
In the midst of all the 'defund the police' rhetoric from Democrats, President Trump held a pro-police, pro-safety roundtable discussion at the White House. Which are you most concerned about regarding the state of law enforcement in America today? Pick your top five concerns.

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Marie M
Marie M
4 years ago

If we don’t have law and order we have no country. The mainstream media has not helped, they have advanced the narrative to defund the police and continue to promote pure hatred of republicans/conservatives. They continually sympathize with the anarchists/Antifa/BLM. What is happening in New York City is a travesty, men and women who put on the uniform put their lives on the line everyday go out into the streets and have to put up with the so called peaceful protestors, face violence, their hands tied to defend themselves against these criminals. Where is Schumer and Gillibrand? This is their city and they choose to sit on their duffs and hide until this blows over. Most Americans see exactly what is happening and what the left is getting away with. November 3 can’t come soon enough!

4 years ago

Some areas have a sheriff who is elected to office, and others have a police chief who is appointed by local government. It is up to each of us to learn about the men and women running for these positions. And we need to vote for local government officials whose policies parallel our own and respect rule of law.
Anything less is a disservice to us, their constituents. We pay their salaries, after all! Are the taxpayers in Chicago, New York, Seattle, or Milwaukee getting their money’s worth? The local politicians who have permitted riots and looting need to go! Those who do not trust law enforcement officers to do their jobs (protect people and property) do not deserve our votes! Be sure to vote in November–yes, even in local races.
We must support our local police departments. If you see a cop on the street, show your appreciation and thank him or her. Many writers at AMAC have asked, “What can we do?” Well, you can start by contacting your local representatives, mayors, city council members, and governors. Tell them you demand that law enforcement officers be allowed to do their jobs in order to protect our communities–both people and property. It’s easy enough to find their names and email addresses or phone numbers. As long as we sit back in apathetic stupor, this chaos will continue. You want to do something? Start there!

4 years ago

The whole law enforcement crisis has been orchestrated under the idea that anarchy breeds dictatorship. Democrats and RINO’s ultimately want to be the dictators.

Steven Wade
Steven Wade
4 years ago

It has become the time for harvesting that which was sown. Unfortunately what was sown was lack of respect for authority. The children who were not taught that improper actions have consequences are now throwing 20 something and 30 something temper tantrums in the streets and trying to eliminate the threat of a spanking.

Bruce David
Bruce David
4 years ago

Courtesy of our gov’t I frequently studies the way of communist takeovers since WWII ended along w/ Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ [of which Obama & Clinton were ardent students]…we are in the midst of a similar takeover plot by the Far Left/Dems/Progressives/Socialists And anyone with a functioning brain must fight back [at the polls] or be prepared to fight back on the streets.

4 years ago

Law enforcement traditionally has been held in high regard unfortunately some bad apples are in every barrel. Without quality law enforcement you have anarchy, which we are witnessing today.
To my liberal friends… a weakened law enforcement is the biggest advocate for the 2nd Amendment.

Fairfield Bain
Fairfield Bain
4 years ago

The serious lawlessness around the country – particularly in the larger cities – is unacceptable and not America. Those political leaders – and their supporters in the media who manipulate what citizens see – are guilty of supporting violence and destruction. They have abandoned the first rule and reason for government – protection of citizens. This violence should be priority number one for the administration and police forces. The instigators and those who fund this should be captured and prosecuted. The citizens of America deserve better – the deserve safety and the ability to pursue a livelihood.

Richard Stoops
Richard Stoops
4 years ago


4 years ago

Does anyone in this country know anything about world history anymore? Radicals destroy nations. Appeasement never works. Face down destroyers or be destroyed. God help this country I love, this country we are loosing, this country that has forsaken You, the creator of all things. Help us Lord, stop being lemmings. Ladies and gentlemen it is time to stop send our kids to public schools. We need to start our own schools. We don’t need giant school corporations and teachers unions to teach our children. Rent a small building in your community and hire a few good teachers to help us teach our children correctly. Stop sending our kids to college to be retrained in Marxist theology. If they don’t have enough students to teach they will have to change. Stop voting for people who think the government should be in control of everything. Stop moving out of the horrible conditions in Blue states and then voting for the same crap that made the blue states horrible. Do your own research. Listen to voices you don’t like and think through what they are saying. Get over the emotions of any issue. Stop asking for laws to solve all your problems.

Meg Johnson
Meg Johnson
4 years ago

Americans must stand up and fight, contact their elected officials, speak out to their neighbors, friends and family to defend our liberties and our country. We must have police who can actually defend us and themselves without unreasonable restrictions or penalties. And we, the people, must be prepared to take on our own defense if necessary.

Joe Langone
Joe Langone
4 years ago

Every one of these questions are equally as Important,Hard to just pick 5. Because Left Wing Loons are in Power in different parts of the Country and are doping their best to Destroy Law and Order this is Darn near Impossible to solve. All of you Sane Voters make sure you Vote these Idiots out of office the first chance you get ,OR WE ARE DOOMED.

4 years ago

We need to be able to click all of the above in this poll.
Our sheriff in Hamblen County TN is a lackadaisical wanna be. His deputies aren’t much better. If any law enforcement officer wants to go somewhere else, I’d sure welcome them here.

4 years ago

Pelosi, DeBlasio, Cuomo, Schumer, AOC all have protection from violent people. We, the people who pay THEIR salaries, are sitting ducks without police officers. We need to vote these excuses for human beings out of office. They should have been gone long ago. Blue Lives Matter to protect All Lives!

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

Marxist dogma requires the removal of the police to be successful.

Richard Stoops
Richard Stoops
4 years ago

Our youngest voters have been instructed, by media and liberal schools, in the ideals that police do not have the authority to enforce our laws. The “Me” generation believe they have the right to do as they wish with no response to their actions.

4 years ago

Democrats and liberals are destroying America. If we have any chance of surviving life as we once new 6 months ago our only hope is President Trump and electing as many pro Trump R’s in every election going forward. It won’t be easy because the media are marxists / communists as well.

John C
John C
4 years ago

Actually all of the above.

4 years ago

I had a hard time deciding on 1 issue. I wish there had been an “All of the above”

Joy Martin
Joy Martin
4 years ago

Rising crime rates due to not rendering justice to those who violate the laws of our land: “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” Ecclesiastes 8:11

Tamara Tarbell
Tamara Tarbell
4 years ago

There needs to be an All of the above option

Jan Weisenborn
Jan Weisenborn
4 years ago

Absolutely a group of toddlers having a melt-down tantrum, with “parents” deciding that the “kids” are just expressing themselves because no one taught them that there are, are, are for sure other ways to promote understanding and change without abandoning respect for who we are and who we represent as a nation. Of course there are obstacles we’re going to have to understand and address, but come on now–we can do this if we communicate without the absurd violence and disrespect we see on a regular basis. I’ve had enough. Media could start a responsible dialogue if it/they weren’t so interested in the minor and petty issues unrelated to the basic issues, focusing instead on ratings.

Wendy Dembeck
Wendy Dembeck
4 years ago

Having lived in Manhattan for several years (and then to the Hudson Valley) beginning in 1971, I saw how Rudolf Giuliani’s “broken windows” approach worked to clean up NYC even as Bloomberg became mayor. So history tells us what works. I have no doubt the Democrats want power of government and the people in their march to the Left, and have no concern for the people at all. Doing away with the police and allowing bedlam is a political strategy for them. Obama talked about a “private” force, and that’s what will happen now as they send “volunteers” and “community” people–their personally chosen “private army.” Order is important in a civil society, but a civil society dooms Democrat agendas. They love to use the term “existential threat,” but in reality, they are the existential threat as they are leading us into a chaotic and scary world.

4 years ago

We are all victims of government through this Covid 19 epidemic. Defending our Police Programs throughout this country will be disastrous. Especially to our United States Constitution. We are attempting what Cuba did? We need to defund the Democrat Party. We need to defend our Constitution.

4 years ago

All of the above. I can’t say one is more serious than another since any of this will hurt us. Politicians are lying when they claim to support the rhetoric and only pandering for the support from the lawless. I support taking all armed security from these politicians and see how long it takes for them to change their minds.

4 years ago

Any and all elected officials that have allowed criminal acts and some that have encouraged it namely those DA’s that have released from jails without charges should themselves be removed and charged. Failure to defend and protect the citizens by keeping their oaths is a derelict of duty.

4 years ago

I wish the poll would have had one more choice: All of the Above

4 years ago

This is a conservative website so the comments reflect that.
The very good news is that when Yahoo combined with The Daily Beast to try to find Fox News racist, the comments THERE were five to one conservative.
A quiet conservative bunch of voters is just waiting for November.
The left is in for a huge upset.
Trump/Pence in November of course. But be sure to vote for the most conservative candidates consistently so we take the House
and get at least a 59 seat majority in The Senate.
This collection of Dems must be voted out.
We need a good opposition party. This one is socialist, radical and anti semitic.

4 years ago

All of the above would have been a good option since I am concerned about all of those issues. We need to make sure our police have our backing and we need to make sure the local governing bodies of the community recognize that we appreciate our law enforcement and we want to live in a crime free America!

Sara Lee Langsam
Sara Lee Langsam
4 years ago

As I see it every choice ties into the others. They are all linked. More people were concerned about personal safety, the increase of violence and being persecuted for bearing arms for self protection. However, when so many police, SWAT team members and more are resigning, retiring or generally disheartened by their public condemnation that ties into the increase of violence. This has to be stopped. More people need to come out in support of the men and women in blue.

Cecilia Spencer
Cecilia Spencer
4 years ago


Maria J Hanley
Maria J Hanley
4 years ago

I agree with the post that says we need to pay better attention to local and state government. Communists have run on platforms and promises that they never intended to keep and now that they are in office, they are steering our communities into anarchy and chaos. New Mexico is a prime example. She was schooled in Georgetown, Washington District of Criminals, and then ran on a pro-2nd Amendment platform. Now that she’s in office, she wants to ban firearms. Who is funding her re-election campaign? Her mentor Bloomberg of course. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

4 years ago

I wish you had a another selection of I’m concerned for all of the above.

Frank Reedy
Frank Reedy
4 years ago

Continue to show respect for police, fire and EMT officers and firefighters by giving them a salute, thanks, encouragement and a thumbs up when you encounter them. Set the right example for others and show appreciation to these people who would place their lives in harms way for us. I routinely pick up their small tabs when I see them in line at McDonalds or at the breakfast counter – do this without letting them know, and watch their reaction when the cashier tells them ‘it’s already been paid for’. As for the idiots under the influence of BLM, Soros-backed weak prosecutors and the ‘smart college set’ who assail public safety people, don’t be afraid to confront and challenge. Scold if you must. They want confrontation? Give it to them. Too many hide in the Silent Majority – not I. And whenever I sign a credit card receipt at a store or restaurant, my signature includes: ‘MAGA you have just done business with a Trump supporter.’

4 years ago

So-called BLM/Anarchists/Antifa are criminal organizations, supported by GEORGE SOROS, KILLARY, OBAMA and known domestic terrorist SUSAN ROSENBERG(who was pardoned by CLINTON on his last day in office). The DEMONcrats are destroying Our Country!!!

Maria J Hanley
Maria J Hanley
4 years ago

Everyone needs to realize that this is one link in the chain of socialism and communism. They want us to give up our arms and then they want to defund the police. This is so that they can bring in foreign law enforcement. Our law enforcement officers do not have the stomach to turn on the American people however foreign paid mercenaries do not care who they persecute. This entire orchestrated event is part of the bigger globalist plan. We have traitors who have infiltrated the United States.

4 years ago

Bizarre times in this hostile leftist takeover scheme. Reminds of a plandemic of mental illness far worse than the covid19 flu one.

Cecilia Spencer
Cecilia Spencer
4 years ago

I just got up and am running on only one mug of coffee so I apologize for not having read all comments. All of these choices are equally important. I applaud law enforcement for their continued effort to protect us. I have never liked guns but, intend purchasing them before it is too late. Living outside of a liberal Texas city I feel threatened and angry. Hope people wake up before it is too late, especially our governor.

Terry Carman
Terry Carman
4 years ago

How about “all of the above”!

4 years ago

It was hard to pick five, they are all intertwined. Ranking them is irrelevant. They all are critical. This is a pure far left wing play and it’s as if the far left has been scheming this for years and finally they’ve unmasked themselves. None of these acts and measure make any sense unless the goal is the takedown of America to replace it with Marxism. We have far too many of our politicians sitting on the hands under their asses doing NOTHING but ducking for cover and in some cases actually appeasing.
The vitriol on social media and in the streets, fed by a steady diet of far left wing academic lies, tells me that indoctrination of our public school system has been effective. Most of the spew coming out of yutes’ mouths is pure “told what to think” lies. They are so ignorant of what they are promoting and do not seem to realize that once their overlords would be successful, there is no room at the table for them. They will fall into the far left wing masses who have been treated the exact same horrendous way throughout the history of Marxism and any left wing ideology that ultimately allows some strongman and his ilk to assert dictatorial control. They think Trump is a dictator? Laughable for the ages.

4 years ago

My husband was a federal police officer and official for 32 1/2 years in our nation’s capital and in a NYC field office. I am so glad he is retired. I fear for the safety of police officers today, and I completely understand why so many are leaving the job. However, we need police officers now more than ever because of the rampant lawlessness by the violent Leftists who want to destroy our country and are using false claims of racism as an excuse to loot and create chaos. Are these people so stupid that they don’t understand that without the protection of the police we will have anarchy and the very foundations of our country will be destroyed?

4 years ago

Is a social worker going to stop a crime in place? When the protestors and criminals come to their doors, like what happened to the mayor in Seattle, will there be a police force that can be called? There will not, and then these people with no common sense that are advocating eliminating the police, will finally understand their folly. But by that time, all of the damage will be done, and we will be a lawless society, and all of us will be in mortal danger.

4 years ago

Wish there was an ‘All of the Above”, because its appropriate

4 years ago

God bless those who stand in the gap between law-abiding individuals concerned with family, friends, and neighbors — at home and around the world — and those who choose to rob, kill, and destroy.

Our individual mission is to seek the truth and defend it always, and help others choose good in order to be blessed and bless others and have life.

Past wrongs cannot be used to justify current bad behavior.
Instead we must work together to identify the truth, acknowledge where changes need to be made, then make those changes — keeping what is true, good, life-giving, and healing.

It always comes down to “We the People,” me the individual.

What are we — what am I — going to do today to help make that difference?

4 years ago

All of the above.

4 years ago

In my opinion, all of these issues are equally important and picking five is not possible, so ‘all of the above’ should be another option.

Celia Melao
Celia Melao
4 years ago

The reason for all this lawlessness is the direct result of the fake main stream media’s constant attacks on police. There are no good stories about police only the few sensationalized stories they choose to print. They have the blood of Americans on their hands. They are the propaganda arm of the communist democrat party.

4 years ago

How did de Blasio of New York City or Newsom of California ever get elected? “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims but accomplices.”—George Orwell in “1984.” Orwell was a prophet.

4 years ago

It was difficult to pick just 5. Every statement is just as important to me as the 5 I picked.

4 years ago

The president has the authority to authorize the following agencies FBI , ICE , secret service , homeland security. To go after these criminal organizations because they are breaking many Federal laws.The president doesn’t have to ask permission from any of the liberals in charge of these states or cities !! When they arrest these degenerate losers perp walk-them in front of every camera [ like CNN did to ROGER STONE }. We the 98 percent law biding citizens will not allow this lawless behavior any more! Ask yourself a question if you wanted to destroy NYC what would you do ?? Your answer is just what Deblassio is doing !

4 years ago

Destroy law enforcement, then the communists can move in faster, no one is safe.

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