
Ronald Reagan

Do you support the effort to get Hollywood to show support for ideological diversity and award Ronald Reagan a posthumous honorary Oscar?

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Harvey B. Rich
6 years ago

Congratulations AMAC for pointing out how the Leftist Hollywood Elites ignore the actor who has achieved great fame and respect. But no, they are so full of hatred that they can’t give a kind gesture to anyone who thinks differently than they do

Larry N
Larry N
6 years ago

I think it would be a dishonor. I’m not enthused by anything the agency does.

6 years ago

I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction, they knew he was a great man while he was alive. We all knew in our hearts the good that
He accomplished, looks like I am the only one who thinks that way. God Bless Ronald Reagan !

Robert Hegeman
Robert Hegeman
6 years ago

I voted “No”, not because I don’t love and respect Ronald Reagan, but because asking anything of the lefties in Hollywood only serves to legitimize and empower them. With their free access to the media and the public’s tendency to think of actors as something special, they already have far too much influence on society.

Pat Bright
Pat Bright
6 years ago

I voted no. I have the utmost respect for President Reagan, however zero respect for Hollywood. They would say something ridiculous during the presentation.

Ray Barton
Ray Barton
6 years ago

I voted yes…however, who cares! It is just fodder for more discussion about conservative vs…..this is the lowest poll I have ever seen come from AMAC. Stick to helping the seniors…..

Alex Janisieski
Alex Janisieski
6 years ago

I strongly agree with the previous posters. Any support or honoring of President Reagan by that gang of hypocrites would only soil his name.

6 years ago

Hollywood has become a septic tank and I think for them to honor President Reagan would be a dishonor to his memory. He deserves more.

Rolf J
Rolf J
6 years ago

Robert, you stole the words right out of my mouth! With all the Progressive garbage spewing out of Hollywood, I do not want to see Ronald Reagan’s name besmirched by people who do not believe in the value of our country and Constitution.

6 years ago

What would this prove, that those elite lefties are human? They don’t think they are and I feel it wouldn’t be a tribute to the best president in recent history. Only would be used to make them look legitimate.

Sarah Moffitt
Sarah Moffitt
6 years ago

I voted no also! I agree with the other posters. Ronald Reagan deserves better than an honorary Oscar from this group of vipers. It would sully his good name. Let’s not give any credence to those despicable leftists in Hollywood!

Joel Young
Joel Young
6 years ago

“NO”.. I do not want his name soiled by being indorse by those socialist in Holly Wood…….

Roberta A Johnson
Roberta A Johnson
6 years ago

I don’t think Ronald Reagan would want it. I think he would be ashamed of the entertainment world.

6 years ago

Though it would be nice for President Reagan to have an Academy award, he had the best award any American could have, being president of this great country of ours.

Chuck G
Chuck G
6 years ago

No….the Oscars are a sham and far too politicized already. I have been to the Reagan library several times and noticed any involvement he had in Hollywood is (thankfully) minimized. I think he would want to keep it that way.

Ken Suess
Ken Suess
6 years ago

No. It would tarnish his image.

6 years ago

Hollywood and the left and the media already believe they are special … They are no more than anyone else with a job. Ronald Reagan stands tall not because he performed a job as an actor, but because Ronald Reagan was a great man in heart mind and soul! His reward is far beyond Hollywood nonsense. Remove Hollywood, the left and the media from their dictatorial thrones by not legitimizing their head trip.

6 years ago

I voted no because I wouldn’t give todays Hollywood any Credit for anything based in Politics. Their attitudes disgust me save a few. What they do regarding politics is a JOKE and President Reagan was far too good for Hollywood and it’s elite.
I remember him as a great President. Bedtime for Bonzo can stay in bed.

6 years ago

Aren’t their so much more important issues to be addressed ?? If this is a mature institution you where there in time how they treated him then . Laughed at him , called it star wars when it was built to protect all Americans and the world from evil! Yes even protect these Americans who interviewed him when sick to make a fool out of him . Mr . Reagan was wrong on they don’t have manners for the vile they spew is far worse than poor manners . I came to Amac to get away from 24/7 365 days of this garbage . Freedom .

scott leahy
scott leahy
6 years ago

I have always been a big fan of President Reagan. However, his acting credentials do not merit a special “Academy Award” in his honor.

6 years ago

I don’t care one way or another as I never watch any of the awards shows; academy, toni, sag, etc., etc., etc………… All they have become are a platform for the liberal elites to spout their idiotic views on how our country should be run. They have very little to do with the quality of entertainment, the awards are meaningless.

Ronald Jones
Ronald Jones
6 years ago

I voted no. Ronald Reagan deserves many accolades but he is far too good a man to receive anything from toxic Hollywood. Furthermore, it would be far easier to extract gold from tin than to expect any kind, country-unifying act from Hollywood-Babylon. We see just how wicked they truly are by their unrelenting attacks on President Trump and #MAGA!

Janie Thompson
Janie Thompson
6 years ago

No all they want to do is put President Trump down leave Leave politics out of Hollywood

Miss Vinney Puckett
Miss Vinney Puckett
6 years ago

Idon’t think President Reagan would want any endorsement from Hollywood as he himself left to become the greatest President we have ever had. Let that be his legacy. He walked away from Hollywood let him remain so.

6 years ago

I say no! I want all center to center right Americans to boycott everything Hollywood. They are part of the progressive movement that came oh so close to taking over and “radically changing” this great country.

6 years ago

I voted yes, not only because honoring one of the greatest presidents we have ever had would reveal a modicum, no, a minuscule sliver of decency left in hollywood, but because it could never happen. Another suggestion, just as plausible for “the agency” would be to self-immolate since that would be beneficial to society at large. There’s no fear that these pampered, pathetic pedagogues would ever pay respect to a personage as significant as Ronald Reagan any mote more than that they would light themselves on fire. After all it would cut into the time they have to spend in front of the mirror of self-exaltation that is requisite for communist chuckleheads such as these .

Janet Downey
Janet Downey
6 years ago

I voted no because while Reagan was a great president, he wasn’t a very good actor. The Academy should reward acting, not ideology, something they seem to have forgotten.

Steve Cohen
Steve Cohen
6 years ago

I voted NO. Ronald Reagan is so far above the lefty creeps, racists, haters, and rapists that comprise Hollywood.

Tamara Tarbell
Tamara Tarbell
6 years ago

How is this going to unite anything. Oscars are based on acting, and the whims of the Academy. I wouldn’t insult President Reagan with this because it wouldn’t be sincere.

Dave Varwig
Dave Varwig
6 years ago

No… Our pushing them to promote or demand an award to someone they generally loathe an honorary Academy Award would be as disingenuine on our part, as it is on their part when they incessantly promote “identity-qualified” trophies to reinforce appearance over performance. Besides, why would I espouse something I don’t believe in – diversity… When you come here we open our arms to assimilate you inclusively. Let’s not play into their false narrative by seeming to give it (diversity) status and credibility. What makes us a great nation is the commonalities in our human nature grounded in our Judeo-Christian values.

6 years ago

Hollywood is a cesspool of perverts and America haters. Do not allow President Reagan’s name to be associated with that trash.

Bob Horacek
Bob Horacek
6 years ago

Why would we want to give the liberals in Hollywood another opportunity to bash conservatives?

6 years ago

We folks that have watched Ronald on the big screen and as President of the United States and still watch Death Valley Days Have given him an award better than anything hollywood could do.

6 years ago

He doesn’t need an award from Hollywood, he has the respect of True Americans and plenty of others throughout the world. An Oscar from Hollywood would just cheapen his accomplishments in the face of all he did while living in the liberal enclaves called California and Washington DC.

6 years ago

Since I don’t care what Hollywood does or thinks, it’s a wasted effort. I would support it, if I knew it would irritate the liberals. But I don’t see that the effort would unite us.

6 years ago

Hollywood and its ilk don’t believe in diversity. If you are not like-minded, you are the enemy.

Norm Ottley
Norm Ottley
6 years ago

I voted NO. It would be the equivalent of the Guggenheim giving President Trump the golden toilet. President Reagan already received the highest honor he or any man could want, the love and respect of a nation for his gallant leadership.

W Norton
W Norton
6 years ago

I voted neither yes nor no! Face it, it is simply meaningless to have anything to do with Hollywood and their opinions. I love Jesus Christ and have a biblical world view perspective. These people in Hollywood are not on the same train as a general rule and mostly ridicule God, family, especially marriage, and biblically based moral values. We know Ronald Reagan was a great man and President without their help.

Paul G. Celentano
Paul G. Celentano
6 years ago

No… an award from Hollywood would be beneath him.

Trish Gatley
Trish Gatley
6 years ago

Well, people made some good respectful points here,,,yes they are right,,academy is biased,,and corrupted,,,especially these days? Sad THESE PEOPLE DON’T HAVE ABILITY TO KNOW GOOD FROM BAD? Like Obama released all the bad,behavior,criminals,gangs,disgruntled brat distructive students,people,,on others,Even into FACTORY FARMS horribly cruel meatpacking,,,nasty traditionally sick cruel immigrants from very animal abusive countries work there,,

Kipp Exline
Kipp Exline
6 years ago

Yeah, as if.. ..

6 years ago

Our great president can do without any fake praise from Hollywood. I would never ask anything of that self-absorbed infantile group.

Ardi Shooki
Ardi Shooki
6 years ago

Why dignify the academy awards. My vote is no.

Ardi Shooki
Ardi Shooki
6 years ago

Why dignity the academy awards? My vote is no. Let Ronald Rest In Peace.

Phil T
Phil T
6 years ago

No, the Reagans don’t care at this point and the Academy’s opinion has no merit or value anymore.

Patrick Tadeushuk
Patrick Tadeushuk
6 years ago

I voted no because there is no honor in receiving an Oscar. Sad, but true. Thirty years ago I would have voted differently. The commies in Hollywood are not fit to even speak Reagan’s name.

janet Cantor
janet Cantor
6 years ago

I voted yes because it would be fun to see these people honor a great president whose ideas are anathema to them.
Someone once said of the Reagan Office building in Washington that if Reagan woke up, he would have the building torn down and name the hole that was left after him.

6 years ago

No, no, no, a thousand times no. For once, I read the other comments first, and, to my delight, I see they were all no’s, also. I think an “honorary” Oscar from Hollywood, would actually be a totally undeserved honor for them, and meaningless to the memory of President Reagan.

6 years ago

DIVERSITY – sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity

Actors are actors because of a lack of personal inhibitions.
They are willing to say anything to anyone at anytime.
They are like a windup doll, no brain for thought, just feed them a line and turn them loose to be sincerely ignorant or conscientiously stupid.
Their entire purpose in life is to make otherwise intelligent people believe scripted lies.

Jim Colyn
Jim Colyn
6 years ago

First of, the Academy is NEVER going to acknowledge the value Donald Trump has brought to our country. The Liberal Left of Hollywood stands firmly for everything which we are opposed.

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