Government overreach and incompetence at every level, but especially at the federal level. Congress’ incompetence is bad, too. They act like unintended consequences are irrelevant.
Dan W.
1 year ago
The vulnerability of our aging infrastructure to both deterioration and hacking.
1 year ago
Too many Americans have lost a great deal of faith and confidence in our Government we need a reawakening NOW!!!
1 year ago
Having a president/government who gets away with treason by endangering Americans with a wide open border.
1 year ago
My greatest concern is the destruction of our country as a result of lawlessness and immorality.
1 year ago
Out of control spending caused by pandering to select groups to influence their voting. An example is catering to the illegals and prioritizing them over our own citizens. To many others to list.
1 year ago
I’ve gotten to the point where to comment on anything said or done by the commie illegitimate “administration” just doesn’t adequately capture how f*d up it is. So instead I’ll just write…FJB!
Paul W
1 year ago
I chose other–ALL OF THE ABOVE…AND MORE! As for the first option; this treasonous regime is doing everything that they can to A) Infuriate Russia and B) Assure that this conflict escalates into WW III and quite possibly a nuclear conflict. All of this catastrophic mess is being foisted on Americans, and the world in general, by an unelected, coup-seated, nwo shilling dictatorship…and that ain’t hyperbole!
1 year ago
The fraudulent elected democrats and their republicans who continue to rape and pillage the USA creating illegal politics to use US against ourselves
1 year ago
I pretty much ignore the news. The slimeball leftists are attacking everything on all fronts and the spineless repubs are worthless. I figure I am on my own. At this point, we have to see how the coming election plays out.
Marie M
1 year ago
All of the above plus more! The most prominent in my mind is the injustice happening with the Jan 6th citizens still in prison, treatment is deplorable and it’s almost 2 years. Who is really behind everything that went on that day?
1 year ago
Don’t the American people see this “village of idiots” trying to destroy this country! Stand up for your freedom this November and hopefully we can save our country.
1 year ago
The in competent Biden heads and his supporting propeller heads are going to get us into a war.
He and ” obomb ” have pillage the saving of the retire to which they believe those people are just a throw away damaged goods.
1 year ago
Most worrisome … A dysfunctional government, backed by a dysfunctional media, slowly transforming America towards Marxism. Obama promised, Obama is delivering.
1 year ago
The corrupt DOJ that is attacking innocent citizens. Just speaking out can land you in prison.
1 year ago
Government overreach. We have been over the years ,vote for someone, then they forget who voted for them . We are fighting Good versus Evil. Those that believe in God and the Godless ones mocking people of faith. I believe in this country, Democracy is dead, we are a Constitutional Republic. Federal government agency’s should not be funded. Those that think we are subjects and destroy our lives . Those that work for these agency’s lost their moral compass many years ago.. Arrested them and tried for treason.
States per the US constitution, should decide needs of individual. Federal Government is the problem, NOT the solution.
Protect the innocents, protect the vulnerable. Treat others as you want to be treated. Knowing the power is thru God, Not the government ! Put your spiritual battle face on . We are going through a very troubling times. Always doubt what you hear. Use your Freewill, use discernment in everything. knowing this …..God has already WON!
Allan Szast
1 year ago
The failed Biden administration policies are directly the cause of all of the other topics listed as well as a more de-stabilized world. All of it, in an apparent death spiral.
1 year ago
It is the loss of faith in God, caused by the blocking of the truth…the lies in this world of the evil one, that is the worst
S lock
1 year ago
Wipe them out in November,FJB????????
1 year ago
Of the people, for the people, and by the people ??? What happened? Now Big Brother et. al. know what is best for us little people … and we hit the knees and accept it. I do not offer a sution, but at least we can start with a vote.
Tommy Molnar
1 year ago
My biggest concern is fraudulent elections. I don’t think it’s possible for President Trump (or any other non-leftist) to ever get elected. If we thought there was cheating in the 2 020 election, just WAIT until the next one. The commies and the mainstream media will get their way no matter what! Any attempt to ensure fair voting is met with a flurry of accusations of racism, white supremacy, gerrymandering, and whatever else they can come up with. What do we do about that?
Faye J
1 year ago
We can simply no longer trust our government and I think it’s correct to say the government no longer has the consent of the majority. This is an illicit administration doing everything it can to harm this country and no one is trying to do anything about it. Spineless RINOs cooperate with the opposition and talk out of both sides of their mouths and think we don’t know. It’s time for a new administration, a younger Congress, and some leaders we can trust who will do the hard work it’s going to take to save this country.
1 year ago
I am concerned about all the above. Plus, I am concerned about the increasing lack of basic values and the widespread corruption and lack of tolerance for those who think differently. Also, where did this transgender (pronoun) issue begin– so harmful for or youth. We are becoming a Godless society.
Vincent in CO
1 year ago
My biggest fear is the continued growth of the federal government at the expense of individual liberty. Continued wasteful spending on green energy initiatives will drive us further into bankruptcy. But this is what the Dems intend. They are taking the advice of their idol Lenin: “The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” They are doing a fine job of that.
1 year ago
You left out CRIME plus a long list of PUKE worthy policies that stream out of the administration. There is no true administration. It is a dictatorial cabal.
K Square
1 year ago
All the above.
Trude Murphy
1 year ago
The biggest concern is the (now rapid) move toward socialism/communisms, the dismantling of our constitution and the indoctrination of school age children against God, country and family. If a presidential election can so easily be stolen (including interference from other countries) without prosecuting those who altered election results – despite concrete proof of fraud – nothing else matters.
1 year ago
Even this poll concerns me . . . it’s all of the above, and the threats are Titanic. Yes, with a capital T, across the board. We are teetering on the edge of a depression and global collapse related to economic turmoil and war. I am not sure where I will be by November, as in even alive. I do know how to vote, but the elections are dirty and rigged, most observable whenever they’re close. This morning, started thinking about my parents, what the Great Depression was like for them. Even Amac needs to wake up . . . these are dangerous times, period.
Bob L.
1 year ago
I chose “other” because “all the above” was not a choice. “All of the above” and more are a result of and includes the falling apart of Western, Christian civilization.
Progressivism, the agenda of the Fabian Society, to destroy the old world and reforge it to the image they envision stated around the turn of the 20th century. The installation of Communism, a close relative agenda of Fabianism took root in Russia during that time and has spread since then. If you think all of the lawlessness, ungodly “entertainment”, political insanity, and divisiveness have evolved naturally, you need a wake up slap across the face. It’s ALL a part of the “destruction of the old order” being carried out by the movement now known as New World Order Progressivism and it’s “kissin’ cousin” Communism.
FDR is quoted having said: “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” He knew it to be fact since he was a Progressive. Joe Biden just repeated a Jos Stalin remark last week. Is it a warning of what’s to come, again in November and 2024? Biden said ” It’s the ones who count the votes that matter.”
Dailey Jones
1 year ago
My Charles Schwab IRA account has lost a quarter of a million dollars in the last twelve months!
1 year ago
Where is accountability? Does anyone take responsibility for this? Politicians make promises they can’t or don’t uphold. If they were your employee (which they are) would you allow them to continue?
Harold Butler
1 year ago
The wickedness of mankind and the luggage he carries with him no matter how much knowledge he acquires in every generation, that being SIN. S stands for Satan, I stands for Influencing, N stands for nature. Satan’s influencing nature (SIN). Mankind has bought the Lie.
1 year ago
My chief concern is that 36% of our fellow citizens still support the administration. That and that theres no easy way to budge that number.
Linnea Stevenson
1 year ago
I voted “other” in this poll because all the answers are applicable. We’re taking chunks of our 401K and putting in checking to pay for things we soon won’t be able to afford like heat this winter. We need to make certain repairs to our home as well as replace what no longer functions. Continuing an investment account that is constantly dwindling because of Bidenflation is better if you stuff cash under your mattress.
John Mark McNair
1 year ago
Personally my401k is long gone but I feel y’all’s pain. The uncontrolled looting of our Treasury to the benefit of our politicians and depletion of our strategic oil reserves and our military equipment is the blatant destruction of our republic! The uncontrolled flood of foreign invaders coming across the southern border is not sustainable and it a national security threat!
1 year ago
Immediate is decay of health due to planned killing of our bodies by Covid. Can’t fix anything if we are fighting neurological issues daily. There is no poll that covers the rest – but God being removed from culture is the main problem –
Brian Martin
1 year ago
There is a federal government plot to destroy America as we know. From the big green deal, to the assault on people of color, whites and everyone in between. The school system which teaches children foolishness instead of reading, writing, arithmetic, history. The things they should be taught instead of what gender you should be. We are in evil times.
1 year ago
Most concerning is the Marxist Democrats now in charge. VOTE THEM OUT next month! That is Step One toward recovery. Blocking their agenda for the next two years is critical to recovering our once great nation. The next steps start in January 2025.
Kathy Brantman
1 year ago
All of fhe above are causing me concern. I try to be level headed about it but some days thing like the above get the best of me.
Truly frightening
1 year ago
Too much to even put into this post without sheer panic taking over. I’m mortified, horrified, angry, embarrassed, ashamed, stressed and every single day the news gets worse. I’m not sure the damage can be reversed if we manage to take Congress. Two more years of this administration is as scary as the hellscape we are witnessing in every town in Amerika. We have become the protectors of none!
Barbara Collins
1 year ago
In the seven decades that I have lived, I have never been more fearful for our country. Even the 60’s seems mild compared to what we have today. Cannot understand why the Congress cannot do anything to stop this senile President from getting us in a war! I just keep saying the rosary for our country!
Ben Cooper
1 year ago
Like many others that thought they had saved for the fourth quarter of our lives through IRA’s and 401k’s, I find I have lost way more than I make annually in just this past year. And the scary part is, the year isn’t over. Still, the federal gov’t is going to tax me on my earnings. There should be a tax law that allows people in this situation to deduct our losses due to poor leadership from our gov’t. If losing a large part of our nest egg is what it takes for people in the country to wake up and change the Washington narrative, then I think it is the price we have to pay to get our country back on track.
We are a month away from saving the America we once knew. Vote and pray that we do!
1 year ago
The most important issue is not listed: While the world’s attention is distracted in Europe, China continues to expand its tentacled reach including South America and Africa.
1 year ago
My real choice would be the Marxist/communist take over of my country. Fraudulent incompetence in Washington. Blatant treason against us with no consequences for anyone. Silencing truth by media criminals. Our founding fathers and American patriots being labeled as insurrectionists, when they are the ones doing it to our people.
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago
The dire straits we are in now were deliberately created. It didn’t have to happen, just like the Covid epidemic. Instead of working towards bettering the human lot, there are megalomaniacs out there who manage to grab power to implement their wicked schemes. This is at the crux of 90% of all problems, we, and everyone else in the world faces.
J Van Horn
1 year ago
There isn’t any news anymore. 99% of what is broadcast or published is propaganda and made up or suppressed as they go. The entire mainstream media knows the Biden family is corrupt, the Clinton’s are corrupt, the Obama’s are corrupt, justice department has been corrupted, the FDA, CDC have been corrupted along with social media. All of this is evident to to anyone with a brain but they refuse to report truthfully. Yet there is no problem dedicating 90% of their resources to try to get Donald Trump!
Bob S
1 year ago
The use of the FBI to intimidate, it is the first step to a police state and the loss of our Republic.
Scott Drummond
1 year ago
How about ALL of the above choices!!!!!!?
1 year ago
All of the above and more for example the crooked facist bureau of intimidation or the gestapo irs
People are going crazy and evil.
Government overreach and incompetence at every level, but especially at the federal level. Congress’ incompetence is bad, too. They act like unintended consequences are irrelevant.
The vulnerability of our aging infrastructure to both deterioration and hacking.
Too many Americans have lost a great deal of faith and confidence in our Government we need a reawakening NOW!!!
Having a president/government who gets away with treason by endangering Americans with a wide open border.
My greatest concern is the destruction of our country as a result of lawlessness and immorality.
Out of control spending caused by pandering to select groups to influence their voting. An example is catering to the illegals and prioritizing them over our own citizens. To many others to list.
I’ve gotten to the point where to comment on anything said or done by the commie illegitimate “administration” just doesn’t adequately capture how f*d up it is. So instead I’ll just write…FJB!
I chose other–ALL OF THE ABOVE…AND MORE! As for the first option; this treasonous regime is doing everything that they can to A) Infuriate Russia and B) Assure that this conflict escalates into WW III and quite possibly a nuclear conflict. All of this catastrophic mess is being foisted on Americans, and the world in general, by an unelected, coup-seated, nwo shilling dictatorship…and that ain’t hyperbole!
The fraudulent elected democrats and their republicans who continue to rape and pillage the USA creating illegal politics to use US against ourselves
I pretty much ignore the news. The slimeball leftists are attacking everything on all fronts and the spineless repubs are worthless. I figure I am on my own. At this point, we have to see how the coming election plays out.
All of the above plus more! The most prominent in my mind is the injustice happening with the Jan 6th citizens still in prison, treatment is deplorable and it’s almost 2 years. Who is really behind everything that went on that day?
Don’t the American people see this “village of idiots” trying to destroy this country! Stand up for your freedom this November and hopefully we can save our country.
The in competent Biden heads and his supporting propeller heads are going to get us into a war.
He and ” obomb ” have pillage the saving of the retire to which they believe those people are just a throw away damaged goods.
Most worrisome … A dysfunctional government, backed by a dysfunctional media, slowly transforming America towards Marxism. Obama promised, Obama is delivering.
The corrupt DOJ that is attacking innocent citizens. Just speaking out can land you in prison.
Government overreach. We have been over the years ,vote for someone, then they forget who voted for them . We are fighting Good versus Evil. Those that believe in God and the Godless ones mocking people of faith. I believe in this country, Democracy is dead, we are a Constitutional Republic. Federal government agency’s should not be funded. Those that think we are subjects and destroy our lives . Those that work for these agency’s lost their moral compass many years ago.. Arrested them and tried for treason.
States per the US constitution, should decide needs of individual. Federal Government is the problem, NOT the solution.
Protect the innocents, protect the vulnerable. Treat others as you want to be treated. Knowing the power is thru God, Not the government ! Put your spiritual battle face on . We are going through a very troubling times. Always doubt what you hear. Use your Freewill, use discernment in everything. knowing this …..God has already WON!
The failed Biden administration policies are directly the cause of all of the other topics listed as well as a more de-stabilized world. All of it, in an apparent death spiral.
It is the loss of faith in God, caused by the blocking of the truth…the lies in this world of the evil one, that is the worst
Wipe them out in November,FJB????????
Of the people, for the people, and by the people ??? What happened? Now Big Brother et. al. know what is best for us little people … and we hit the knees and accept it. I do not offer a sution, but at least we can start with a vote.
My biggest concern is fraudulent elections. I don’t think it’s possible for President Trump (or any other non-leftist) to ever get elected. If we thought there was cheating in the 2 020 election, just WAIT until the next one. The commies and the mainstream media will get their way no matter what! Any attempt to ensure fair voting is met with a flurry of accusations of racism, white supremacy, gerrymandering, and whatever else they can come up with. What do we do about that?
We can simply no longer trust our government and I think it’s correct to say the government no longer has the consent of the majority. This is an illicit administration doing everything it can to harm this country and no one is trying to do anything about it. Spineless RINOs cooperate with the opposition and talk out of both sides of their mouths and think we don’t know. It’s time for a new administration, a younger Congress, and some leaders we can trust who will do the hard work it’s going to take to save this country.
I am concerned about all the above. Plus, I am concerned about the increasing lack of basic values and the widespread corruption and lack of tolerance for those who think differently. Also, where did this transgender (pronoun) issue begin– so harmful for or youth. We are becoming a Godless society.
My biggest fear is the continued growth of the federal government at the expense of individual liberty. Continued wasteful spending on green energy initiatives will drive us further into bankruptcy. But this is what the Dems intend. They are taking the advice of their idol Lenin: “The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” They are doing a fine job of that.
You left out CRIME plus a long list of PUKE worthy policies that stream out of the administration. There is no true administration. It is a dictatorial cabal.
All the above.
The biggest concern is the (now rapid) move toward socialism/communisms, the dismantling of our constitution and the indoctrination of school age children against God, country and family. If a presidential election can so easily be stolen (including interference from other countries) without prosecuting those who altered election results – despite concrete proof of fraud – nothing else matters.
Even this poll concerns me . . . it’s all of the above, and the threats are Titanic. Yes, with a capital T, across the board. We are teetering on the edge of a depression and global collapse related to economic turmoil and war. I am not sure where I will be by November, as in even alive. I do know how to vote, but the elections are dirty and rigged, most observable whenever they’re close. This morning, started thinking about my parents, what the Great Depression was like for them. Even Amac needs to wake up . . . these are dangerous times, period.
I chose “other” because “all the above” was not a choice. “All of the above” and more are a result of and includes the falling apart of Western, Christian civilization.
Progressivism, the agenda of the Fabian Society, to destroy the old world and reforge it to the image they envision stated around the turn of the 20th century. The installation of Communism, a close relative agenda of Fabianism took root in Russia during that time and has spread since then. If you think all of the lawlessness, ungodly “entertainment”, political insanity, and divisiveness have evolved naturally, you need a wake up slap across the face. It’s ALL a part of the “destruction of the old order” being carried out by the movement now known as New World Order Progressivism and it’s “kissin’ cousin” Communism.
FDR is quoted having said: “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” He knew it to be fact since he was a Progressive. Joe Biden just repeated a Jos Stalin remark last week. Is it a warning of what’s to come, again in November and 2024? Biden said ” It’s the ones who count the votes that matter.”
My Charles Schwab IRA account has lost a quarter of a million dollars in the last twelve months!
Where is accountability? Does anyone take responsibility for this? Politicians make promises they can’t or don’t uphold. If they were your employee (which they are) would you allow them to continue?
The wickedness of mankind and the luggage he carries with him no matter how much knowledge he acquires in every generation, that being SIN. S stands for Satan, I stands for Influencing, N stands for nature. Satan’s influencing nature (SIN). Mankind has bought the Lie.
My chief concern is that 36% of our fellow citizens still support the administration. That and that theres no easy way to budge that number.
I voted “other” in this poll because all the answers are applicable. We’re taking chunks of our 401K and putting in checking to pay for things we soon won’t be able to afford like heat this winter. We need to make certain repairs to our home as well as replace what no longer functions. Continuing an investment account that is constantly dwindling because of Bidenflation is better if you stuff cash under your mattress.
Personally my401k is long gone but I feel y’all’s pain. The uncontrolled looting of our Treasury to the benefit of our politicians and depletion of our strategic oil reserves and our military equipment is the blatant destruction of our republic! The uncontrolled flood of foreign invaders coming across the southern border is not sustainable and it a national security threat!
Immediate is decay of health due to planned killing of our bodies by Covid. Can’t fix anything if we are fighting neurological issues daily. There is no poll that covers the rest – but God being removed from culture is the main problem –
There is a federal government plot to destroy America as we know. From the big green deal, to the assault on people of color, whites and everyone in between. The school system which teaches children foolishness instead of reading, writing, arithmetic, history. The things they should be taught instead of what gender you should be. We are in evil times.
Most concerning is the Marxist Democrats now in charge. VOTE THEM OUT next month! That is Step One toward recovery. Blocking their agenda for the next two years is critical to recovering our once great nation. The next steps start in January 2025.
All of fhe above are causing me concern. I try to be level headed about it but some days thing like the above get the best of me.
Truly frightening
Too much to even put into this post without sheer panic taking over. I’m mortified, horrified, angry, embarrassed, ashamed, stressed and every single day the news gets worse. I’m not sure the damage can be reversed if we manage to take Congress. Two more years of this administration is as scary as the hellscape we are witnessing in every town in Amerika. We have become the protectors of none!
In the seven decades that I have lived, I have never been more fearful for our country. Even the 60’s seems mild compared to what we have today. Cannot understand why the Congress cannot do anything to stop this senile President from getting us in a war! I just keep saying the rosary for our country!
Like many others that thought they had saved for the fourth quarter of our lives through IRA’s and 401k’s, I find I have lost way more than I make annually in just this past year. And the scary part is, the year isn’t over. Still, the federal gov’t is going to tax me on my earnings. There should be a tax law that allows people in this situation to deduct our losses due to poor leadership from our gov’t. If losing a large part of our nest egg is what it takes for people in the country to wake up and change the Washington narrative, then I think it is the price we have to pay to get our country back on track.
We are a month away from saving the America we once knew. Vote and pray that we do!
The most important issue is not listed: While the world’s attention is distracted in Europe, China continues to expand its tentacled reach including South America and Africa.
My real choice would be the Marxist/communist take over of my country. Fraudulent incompetence in Washington. Blatant treason against us with no consequences for anyone. Silencing truth by media criminals. Our founding fathers and American patriots being labeled as insurrectionists, when they are the ones doing it to our people.
The dire straits we are in now were deliberately created. It didn’t have to happen, just like the Covid epidemic. Instead of working towards bettering the human lot, there are megalomaniacs out there who manage to grab power to implement their wicked schemes. This is at the crux of 90% of all problems, we, and everyone else in the world faces.
There isn’t any news anymore. 99% of what is broadcast or published is propaganda and made up or suppressed as they go. The entire mainstream media knows the Biden family is corrupt, the Clinton’s are corrupt, the Obama’s are corrupt, justice department has been corrupted, the FDA, CDC have been corrupted along with social media. All of this is evident to to anyone with a brain but they refuse to report truthfully. Yet there is no problem dedicating 90% of their resources to try to get Donald Trump!
The use of the FBI to intimidate, it is the first step to a police state and the loss of our Republic.
How about ALL of the above choices!!!!!!?
All of the above and more for example the crooked facist bureau of intimidation or the gestapo irs