
A Senate committee approved legislation that would for the first time in history require young women to register for Selective Service alongside men, and in the event of war or national emergency, be drafted. Which ONE most closely matches your view?

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Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

Men should NEVER be drafted. It should remain on a voluntary basis for men. PERIOD!!

Daryl W.
Daryl W.
2 years ago

While we have spent so much time worrying about race, gender, color, what bathrooms to use and what cartoon characters offend us, China has constructed the largest navy in the world. Isis and the Taliban are poised to become a global threat once again because of the moronic decisions being made in Washington everyday. We need bright energetic young minds to combat this threat. It should make no difference whether they are male or female.

2 years ago


Mark L
Mark L
2 years ago

Women have wanted equality for years this is no exception! They have the equality with special treatment bullshit is for the birds. If they want to work at men’s jobs then they can be drafted just the same as men! Oh, we can’t forget the transgender group either!

J VanHorn
J VanHorn
2 years ago

Personally I think this is a no-brainer. If they want equality for all then give it to them. Quit picking and choosing what you want to be equal for. At age 18 register no matter who you are.

2 years ago

Since there is not a draft today why is this being brought up? It seems to me that the jokers in DC are trying to make a showing for the wokist.

Julie Smith
Julie Smith
2 years ago

There needs to be a clause in the bill. If there are children in the home, both parents couldn’t be drafted. I don’t always agree to women going into combat. There are a lot of jobs outside of the frontline that need to be handled as well.

2 years ago

This is only going to create monstrous problems for the military, which is already facing enough. Another great example of why Congress is useless…they fail to solve the thousands of problems and messes they have created over the last 40 years and just want to keep adding more stupidity to the pile.

Janet Lapsley
Janet Lapsley
2 years ago

Women are talented and need to be as invested in this nation’s existence as we expect our men to be. One of the reasons that are country is so divided today is that our citizens aren’t expected to stand up for it. If we are truly evolved than we can all be valiant.

2 years ago

I do not believe that women should serve in all the same capacities as men. There are places they can serve but should not be forced into a position that they are not suited with their God given abilities to perform. It should be left to them to decide if they want to joint and then for them to decide where they are best suited to serve. If they should choose to serve in an area requiring considerable strength, they should be able to perform equal to their counterparts.

When I read the question I did not think about the idea of it being another “woke” bill, but it indeed can be.

2 years ago

They ought to bring back the Draft–for all sexes. A two year commitment for the Military, Peace Corp, or a type of CCC would be a great experience for the younger generation. With NO Deferments. Handicapped, physically fit, college or no college, all should partake.

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
2 years ago

What brother would allow his sister to take his rightful place in combat ? A woosy. If you think that the protests from women who’s sons were killed in combat were out of control, just wait until daddy;s little princess is blown away. Ridiculous promotion by leftist nut cases.

2 years ago

Personally I would like to see us go to mandatory universal military service for three years for all at age 18. After that, if they like it they can stay, if not they can muster out. Works well in Israel with the IDF,.

Tom Jestus Sr
Tom Jestus Sr
2 years ago

Another poll that misses the point. No one should have to register in a free country.

2 years ago

There should be one in every foxhole

Lew Rigaud
Lew Rigaud
2 years ago

Just more window dressing!! Always keep an eye on the fascist left!!

Tamara Tarbell
Tamara Tarbell
2 years ago

This is not a “woke” topic. It has been debated for decades. The Israelis have everyone required military service from both genders for a very long time.

Chris Bryant
Chris Bryant
2 years ago

I have no problem with them registering. Men have to register or they’re not eligible for many assistance programs (like college). If they want equality, then this is part of it.

Lee Anne
Lee Anne
2 years ago

As a veteran and a woman I used to think, yes women should be drafted. Now, sue to the present political climate I can’t agree.

THX 1138
THX 1138
2 years ago

Here we go again! The bunch from the, “Hello, we’re here from the government and we’re here to help.”, are once again at it…..

It’s the drafting of women into the military via the Selective Service this time that we want you to focus on this week.

No, no! Don’t pay any attention to how we’re going to “stick it” to you real good with the passing of our $3.5 trillion (but it’s really $6+ trillion) Omnibus CoViD pork package that doesn’t have anything to do with CoViD as much as it’ll have to do with fundamentally changing things as you once knew them….forevermore!

2 years ago

They march and complain for equal everything WELL this is part of everything. Welcome Aboard to EVERYTHING!!!

JoAnn Leichliter
JoAnn Leichliter
2 years ago

Had the Equal Rights Amendment passed decades ago (I opposed it), women would be registering for the draft now. Viewed from one perspective, women opposing being subject to registration can be just another example of “We’re just like men only better, but we shouldn’t have to assume any of their responsibilities.”

I have no particular objection to women registering for the draft. There are numerous jobs in the military for which women are suited, in some cases uniquely so. But they do often lack the ability to be devoted single-mindedly to a task (we are still genetically hunter/gatherers).

2 years ago

I have always thought that women should serve. I do NOT believe they should be in all jobs. I look to Israel and know how they served there. I knew a couple and she explained it in detail. Many skills she learned would help her in the future. However, I have not been a fan of the way they have done it thus far in our military. Things need to change. Hopefully they will.

2 years ago

What problems? The military has always had females in service and women alongside men in technical and tactical positions since the seventies. Women have also been aboard ships since the nineties.
Once middle and upper leadership was established within the female ranks the ends of the circle were joined around professionalism, discipline and unit cohesion.

2 years ago

With the problems the country is facing you guys pick the dumbest crap to poll.

2 years ago

Poorly-worded choices that overlap; 2,3 & 4 are basically the same answer but with added opinions that put unnecessary words into our mouths and generate arguments.. Why not a simple Agree, Disagree, No Opinion or Not Sure? Unless you can keep your polls simple and neutral I’m not taking any more. There’s enough bias and disagreement in our country.

2 years ago

First women had to enter the workforce just to help pay the high taxes and leave their children in the hands of daycare; now send them off to war to die and leave the children orphaned. Sounds pretty backward to me.

Virginia Coleman
Virginia Coleman
2 years ago

They want equal rights…here it is. Step up. Here is there opportunity to have what they have been screaming for, for years.

2 years ago

I’m a veteran, and. I do agree with women registering for the draft. However, I DO NOT agree that women should serve in a combat capacity. I also believe that it should be mandated that every citizen, male or female 18 years and older, should serve at least 2-3 years in the military.

2 years ago

Americas first mistake was to eliminate the draft. 2 years active, 2 years reserve, 2 years standby. If the military draft had still been in place perhaps there would be more pushback on the progressive liberal agenda that America is not exceptional. Every one should give back to this country to fully understand just how precious freedom is and the greatness one can achieve under the umbrella of freedom. One proud veteran

Karen Taylor
Karen Taylor
2 years ago

All this would do is make women bait on the battlefield

2 years ago

No woman should be forced to join the military and all of you in this thread acting like every woman has always wanted to be equal counterparts to men in every area are ridiculous. We know that men naturally have certain strengths and women naturally have certain strengths. They were meant to COMPLIMENT each other, not compete. Women DO have a place in the military, if that’s their choice. They make a huge difference! But Family life will suffer if we force all women into the military as several of you have mentioned. How in the world do you expect our Nation to continue and grow, legally and not through illegal immigrants, if they’re not born here?????

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
2 years ago

This is even more proof that the liberal left has come off the rails. What we now know is that they want to turn us into Communist China. and themselves into the CCP. Anyone who now considers electing the Democrat party candidate in an election should be treated as an enemy of the state. It’s unfortunate that so many purported intelligent adults still pick their candidates and elected officials based on their party affiliation. Their actions especially when they are in a majority position prove what and who they really support. Sorry kids, it’s not us or our country’s success, our county’s security, or the welfare of its citizens.

Paulette borosky
Paulette borosky
2 years ago

Women want equal rights then let them have it . Perhaps they will understand the consequences of that argument. If men are unwilling or hesitant to serve with women perhaps there needs to be all women battalions that deploy together. Give them what they want and let them also serve on the front lines no special “ women” spaces .. where they hide behind the men! If they want it all they serve all jobs and duties! That is FAIR!

Ed Toupin
Ed Toupin
2 years ago

I have been saying this for years, since the start of the Womens Lib movement. You want equality, then everything the men are subject to, the women should be subject to as well.

2 years ago

In the long-run, I firmly believe that this is more ‘woke agenda’ crap. There is no good reason for any draft, except when ‘the woke elite’ expect an internal uprising from the conservative masses. The ding-dong-Dems are trying to hedge their bets. Military service should be optional to protect the ones serving from ones forced to serve. In the military, Attitude is important.Why load a gun with blanks?
Also, I believe a 6-12 month stint of VERIFIABLE Community Service before the age of 21 SHOULD be required in lieu of any military service.

Nancy Eckert
Nancy Eckert
2 years ago

If women expect to be treated equally when it benefits them, then they should be treated equally for everything. Personally, I prefer the days when each gender were respected individually.

2 years ago

I can

Marque Andre
Marque Andre
2 years ago

Finally !! Someone to make the sammiches . . . 😀

2 years ago

Equality is equality. In today’s world if a man can do it a woman can do it..Just ask Meagan Rapinoe the purple hair womens soccer team player.. if a woman can’t be drafted the the equality issue is a moot point.

2 years ago

I believe in equality, but let’s get real here. War is an ugly endeavor. Expecting a woman to tote a rucksack, an automatic weapon, food and water across a battlefield is unrealistic. Women who want to serve their country can help in different ways except in combat. Remember Rosie the Riveter.

2 years ago

Eliminating the distinction between men and women is disingenuous and will not serve our civilization well.

Marc Thompson
Marc Thompson
2 years ago

I understand that Israel requires all youth, both male & female, to serve a period of time in the military. I would advocate for that type of model in the US, as I believe that all citizens would benefit from military training and discipline.

As for requiring for all citizens to be required to serve during wartime: I believe a strong preference should be toward male service.

My reasoning may be based on an antiquated idea that women are best suited to bearing, and caring for children. Someone still needs to stay back and “mind the fort”. Men CAN do it, but women are still best suited.

Alright, that said: cancel me now…

ga sonshine
ga sonshine
2 years ago

Times have indeed changed, fewer of today’s eligible generation are capable of meeting the physical requirements; fewer are willing to take ownership in their country and fewer have the moral or intestinal fortitude to serve. Battlefields have changed as has battlespace. Men and women perform well in most specialties when trained and a draft has little to do with battle and more to do with putting skin in the game. I registered back in 1980 but the postmaster file 13nd it. I did serve and have no problem with everyone having a chance to serve. And there are noncombat roles for conscientious observers as well. Everyone should serve!

Bob Rivera
Bob Rivera
2 years ago

The argument of equality relative to combat roles is the wrong argument. The prime issue relative to the military is “lethality”. Mandating women in combat does NOTHING to increase lethality and the Military’s mission to win the nations wars. No policy should EVER impact lethality when it comes to the military. Hence, mandating that women be subject to the draft should not be considered. Human biology and physiology makes this an argument we should not even be having.

Grumpy Old Woman
Grumpy Old Woman
2 years ago

As a woman and a veteran, I think women should be subject to the draft just like the men. Women have been squawking for years to get equal opportunities and this would be a step in that direction. I don’t think women should be allowed in all sectors, like ground troops but, I see no reason we can’t be fighter pilots, computer specialists etc.. I don’t think any of they physical requirements should be modified, you must physically be able to do the tasks required for a specialty but other than that, let’s go girls!

2 years ago

You want women to be 100% equal with men then HELLYES they should have EXACTLY 100% the same responsibilities as men.

Meg Johnson
Meg Johnson
2 years ago

Has AMAC gone woke or to believing in feminism? Women do not belong in the military in any role that could lead to combat situations or other positions that threaten their safety and well-being including from fellow male (and in this day female) service members. I have watched the slow deterioration of our Christian values and the assault on the family for decades that includes ridiculous ideas like considering this requirement. Where are the true believers in our founding documents and our Christian heritage? I thought they were at AMAC, but without a clear option to vote emphatically NO! you have forced responders to equivocate on an absolute.

2 years ago

From the looks of this poll, we sure have a lot of rhinos reading AMAC. How is it not fair when women join fir the ‘fun’ of it causing standards to be lowered and continuity interrupted. It isn’t a play thing. Buck up if you want to belong to the elite.

Joseph T Moffitt
Joseph T Moffitt
2 years ago

Women brought this upon themselves. Personal opinion women don’t belong in military they should be home doing what God intended for them but that’s not PC now is it. Everything equal, then that includes risking your life. KISS ????

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