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4 years ago

Kind of a moot survey, but lets ignore that point for the sake of discussion. President Trump has already announced the plan to re-open the country, with each state’s Governor being responsible, as they should be (It’s their job after all!!!), to implement it for his or her own state upon achieving the metrics of the plan’s guidelines. Incredibly easy to understand the benchmarks associated with each phase of the plan and a number of states, with few cases of Wuhan virus, already meet the criteria to start phase one. There is NO SANE REASON to keep the entire country artificially locked down economically, because a few states have a significant problem for various reasons. Those wanting to keep the entire country shutdown until a virus vaccine is widely available in 12 to 18 months at the earliest, if ever given many viruses have no effective vaccine, of course want to cause the United States to slip into another Great Depression for political reasons involving the upcoming November elections and beyond.

Of course the states that have the existing virus hot spots will take much longer to re-open their economies than the states with little to no real cases of the Wuhan virus presently. I live in one such state, so I have no expectation of the PRNJ being able to start phase one until at least July or August, if not later for political reasons. Democrats in office seem to view the virus as an opportunity to either enact new policies or programs that would never fly in normal times by leveraging fear and media induced panic to get the population to agree to them. Already today, both the Governor of NY and the Mayor of NYC are talking about the shutdown lasting through at least Labor Day and wanting some sort of massive federal government to bail out the state and city. Of course no mention of seriously scaling back spending on any of the largely worthless progressive programs to bring the budgets back in-line and balanced was mentioned. So the “never let a good crisis go to waste” mentality continues at full speed on the Democrat side in the tri-state area. I expect other Democrat run states will quickly be announcing extending their states’ shutdowns by several months as well. Along with a similar demand for the federal government to bail out the deeply indebted states, that were already virtually bankrupt long before the Wuhan virus came along.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
4 years ago

But in reality it’s nothing more than an I.Q. test.

Marie M
Marie M
4 years ago

The statewide lockdowns are causing a lot of grief, its giving us a taste of socialism, governments total control, no employment, empty food shelves, can leave your home only to food shop, prisons emptied etc. It seems to me that many of the Governors want us to go into a depression and ruin the economy. We’re seeing the numbers regarding the Wuhan virus, hospitalizations/deaths and they are nowhere near what they predicted, the models were wrong. Is it any wonder why citizens all over the country are demonstrating! It’s the American people who will decide when the lockdown is over.

4 years ago

I live in NYS, NOT the NYC region. We are rural and having the restrictive measures apply is just is unreasonable. We don’t even have rush our in our area. Our governor is over the top and cares little about anything putside the NYC Metro area as noted time and time again. We need intervention, he is not reasonable about many issues and this one will have us lined up getting vaccines as a mandatory move forward. Our freedom is in jeopardy of being stripped away.

Tom M
Tom M
4 years ago

Will we ever get the whole truth about what has happened? Not the government filtered or the medical filtered, but the real, honest truth? Now that we have been “experimented” with, how long before the Bill Gates’s and the Marxists of the world attempt to try and keep us all hunkered down with fear and panic afraid of our own shadows and those of our neighbors? There will be a next time. These people are so filled with hate for the world that they are insane.

4 years ago

Seems that this experience will change the world even more so than 9/11. There will be changes that affect each of us, some minor some major. Until a treatment and vaccine is developed we can expect these changes in our everyday living. Also, there questions that have to be answered before we can even think about normalcy, whatever that may be, like how did this virus develop? Was it in a “test tube” and leaked by mistake or even on purpose or was in actually from a bat? Will it return year after year, and will there be many different strains? For now, we need to take a day at a time and follow but question.

Carla Reavis
Carla Reavis
4 years ago

I don’t trust my governor to do what is best for us… Please help us in North Carolina. He refuses to release the data… If there’s nothing to hide, why is he not releasing it? He’s been called out by the lieutenant governor asking for it, I believe the news media has asked for the data yet nothing. I just don’t trust him… Please help us!

4 years ago

I’m trusting the president and his team for ” Opening America Again”. With advice from the Feds, each governor is and should be responsible for their State’s “opening”. President Trump demonstrated the value of his executive experience during this crisis. He assembles a team, that team gathered the needed information, then assisted the President in the decision process. We’ve all notice the solid “all-hands-on-deck” cooperation. We’ve all noticed that there were no “leaks” to the media. And, we’ve all noticed the exceptional transparency of the briefings. Try as they did, the media could NOT stir conflict between team member or with the President. First, this organized and informative method contrasts greatly with previous, similar, events. Secondly, get ready … As a preventive measure, there’s likely to be a complete shake-up and re-do of this Nation’s healthcare systems, from CDC, FDA, to State and Local. To the President and Vice President and the team … Good job.

Lavonne Love
Lavonne Love
4 years ago

Open the country! It was not wise to close. Husband in hospital and I have know idea how he is being treated no info. Because I’m not there. This is ridiculous that you can’t buy anything can’t even get gas now. I’m an individual and have enough sense to know when to stay and when to go.

Wayne Hundemann
Wayne Hundemann
4 years ago

Let’s get the country open again. Everyone practice good health practices. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. No more blowing noses into the ground….like some do from different countries. No more spitting …..unless into a toilet or garbage can. Wash……wash you hands. Only 50% wash their hands after using the bathroom…..even food workers. Practice better sanitary safe guards.

4 years ago

Set some guidelines. Tell how to stay safe and let’s get back to work. We need our restaurants and stores open.

4 years ago

Soft opening is still government control of my life. Period!

4 years ago

May be the thing is real but is much less of a risk than the flu or pneumonia to me. If everyone uses common sense, open it now!

Mark Crawford
Mark Crawford
4 years ago

stop incentives for NOT working. When you give people more money for not working, you have more people not working.
Same problem with the welfare system in this country.

4 years ago

This pole was not written well. Of the five choices, three of them have very little distinction.
“Soft openings”, “National guidance …” and “I’ll follow whatever …..” are virtually all the same answer! The choices should have been more varied and definitive.

Ray Russo
Ray Russo
4 years ago

Why does it seem to be an election year,,, And the Democratics are loosing and out of control do we have a major problem. President Trump jumper on the problem and shut down the border,,, but the Democratic group’s were all rapped up in impeachment. Now ,, Starting with Nancy Phluze ,,, and the Democratic Governors
we have a “crisis “ CDC notes that from February 19 to February 20,, 18,000 people died that year from the flu,, the same flu all y’all got a shot for. Now it’s a seems the shot works because no reports of deaths from the flu. Not one of the media groups are telling us about the number infected and the number of those that lived. Should we be concerned ,, yes,, but not over react, H1N1 ,,, Democratic system didn’t shut the country down and try to bring the country to its knees.

4 years ago

Open the entire country, excepting the large city hot spots. Quarantine them, no one in or out. NYers have spread this all over the east coast.
And recapture all the prisoners let out of jail. They’re spreading the virus. The CCP virus shouldn’t be a get out of jail free card.

4 years ago

Wisconsin needs assistance! evers wants to be closed for 6 months. We can’t do this. Help us please – evers wants to destroy everything Govenor Walker accomplished. People in our state r protesting!

garth vinson
garth vinson
4 years ago

Government proves once again that they get in the way as much as fix things. Soft openings would be a good idea unless you live in a state like Michigan or Kentucky where you have a tyrant as the Governor!

4 years ago

They the left, the globalist. Could not impeach him, they could not defeat his growth of the economy. So, they colude with their fellow anti freedom folks to attack that one thing. This fake pandemic tore down in 8 weeks what Trump achieved in two years. They did it so easily it was horrific to watch the transition from life and liberty, to control and tyranny. There will be martial law next. This was a test and we the scared frogs in the ever increasing boiling pot cooperated Hook line and sinker.

4 years ago

It’s got to be a soft opening. The vast majority of your fellow citizens are selfish idiots sadly. Metro areas are the worst, look at the infection numbers and the photo’s of their behaviors proving their indifference before the media suppressed them . Opening rural areas would just generate a flood of infected metro genius’s to the area sadly. Or limit travel to/from the metro hot spots while outlying make the rebound. That will not happen so we ”out of towners” will just have to exercise our rights to do what we need to do without letting the ”citidiot’s” know.

4 years ago

Trump is a leader and I’m stuck with Polis in Colorado. The “stay (cower?) at home” order was far to excessive. At what point are American workers more important than the over reactive fears of Covid (and politics)? Send the US to work and have them wear masks – we’re smart, we’ll figure it out

Chris Wilborn
Chris Wilborn
4 years ago

My Son-in-laws mother is Afraid to go into a hospital. Even though she is in great pain, the fear that the MSM And Democrats have generated is keeping many people at home .
President Trump should get the Good News Out about the Greatly improved situation.
Each State, each County then moves forward at their own Pace .

4 years ago

Open the churches first, so those that go there can pray for guidance on how to safely open the rest of the country. I question if the states or feds had the right to close the churches in the first place!

Sandra Nilles
Sandra Nilles
4 years ago

Honestly, Im in the country, not many cases here, but Im willing to do my part! In my opion some places should be open sooner! I have been inside for 6 weeks, havent had anything wrong, except missing my family!!!

4 years ago

I agree strongly with Maries M. Not all Americans even realize that our Country the USA has been under “MARTIAL LAW”. I expressed my opinion to our Governor and local representative.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
4 years ago

The panic lock-down was imbecilic from the first day. All that was necessary was for businesses to require masks & disposable gloves for all who entered(provided, if necessary). The mask part would be difficult for restaurants, however, portable partitions between tables might work(?). But, this total stoppage of the economy is a disaster!
Of course, let no crisis go to waste, as the Progressive-Socialists went into a feeding frenzy to implement their subversive agenda. Never mind health & safety of the populace, let’s just stuff relief bills with funding for completely unrelated topics on their “list.” We have GOT to remove these toxic people from our govt.!!

Allan Randall
Allan Randall
4 years ago

The federal, state and local government should keep us fully informed but the people should be the ones deciding how to deal with this. I do not agree in anyway letting the government dictate our freedoms to the people

Rodney Ernst
Rodney Ernst
4 years ago

I am 68 years old. I have lived through the years with many viruses and never had to stop the economy or our lives just because of it. It’s an election year. The Democrats couldn’t impeach Trump. So, lets use this virus to collapse the U.S. insert the socialist agenda, get rid of Trump. Then they got it made. We better wake up and vote the right way this time. We need to stand and fight for what freedoms we have left.

4 years ago

Take a look at the budget deficits of NY over the years. Cuomo is using the virus as an excuse for a federal bailout. Money with no strings attached. A total fraud. Has no clue what to do. It’s just gimme, gimme, gimme. Small businesses, open up and take control of your lives! Don’t depend on these incompetents!

4 years ago

in our state we can by weed,liquor and lottery tickets but we cant buy any lawn or garden supplies. What a sham.

Eddie Weathersby
Eddie Weathersby
4 years ago

People have already proven their incompetence in judging safety measures. The decide based on their own needs and wants rather than what is good for the whole community. And in many places, some with a total disregard for others. The human heart is inherently selfish and self-serving.

A. Rose
A. Rose
4 years ago

The reason I went with opening back Up and letting the individuals make decisions is because I’m in a state where we have a Democratic governor and he wants to open up these welfare programs we don’t need that we need to get back to work. Our governor wants more Medicaid and more pork and he doesn’t care about us getting back to work he just wants to destroy a state, He’s blaming President Trump for all the problems and that’s just not fair.

Richard Wilson
Richard Wilson
4 years ago

The “soft opening” choice will allow voters to see how well their state and local officials “lead” and provide voters a basis for evaluating job performance. There should be a competition between cities and states across the country and a free-form sharing of information to move toward normalcy.
Those leaders who excel will be recognized in spite of a media’s attempts to pick winners and losers.

James Queen
James Queen
4 years ago

Our governor would keep us locked down if it hurt Trump’s reflection

Nelson Davis
Nelson Davis
4 years ago

There is absolutely no logical reason why ALL beaches, with the possible exception of public beaches, can not be opened. States can control their own public access beaches accordingly…but every other private coastal area should never have been closed.

Thomas Bruffy
Thomas Bruffy
4 years ago

All politicians condoning this illegal takeover of the economy with quarantines need to be voted out. Quarantine sick people is legal a whole population is government socialist takeover.

Mike Hall
Mike Hall
4 years ago

and pray!

4 years ago

Without some guidance from the state many businesses will self determine they are to important to remain closed.
We could be in worse shape than we are now in a very short time. There are many more people with the virus now than when we shut things down.
In many cases the shutdown order is all that is keeping them home.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

For CA: No timeline to open, no schedule seen, will be 1 month tomm for lockdown from 3-18 to 4-18.
Very frustrating, tiring etc for ALL
Vs other states pro active.

John Combs
John Combs
4 years ago

Open the whole country up may 1 while we can still make a come back and some small business can stall servive, no more people need to lose there jobs

Danita Martin
Danita Martin
4 years ago

I don’t trust governor Wolf. He is a power grabbing, closet socialist. If he has his way the jails that were emptied will be filled with citizens who did not fully comply with his dictates

4 years ago

Currently this is what socialism looks like and if you or your relatives and friends don’t re elect Trump and take back the house God help us. Dump the do nothing Democrats

4 years ago

Should be left up to the business owner based on the situation in the local area. One size does NOT fit all.

4 years ago

Allowing state and local entities to determine the way forward sounds good. That is true unless you live in a state with a tyrannical Democratic Governor like I do.

4 years ago

Each state should decide when to open on the factual evidence and the people must use common sense, and continue social distancing when in public.

4 years ago

If you like the current situation you must be a socialist. Time to get real open the country and economy back up and push to re elect Trump and take back the house as well. This takes common sense and letting the masses get back to work

4 years ago

The reaction from some state governors are over the top!. NY, MI. for example. Outside the metropolitan area they should have had different strategies. Noticed that the Democratic elected are acting like dictators. Vote them out! Their socialistic one world government agenda is coming out in the open. The house leadership has shown their true colors. Anyone claiming to be a believer in Christ and votes for this party needs to have heart n soul check.

Bonard P
Bonard P
4 years ago

My wife and I are in the “high risk” bracket because of our age and my wife’s immune system is poor. We live in north Ala. in a rural area with no deaths and very low cases of the virus. It sounds heartless but death comes to us all at any time. I am smart enough to take care of my wife and myself without the help of a governor. In my area of the country, when there is a disaster, the community pulls together to look after each other. “Social distancing” is a good way to let the virus win. The more people that get it and overcome it, the less likely it will come back in the Fall. I am retired but feel like I should go back to work! It angers me to see so many people put out of their jobs due to panic on the part of under-prepared l officials whose only response has been duck and cover. My state is only testing those with symptoms. If they would test everyone, we could reopen in a week! NO MORE BIG BROTHER!

4 years ago

What a joke, soft opening? Three weeks ago the vast majority of commentators were saying that this was just a hoax. Hypocrites!

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