

Now that every state has advanced through at least some phase of re-opening from Covid-19 closures, which of the following best describes your own situation?

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Marie M
Marie M
4 years ago

I live in NYS and would like to go back to normal without a mask, attend Church, see family and friends. Most of us in this state are waiting over 2 months to get a straight answer as to when people can get on with their lives, they keep extending the lockdown. Most of us thought things would open up once we “flattened the curve”. We are experiencing socialism, and it ain’t pretty!

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
4 years ago

Wear your muzzle and practice Socialist distancing , because the Fake News MSM and your political betters command you to do so.
And If you should be unlucky enough to live in a DEMOCRAT controlled city or state where the police have been
politically weaponized against the citizenry, you may be fined and/or imprisioned.
Remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our liberty this Memorial Day and fly the Stars And Bars.
GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !

4 years ago

Other than avoiding people that were coughing or sneezing, doing the “social distancing” and washing my hands clear up to my elbows, I did not change anything; if we do not let the virus run its course the Virus will not “die out”. I’m certain many will say this attitude is “risky”, (or worse) because I am 55 yrs/old an my BMI puts me in the Obese (20lbs) overweight but it’s a chance I’ll take.

Brian B
Brian B
4 years ago

It’s time to unmask America. Democrats don’t want an unmasking. To them masks are a reminder that we must remain in a prolonged state of hysterical panic. The truth is that masks are merely a psychological crutch. They no more prevent a virus than your underwear prevents body odor. They are a deception. Many doctors have denounced masks because they are more likely a vector of germs than a preventive. People constantly touch their masks, getting germs on their hands. Then they reuse them just to appear socially correct. It’s time to unmask, and to quit playing the game by democrat rules.

4 years ago

Please, not another lame Covid 19 question.
The deep state is trying to get even deeper by setting the government up to track everyone’s movements and activities like they do in China, and you want to know how badly we want to go out for din-din?

4 years ago

Feel the so called knowledgeable individuals who shut the country down can no longer be trusted as the got it wrong and continue to correct their mistakes from wearing masks to surfaces it can be transferred from.

Bob Bradshaw
Bob Bradshaw
4 years ago

I believe this whole thing has been blown out of proportion by “ experts” who guessed and guessed wrong.

4 years ago

I will social distance but won’t wear a mask. I am ready to go back to normal.

4 years ago

Governor Whitler needs to be squashed now. This needs to be done now! Please help Michigan.

4 years ago

Poor Survey! Did not give all of the options. There should have been an option of no mask and/or not social distancing. This was the biggest media, political and government control issues of my lifetime. This is remaking our country into a liberal/socialistic culture. A horrible miscalculated experiment or deep state run amuck!

Karen Worden
Karen Worden
4 years ago

I think the whole virus scare was just that. Alot of people did not need to die. Fouci knew Hydroxychloroquine works, is safe and affordable. I think it was a dry run to see how easily Americans would give up their rights and of course take down President Trump. It makes my blood boil. We don’t need masks and social distancing!!! We don’t do it for the flu or any other virus. I’m done.

janie delano
janie delano
4 years ago

you should have had an option that I will take my freedoms from our Constitution. Open up our country. The “experts” have been wrong.

4 years ago

Should have never been shutdown. Protect the vulnerable and live.

4 years ago

I am surprised citizens of New York and New Jersey are not calling for the arrest of their Governors for murder, after knowingly placing Covid-19 patients in nursing homes. They knew they were issuing death sentences to the elderly when they issued their marching orders to hospitals treating Covid-19 patients.

4 years ago

We need to open everything and stop living in fear. The media just sensationalizes everything and I don’t trust the numbers they report because non COVID deaths are being flagged as COVID so that they can get more money. It’s al about the “almighty dollar”. It’s asinine

Jeff Bryant
Jeff Bryant
4 years ago

Will not be wearing a mask, not sick myself and leaving masks for those that think they need them. This is being forced on us for some bad reasons

Jim VH
Jim VH
4 years ago

Where is the answer saying just get back to normal. I believe this has been a waste and the lock downs have just made things worse. I’m sorry so many people have died but, has anyone else noticed there hasn’t been anyone die of any other reason according to the state run democrat media. People die everyday for a variety of reasons and allot more than from this Wuhan virus but according to the media the deaths fro the virus are the only ones that have happened. Totally BS.

Grumpy Gal
Grumpy Gal
4 years ago

I live in PA, in a county that went yellow yesterday. I would gladly go back to normal, if not forced by our governor to live this way. I’ve never stopped going out when I want to. Unfortunately, I’ve been limited in where I can go. I don’t believe the masks work, and many people wear theirs below their nose.

4 years ago

None of the above apply. I am very willing to get back to normal. There are a few close friends I don’t social distance with. Others i do. I am unable to wear a mask due to a nerve injury so I am limited where I can go including seeking medical care. I have been denied much needed medical care because there are no exceptions for wearing a mask. I ve been told it could be over a year we all wear masks. Im excluded from medical care till then. Relying on Jesus.

Paul Straub
Paul Straub
4 years ago

I didn’t vote in this poll because there where no answer’s that addressed the way I see it. That is, we have been under house arrest by the communist governors long enough to know how fake this entire plandemic is. They have destroyed many of our small business owners and their families, put millions out of work, added trillions of dollars in debt all for personal gain and power. End the charade now!

4 years ago

None of the above. It’s time for the US to get back to normal and back to business.

4 years ago

I couldn’t vote because there wasn’t a category for me, I’m ready to get back to the old normal. I can’t wear a mask I have COPD but we have stores that won’t let us in without one even though our Governor said those with breathing issues didn’t have to wear one.

Floyd Barnett
Floyd Barnett
4 years ago


4 years ago

There is so much that we don’t know about this virus and I can’t help but wonder how much is not being shared with us, that I will continue to protect myself and those around me. There seems to be confusion among the “experts” ( wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, etc. ) that I will wear a mask when out in public since it’s the only protection we currently have. When a vaccine is available I will get it as soon as I can. I pray that someday we’ll get the full story about this monster and be able to use the info to protect us in the future.

4 years ago

Look I think that the Covid 19 is serious if you get it, I will say that first.
I also think that we have been spoon fed stupid for so long from the media we don’t always think for ourselves. I like to think that I THINK for myself. I think that if you want to wear a mask then you should but if I don’t think they do what some believe they do then I Think that I don’t wear the mask. I don’t because I THINK and after reading several articals on the subject and opinions I THINK a mask made of what ever is the fashion for the day does more damage than good for our over all health. I have gone back to hugging my grandchildren because I THINK that it is safe to hug, handshake, visit across the table from people that you know, and know for the most part where they have been and if they live on the edge. I am choosing not to sit in a crowded bar, auditorium or reception areas.
Don’t let the media tell you some of the story, the political statements made by self-declared experts determine what you do.
Do the research THINK for yourself and spit out any and all stupid that we get fed on a regular basis.
I THINK that I don’t want to live in fear, or have the media, Federal Government, State Government or Local Government mandate what I wear in public for my personal protection. I don’t want to give up my freedoms that so many fought so we can live like a free country. The real danger here is our freedoms, the freedom to praise God, the freedom to speak, the freedom to protect ourselves and all freedoms. I don’t Think I am being selfish I am being reasonable, and Free. It does no good to shut a country down because of fear. Again we need to Think, and Inform ourselves.

Clay Brand
Clay Brand
4 years ago

We should open up and ensure that small businesses survive. Older people; as well as, people with pre existing conditions should remain on quarantine. Temperature test should be performed daily, and people with temperatures should be tested for c19. When an individual is found to be infected with c19 then they should be quarantined until tests are administered with non contagious results. Everyone who came in contact with the inflicted individual must be tested.
Social distancing procedures should be commonplace until the numbers fall to an acceptable leave.

4 years ago

Join the General Flynn fan club, and you too can walk around unmasked….

Fr. Demetrios Carellas
Fr. Demetrios Carellas
4 years ago

You left out: I am now, and have always been, ready to live normally. This was a huge over reaction, and should never had happened. It seems to be a matter of control. If this have happened in the 1950s, the people would have soundly rejected all these controls, in my opinion.

4 years ago

Unfortunately like most polls I had to check an answer that I think is closest. I go out when I please, do not wear a mask and do not social distance unless of course the other person wants it or masks are required. In my opinion this is just like the flu and we need to be slowly exposed to build our immunity. Get plenty of sunshine and vitamin C

4 years ago

If 6 feet is good, wouldn’t 60 feet be 10 times better? Keep your “anti social” distance… to show that you are an anti socialist?

Cathy H
Cathy H
4 years ago

Dennis Prager is right. “Until it’s safe” means never.. There’s no such thing as “safe”. My 90-year-old father, a Korean vet living in assisted living in New Mexico, may never be free again, because he’ll never be “safe” again. Taking risks is what freedom is about. Too many people are more afraid of taking risks than of losing their freedom.

4 years ago

None of the choices on the survey apply to me. I live in a state that is still pretty much locked down. I, however, have gone about my business as much as usual observing social distancing rules. I really miss my weekly Bible study group that meets at a local restaurant. I need to get my hair cut!

R Smith
R Smith
4 years ago

Funny how no one made wearing a mask a big deal until now in phase 2. I haven’t worn one yet don’t plan on it but I do the distancing washing of my carts and hands and after be out. Stay in for a couple of days but live in an area where very low numbers o an not worried just give me some sun and warm weather been taught that by my grandparents for years. Be glad when all is back and better for everyone

Denise Baker Voltz
Denise Baker Voltz
4 years ago

We are past ready to have our area open to all businesses. We live near Hickory, NC with a Democrat governor that keeps pushing the date back to opening up the state. As of Friday 5/22/20 we are just starting Phase 2 with very limited openings and he pushed the next phase to at least July 1st. Are you kidding me???? We are not stupid and can clearly see the Democrats are taking advantage of the COVID-19 closures all in an effort to try and hurt our President for his re-election. It is juvenile and ridiculous!! I can promise you come November I will not be voting for Gov Cooper. It is time for NC to have a Republican Governor!! It is time to turn NC RED!!! Mr. President please take away the power from governors to control store openings. Something needs to be done to stop this insanity.

4 years ago

Be a good little Muslim, “cover your face in public”… give me a break!

4 years ago

I live in Michigan.! I’m ready to dine out, get my hair and nails done and resume my life, but the governor of my state won’t allow me to do so. My constitutional rights are being violated and I feel like a prisoner!

4 years ago

I’m 60 and just went from home in IN to visit my 93 year old mother in WI. We’re both in agreement! Life needs to return to normal, not “new” normal but normal. Forget social distancing, a hug does wonders for the health. She’s lived through so much, she certainly isn’t afraid of a media overblown illness and I’ll take my cues from her. Where we go one we go all.

Mickey g
Mickey g
4 years ago

President trump and the American people got rolled by the so called experts. I was willing to do my part to flatten the curve. Into this 13 weeks.
Live in tyrannical Pennsylvania aka the yellow phase which is not much different than the shelter in place.
Its Memorial Day weekend -Americans need to be strong and brave like those who fought and died for this country.
We need to stand up for our bill of rights and say enough is enough.
God bless America. Michele g

4 years ago

I have not changed how I behave in public I won’t wear a mask and I’m tired of all the Chicken Little’s in the government and media telling me I’m going to Die if I don’t do as they say! If you want to live in fear all the time go ahead just don’t drag me into it in the name of public safety.

4 years ago

Weak minded people wear masks and cannot think for themselves. This weak minded society is pathetic and devoid of commonsense reasoning and logic. It’s this very type of behavior that will sooner rather than later turn MY country into a 3rd world chithole.

4 years ago

Heard Immunity, “not a Joke, not a joke””

Ann S. MacMillan
Ann S. MacMillan
4 years ago

Thank you for the poll!
Now get the results out to the liberal media!
Let’s see if they print it!

4 years ago

None of these choices really expresses what I want my situation to be. I want to get completely back to normal; not wearing a mask, or “social distancing”. We’ve been lied to from the beginning and are continuing to be lied to, about the number of deaths attributed to the Wuhan virus, most of which were not the primary cause of death. The death rate vs population is ridiculously low in most places and there is absolutely no reason to keep us shut down. In my county in CA which has been hit hard with deaths, mostly in nursing homes, the rate is .00011% of the population! Yes, people will get the virus; no, most will not die, in fact, over 99% of those who contract it recover. Many who are now testing positive for the antibodies didn’t even know they had it. President Trump has gotten really bad advice from people who are in opposition to him, namely Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, and he needs to fire both of them and get some advisors without political bias and who have common sense.

4 years ago

None of the above. There is no scientific evidence that social distancing prevented the spread, as we are learning where controlled antibody tests are being done, with 25% coming back positive. The truth is, 99.9% who contract this will have mild to no symptoms. There are tens of millions of people who got this, making the death rate for all ages under 85 far lower than the flu.

We already know masks won’t protect us from coronavirus microbes (as stated on the box of disposable masks. Fabric masks are even worse). Masks are actually harmful to your health — breathing your own carbon dioxide is not good. Bacteria becomes embedded in your mask, making you more prone to a bacterial infection.

And if social distancing works, then why are people wearing masks or required to wear them in stores? The 6′ should be enough. Conversely if masks work, then why do we need to social distance? Neither work actually, and both are part of a psyops campaign to keep everyone in a state of panic. It’s political, it always has been. There’s a reason why the blue states are the holdouts.

Add to your survey: OPEN UP, WITH NO RESTRICTIONS. I’ll click that one.

And for God’s sake, take off your masks!!!!!!!!

4 years ago

We are all Americans with a brain , most of us anyway and we know what our circumstances are and how to protect ourselves without government over reach last I hear it’s a free country and we should be able to make decisions for ourselves and families I don’t believe the government is there for that , tell congress to go to work for the American people and do important stuff besides harassing the President Earn their money for a change most Americans don’t have the kind of money they have with no medical bills we have to work !

This whole thing with nothing but a political stun
This whole thing with nothing but a political stun
4 years ago

This whole thing with nothing but a political stunt. I would resume normal living without a mask or any other nonsense immediately

Dennis Brannon
Dennis Brannon
4 years ago

Where the heck is everybody? I wore a mask for the first time 3 days ago when I visited the optometrist. I’ve already been to the dentist and the dermatologist. Also, operated my income tax practice at full-strength without interruption. We’re in Atlanta, just 30 minutes away from the largest airport in the world. Where is everyone?

Catharine Root
Catharine Root
4 years ago

Hi, I am another NYS resident. I am pretty fed up with this nonsense. Cuomo continues to try to hold on. It will take people defying his edicts for him to get the message. He lives in another world that is not real for the world most of us. Please note, he has a haircut, uet we still cannot go to a barber or salon. He has stated we must wear masks and he doesn’t have to. Enough is enough!

Sandy Croushore
Sandy Croushore
4 years ago

This whole corona 19 virus is nothing but a political stunt. I would resume normal activities without a mask and social distancing immediately

Bruce Derouen
Bruce Derouen
4 years ago

I don’t wear a mask and refuse to wear one. This whole thing was blown so far out of proportion, it’s sickening

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