A woman should be allowed to make her own decisions
Richard Bleess
6 years ago
Abortion is OK if the baby died of natural causes inside the mothers womb.
6 years ago
Usually I would say only in certain cases, but this day in age if you give the left ant concessions they will find a judge to broaden the definition and you wind up right back at the beginning.
6 years ago
Only to save the phydical life of the mother.
6 years ago
It is called murder. Having worked in a Neonatal ICU and seen early term babies I cannot condone their execution for any reason. It is not up to us to determine any persons value. Yes I have worked in the D.C. suburbs and seen the worst of the worst. I personally do not care if you believe in God or not, we answer to Him for EVERYTHING, not our lawmakers or anyone else. Human development is unlike any other. Incredibly fast and these infants feel more pain than can be imagined. They fight to gat away from the tool that is cutting them into pieces even if there is some sort of defect. We cannot be called human or civilized if we murder our children for any reason.
6 years ago
I can’t vote in this poll. My answer would be that the decision should be left up to the woman. The government has no business in these highly personal decisions. But women should also NOT be counseled by for-profit abortion mills.
James Morris
6 years ago
Have you ever held a newborn baby in your arms. What kind of a person could justify killing a baby under any circumstance. The baby is innocent. We need a revival of self control in this country.
6 years ago
murder is murder EVEN IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES! Where has faith in The Lord gone? Can HE not overcome circumstances?
Linda Menk
6 years ago
Roe v Wade was not about abortion. The case and decision were about a persons right to make a health care decision IF their life was in danger. The abortion supporters have used this case as the basis for their argument and taken it totally out of context.
6 years ago
A women should be allowed to make her own decision? So does that mean I can decide to kill you? Oh no, you say, that would be murder! Oh, so taking another person’s life is murder? Isn’t that what abortion is doing? Abortion isn’t about a decision, it’s about a life. Why is my life as a woman more important than the life of my baby? If my life is more important than my baby’s life, then what happens if your neighbor believes his or her life is more important than yours? Does he or she have a right to kill you? Oh no, you say, that would be murder! Oh, so taking another person’s life is murder? Isn’t that what abortion is doing? The woman did make the decision, unless it was rape or incest, and now it’s about a life. If she didn’t want to get pregnant, then she shouldn’t have sex. Oh, you say, it was an accident! And now it’s a life! Life is inconvenient and full of challenges. Do what you need to do to not be in a situation where you can get pregnant if you don’t want to get pregnant. Work on changing the situation BEFORE the opportunity to get pregnant arises so someone doesn’t have to pay the price you didn’t want to pay! If it happens, the woman still has the decision, keep her baby or give it up for adoption. I’m pro-rights in a pro-life stance!
6 years ago
There are many methods of birth control. Abortion should not be one of them. If the mothers life is at risk yes. In the case of Rape yes.
6 years ago
Abortion is murder, plain and simple. A human being killing another human being. Every argument in favor of abortion ignores this simple fact.
Padre J
6 years ago
What difference does it make how the baby was conceived? The baby is still a human being and has as much right to a life as anyone has.
Tracey Meck
6 years ago
It is a baby. The woman’s choice came when she decided to have irresponsible sex, and yes the man’s irresponsibility was also at play during this decisuon. We know what causes pregnancy, we need to push responsibile decsion making before a third LIFE is involved. And yes, it is not the woman’s fault if she is raped, but the fact remains that the baby is a human life and is also a Victim! The baby has the right to life per the constitution. Our scientific understanding of conception and the development if the fetus/baby has come a long way since Roe v Wade. It is not about the women’s body and her right to decide health issues for herself. It is about the life and body of a living baby! If there was rape, adoption is an option. Murdering the innocent baby is not a wonen’s health choice. In 99% of the time the “choice” is the decision to have irresponsible sex – we know what causes pregnancy and having sex whenever you want without concern for the logical consequences is NOT A Constitutional right! Our free sex whenever you feel incluned culture needs to change and people need to start acting like honorable, responsible adults! God’s law is also important overall, but that won’t win a court case. Scientific facts against constitutional basics (not the rulings of liberal judges who twist the constitution to support their warped political views) must be used to fix the problem for good!
6 years ago
There is no choice once a child is conceived. It’s a life. The choice part comes in before the child is conceived.
Wendy Lee Pless
6 years ago
I admit there may be some medical conditions that might justify an abortion;
but not at the expense of my tax dollars!
6 years ago
I believe the government should stay out of peoples personal lives. Abortion should be a decision between a woman and her mate, but ultimately, it is HER body . That being said though, abortion should not be footing the bill for it through planned parenthood or any other tax payer funded organization, nor should it be covered under insurances unless it puts the woman’s health
at risk.
6 years ago
It should be illegal except as a medical necessity, but even then, the scrutiny each of those would incur would make it an undesirable “choice”.
6 years ago
The decision should be up to the woman.
6 years ago
Abortion is not immoral IF the continuation of the pregnancy will result in the death of the mother. For example, a tubal pregnancy. If left there will NOT be a child in the end as it will not have the womb and eventually may cause the mother to bleed to death. While it is not our whim to chose to kill a child, it is also not our right to put a mother to death.
6 years ago
The decision should be up to the woman.
6 years ago
Perhaps we should require all pro abortion voters, particularly ALL OF CONGRESS, to spend a few days observing the “methods” in the abortion process. This would include sitting, no, Standing in the room were they put babies to die (who somehow survived the abortion procedure) and being forced to stay and watch that baby die.
John Colonghi
6 years ago
Legal only in extreme cases such as if the mother’s life is in jeopardy. It is beyond my comprehension that killing innocent and defenseless children can be legal. The term “choice” also boggles my mind. The unborn have no choice but to be brutally murdered at the whim of the mother.
6 years ago
I am personally opposed to abortion but do feel it needs to be legal. People have either forgotten or are to young to know about the back alley butchers who would perform abortions on desperate women killing or maiming many of them. Making abortion illegal will send some women to someone, perhaps with no medical training, willing to perform an abortion.
Margie H
6 years ago
Simply murdet simply selfish. I worked in a NICU and cared for 21 week old and olderr preemi babies. It was a privlegde to be able to care for them and watch their no less than miraculous growth and development. A fetus is a baby at any stage of development, from conception on (zygote included); viable outside the womb or not. A human cannot conceive any other being. And this little being is not a “possession” to be discarded by the mother. Yes, it’s the mothers body, but then she should be taking care of her body BEFORE she conceives someone else’s.
I was 17 and a senior in high school in 1973. I subsequently had a child as a single woman of 24. It was my responsibility and it was rough at times, but overall, we managed fine. I later married and had 4 more children. Pregnancy is a miracle. Now I am a grandmother. I know first hand how devastated I would be if a child who is part of my child was taken away by abortion. I am heavily saddened when I here of others in my kids or my circle if this occurs.
The baby’s life is first and foremost, but the loss doesn’t end there. If it comes to the point that the parent or extended family or trusted friends are not willing or able to care for the child, there is adoption. So there are options to abortion.
I could go on, but I will end here. I agree – overturn Roe v Wade.
People in general need to take responsibility for their actions in today’s world.
Rose Marie Benson r
6 years ago
Humans are created in the image and likeness of God by God for God.
6 years ago
Human life begins when the 23 chromosomes of the sperm merge with the 23 chromosomes of the egg, period. Any taking of this new innocent life beyond that point is murder, sanctioned or not.
Face it, for the most part, abortions are performed to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. In other words, this new life must pay for the mistaken conception caused by its mother. Nothing can be more brutal or inhumane than taking the life of an innocent for the convenience of its mother. Inconsequential sex is not a right guaranteed anywhere, whereas life is. As for rape and incest as the exceptions, the innocent remains innocent and deserves the right to life, as promised in the Constitution. Because this new life should be protected under the Constitution and the mother will be heavily burdened, her burden does not outweigh the right to life. Because of the severely burdensome impact it would have on the woman forced to carry the infant to term, there needs to be severe criminal penalties, to include permanent castration, for rapists and those who commit incest such that the frequency of these heinous acts would be few and far between.
6 years ago
First trimester abortions only. (Thirteen weeks or less). No tax dollars or insurance monies used.
K.E. Price
6 years ago
It is called Complacency, because this Killing has gone on so long we tend to accept this as status quo but in Gods eyes it is worse now, as millions of lives have been taken since it first began.Reference the Ten Commandments , ” Thy Shall Not Kill” is still there is still there. God will not change to accommodate the world’s opinions.
Jeff R
6 years ago
The reality is that the Court will only consider this if new evidence is brought before them. Reading Roe, they were silent on the question of “when does life begin.” That is the path to overturning. It simply won’t happen in Congress, let’s be honest about that.
6 years ago
The only case I can accept would be to save the physical life of the mother. But as was said by someone else, the liberals will call lots of conditions life threatening. Mental or emotional stress is not endangering the mother’s life.
Jim DeJarnatt
6 years ago
Abortion is murder. There is no medical reason with our current medical advancements to preform an abortion. Today abortions are only performed for convenience.
Tracey Meck
6 years ago
In the case of the mother’s life being in jeopardy, don’t we have the technology to surgically remove the baby and then support his/her development outside the womb? I haven’t heard mention of it for sometime, but there used to be discussions about test tube babies. If technology in this area needs to be advanced, we can use the taxpayer money we currently use to kill babies to save both the mother and the baby!
Dave Guthrie
6 years ago
Life begins at conception regardless of who, how or why those involved participated. The new life is a person, regardless of the condition or value another person may place on this new person’s life. The US Constitution guarantees “persons”, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and in that order where life is listed first. Abortion allows a person’s “pursuit of happiness” to remove another person’s “right to life”. Providing access and opportunity for such behavior is cruel and inhuman, and is our nation’s greatest tragedy; making the ugly portion of our history when slavery was legal, pale in comparison.
Slavery was eventually exposed for its hideousness and was eventually made illegal. I look forward to the day when this country adequately exposes abortion for its hideousness and responds by making abortion illegal.
6 years ago
Scenario 1: Your daughter is pregnant, but decides to abort your grandchild. That’s called “choice”…?
Scenario 2: Your daughter is pregnant. A jealous ‘enemy’ hires someone to attack her, causing your grandchild’s death. This is murder, her ‘enemy’ is an accomplice – right?
If so, scenario 1 is the same. The (hired) abortionist is the murderer, the mother is the accomplice. In both cases, the child is dead at the hands of another.
But, you say, a woman should have the right over her own body… Okay, if I own my house outright, I can do anything I want to do with it (I don’t have an HOA). You are recovering from major surgery, and are unable to get out of bed for 6 months. I offer to take care of you at my home. After a few months, I decide it’s not working – the house is messy and smells, and I don’t have the time or energy to take care of it, because you are taking so much of my time. So, I decide “it’s my house, I can do what I want with it”. I burn it down… with you in it. In both cases, the ‘guest’ is invited (except in the case of rape). In both cases the ‘guest’ is dependent upon the ‘host’. In both cases, the ‘guest’ becomes unwanted. In both cases, the ‘guest’ dies a horrible, painful death at the hands of another. I do not see any difference…
6 years ago
Ideally abortion should be illegal in all circumstances but realistically, for now it will have to have exceptions. Abraham Lincoln knew this when the issue was slavery. This is not only a morality issue but also of the heart. We must save all the unborn we can.
Joyce Miller
6 years ago
The choices are not clear. What “certain circumstances” That could be a very large domain and be giving loop holes where loop holes should not be found. It is murder of another human being.
6 years ago
Abortion has been used entirely too casually as a means of birth control, when birth control should have been exercised prior to conception. Some will argue that the government has no business involving itself in this issue, but I think society does have an interest in this matter. Responsible behavior would seem to be in order, to prevent conception.
Terry L Brown
6 years ago
The only exception should be if the mother’s physical life is truly in danger.
6 years ago
Abortion is the killing of a human being, period……I guess if you don’t believe that then murder of anything, human, dog, whale,etc is not a crime. Yes, my religion teaches respect for life in all forms, womb to tomb. I DO MOT SUPPORT ROE V WADE FOR ANY REASON!!!!!
6 years ago
Roe vs. Wade and many other proclamations from the court are illegal as the court has no authority to make law!
Bob West
6 years ago
Taxpayers should not be paying for any abortions, no way, no how!
Paul W
6 years ago
An unborn baby is a human being…at any stage of development. DNA confirms this. It is not a clump of tissue. Murder is murder. Worse, abortion is murder of the most innocent of innocents. It is murder, not for money or in the heat of passion, but simply for convenience. Who’s to say how one or more of the millions of babies murdered could have changed the world for the better. Murder is playing God, and abortion is murder…period.
6 years ago
It is not the womans body… the baby growing inside the woman has it’s own DNA and it’s own blood type.
6 years ago
Murder is murder. Most will say if I was raped I don’t want a reminder of that for the rest of my life. I say, love is love. If you can’t love that child unconditionally, there are soooooo many couples unable to conceive that they would look upon your child as a gift.
Charles Tomison
6 years ago
Wow! Murder for convenience. Now that’s a great humane idea! How barbaric has America become? Abortion (murder for convenience) is horrible and must be stopped, now.
Michael Burke
6 years ago
Abortion should be legal only if it threatens the life of the mother, when I say life, I mean health of life not way or style of living. This should be considered only at the very early stages of pregnancy. Once the baby is developed enough to have a chance at surviving after leaving the mother’s womb and if it is still a threat to the mother it should be removed with every effort to keep it alive with the intention of bringing it to a fully healthy baby. Respect for life of baby and mother at all times
6 years ago
I was a big city cop for 41 years, over 30 of those as a homicide investigator. I have seen the worst society has to offer so my opinions are somewhat jaded. I am a Christian and am definitely conservative but my view on abortion is entirely different than most Amac members. Our prisons are full of abortions that should have happened. Most of the inmates were kids who were not wanted, nurtured or loved. Many if not most had no father in their lives and very little guidance from the mothers. Not only do I think abortions should be legal, I think it should be mandatory for unwed mothers on welfare along with mandatory drug testing.
6 years ago
I have heard doctors testify that when a mother’s life can only be saved by a procedure that ends up ending the life of a baby, that it is not called abortion, but rather is called by the life-saving procedure. Think of a woman going through chemo in order to survive cancer — who would call that an abortion? So the inclusion of “exceptions” is not really necessary, at least the medical exceptions. Incest and rape? Well, from the testimonies I’ve read, women who have suffered such violence do not find that ending the life of the baby brings them any comfort; rather it adds pain on top of the pain. So even this exception seems unnecessary to me.
David Shute
6 years ago
Abortion was made legal originally to allow doctors to perform under extreme circumstances and to prevent death to mothers trying to self abourt. The intent was not to create abortion mills which have been an evil in our society. We have abused the law by allowing this to continue.
A woman should be allowed to make her own decisions
Abortion is OK if the baby died of natural causes inside the mothers womb.
Usually I would say only in certain cases, but this day in age if you give the left ant concessions they will find a judge to broaden the definition and you wind up right back at the beginning.
Only to save the phydical life of the mother.
It is called murder. Having worked in a Neonatal ICU and seen early term babies I cannot condone their execution for any reason. It is not up to us to determine any persons value. Yes I have worked in the D.C. suburbs and seen the worst of the worst. I personally do not care if you believe in God or not, we answer to Him for EVERYTHING, not our lawmakers or anyone else. Human development is unlike any other. Incredibly fast and these infants feel more pain than can be imagined. They fight to gat away from the tool that is cutting them into pieces even if there is some sort of defect. We cannot be called human or civilized if we murder our children for any reason.
I can’t vote in this poll. My answer would be that the decision should be left up to the woman. The government has no business in these highly personal decisions. But women should also NOT be counseled by for-profit abortion mills.
Have you ever held a newborn baby in your arms. What kind of a person could justify killing a baby under any circumstance. The baby is innocent. We need a revival of self control in this country.
murder is murder EVEN IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES! Where has faith in The Lord gone? Can HE not overcome circumstances?
Roe v Wade was not about abortion. The case and decision were about a persons right to make a health care decision IF their life was in danger. The abortion supporters have used this case as the basis for their argument and taken it totally out of context.
A women should be allowed to make her own decision? So does that mean I can decide to kill you? Oh no, you say, that would be murder! Oh, so taking another person’s life is murder? Isn’t that what abortion is doing? Abortion isn’t about a decision, it’s about a life. Why is my life as a woman more important than the life of my baby? If my life is more important than my baby’s life, then what happens if your neighbor believes his or her life is more important than yours? Does he or she have a right to kill you? Oh no, you say, that would be murder! Oh, so taking another person’s life is murder? Isn’t that what abortion is doing? The woman did make the decision, unless it was rape or incest, and now it’s about a life. If she didn’t want to get pregnant, then she shouldn’t have sex. Oh, you say, it was an accident! And now it’s a life! Life is inconvenient and full of challenges. Do what you need to do to not be in a situation where you can get pregnant if you don’t want to get pregnant. Work on changing the situation BEFORE the opportunity to get pregnant arises so someone doesn’t have to pay the price you didn’t want to pay! If it happens, the woman still has the decision, keep her baby or give it up for adoption. I’m pro-rights in a pro-life stance!
There are many methods of birth control. Abortion should not be one of them. If the mothers life is at risk yes. In the case of Rape yes.
Abortion is murder, plain and simple. A human being killing another human being. Every argument in favor of abortion ignores this simple fact.
What difference does it make how the baby was conceived? The baby is still a human being and has as much right to a life as anyone has.
It is a baby. The woman’s choice came when she decided to have irresponsible sex, and yes the man’s irresponsibility was also at play during this decisuon. We know what causes pregnancy, we need to push responsibile decsion making before a third LIFE is involved. And yes, it is not the woman’s fault if she is raped, but the fact remains that the baby is a human life and is also a Victim! The baby has the right to life per the constitution. Our scientific understanding of conception and the development if the fetus/baby has come a long way since Roe v Wade. It is not about the women’s body and her right to decide health issues for herself. It is about the life and body of a living baby! If there was rape, adoption is an option. Murdering the innocent baby is not a wonen’s health choice. In 99% of the time the “choice” is the decision to have irresponsible sex – we know what causes pregnancy and having sex whenever you want without concern for the logical consequences is NOT A Constitutional right! Our free sex whenever you feel incluned culture needs to change and people need to start acting like honorable, responsible adults! God’s law is also important overall, but that won’t win a court case. Scientific facts against constitutional basics (not the rulings of liberal judges who twist the constitution to support their warped political views) must be used to fix the problem for good!
There is no choice once a child is conceived. It’s a life. The choice part comes in before the child is conceived.
I admit there may be some medical conditions that might justify an abortion;
but not at the expense of my tax dollars!
I believe the government should stay out of peoples personal lives. Abortion should be a decision between a woman and her mate, but ultimately, it is HER body . That being said though, abortion should not be footing the bill for it through planned parenthood or any other tax payer funded organization, nor should it be covered under insurances unless it puts the woman’s health
at risk.
It should be illegal except as a medical necessity, but even then, the scrutiny each of those would incur would make it an undesirable “choice”.
The decision should be up to the woman.
Abortion is not immoral IF the continuation of the pregnancy will result in the death of the mother. For example, a tubal pregnancy. If left there will NOT be a child in the end as it will not have the womb and eventually may cause the mother to bleed to death. While it is not our whim to chose to kill a child, it is also not our right to put a mother to death.
The decision should be up to the woman.
Perhaps we should require all pro abortion voters, particularly ALL OF CONGRESS, to spend a few days observing the “methods” in the abortion process. This would include sitting, no, Standing in the room were they put babies to die (who somehow survived the abortion procedure) and being forced to stay and watch that baby die.
Legal only in extreme cases such as if the mother’s life is in jeopardy. It is beyond my comprehension that killing innocent and defenseless children can be legal. The term “choice” also boggles my mind. The unborn have no choice but to be brutally murdered at the whim of the mother.
I am personally opposed to abortion but do feel it needs to be legal. People have either forgotten or are to young to know about the back alley butchers who would perform abortions on desperate women killing or maiming many of them. Making abortion illegal will send some women to someone, perhaps with no medical training, willing to perform an abortion.
Simply murdet simply selfish. I worked in a NICU and cared for 21 week old and olderr preemi babies. It was a privlegde to be able to care for them and watch their no less than miraculous growth and development. A fetus is a baby at any stage of development, from conception on (zygote included); viable outside the womb or not. A human cannot conceive any other being. And this little being is not a “possession” to be discarded by the mother. Yes, it’s the mothers body, but then she should be taking care of her body BEFORE she conceives someone else’s.
I was 17 and a senior in high school in 1973. I subsequently had a child as a single woman of 24. It was my responsibility and it was rough at times, but overall, we managed fine. I later married and had 4 more children. Pregnancy is a miracle. Now I am a grandmother. I know first hand how devastated I would be if a child who is part of my child was taken away by abortion. I am heavily saddened when I here of others in my kids or my circle if this occurs.
The baby’s life is first and foremost, but the loss doesn’t end there. If it comes to the point that the parent or extended family or trusted friends are not willing or able to care for the child, there is adoption. So there are options to abortion.
I could go on, but I will end here. I agree – overturn Roe v Wade.
People in general need to take responsibility for their actions in today’s world.
Humans are created in the image and likeness of God by God for God.
Human life begins when the 23 chromosomes of the sperm merge with the 23 chromosomes of the egg, period. Any taking of this new innocent life beyond that point is murder, sanctioned or not.
Face it, for the most part, abortions are performed to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. In other words, this new life must pay for the mistaken conception caused by its mother. Nothing can be more brutal or inhumane than taking the life of an innocent for the convenience of its mother. Inconsequential sex is not a right guaranteed anywhere, whereas life is. As for rape and incest as the exceptions, the innocent remains innocent and deserves the right to life, as promised in the Constitution. Because this new life should be protected under the Constitution and the mother will be heavily burdened, her burden does not outweigh the right to life. Because of the severely burdensome impact it would have on the woman forced to carry the infant to term, there needs to be severe criminal penalties, to include permanent castration, for rapists and those who commit incest such that the frequency of these heinous acts would be few and far between.
First trimester abortions only. (Thirteen weeks or less). No tax dollars or insurance monies used.
It is called Complacency, because this Killing has gone on so long we tend to accept this as status quo but in Gods eyes it is worse now, as millions of lives have been taken since it first began.Reference the Ten Commandments , ” Thy Shall Not Kill” is still there is still there. God will not change to accommodate the world’s opinions.
The reality is that the Court will only consider this if new evidence is brought before them. Reading Roe, they were silent on the question of “when does life begin.” That is the path to overturning. It simply won’t happen in Congress, let’s be honest about that.
The only case I can accept would be to save the physical life of the mother. But as was said by someone else, the liberals will call lots of conditions life threatening. Mental or emotional stress is not endangering the mother’s life.
Abortion is murder. There is no medical reason with our current medical advancements to preform an abortion. Today abortions are only performed for convenience.
In the case of the mother’s life being in jeopardy, don’t we have the technology to surgically remove the baby and then support his/her development outside the womb? I haven’t heard mention of it for sometime, but there used to be discussions about test tube babies. If technology in this area needs to be advanced, we can use the taxpayer money we currently use to kill babies to save both the mother and the baby!
Life begins at conception regardless of who, how or why those involved participated. The new life is a person, regardless of the condition or value another person may place on this new person’s life. The US Constitution guarantees “persons”, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and in that order where life is listed first. Abortion allows a person’s “pursuit of happiness” to remove another person’s “right to life”. Providing access and opportunity for such behavior is cruel and inhuman, and is our nation’s greatest tragedy; making the ugly portion of our history when slavery was legal, pale in comparison.
Slavery was eventually exposed for its hideousness and was eventually made illegal. I look forward to the day when this country adequately exposes abortion for its hideousness and responds by making abortion illegal.
Scenario 1: Your daughter is pregnant, but decides to abort your grandchild. That’s called “choice”…?
Scenario 2: Your daughter is pregnant. A jealous ‘enemy’ hires someone to attack her, causing your grandchild’s death. This is murder, her ‘enemy’ is an accomplice – right?
If so, scenario 1 is the same. The (hired) abortionist is the murderer, the mother is the accomplice. In both cases, the child is dead at the hands of another.
But, you say, a woman should have the right over her own body… Okay, if I own my house outright, I can do anything I want to do with it (I don’t have an HOA). You are recovering from major surgery, and are unable to get out of bed for 6 months. I offer to take care of you at my home. After a few months, I decide it’s not working – the house is messy and smells, and I don’t have the time or energy to take care of it, because you are taking so much of my time. So, I decide “it’s my house, I can do what I want with it”. I burn it down… with you in it. In both cases, the ‘guest’ is invited (except in the case of rape). In both cases the ‘guest’ is dependent upon the ‘host’. In both cases, the ‘guest’ becomes unwanted. In both cases, the ‘guest’ dies a horrible, painful death at the hands of another. I do not see any difference…
Ideally abortion should be illegal in all circumstances but realistically, for now it will have to have exceptions. Abraham Lincoln knew this when the issue was slavery. This is not only a morality issue but also of the heart. We must save all the unborn we can.
The choices are not clear. What “certain circumstances” That could be a very large domain and be giving loop holes where loop holes should not be found. It is murder of another human being.
Abortion has been used entirely too casually as a means of birth control, when birth control should have been exercised prior to conception. Some will argue that the government has no business involving itself in this issue, but I think society does have an interest in this matter. Responsible behavior would seem to be in order, to prevent conception.
The only exception should be if the mother’s physical life is truly in danger.
Abortion is the killing of a human being, period……I guess if you don’t believe that then murder of anything, human, dog, whale,etc is not a crime. Yes, my religion teaches respect for life in all forms, womb to tomb. I DO MOT SUPPORT ROE V WADE FOR ANY REASON!!!!!
Roe vs. Wade and many other proclamations from the court are illegal as the court has no authority to make law!
Taxpayers should not be paying for any abortions, no way, no how!
An unborn baby is a human being…at any stage of development. DNA confirms this. It is not a clump of tissue. Murder is murder. Worse, abortion is murder of the most innocent of innocents. It is murder, not for money or in the heat of passion, but simply for convenience. Who’s to say how one or more of the millions of babies murdered could have changed the world for the better. Murder is playing God, and abortion is murder…period.
It is not the womans body… the baby growing inside the woman has it’s own DNA and it’s own blood type.
Murder is murder. Most will say if I was raped I don’t want a reminder of that for the rest of my life. I say, love is love. If you can’t love that child unconditionally, there are soooooo many couples unable to conceive that they would look upon your child as a gift.
Wow! Murder for convenience. Now that’s a great humane idea! How barbaric has America become? Abortion (murder for convenience) is horrible and must be stopped, now.
Abortion should be legal only if it threatens the life of the mother, when I say life, I mean health of life not way or style of living. This should be considered only at the very early stages of pregnancy. Once the baby is developed enough to have a chance at surviving after leaving the mother’s womb and if it is still a threat to the mother it should be removed with every effort to keep it alive with the intention of bringing it to a fully healthy baby. Respect for life of baby and mother at all times
I was a big city cop for 41 years, over 30 of those as a homicide investigator. I have seen the worst society has to offer so my opinions are somewhat jaded. I am a Christian and am definitely conservative but my view on abortion is entirely different than most Amac members. Our prisons are full of abortions that should have happened. Most of the inmates were kids who were not wanted, nurtured or loved. Many if not most had no father in their lives and very little guidance from the mothers. Not only do I think abortions should be legal, I think it should be mandatory for unwed mothers on welfare along with mandatory drug testing.
I have heard doctors testify that when a mother’s life can only be saved by a procedure that ends up ending the life of a baby, that it is not called abortion, but rather is called by the life-saving procedure. Think of a woman going through chemo in order to survive cancer — who would call that an abortion? So the inclusion of “exceptions” is not really necessary, at least the medical exceptions. Incest and rape? Well, from the testimonies I’ve read, women who have suffered such violence do not find that ending the life of the baby brings them any comfort; rather it adds pain on top of the pain. So even this exception seems unnecessary to me.
Abortion was made legal originally to allow doctors to perform under extreme circumstances and to prevent death to mothers trying to self abourt. The intent was not to create abortion mills which have been an evil in our society. We have abused the law by allowing this to continue.