
immigration law

President Trump has proposed that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) deport illegal immigrants who illegally use federal benefits.u00a0u00a0Should noncitizens who receive unauthorized federal benefits be deported from the US?

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Bonnie J Wren
Bonnie J Wren
6 years ago

Yes, I do think that individuals who are in this country illegally should be returned to their country of origin. People who cross through another country’s borders and enter that country illegally are not immigrants – they are invaders! It has been that way throughout history, and no matter how much the Democrats twist words to fit their agenda, it is what it is!

C. W. Good
C. W. Good
6 years ago

How about deporting ALL illegals? They ARE ILLEGAL after all.

6 years ago

Those who voted against deportation, or unsure of what to vote, are likely receiving unearned federal benefits. Deporting them and all others fraudulently receiving benefits will save taxpayers $Billions, reducing the deficit in the US budget. The left says it’s impossible to deport all of the illegals, while ignoring the fact they arrived here by means of transportation that are still available; e.g. on trains, on foot, in trucks. I say we ‘deport from political office’ ANY politician that doesn’t vote to save US taxpayer’s money currently being paid to ‘Benefit Fraudsters’.

6 years ago

We have enough criminals of our own without adding immigrant criminals to our burden.

6 years ago

They are here illegally are they not? But hey in this day in age they are letting convicted felons vote. That’s illegal too. So round up the felons and illegals are send them packing. Great Britain started Australia as a penal colony let’s find a deserted island.

Jim Southern
Jim Southern
6 years ago

It’s bad enough that they have entered the USA without going through proper channels, but then they are out demonstrating, demanding their “rights”, getting many financial benefits, taking a lot of jobs, and (thanks to too many politicians) getting drivers licenses and the right to vote. Meanwhile as a senior citizen and veteran, my Social Security check has gone up a whole $7 in the past two years. Who represents my generation of actual citizens? Looks to me like we don’t have any one!

Richard Graham
Richard Graham
6 years ago

I can’t believe any true American would think it’s OK for illegal immigrants to stay in our country if they’ve been stealing benefits… and it will be interesting to see if anyone posts a reply to support that kind of behavior. We’d better go make some popcorn for this poll… 🙂

6 years ago

As an American Citizen, if I went to a foreign country and replicated this illegality I’d be in jail and/or deported.

If I choose to make moonshine on my porch, will it be considered “undocumented spirits” or will I be in trouble with the law?

Here are Our valid immigration laws:
U.S. Constitution, Art. IV, Sect. 4 http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution_transcript.html

“Decency, security, and liberty alike demand that government officials shall be subjected to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen. In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. To declare that in the administration of the criminal law the
end justifies the means—to declare that the government may commit crimes in order to secure the conviction of a private criminal—would bring terrible retribution. Against that pernicious doctrine this court should resolutely set its face.”–SCOTUS Justice Louis Brandeis’s dissent in Olmstead v. United States
Sorry for long post.

john koo
john koo
6 years ago

I would like to know who ok’s benefits to non citizens. They are not immigrants they are trespassers to enter one’s land uninvited. To me no different than a burglar who enters your house.

6 years ago

During George Bush ( now H. W.) administration HEW was instructed to allow illegal immigrants access to said benefits. I heard this from the “horse’s mouth” of HEW administrator out of Atlanta. I was attending a continuing legal education seminar Fall 2008 at Jones Law School, Montgomery, AL. We were told that the Administration thinking at that time was that it would be less costly to treat them for illnesses, keep them healthy (though illegal) than to have them run amuck with contagious diseases, etc.

Louis De Paolo
Louis De Paolo
6 years ago

What is so hard to understand about illegal. If one is doing something illegal is this not a crime and shouldn’t crime be punished? Both sets of my grandparents and my mother are immigrants who came legally by way of Ellis Island. If we don’t want to punish illegals by incarceration we should send them back to where they came from and if they really wan’t to be Americans they can apply for citizenship. I remember the day in the 1940’s when my illiterate grandmother was able to take the test and passed. I remember the gleam in her eyes and the smile on her face because now she was an “AMERICAN CITIZEN” Thrilled, Proud, and Happy.

Deborah Flynn
Deborah Flynn
6 years ago

They are criminals and therefor their right to be here is null & void.ANY law broken is the deal breaker for THAT person

6 years ago

It’s refredhing to see the government enforce the current immigration laws. The generosity of America has been take advantage of for far too long.

Richard Hand
Richard Hand
6 years ago

Well of course they should. How many times should disobeying USA laws be allowed ? Hard to know the total illegal “problem” because of democrats wanting to make it illegal to “investigate” the situation. A registration program of some sort is needed along with making certain that no taxpayer is paying for “benefits ” for those here illegally . Worker programs for these folks should be limited to cases where social security taxes can automatically be withdrawn for the money they make in the USA. When a USA citizen works in a different state for a period of time they are required to pay state taxes in that state . should be no different for illegal residents.
I resent being made out that we Americans are the bad guys because we want our laws to be enforced. It’s not that we want to be unkind to these folks but after all when you sneak into a country illegally what should you expect.

6 years ago

We are either a nation of law or not. Lately it seems more like a nation of law when it applies to the common ordinary US citizen, but not so much when it applies to illegal immigrants or certain politicians!

Mary Matthews
Mary Matthews
6 years ago

We have immigration laws for a reason. All illegals should be deported, no matter how they got here. Just like an illegal coming here to have their babies..they are illegal, their babies should be illegal, not be granted an automatic citizenship to the United States!.

6 years ago

Milton Friedman advised: You cannot have a welfare system and open borders. We have to choose. My vote: Close the borders. Allow entry only to those qualified and capable of supporting themselves. This is the same deal my parents got.

6 years ago

Illegals should be deported. They BROKE the law

6 years ago

It is very dishearten with our country current political status. This has gotten so out of control with illegal immigrants being able to take or use benefits that are supposed to be used by “USA” Citizens. I am all for hard working immigrants but you must take the steps to become a Legal Citizen just like to rest of us. I continue to pray for a solution that one day this issue will be resolved. It’s only seems to get worse each year.

6 years ago

The question becomes, what are benefits? Some are obvious. SNAP; WIC; SSI; SSDI; Section 8 and public housing. Some are less obvious: public education; health care for chronic conditions; and even any use of public facilities.

6 years ago

Obama with his very secretive past stole 7 hundred billion from a fund that we all paid in along with our employers for our healthcare, in our senior years ( medicare) to insure the border jumpers. That fund was never to be a part of the general fund. Any American trying to get that same insurance was nearly out of luck.

6 years ago

I am 81 years of old and on social insecurity,I get a thousand dollars a month,and this guarantees that I still have to work to be able to live while these bums are getting a free ride,,,,NOT fair.GET them out,why? because they are illegal,and that’s it,no sob stories no excuses,no nothing.

John P
John P
6 years ago

those illegally accepting any benefits, need to be micro-chipped, then deported. The micro-chipping will give the US a method of tracking more easily.

Steve in NY
Steve in NY
6 years ago

It’s amazing that liberals say they can’t round up 11 million illegals, but they think they can round up 300 million legally owned firearms. Guess it all depends on one’ s agenda.

6 years ago

illegal immigrants should be deported period……………they broke the law.

James Huntington
James Huntington
6 years ago

If a American citizen is charged with welfare fraud theyre arrested, go to trial, and if found guilty recieve jail time. Should be no different with illegals.

6 years ago

Who is coming up with the poll questions; getting more ridiculous every week. An illegal who commits a crime and should they be deported? Anyone voting that it is an extreme response must be here illegally.

6 years ago

As of 8:02 a.m. on 2/17, 43 are unsure or don’t think thieves should be deported. Really? So, someone breaks into your house and eats your food, steals your money, you would be “unsure” or think calling the cops and throwing them out would be harsh? No wonder this culture is in trouble.

6 years ago

I read it costs $116 Billion per year to provide services such as school, health, welfare etc… And the Potus wants $25 billion to help control the flow of illegal’s drugs guns from crossing our southern border. Let’s get it done!

6 years ago

It’s about time!

6 years ago

Okay, let me try to understand this. They entered this country ILLEGALLY – crime #1. They are receiving “benefits” ILLEGALLY – crime #2. Some of them are trying to change our traditions/laws to the ones from their country of origin – crime #3. They are “demonstrating” and “demanding their rights” – of course they have no rights as US citizens do – how many times will we allow illegals – no matter what country they are from – to lead us by the nose to change our ways of doing thing. My question for them is: “Why did you come here in the first place if you want to change things to the way they were in the country you came from?” – If you don’t like the way we do things here, go back to your country or to another one and stop trying to change what America and Americans base their laws/traditions/rules and regulations on in the first place. I’d like to see them go to Spain or Iraq or North Korea and see if they can change the way they do things there.

Paul G
Paul G
6 years ago

First, let’s start using the proper legal term: they are not “illegal immigrants” because they are not immigrants – that term just serves to legitimize their crime. They are criminal aliens.

No criminal alien should be allowed to receive federal benefits. Let’s fix that, too. Federal benefits are for US citizens who are truly in need, paid for by other US citizens. It should be a prosecutable felony crime to redirect federal benefits to any criminal alien.

Criminal aliens who are receiving federal benefits (how is that even possible?) and use them illegally should immediately be deported. Sub-sequent re-entry into the country for these individuals will be permanently banned (no visits, no visas) and immediate deportation if they attempt it.

US citizens who receive federal benefits and use them illegally should immediately have those benefits terminated. Re-instatement will not be possible for a period of two years. Re-application for benefits after that time will be subject to intense vetting before re-instatement would be granted.

6 years ago

While I am not sure simply deporting all illegals is a well thought out idea, I do agree that they should not be given any unearned benefits. In fact, maybe we should consider deporting US citizens who illegally collect benefits, after all those dollars come out of our pockets too. On the other hand, an undocumented person who pays rent, buys food, clothing, and gasoline and utilities is actually helping to support our economy. Suddenly “ridding” our country’s urban and rural areas of every illegal alien would create chaos from related job loss (teachers, retail clerks, even medical personnel), vacant homes where landlords couldn’t afford to pay taxes and carrying costs, and a general economic slowdown. Think carefully before you wish for something.

John Patriot
John Patriot
6 years ago

Over the thousands of years of history, Many highly developed civilizations have perished. Why are Americans so arrogant as to think: ‘It can’t happen to us’? Well, surprise it is happening to us! Increased demand on finite resources. That does not just mean air and food and water. It means our nations wealth in total. We could never afford to feed the world’s hungry with out a return on our investment. The immigrant populations of the past repaid America buy working hard and investing in the American economy. Until the current new arrivals adopt the same attitude, America should deny their access to our Brotherhood of Americans.

American Believer
American Believer
6 years ago

The thought of an American citizen entering another country illegally and then applying for government benefits is laughable. At best you would be afforded a cold jail cell until you were deported. Why not the same for those that do the same here?

6 years ago

Illegals should not be receiving any federal government benefits from our tax dollars.I also agree that they are not illegal aliens but invaders and should be treated as such.

6 years ago

Just one question….who allows them to get the benefits? If the law says they are not entitled, who gives them the benefit. It doesn’t appear out of nowhere. Someone must be ” overriding” the system and authorizing the approval. There is the problem. If the guidelines are vague, fire the administrator. If the guidelines are good, fire the person approving the illegal transaction. I doubt seriously that there isn’t a person reading this article or my post that wouldn’t take a $20 bill from a person standing on the corner just giving them to any person who asked for one.

Ted Bowen
Ted Bowen
6 years ago

Let them go to their own country and fight to change it and if they don’t have constitutional rights get THEIR Constitution changed so that they can have whatever they seek.

Darby Day
Darby Day
6 years ago

That’s why they come hear. Duh! America gives everything away free.

6 years ago

We need to start electing people with a spine. The rule of law has gone out the window in this country. It’s bad enough illegals are getting away with coming here, never leaving, and demanding entitlements (welfare and handouts being called entitlements is a joke) but they are crowding out our schools, hospitals, and American opportunity has been lost. Many don’t assimilate and if we let them in by the millions, Barrack Obama’s reign of ruin will be 10 fold as liberals will be in power and they will continue to destroy our country until it completely self destructs.

6 years ago

The United States of America is the most generous country in the world with the most caring people in the world. We have become that way because of the “melting pot” that developed over the years during the world wars and just prior. The key is multi-faceted; legal immigrants came to this country through the “Front Door” and followed the rules to pass over the “Welcome Mat”. Then when they came into their newly adopted country to assimilate into OUR culture- they learned our language and became part of the national fabric. We all became stronger as a nation and as a people.
What is going on now and has been going on for several years now- is really diluting that strength! People sneaking in the back door and bringing their style of life with no intention of learning our ways or adapting to our culture and our national pride. They just want to get away from wherever they came from and get “lost in the crowd”. Oh yeah, by the way, if they can get any free stuff from our country – all the better! Who cares what the people who came before them gave up or worked for. I WANT MINE and I WANT IT NOW! This is not and should not be the American Way. We care about each other and want to help each other. These illegal immigrants just want theirs and the rest of us are only here to feed their needs.
I must point out that this discussion starts with the notion of “Illegal” Immigrants- with the key word being ILLEGAL- no more needs to be said. They break the law by just being here and sneaking in over our borders. I am ashamed when I watch the news and see so much being said and done covering the “needs” of illegal immigrants while so little time is given to those Lawful Immigrants to our country who do things the right way by studying, taking classes, learning English and then standing up to take an oath to this country after many years of preparation. They deserve more coverage and should be held to a high regard to following the law and gladly accepting the requirements of their new country.
Of Course, those who break the law further by accepting federal benefits should be deported and removed from our great country as soon as their deception is discovered. We need to keep our country strong!
God Bless the USA!

Lou Kocon Jr
Lou Kocon Jr
6 years ago

ILLEGAL immigrants shouldn’t be getting any federal benefits in the first place because they are I-L-L-E-G-A-L !!!

David P.
David P.
6 years ago

Theft is theft no matter what your status is. I believe all illegal immigrants should be deported. DACA is also an illegal action put in place by the last president, and those illegals should also be deported. It is unimaginable to think that Obama could enact something so disastrous as DACA and the courts did not rule it “illegal”. But, when president Trump attempts to use the same “pen” to end DACA the 9th Circuit Court says “NO! You can’t do that!”. I say Build the border wall on the southern border and deport all illegals. And while we are at it, build a wall around all Sanctuary Cities and States and end all federal funding to them as well. Nothing in the Constitution requires federal monies be given to cities or states that purposely and continuously break the law.

6 years ago

How long would a Democrat last trying to cross the border from S. Korea into N. Korea? Maybe nothing due to “professional courtesy” like when a lawyer falls into a shark tank.
Any illegal immigrant that commits an additional crime should be immediately deported and a Democrat selected randomly (starting with Pelosi) to pay the penalty.

Rexford O Ames
Rexford O Ames
6 years ago

I am of the opinion that Illegals are just that, however, having said that. I do believe that honest and hard working people that come into our country need a true way to convert from being an illegal to a citizen.
I find it interesting that, many Hispanic communities speak only Hispaniola and the school districts have fired any teacher / educator, for speaking or teaching them American English. I’m talking whole towns and cities that are under Mexican/ American Political control. This is a must in clean up however, the process of converting those folks into Americans is a difficult one. Just to identify several States that have that difficulty, California, Oregon and Washington State. That just names a few States with that have created this problem and it is getting worse. It isn’t about Sanctuary Cities or States. It is about control. It isn’t about safety, it is about control. It isn’t about ICE. It is about control and the very laws both Federal and State, that are in place , in those States, are the reason this country, as a whole , are having a very difficult time in cleaning up this Political Mess!

William duxbury
William duxbury
6 years ago

Why would it be harsh to send them back ,they broke the law.

6 years ago

Yes they should be thrown out. Anywhere else in the world does not tolerate illegals they are arrested and deported immediately. But we are the bad guys because we want to get rid of our illegals who rape our system and murder our citizens. The only reason Democrats want them here is to recruit more Democrats so they can stay in office

6 years ago

You need a “HELL YES!” option.

6 years ago

What happens to U.S. citizens when they steal benefits from the gov’t ? They go to jail for fraud. Why do illegal immigrants get off with no punishment? I say deport all illegal immigrants and build a wall to keep them out.

6 years ago

#1. They are illegal …. deport them.
#2. Mayors and Governors that support sanctuary cities should be charged and jailed.
#3. Those on Capitol Hill that support them need to be removed.

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