
Given the increased use of marijuana and its derivatives for medicinal purposes, do you support the federal government conducting controlled research to determine whether cannabis, properly and specifically grown for therapeutic use, can be used effectively and safely for medical treatment?

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The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago


A simple search of the web reveals plenty of credible studies on the efficacy of cannabis
for medical use that have been conducted by accredited medical professionals.
Besides, you can bet that big pharma would frown upon their friends in the government conducting
studies that could possibly threaten their profits.

Now can we please move on to something more relevant ?

GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 Deus Vult !

5 years ago

This makes me laugh. This is a cash cow and many states where it is legal improve their community.
Not to mention the high taxation of the product. To have the government involved always complicates
and slows everything. Most of us on this site are old enough to admit we have inhaled ! For many people
this is a better way to go. How many prescriptions come with horrible side effects?
Seems to be a much maligned plant. Reefer madness anyone?

5 years ago

I am for total legalization. I grew up on an island in the Bronx and most teenagers I knew smoked pot. And it was illegal. Out of around 50 of us only 2 ended up doing the hard stuff and one was my cousin who had been sexually molested when he was 7. I personally believe that by making and keeping marijuana illegal has brought on all the new manufactured illegal drugs. Making something illegal does not stop it, it only makes people find ways to get around it and find something else.

5 years ago

I’m with Cookiepress, legalize marijuana. Also, semi agree with George – keep government out of this with the exception of quality/cleanliness and a local sales tax.

5 years ago

I don’t know about government testing I believe a independent lab do the testing as are government is so corrupt we would not get true answers

5 years ago

Allow anyone to grow their own for their own personal use only.
It’s no ones business what I put in my body. God put everything into
this world for a purpose. Either you believe in the freedom, liberty
and soveriegnity of the individual, as our founders did or you don’t.

Dwayne Oxford
Dwayne Oxford
5 years ago

Not asking the right question. SHOULD be, “Do you support the RESTORATION of our God given herbal FREEDOM?”
Sadly, there’s still WAY too many “properly propagandized” seniors, laser focused, as programmed, on the misuse and abuse of God’s BEST healing herb, totally ignorant of it’s myriad of beneficial judicious uses.
ANYTHING da’gubmint(cabal of luciferian lawyers) does will be totally slanted in favor of lucifer’s pharma and their minion “doctors” who only prescribe pharma’s PATENTED toxic chemical concoctions.
The lawyer cabal is intent on preserving their flow of filthy lucre, created by their persecution/”defending” of those violating whatever unlawful “laws” they put in place keeping God’s BEST healing herb either illegal or in the clutches of lucifer’s pharma.

5 years ago

No faith in FDA. Too many recalls with consumer victimized by unethical pharma bribing FDA.

Howard Naples
Howard Naples
5 years ago

Cannabinoid receptors and their effectiveness are mostly regulated by one’s diet. People who are not eating a healthy, non-GMO diet are wasting their money buying CBD oil. Also, the Feds have, long ago, been granted patents regarding the medical uses for THC containing hemp. Hemp, in its several forms/species can be a helpful adjunct to a quality, high powered Immune System. We don’t need the federal government regulating a plant (or its derivatives) that was purchased freely from our gardens, and was available Over-The-Counter for centuries.

5 years ago

I think it has been investigated & studied enough! No need to spend more money on studies!

Devon Stavrowsky
Devon Stavrowsky
5 years ago

My 78 year old wife has been a chronic insomniac for years…. and it has been devastating for her. Since Colorado legalized marijuana, we have been able to get her a liquid THC-containing marijuana extract designed for inducing sleep. A couple of drops and she’s out like a light and wakes up refreshed, when before she would have take prescription meds that would leave her drunk-feeling and dizzy half the following day… and had to take them in ever-increasing doses. The THC sleep drops have been a God-send. Oddly enough, they are not approved for use as medical marijuana in Colorado. Colorado doesn’t recognize insomnia as a medical condition marijuana treats. We have to buy it from ‘recreational’ marijuana outlets. But it works like a charm and in doses small enough that she doesn’t get a buzz or have any notable side effects.

Phillip Pence
Phillip Pence
5 years ago

The research is centuries of use so far without as many as one death occurring from its use. The ONLY thing government can do about anything is screw it up. This is not something the founders were concerned with and neither should we be. If any want to utilize it, who am I to say they shouldn’t or worse, can’t?

Pete O.
Pete O.
5 years ago

As far as recreational marijuana is concerned, the Federal government should do something similar if not the same as what was done with alcohol. A federal law should be passed stating anyone 21 or over is exempt from any criminal prosecution or possession of small amounts of marijuana flowers, or growing their own small amounts of marijuana flowers for personal use, to be determined what that amount is. For young people under 21 to possess and use marijuana on a daily basis, I can not say I agree. Daily marijuana use, particularly with the highly potent strains available nowadays most definitely has a strong psychological and emotional addictive potential. I do not think kids in high school, or even still in college, should have recreational marijuana first and foremost on their minds rather than concentrating on their studies.
Each state should have control over all the many many different rules and regulations concerning safety in mass growing and sale of pesticide free plants, producing the different edible derivatives of THC, how it is sold and who can sell it, if it can be smoked openly in public or only indoors, etc, etc.
I agree the biggest issue is the taxing of it all and whether Federal or State government gets the biggest chunk of tax revenue, and how much.
As far as medical marijuana is concerned, the Federal government should not only remove medical marijuana from any controlled substances classification making it completely Legal, but a Federal law should be passed saying each State must also make medical marijuana legal and available. Not an overnight process, as police will need to be trained how to spot and test for driving under the influence of marijuana and other issues involved but No patient who needs medical marijuana should ever be denied access to it.

Hurt in Baghdad
Hurt in Baghdad
5 years ago

LEGALIZE NOW. As someone who was injured in Baghdad a decade ago, and has been on opiates ever since (as low a dose as I can just so I can walk without agony), I would welcome being able to get OFF of opiates using hemp products. NOT LOOKING TO GET HIGH, just want to reduce my pain to manageable levels. CANNOT smoke as I also suffer from emphysema thanks to the burn pits in Iraq. NOT a military man, I was a contractor who purified water for the soldiers to ensure against nuclear, biological, or chemical attack through the water system. On my own, NO V.A., NO vet organizations, nothing, none, nada, zip, we contractors are used up and thrown away. I would gladly embrace hemp products if the fed actually legalizes. I am sure I could find a strain which did not make me high nor paranoid. Day by Day, only way to survive. Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours if you have actually read this far.

5 years ago

Constitutionally, per the 10th Amendment, policing pharma is reserved for local or state jurisdiction, not federal; another historical usurpation by D.C. The creation of the FDA should have required a constitutional amendment. The only jurisdiction the feds could have with drugs, as with any commercial product, is regulating its actual trade activity across state or international borders per Article 1, because something OK in one state may be contraband in another.
So, no, the federal government shouldn’t be involved in determining the safety and effectiveness of marijuana products.
The FDA itself has proven to be ineffective and unsafe at times.
But I’m not sure I would trust any evaluation done by California or Massachusetts.

5 years ago

No matter what they do with cannabis, if it’s natural, they will figure out a way to include toxic chemicals that cause cancer and other diseases! That’s their agenda!!! Vaccines are full of junk!!! Opiates were different, years ago, as pain killers and then they changed them to a new name, Opioids, to include more or all synthetics. No wonder people get addicted! Remember the Greek word PHARMA means POISON!

5 years ago

I’m for legalizing medical cannabis but do not want feds in control. All they know is bureaucracy, control, laws, committees, research and what they get out of this program.

Eddie Carroll
Eddie Carroll
5 years ago

I would prefer some other entity do the research, the GOVERNMENT SCREWS up EVERYTHING it TOUCHES or it just DOES NOTHING AT ALL!!!!

Margaret S. Campbell
Margaret S. Campbell
5 years ago

I have read all the other replies and decided to give my “two cents worth”! I believe that when you allow the U.S. government to “test, regulate or whatever” ANYTHING you are in for a huge disappointment, not to mention taxation to “fund” said project. There are far too many fingers in the pot and bureaucracy, up the gazoo, to accomplish anything trustworthy for the rest of us. Then we have the bloated committees ALL needing their “compensation”. Keep things in the private sector–they’d still be testing the “light bulb” if it had been up to the government!

Susan Smith
Susan Smith
5 years ago

I don’t trust BIG govn’t to oversee any aspect of my life, nor to conduct studies with the outcome predetermined, depending upon where the $$ is going. It’s all about the $, power, control. I don’t see many Washington DC residents I would trust any further than I can throw them…one big nest of snakes.

George T
George T
5 years ago

I do not want the government doing any research, on anything. When the government does research, I do not think the outcome/results are generally impartial

H J Thomas
H J Thomas
5 years ago

Although I answered yes it was with reluctance. First concern is the knowledge that anything the fed. government does always costs infinitely more than necessary. Secondly, the liberal arm of the government is owned by the pharmaceutical companies who being unable to control cannabis growth and processing therefore being unable to reap 5 and 10 thousand percent profit would certainly negatively influence research results.

5 years ago

I do not support the government controlling or conducting research on anything, especially medical research. I want research left to the private sector and professionals, not bureaucrats and “bean counters.” The federal bureaucracy is too massive and corrupt to give it any semblance of credibility.

5 years ago

How is using this any different than using some of the more potent, extremely addictive, harmful opiates. Although I voted for a govt study, when and if this is ever completed, the govt needs to get out of the way. Too many bureaucrats would benefit financially.

5 years ago

Anything the government touches turns into a bureaucracy of disinformation.

5 years ago

I have no problem with a truly independent lab doing research, but there is no way research being done by the federal government would not be agenda driven. I have no confidence in any research that is done by the federal government.

5 years ago

Research, yes. Keep the federal government bureaucracy out of it. We have already got way more government employees than we need or can sustain.

Hadababy Itsaboy
Hadababy Itsaboy
5 years ago

I voted no. Such research should be done by private entities, not govt.

Bob Lombardo
Bob Lombardo
5 years ago

The government has shown itself to be inept and mostly self serving. I do not trust them to be effective and unbiased.
Medical research should not be in the hands of wasteful, bureaucratic ,biased government agencies.

5 years ago

It’s not the federal governments job to do research!

5 years ago

Unfortunately, as long as the fed says it’s illegal, all cannibis and CBD products are off limits for anyone in my industry. State laws don’t matter.
Even if the fed legalized it, I suspect the nuclear industry would still prohibit it’s use.
I’m certain I could benefit from these type of therapies, as I have severe pain from arthritis due to old injuries, and all the current meds have horrible and dangerous side-effects, but until I no longer need a paycheck, I’m doomed to suffer.

5 years ago

A lot of pot smokers on here.

David Kittell
David Kittell
5 years ago

Anything the government touches, usually turns to crap. One point being the VA.

5 years ago

I agree with medical research for marijuana. I do not believe the government, federal or otherwise, should be involved.

Ed Ed
Ed Ed
5 years ago

The whole thing needs to be properly researched and if a reasonable medicinal use for marijuana is warranted, then the whole thing needs to be under FDA control. Yeah, that’ll jack up prices, but we need to put the less than legal (under federal law) pot shops out of business permanently.

Need to control production and extraction of derivatives to insure safety and quality. Otherwise we will have another vaping type crisis on our hands.

Senior Toker
Senior Toker
5 years ago

Israel is a leader in research and has been for many years. They have found it has decreased depression in seniors and it is readily available in senior homes. It has been proven to help vets with PTSD.
I believe there are many uses for cannabis and CBD that have not been discovered. Research has found that it has been around for centuries. It is past time for research to come forward.
And for as legalization, the state of Ca has no idea whats going on. The giant balloon of $$$ that was supposed to be is not there because of over taxation. The black market thrives because of that.

5 years ago

We don’t need to expand the opioid and gaping crises by adding marijuana. Force it to goo through the same approval process with FDA as other medicinal drugs if that’s what they think it can be.

Mama Nana
Mama Nana
5 years ago

Are you kidding….I was born in 1946….there must be a bunch of brain dead hippies from my generation voting on this. Government control of anything is not good but we certainly do not need millions of people running around stoned. NO THANK YOU

5 years ago

George Soro$$$has been promoting medical marijuana…and assisted suicide..for 20 years.

5 years ago

There have been several studies done, but if there is to be another, it needs to be an INDEPENDENT organization that does the study! The government agency that would control such a study (FDA) is sold out to the pharmaceutical companies and you will not get the truth. So, “yes” to a study, “no” to the government doing it. There is so much government corruption that the agencies that are supposed to be protecting us are bowing to every whim of the corporations they are supposed to monitor, and truth be told, a lot of these agencies are peopled by those from the corporations, who get favors done and the go back to their jobs in the corporations. I give you the FDA, and the FCC for examples. They are “owned” by two of the largest corporate lobbies in the world, the pharma lobby and the telecommunications lobby. So you have the FDA approving phony studies pharma does, (and you know how many drugs have been recalled because of human casualties), and the FCC approving 5G as an experiment on the entire population and every living thing in America, when there is no proof whatsoever that it is safe. So “no” – don’t give the government money to do one more thing we can’t trust to be truthful.

5 years ago

Federal Government should just get out of the way. Remove all laws related to cannabis. Treat it like tomatoes. Certainly not “tightly controlled” research. We have had that for 80 years and millions have suffered and died needlessly. The federal government can’t even run a whorehouse properly. Just get out of the way.

And I am very disappointed in AMAC for running such a twisted poll that presupposes the answer and forces people into bad choices.

5 years ago

Is this really about MEDICAL marijuana? When my state was gathering signatures partitioning to legalize so called medical marijuana, I confirmed those who were pushing for the signatures were hired from different states to collect the local signatures. It was wrapped in the flag for the veterns.
Where is the trusted medical proof of the benefits?
The DRIP EFFECT is being used in each state to have all marijuana use legalized followed by all illegal drugs approved.
The enemy of people, families are waving the flag and big government to justify this process. Look what is happening to the nordic countries where all drugs are legalized.

Jack Gordon
Jack Gordon
5 years ago

I voted before I read the comments. I do agree with the idea that when the government gets involved it turns into something very different. More Government involvement is what we do not need.

Irv C
Irv C
5 years ago

The constitution as was written keeps the feds out of your business regarding any mind altering chemical. The only reason it was amended in my opinion is for control and most of all, MONEY. The feds don’t care one iota for Americans. They care about power and MONEY.
We need term limits and we need to stop this chasing trump around. They will raise taxes somewhere to pay for their BS.

Jack H
Jack H
5 years ago

The only thing that the Federal government needs to do is to legalize all cannibals products and the growing and production of them. I see no need to drag that process down by trying to connect it with a bail out of all previous offenders. They should be reviewed on a case by case basis and if that offense for which they are incarcerated is the only blemish on their record then consider releasing them. But if they took a plea on the marijuana charge to escape trial on a more serious charge then forget any release.

5 years ago

Anything the government gets involved with turns out to be a nightmare for all involved.

Morris C. Little
Morris C. Little
5 years ago

Works for me, but it is too darned expensive!!!! Don’t want government to get involved in anything like this. Let the free market make it work.

Mary McCauley
Mary McCauley
5 years ago

My sister who is 62 has had several heart attacks. She had open-heart surgery with grafts for blockage of the left descending anterior artery known as the widowmaker. She still has stents, and she inherited the bad genes from both of my parents who died from cardiac problems. She still has spasms that are painful, and her doctor discontinued her narcotic pain reliever cold turkey. She got a medical marijuana card and she uses edibles to give her pain relief. We live in Oklahoma.

5 years ago

First step is to encourage your Federal Representatives to have Cannabis removed as a category one drug from the DEA list. Once that is accomplished it will free up the states to decide their course of action.

5 years ago

That is just the first step towards legalizing it for everyone. There is a lot of pot in California where I live, and the people who smoke it have very damaged judgement. Usually they are afraid of the things that are not dangerous and stupid about real dangers. We have enough stupidity as it is. Why should my tax dollars (or my grandchildren’s tax dollars) pay for research into what would be a bad idea if implemented?

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