrich themselves, family and cronies with our tax dollars. When will enough be enough? WAKE UP AMERICA! No one is coming to save us, it’s up to you! Do something for YOUR country! We are destined to become like Australia if the course doesn’t change. Open your eyes…
gerald Johnson
3 years ago
They only pay worker on these projects so they can stay in position to make more debt for America why spend more when we get nothing done as it is nothing gets Done and spending more is only paying people so they can feed their faces and that has been for a long Time the way our money is spent.
The $3.5B bill is a Democrat Party (Marxist/Bolshevik) dream, and should be opposed by every Republican in Congress, and opposed by every Democrat who might still recall things like the Constitution, Bill of Rights, free enterprise and individual liberty. Unfortunately, there are none.
The $1.2B bill is extremely flawed, filled with billions of dollars and federal programs designed to increase federal government intrusion into every American’s life while increasing Democrat/Bolshevik Party power. Yes, it has some positive infrastructure ideas which warrant taxpayer funds (bridges and roads, power grids, broadband), but the rest is a Democrat Party socialist wish list filled with dangerous nonsense. All 19 Republican senators who voted for this bill should be called out, ashamed to call themselves conservatives, and all GOP members of the House must oppose. We must uphold our nation’s founding documents and ideals, limited government too, and never allow the shredding of our individual liberty.
If we want nice parks, nice schools good roads and spiffy new bridges over every creek, we should demand that our local and state governments raise our taxes to pay for those things. It’s insanely stupid to think we can get any of those things from “The government” and not have to pay for them. We don’t get money from Washington– Washington gets money from us!
Bad idea ,very little will go to infrastructure .
There goal is to bankrupt America definitely not AMERICA FIRST !!
All I see is Democratic pork! These people have no shame
When does the spending stop with these people, can liberal politicians not understand numbers? Google a list of government spending programs, that’s a shocker. Obviously the Federal budget will ‘never’ be balanced, but the deficit is insane.
Partisan waste is rampant on all sides.
Pull up the horses and stop sending wasted money to foreign governments and keep it here and that begins to solve it.
We need to demand from our representatives that no more money be spent until the budget is balanced. Also that the debt ceiling not be raised. Hold their feet to the fire! If either of these things are allowed to happen, then we must vote them out of office.
I believe the government should balance a budget just like all the little local governments. No one in the government should get paid until the budget is balanced. We do not need so many branches such as the IRS, and so many more -they are just a waste of money. Seems like the people really do not have any say while they are in office and when it is time to vote, the damage is already done
You’re crazy if you believe that Congress, either side, will ever cut the budget. Especially with the economy infected with the fake pandemic, fake variants and fake vaccines.
That $4.7 trillion will go a long way toward making the slime-o-crats look better in the coming 2022 elections. It will help them rig them once again. Even some of that money will find its way into the stock market.
Helping the average American? Dream on. Why would we need infrastructure rebuilds when they are killing off citizens with poison mRNA injections? It’s all a house of mirrors, lies and deceptions to get more money into the hands of the all powerful.
Maybe the Repubs say no, but we can never trust the RINOS not to turn coat and run into the arms of the Dem Commies. $50 trillion in debt by 2030 no matter which gang of useless thugs runs the DC Swamp.
Socialism 101
Give, Give and Give some more and get people dependent on government and you own them!!!
If this bill ever passes it will change the U.S. into a socialist country .
Pray for Senator Joe Manchin he is our only hope to save this country at this time.
I would think that the Repubs would be solid against this type of spending however we have some Senators that think otherwise. There is too much junk in these bills and amnesty,are you kidding???? The Dems are dividing this country like never before except the Civil War. The Dems do not want history taught so they may not know about the Civil War. The problem as I see it is that everyday Americans are not paying attention and believe every headline they read. So,my conclusion,the FAKE media is the true cause of this divided America because they lie and only give their side of the story. They are opinion makers that should not be part of the so called news media. This includes big tech which should be broken up and sued for their unfair censorship which lets the Taliban on the network and not our 45th president!
Any support for all this spending shows a lack of understanding, or possibly a knowledge of history and its lessons. We are heading in the direction taken in the past by reckless governments that led to massive devaluation of currency creating massive inflation and recession. People on fixed incomes are going to have a huge problem, and future generations will be paying for this forever.
Stop the spending. Balance the budget.
Government corruption and money laundering is out of control and if not checked and corrected will bankrupt and topple our Representative Constitutional Republic. Rigged elections have consequences and we are seeing them now as America sinks into a third world cesspool of corruption, tyranny and treason by our own government, we are being destroyed from within.
The infrastructure bill has little to do with actual roads, bridges, airports, etc. And the $3.5T bill is nothing more than a progressive wish list of federal government over-reach. Reckless spending is part of the Marxist’s goal to destroy from within our economy, our culture and our nation. Not one penny of federal money should be allocated to anything without showing how that spending is constitutional. The federal government must remember that it works for the States – the States agreed to join the union, and any authority not delegated specifically to the federal government falls to the States. Our Constitution provides for a limited federal government. Perhaps it is time for an Article V Convention of the States to return to the vision that our illustrious Founders had.
The corrupt Republicans and Democrats must be voted out. Election forensic audit in every state.
Roads and bridges, except for US highways, should be taken care of by each state. US infrastructure should be highly maintained and improved with funding from a clean infrastructure bill which should include wireless communication, rail , waterways and ports. It’s time Congress – both sides are guilty- stopped cramming essential bills with all manner of nonessential items, or non related issues.
A very limited hard infrastructure bill would be acceptable if the projects were previously suggested and public support exists. A public referendum should follow Town Hall meetings in each affected community, including reconsideration of previously approved projects. US Citizens must take back their power to be governed as they choose, not as special interest groups and American Marxists say we must behave and live. The US National Debt should be controlled by US Citizens, not foreign or domestic parties or allied groups (e.g. NATO, UN). It is time again for the Tea Party Patriots of 2010 to become actively involved in the future of the USA.
It all points to a Marxist heading. No more freedom. Have we forgotten what Patrick Henry said! One more thing how can immigrants vote with no citizenship? No culture base. Wake up America. The Dumbacrats and most Sorry Republicans are selling you out for power and there prestige. Say it again, once the 2nd amendment gone or ratified how will you stand your ground, military, what a joke for top brass. My uncle ww2 survivor is rolling over in hard earned grave. At least he had GUTS. God help what’s left of America.
Just a BRIBE to distract from Afghanistan fiasco.
How about we take a BIG pause on more/additional money until all the previous infusions have been FULLY evaluated regarding effectiveness against the metrics like inflation and others
Almost everything the crooks do is bull
We can’t keep spending money we don’t have. Printing new money does not mean we have more money, if it is not worth anything
The appropriations process has been destroyed by feckless politicians who would rather jam through “continuing resolutions” for years. If we are to have ANY hope of reining in our runaway spending, we must return to regular order.
Scrap this ‘nothing more than’ a partisan power grab, NOW! If they had any sense of duty to country AND were citizens, they would abandon this reckless plan. They should ALL resign and let’s get some Patriots in Congress.
they are all a bunch of crooks, padding everything to spill cash to friends and family- we need a designated survivor moment- all gone- start fresh- dont understand why people keep electing liars and chiefs
On my computer, there is no place to vote one way or the other. They are both digging the USA deeper into debt and that must be worked over before any more spending. Our government has been spending more than it has taken in for many decades. No family, business, or institution would exist if it spent more than it had year after year, but our government does. Now we are in debt to other nations, particularly the Communist Chinese Party which has maticulously stolen from us in ever ares of business, education, government and Military. AS pay for that theft, we need to declare the debt paid by their theft and STOP spending more than comes in to the government. FURTHER and as important, Our government needs to trim itself of the gross fat. The government needs to look to the Constitution, determine the areas the Federal Government is delegated responsibility and cut everything else out of spending. Finally, but probably of first priority is that they need to immediately STOP giving money we do not have to other nations, especially nations which have vowed to destroy our government. Then with all that, we need to turn to the Creator and follow the foundation laid in the Constitution which depended heavily on the Bible.
Our elected leaders should fix our social spending (Social Security-Medicare) programs first and then consider something new. For example, the billions of weapons just abandoned In Afghanistan could have been sold and proceeds used to begin to shore up Social Security and Medicare.
If you want to have a Lie Ridden useless conversation, get with a Democrat.
I am much closer to the end of my life and the democrats socialist plans will have little affect upon me. However, my greatest concern is for my grand children who will inherit this mess. But, even the smallest one at 3 years old is much smarter than any democrat who ever walked upon God’s great earth.
Both bills are filled with left wing socialist garbage. It’s not true infrastructure, which is what’s really needed. If we don’t get both our borders sealed shut and begin deportations by ICE, because of how many illegals and criminals here already, we won’t have a country left.
biden’s administration cannot be trusted with ANYTHING!! To believe the smoke and mirrors from his administration is world-class stupidity. Think about the Afghan pullout. This was a single focus opportunity to demonstrate competence and professionalism. If they cannot pull something like that together, how can anyone possibly imagine they will effectively manage anything like the mult-year, multi-trillion dollar, multi-objective, multi-departmental boondoggle like these HUGE bills.
The leadership of the Democratic party is part of the evil that has infected the United States. This is not about “Building Back.” It is about destroying the United States economically. If you have ten dollars in your checking account, and write a check for twenty dollars, guess what? The U.S. Government has a 29 trillion dollar debt. There is no money for these two pieces of legislation. Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of the democrats must go.
The bipartisan infrastructure bill is mostly leftist policy wishes and not actual infrastructure. And nineteen idiot republicans took part in it. They also did this knowing that the demos were going to push through a socialist based reconciliation bill (also falsely called an infrastructure bill). The republicans were either fooled again or knowingly took part in this fiasco. Either way, it shows we need better republican representation.
Because of so many allowing them to lie and ultimately use these bills and monies for whatever government entities desire, we have totally lost accountability. Now with the destruction of citizen only votes, selective enforcement of all laws, the real answers lie in our past. Time will tell if we have the guts to respond in the appropriate manner.
This is the Left’s plan to destroy us, our dollar will be worthless, it will take a barrel of cash to buy groceries, if there will be food to buy. Every country that has gone this way, are all the same, hungry and cold, except for those in power. These Bill’s are thousands of pages long, with a few sentences hidden that take another Right away. These traitors have to be stopped, at all levels of Gov, and in all 3 branches of Gov.
Looks like nearly all of the current congressional spending is to further the democrat/communist party (for the people). The government is NOT the provider for to all subject to it power. Some necessary functions include providing a stable currency, providing for the national defense, and a lawful framework to conduct commerce. The nation would be much better off if all legislation had to pass by a 2/3rds majority – then all the pandering and idealistic spending would greatly diminish. Much was started by LBJ and his “Great Society” and it has gotten increasingly worse since then.
Everyone has to live within a budget except the Federal government. That needs to change. The size & cost of the government has grown exponentially and we are all aware that anything done by government is automatically run with less efficiency. The national defense & protections of the constitution should be their only focus.
We need our Hwys, bridges etc Rebuilt ONLY
If not we cant make it ahead for the future.
Agree CUT spending overall
Cut the damn pork
Even if the bill made sense, which it surely does not, I wouldn’t give them another inch. Their plan to destroy the country is succeeding and must be stopped and reversed.
I’d really like to see a line item breakdown on each item in these bills. I fear there is lots of pork hidden in them.
Having been around a LONG time, I know Congress NEVER seems to get the message that someone has to pay for all their ‘bills’. Does anyone ever think about the ‘long run’ effects of them?
Remember Government has NO money. It is YOUR money and YOU will pay the bill.
Social security and Medicare is in trouble but they can afford trillions for bills to line their pockets? Really?
The Democrats are destroying our country in the name of Global Warming. They are stealing taxpayer money for their own agenda and accomplish nothing beneficial to our country. There was a .3 increase in global in the 70;s and since then there has been a decrease I believe was said to be 1,08 degree. Yes I agree we should work and strive to keep our air and water pure but not to the tune of 5 trillion plus tax payer money when other countries are pollution the air more than we are. If more trees and greenery were to be planted in place of what is being destroyed by housing projects and businesses and even planting trees in the medians of divided highways and even on the shoulder of other roads would do more good than what they are proposing with unproven and not practical solutions. We have to preserve our country and it people for the future generations of our country and we can sell out to foreign countries like the Biden Administration is doing. Why is Biden dealing with a know terrorist’s group to bring our citizens home from Afghanistan. Since when does America leave any one behind? like the 30 plus school children and other American citizens he left behind defenseless. No other American President would do that. Then they had the bomber in a drones sights that could of taken him out that killed our 13 service members and they denied taking the shot because it might piss off Biden’s terrorist’s group. He need to resign, be removed by the 25th amendment or Impeached and charged for treason and crimes against America and its citizens. The acts he committed are un forgivable.
No pass it so we can read it on this one…….
Any one out there who is old enough to pay their own way knows you cannot spend what you don’t have if you know how to budget. These so called Representatives obviously have never had a real job or pay out of their own pocket. Their the pampered plus group. They have to raise taxes on the working class. They will say corprerate taxes but Corps will raise prices and who pays ,.. WE THE PEOPLE, that’s who. One way or another we will pay while they rob S.S.I. and use it for Representative s banquets fund and food for the Kennedy Center.
“All of a Sudden”, or at least it feels that way; but in actuality, the democrats have been sneaking in the “entitlements” and “government responsibilities” to provide for people in every manner of need across this great country.
That is NOT why this country was founded and it is NOT the way it has been governed up until the turn of this century. We have made a wrong turn along the highway of democracy and it is time to “make a U turn when it is possible” to quote my GPS. We need to get our country back on track…no wait…we just need to get our country back, period.
We start that by zero-based budgeting. Get the Federal Budget under control each year- don’t build upon mistakes after mistakes, creating such massive deficits, that no one will be able to pay. If we get back to bringing the budget in line- WE will become responsible for what we use and pay for it at that time; NOT leaving it for someone else to pick up the tab at a later date.
A conservative approach is totally in order to get our country back in our hands, so that we Can be the great country that we once were!
God Bless America!
Seems like socialism for all. When will the voters reign in the outta control politicians? Pork filled special interest bills that barely fund or address the stated intent of the title. Look at the actual funding levels for “infrastructure” as opposed to the pork content. Generations of self serving career politicians have brought us to this point. They enrich themselves, family and cronies with our tax dollars. When will enough be enough? WAKE UP AMERICA! No one is coming to save us, it’s up to you! Do something for YOUR country! We are destined to become like Australia if the course doesn’t change. Open your eyes…
They only pay worker on these projects so they can stay in position to make more debt for America why spend more when we get nothing done as it is nothing gets Done and spending more is only paying people so they can feed their faces and that has been for a long Time the way our money is spent.