
Should colleges that will not allow conservative freedom of speech be denied federal funding?

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2 years ago

Agree no school should received Federal Tax Payer funds if they don’t allow freedom of speech ! This is America and we must fight to stop the freedom destroying Devilcrap Socialists from destroying it !

Randy Duncan
Randy Duncan
2 years ago

If we have a Constitution, we do, then the Law of the land is free speech. Deny free speech, then deny US Taxpayer funding.

Blaine Nay
Blaine Nay
2 years ago

There should be absolutely no federal funding, taxes, or regulation whatsoever for education at any level — and about 80% of everything else the central government does.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Colleges should not be funded by yhe government

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

If states want to partially fund their public universities fine but the federal government should not be funding either public or private universities.

Tom Reeves
Tom Reeves
2 years ago

Unfortunately, the federal government is behind the working up and dumbing down of the education system in this country in an effort to separate us from the Creator and prepare us to accept the socialist/communist agenda without any noticing of it’s happening or complaints about it. COME QUICKLY LORD JESUS!

2 years ago

Liberals now want to cancel all student loans. With mid terms coming, this is nothing but a ploy to buy as many votes as possible. Government funding at its finest. Socialist spending will continue to fire up inflation until we can vote out all of these political prostitutes.

Tom Reeves
Tom Reeves
2 years ago

Darned spell check!
Woking, not working

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
2 years ago

Without a fundamental appreciation and respect for truth, the worth of education is devalued. Given the value of a liberal education, why would anyone want to pay for it? Liberals suffer from a dearth of cause-and-effect logic, as is evident from the purposeless policies they support which purport to foster greater individual freedom at tremendous cost, a debt which no one will pay, ignorance, simple disregard for the truth.

2 years ago

The American taxpayer has been funding the enemies of Democracy for years now. Conservative politicians lack the moral courage to stop it.

Tom J
Tom J
2 years ago

I agree with Dan. Federal government should not be involved in education at any level. States, local communities and families should have control. Also, Freedom of Speech is protected by our Constitution.

Nelson Nolley
Nelson Nolley
2 years ago

Stop using the terms liberal,socialist,progressive and such nonsensical words! Use the term “SATANIC COMMUNIST “ instead!

2 years ago

In the beginning of all this anti-conservative speech there was a movement for free speech for all. Once there was a foot in the door, their ideals showed their true colors and didn’t want equal rights. they demanded domination over the conservatives. This was not the American way. Instead, this was then and is now the control of power out of pure greed.

2 years ago

Leftist colleges will just up the tuition and fees to make up the difference. You are probably better off getting life experience after high school than wasting 4-6 years getting indoctrinated by the leftist thugs. Even for the medical field, they only teach you how to be a slave to peddling big pharma drugs and the medical mafia.

2 years ago

colleges, NPR ( National Propaganda), & so called planned parenthood (abortion central), receive too much money from tuitions, fees, & private donations & should never receive federal funding. but this administration’s goal is total indoctrination , destroying everything we love about our country & turning it into another socialist, communist regime . hence my renaming them the demon-crat party.

Glenn S
Glenn S
2 years ago

Cut them off if they won’t allow Conservative speech. Also, I. paid off my student loan, others should do the same

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
2 years ago

Great poll! No other question would serve to identify the number of mentally defective liberals that infest this forum. At this time there are (53) of these useful dullards.

Lew Rigaud
Lew Rigaud
2 years ago

It’s about time we get the parasites off the public payroll!!

2 years ago

I am in full agreement that it should be made known to students that all speakers are welcome on campus. The right of the student to attend or not attend is theirs, but any threats, violence, physical or verbal attacks will not be tolerated and will be cause for immediate expulsion and forfeiture of tuition.

2 years ago

Defund Public Universities

Quite a few articles now appearing on this topic. Here’s my take:
1- Defund Public Universities…no more taxpayer support. Make “State U” compete for students just like Marriott, Hilton, etc.,  compete for my lodging. 
2- Tax university endowments. Most are acting like “hedge funds” so why not “Redistribute” the big university endowments (i.e. Harvard and the Ivy League schools) to historically black colleges and universities (HBCU)…and watch the diversity gurus scream!
3- Make student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy. That will eliminate the $50K/yr tuition for LQBTQ+ studies, parks & recreation, social justice, and similar worthless degrees
4- Enforce “DIVERSITY.” Mandate that university student and staff populations mirror exactly what the US Census says it is.
5- Encourage “WOKENESS” throughout the privileged WHITE elites. Stop pretending that university is “highly esteemed” place of learning and truth seeking. It is a cesspool of Marxist and sexual perversion activists. Fill the prestige universities with homeless, homosexuals, early-release prisoners, sex-offenders, perverts, rednecks, drifters, gangs, BLM and Antifa goons.
6- Consider “re-purposing” those campuses that eventually go bankrupt into: Homeless Shelters? Mental Hospitals? Registration & Voting Centers? Trade Schools? Refugee Centers? Prisons? Drug Rehab Facilities? Undocumented alien housing.
7- “Make High School Great Again!” Encourage kids to learn a trade and start productive lifestyles early in life. Forgo wasting 4+ years in university if you don’t plan on medicine, STEM, business, or education as a professional career. In other words, make high school meaningful and fun…..quite trying to make everyone “college eligible.”

Tom P
Tom P
2 years ago

When light of truth exposes the failed deceit, lies and propaganda, cockroaches run back towards their dark corners.

Tom K.
Tom K.
2 years ago

How about no Government Funding at all for any school anywhere?
120 years ago that is exactly how it was and the USA was at least 100% smarter!
Most college grads can’t even pass a year 1900 5th grade graduation test today.

Ronald N Page
Ronald N Page
2 years ago

Until the Democrats stop all their partsin left only policy’s, I think all funding-programs for their special interests need to be cut off.

Phillip Ferry
Phillip Ferry
2 years ago

I really hope to GOD that the young people in our colleges see through this BS and make own minds up. Also freedom of speech is the most important god given right our for fathers put in our constitution. No money should ever go to an institution that goes against the constitution ever.

David Sutton
David Sutton
2 years ago

PBS should be defunded too. Why do we allow this?

Peg F
Peg F
2 years ago

I agree that higher education schools need to allow more free speech, but if you want to fund only those that comply, then someone has to decide based on something. Eventually that leads to what is free speech. I checked ‘unsure’ because I really don’t want more involvement from gov’t. Stop all funding and let the students choose the place that matches closest with their ideals and educational goals.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
2 years ago

I can’t understand people who voted no on this question. This has nothing to do with Conservative or Liberal, This is really asking if Colleges or Universities violate the Constitution of the United States should receive federal funding. This is no different that violating human rights or rejecting students because of their race or religion. No government funded , including providing student loan programs, institutions should be allowed to discriminate.

2 years ago

No college or institute of higher learning should receive federal funding.
I would consider exception for projects that are expected to yield objective results within a defined time frame and which carry severe penalties for inconclusive results by the time limit.

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
2 years ago

Regardless of whether they allow free speech, nowhere in our Constitution is the federal funding of higher education addressed. We should not be paying for “scholars” to study how shrimp perform on treadmills and other such nonsense. Every spending bill should require a reference to which Article/Amendment of the Constitution permits that spending.

2 years ago

The federal government needs to get out of the education business. Period.

Pomah Zapk
Pomah Zapk
2 years ago

Absolutely allow freedom of speech throughout the US. This is a “No-Brainer”!

2 years ago

Checked yes, but cutting federal funding will only be made up by CCP (Chinese) funding. It would be staggering if people looked into how many of these centers (Confucius Centers and other names) exist on our college campuses. Supposedly for education & research , but they are also a haven for stealing sensitive American information. Haven’t done the research on amounts to each school (if it could even be found) , but suspect the more liberal the college or university, the more generous the Chinese “educational support”‘. Of the schools near me, those centers tend to turn out research results to say what the benefactor wants them to say. My personal policy ha been to treat products of these centers as disinformation until I know otherwise.

2 years ago

There are few colleges I support today…I fully endorse HillsDale College in MI; they won’t ake federal cash!

2 years ago

Definitely, but it will never happen. Spineless RINOs won’t do it

2 years ago

let themgo private then they can do anything they want, including going broke

2 years ago

Kill the Fed. It destroys everything in it’s path.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

Colleges are supposed to teach you how to learn, if you don’t get both sides of the equation how can you make a decision.

Louis Mitzner
Louis Mitzner
2 years ago

If we are to be a Nation of Citizenship, all Citizens need to have a free voice. When there is a Division created and one side is denied to have a voice, that is not education it is Tyranny. if a College receives Federal Funding and denies freedom of speech, isn’t it obvious that they are not listening to all the people that are funding their Education of all Students, regardless of their political beliefs?

2 years ago

I would end all taxpayer funding college indoctrination centers.

Richard Stephan Toman
Richard Stephan Toman
2 years ago

The college and university environment are meant to be intense incubators for training deep and critical thinking processes. They are not to be indoctrinational or opaquely ideological, or if they do have a specific ideological bias, they are to be open and transparent in admitting it. 
I attended Houghton College from 1979 to 1982, a Wesleyan Christian school. I minored in sociology, in  world religions, and in philosophy because my main professors in these two subjects were the best teachers I could find in the school. Both of these profs chose to use as their primary texts in class the writings of persons with whom they fundamentally disagreed. We had to read these texts at depth and constantly contend with them.  Dr. Sayers, my philosophy and world religions prof, would teach his class by taking the position of the philosopher or religious teacher whose arguments we were studying, and would expect us to effectively do our own research and challenge him from our position as confessing Christians.  (For example; If we were studying Islam, Dr. Sayers would argue Islam as vigorously as would any trained Imam.)  Students who had grown up “Christian” but had never really come to grips with the implications of their faith sometimes didn’t survive Dr. Sayers classes. Dr. Perkins was much the same as we studied sociology. Needless to say, I learned to think at Houghton: I don’t remember very much about sociology or philosophy anymore.   Colleges and universities today don’t seem to be offering this kind of classical education to their students, though I’m sure that some still are. I really think that AMAC or someone needs to publish a very clear, very complete, catalog of colleges and universities that identifies schools that are conservative and that teach critical thinking and reasoning skills as well as training for life and jobs, and schools that are infected with progressive liberalism and that have become amoral/immoral indoctrination centers that will destroy any young person who they can lure into their snares.  Most of our young people are not prepared well enough to face into the firestorm of liberal indoctrination they are going to encounter when they leave high school and become college freshmen or women. 

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

Federal “funds” for any reason are like flypaper, they come with interference and control no matter how small the grant. It’s better to refuse the funds and seek other means of meeting funding needs, including sensible budgeting and avoiding overstaffing in unnecessary positions. This holds true for any endeavor, seek other than fed funding even if aiming lower at a target goal is necessary, work to reach a higher goal over time.

2 years ago

Unconstitutional for what they are doing but then they vote a judge in that doesn’t know what a woman is!! Ignorant!!!

Dr Braddock
Dr Braddock
2 years ago

I don’t think colleges should be subsidized at all

2 years ago

NO college should receive Federal funding. Just as the Department of Education should be done away with as there is NO enumerated power in the Constitution regarding Education.

2 years ago

Anytime the government is involved in funding, it’s a disaster because it comes with strings attached. The really sad part is, it’s our tax dollars at work to destroy our Republic!!

Al B
Al B
2 years ago

Oooops; I voted No, but should have voted Yes. I got my logic twisted with too many Affirmatives and Negatives in the Q&A’s!
I’m normally much sharper than that, but might suggest a bit more thought on the wording of these polls … keeping in mind this is an organization for ‘Mature’ folks…

Jim Braden
Jim Braden
2 years ago

Check out Matal v Tamm in Supreme Court decisions. They ruled ALL speech is protected!

2 years ago

My thought is yes. Becaause, if these college institutions are intentionally/willingly having in place (backed by upper level administrators) a policy that goes against a legal right within the Constitution, then tax payer federal funding should be not be provided. For these institutions are intentionally teaching, perhaps coercing, young Americans to go against the Constitution of our United States.

2 years ago

Why is it necessary to fund colleges with tax payer money? That’s a major part of the problem, they don’t have to work to make a buck. To much money in the higher education system, to include student loans.

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