
Which best matches your view of the massive protests taking place on many college campuses?

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5 months ago

I am an absolutist on free speech. But they are on college campuses. That said if they are not students then they are trespassing. If they are violating a code of conduct that they agreed to in becoming a student, then expel. If they declare that they “are hamas”, then they are announcing that they are members of a designated terrorist organization and should be arrested. Then let hamas know that we have their members & would be willing to trade for hostages.

jim wood
jim wood
5 months ago

Free speech is in our constitution. Hate speech is not. Hate speech in any manner should not be allowed and these idiots pushing this garbage should be arrested, but even if they are Biden’s minions won’t prosecute as they don’t enforce any laws. I went through hate speech as a Vietnam vet and it is disgusting. Israel has every right to get rid of Hamas, while Biden will do nothing to sanction Iran. The country is weak because no laws are enforced and this administration doesn’t care. Another week of the same old crap from this administration

5 months ago

Defund the Universities! They are teaching Marxism and spreading propaganda! MAGA

Mist Carter
Mist Carter
5 months ago

The law prohibits intentional discrimination, as well as practices that have the effect of discrimination, and requires that recipients of federal funds take steps to ensure that their programs and activities are free from discrimination. This includes ensuring that programs and activities are accessible and available to all individuals, regardless of their race, color, or national origin.

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is also responsible for ensuring that recipients of federal funds comply with Title VI requirements. The FTA Office of Civil Rights monitors recipients’ programs and ensures that they comply with Title VI requirements…”

Jewish students have the same basic Title VI rights as everyone else. Those rights must be enforced. Much of the organized conduct now setting these campuses aflame also runs afoul of federal laws that ban, on the one hand, material support for terrorism on the one hand and, on the other hand, conspiracy to deprive individuals of their constitutional rights. 

Where are elected officials [Schumer] to protect Jewish civil rights, administrators to suspend and expel miscreants, and prosecutors to press charges against jihadist? Making antisemitism acceptable, and even fashionable, should be intolerable to all of good faith, regardless of religion. While after World War II, many hoped the searing evil of the Holocaust would be such a wake-up call that “Never Again” would mean just that

Our institutions of higher learning are supposed to be centers of curiosity, inquiry, knowledge and truth. They are supposed to be places where differing opinions are discussed, debated, and dissected. Instead they have become bootcamps for diversity, equity, & inclusion (DEI) that divide people into racial and ethnic groups, give preferential treatment based on group membership, and exclude dissenting views.

Most of the students and professors who are defending these student-bigots are essentially saying “Free speech for me but not for thee.” That is not how the First Amendment works. They cross the line when they block the flow of traffic; prohibit access to campuses, homes, businesses; burn the American flag; and wave the Palestinian flag. 

It is pure “mobocracy” when a large majority of these keffiyeh-wearing pseudo jihadis shout “We are Hamas!” and “Death to America!” The basic formula for fighting back against Hamas’ useful campus idiots is simple: stop all federal funding to these heavily endowed institutions; suspend, expel, arrest, prosecute, and, as appropriate, deport the abominable mini-jihadis protestors.

Sam Anderson
Sam Anderson
5 months ago

These “protestors” are being funded by someone. That should be exposed to the public. Those who are funding this violence should be arrested and put in jail. The protestors who are violent and destructive should be arrested and jailed, just like the corrupt Biden admin has done to the J6ers

Marty M
Marty M
5 months ago

Apparently these students have been brain washed very well by their anti-Semitic professors that have some kind of unholy alliance with the murdering Jihadists. Hard to fix stupid!

5 months ago

Free speech rights stop when these protest’s turn violent. I wonder why the majority of these supposedly students wear a mask. Identify them as students and suspend them or is it so they can’t be identified as non students. One photo showed a tent camp, and every tent was identical. Wonder who paid for them? This proves to me how much the democrat party supports Israel and how American Jews have been fooled. You get what you vote for.

Carol Backers
Carol Backers
5 months ago

These protesters have no clue what will happen should Hamas win. Their rights would disappear and the women would all become basically slaves. They are also ignoring the horrible acts already done to the Jews kidnapped and what Palestine did to start this. Just shows how stupid the youth of today are and that they have not been taught history!

T. Abel
T. Abel
5 months ago

If they are hamas, then give them a parachute and drop them into Gaza and say good riddens because we DO NOT want terrorists in OUR Country! Let them fight for their cause, which they have NO idea what the hell they’re saying or doing, with Hamas and get annihilated!

5 months ago

God help us – these are the leaders of tomorrow – the people who will be making decisions that will affect us all. The most interesting thing about these demonstrations is that most of the student polled don’t even know what they’re protesting about. Lambs being lead to the slaughter – God help us all.

Doug Phelps
Doug Phelps
5 months ago

Kind of ironic that 4 years ago we had BLM riots all over America. This year, another election year I might add, we now have anti-Israel protests. I believe in free speech, but when these things appear to be organized and more often than not the protesters are all wearing the same shirts and are being led in cult like chants… I tend to see less organic protests and more social engineering. I have read that George Soros is the source of the funding for many of these protests, and that should be investigated and if true he should face some type of penalty for causing social unrest.
I think the colleges should go through and start clearing anyone that can’t produce a student ID. That would be a good start to eliminating any off campus agitators
It is sad to see these students interviewed and hear them say they don’t really know why they are there, but like sheep they formed into groups because they want to be a part of it. To read that the professors are also part of the protests is also a leading indicator of the lwoer thresholds for higher education than when I was that age.

5 months ago

Ignorance abounds throughout the institutions of higher indoctrination, they pay up to $80k a year to be dumbed down, when they could stay home for free and still be dumbed down.

Alan T
Alan T
5 months ago

I believe in and support the 1st amendment, even if i am opposed to the view shared. Causing harm, or threatening harm is not free speech, it is a crime. Trespassing is a crime. Providing support to a terrorist organization (Hamas) is a federal crime. The FBI needs to show up in force and arrest and charge these criminals with felonies. These woke institutions have permanently marred their reputations.

Robert Shroyer
Robert Shroyer
5 months ago

I don’t think most of these protesters know what is really going on. They just want to protest like it is a big party.

Joseph Gaudino
Joseph Gaudino
5 months ago

I understand these are George Soros funded. He hates Israel. He hates America. He hates God. Obama is his puppet. Biden in Obama. Spirit of antichrist is alive and well among us.

Mark Berger
Mark Berger
5 months ago

The protests remind me of the protests against the Vietnam War except these are against a nationality that are are also some of our own people. And when they chant, “Death to America”, it moves into treason, and they should be arrested and experience the punishment for that.

KC Barnes
KC Barnes
5 months ago

Bring out the water cannons, tasers and tear gas. Would put short order to the anti-freedom radicals.

Roy Hobbs
Roy Hobbs
5 months ago

I didn’t like the choices. A response at a private school (Columbia, Stanford) might be different from a response at a public school (Cal-Berkeley and wherever else).
At private schools, I’d give them a space that they could get a permit for and stick them there. The minute they shout violence or show signs encouraging violence, they’re done. At a private school, I’d characterize all non-students as trespassers and have them arrested and barred from campus. If they’re students, they’d get expelled with no tuition refunds. If faculty, they’d be fired.
At public schools, I’d still pack them in an area that required a permit. The tricky thing is a good response for non-students. They can’t be considered trespassers. Hence, for them, I’d arrest them only after they’re found to be encouraging violence by voice or signs. Expulsions for students who advocate for violence by voice or signs.
See the response of University of Florida.

5 months ago

These are not peaceful protests and are not protected under the US Constitution. This is violence, discrimination, and intimidation. Actions need to be taken to revoke student VISAs where applicable, cut off student tax-payer supported funding, and arrest them for crimes they commit. If they are not students they should be trespassed from the campuses.

Red rabbit
Red rabbit
5 months ago

It’s just ANTIFA & BLM with a new dangerous message just like those were because ignored they are at it again.

5 months ago

Whenever something like this happens, I ask myself, “What are they trying to distract from”? This has pushed the first prosecution of a president off the front pages of most peoples minds. Don’t let them distract you. We can focus on more than one thing at a time.

Mist Carter
Mist Carter
5 months ago

This was supposed to be the first paragraph…

“Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. This law applies to all federal agencies that provide grants of assistance, including the U.S. Department of Education, which gives grants to schools, colleges, and certain other entities, including vocational rehabilitation programs.

Hill Edna
Hill Edna
5 months ago

They want to say they are hamas then they should go and live with them and get to know the real world where they are not pampered I believe this is well planed to change the United States we must not allow this treasonous behavior

5 months ago

College and University have been going to Marxism for years and filling students with what to think not how to think. Every campus has an anit-american element in it and it way past time to dump the socialist in them. The student loan program is an example of the government trying to socialize education and a massive failure as the schools get rich and help students get a worthless degree.

5 months ago

China is behind these violent assemblies. Our federal government needs to grow a backbone with a set of BALLS, and put China where it belongs; on a shelf! But when your top puppet is bought and paid for by China, he needs to be booted out unceremoniously and a REAL PATRIOT LEADER voted in! God have mercy on America!

5 months ago

Obviously it’s not illegal to be a nazi and spew lies about Israel and the Jewish people in general.
These little facists need to be put in their place because what they are taught on college campuses is nothing short of indoctrination because public schools prepared them for just that.
Back when public schools were decent, we learned history and the not very democratic party and in spite of peer pressure I registered republican in 1980 because I paid attention

5 months ago

Imagine how many of these protesters are not even Students? the Antifa crowd, NEW KKK, New Terrorist groups are running these shows. If they are students from other countries – send them packing (we prolly paying their college tuition anyways). Imagine dropping about $350,000 on 4 years of education at these Ivy League schools and not getting to GRADUATE – they are caving to these infantiles. This I believe is retribution from the Ivy League schools that were in court last year -for their DEI policies – CLAUDINE GAY ring a bell??????

5 months ago

Not one word about the 90%+ of the students paying to go to school this semester and have zero interest in any of this nonsense. What about their right to just go to class and get what they paid for? What about their right to live in their dorm room which they paid for, in safety. What about their right to go to the cafeteria and safely eat the 3 meals a day they paid for? What about this group of people who just want what they paid for? What about them?

5 months ago

The line crossed is siding with the enemy and espousing both the genocide of Jewish and Americans. Those foreign students who are here taking that position should be deported immediately. Foreign outside agitators here should also be immediately deported. Those who are part of occupying the building(s) at Columbia University should be locked up as much as those who were part of the January 6th situation.

5 months ago

The Govt should be rounding up all the anti israel protesters, who are here on College Visas and Deport them all. Banned forever. Our constitutional rights don’t apply to visitors they apply to citizens.

5 months ago

College students across America seem to think that going to college is a place to vent feelings and listen to radicals and all the rest. Maybe our kids should be encouraged to forget college and get into apprentices where they can actually make a difference in our world instead of making it more evil.

5 months ago

Most of these ‘protests’ cross the line from protected speech into hate speech. Also, the 1st amendment does not protect one from the consequences of its exercise. The colleges are not the government and are free to have whatever (within reason) rules and policies governing student behavior they choose.
My solution:

  1. Arrest them, hit them with every applicable charge.
  2. Foreign students get PNG’d, visa cancelled permanently and sent home.
  3. U.S. students get prosecuted, expelled and have a permanent do not hire label.
  4. Any University staff/faculty that is involved gets fired, prosecuted and do not hire.

I’m reminded of something the Left loves to use against the Right, time for them to eat their own dog food.
Alinsky’s Rule #4: Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules!

Linda Taylor
Linda Taylor
5 months ago

Any person who is not a citizen of this country should be deported immediately. The Constitution gives United States citizens their rights. Non citizens have no rights under the Constitution. Many of the people leading and providing for these demonstrations are not just enemies of Israel but also enemies of this country. Hardworking taxpayers are paying for all of this insurrection and illegal activities, money should be going towards improvements around the country.

5 months ago

Most of the protesters interviewed ( all ) didn’t even know what they were protesting about, it’s definitely a practice run for upcoming election interference !

Bob Booker
Bob Booker
5 months ago

These thugs need to be kicked of school & our country.

Albert McCabe
Albert McCabe
5 months ago

If they support Hamas, ship them to Gaza and let them fight if they love the Palestinians so much.Let them put their money where there mouth is.

5 months ago

Anti American, anti Semitic organizations should be rooted out and put out of business Taxpayers giving to these organizations also get a deduction from our government

5 months ago

While I abhor the made up term ‘hate speech’ as hate is a subjective term bearing no real standard for ethics, the double standard is even more of an affront to America’s 1A. ALL speech should be protected from government encroachment until it presents imminent threat to others’ Rights or actively aligns with enemies of our Nation. “We are Hamas” crosses that line. “From the river to the sea” does not, albeit it is discriminatory and should be shunned by society as such bigotry. However, there are private infringements such as criminal trespass, unlawful demonstration, harassment, assault, and kidnapping (the barring of someone’s freedom of movement) that individuals should be arrested and prosecuted for. Moreover, covid is over – and masking has been shown as unhelpful even then – so we should return to disallowing hiding your identity when in these public events as that only entices criminality. We have plenty (and too many TBH) laws already on the books…they just need to be enforced. Finally, all of this is heavily guided by nefarious hands…follow the money…take down those enemies of our Nation before they take her down first.

5 months ago

from what I heard on the news lately is that most of the protesters are not enrolled at the colleges they are protesting at.

Bob L.
Bob L.
5 months ago

Number 3 and number 4 but I had to pick just one.
Google: Follow the Money: Clear Paper Trail Found Between Paid Anti-Israel Agitators On US College Campuses and Soros Foundation

5 months ago

Any person, protestor, administrator, or politician that spews hate and declaires their allege Ced to a terrorist group (enemy of the state) and or destroy and kill the US or Israel, should be arrested and detained. If they are not a US citizen, they should be immediately deported. If they are a US citizen, they should be tried as an enemy of the state. The University Admin that keeps flip flopping should also be fined and removed from office and any federal or state funds that go to that establishment should be revoked and stopped indefinitely. Bring in the National Guard and bodily remove these pissants who a large handful have no idea if what they’re protesting for. They should be expelled from the school and still have to pay their debt to the school. We should also interrogate who is behind this protest and w here the money is coming from. Very coincidental all the tents are the same.

5 months ago

These are organized protests; organized by anti American people. They originate from the top, down by Marxist people who have invaded our culture in all areas. But God! Sean Feuct (sp?) and others organized a counter protest in favor of the Jews and Israel. Good news!

5 months ago

What would they do if the protests were anti-musilum, anti-blm, anti-women, or anti-gay. I believe that if it were any of these groups the administrations on these campuses would have already dealt with the problem, with no room for discussion.

5 months ago

A long ago book, “The Naked Communist”, describes the steps needed to destroy America as a precautionary. Those steps are completed… the dying gasps of this once great nation (now without borders) is coming. How, exactly when is vague but under this corrupt and mixed (fascism and socialism bordering on Communism, a difference) anti-America regime and their philosophies after nearly half century (longer?) effort we are done. Oh, I am sure some will say, ‘hogwash’ but as a 70+ year observer of the country and its transformation I am assured that we’ve just about bought the farm. A powerful and probably violent movement resisting this progression might prevent its full application but would it reverse the spiral into Communism (the efforts may seem bent towards socialism but the force that separates the two seems present and I predict the more painful method) and the historical death of societies? Sadly there if fully a third of the population that does not care!

5 months ago

While I value Americans’ rights, these protesters push the limit. Protesting on public property is one thing, but universities are private, as are businesses, and have rules to follow. Publicly funded colleges also have rules. Rules are for thee and also for me. If these students are not citizens, they should be deported. Any violence should be punished. There’s a reason why defunding the police and putting in Soros prosecutors happened before this; now they haven’t the resources to deal with all the lawbreakers.

5 months ago

Everything going as planned, thanks Obama!!!

Gerald McFerson
Gerald McFerson
5 months ago

These protests are planned disruptions. Most of the protestors don’t even go to these schools, they are paid by Soros and other elites. A lot of these protestors don’t even know what they are protesting about. They are riled up through our indoctrination system, used to be our education system. The tenure of professors needs to be discontinued and presidents and deans need to be held responsible for what is being taught in their schools.

P.R. Chapman
P.R. Chapman
5 months ago

Free speech is important——-but—-camping out? I remember the Vietnam war protests when I was a child. I do not remember tents and/or camping. It has been a few decades, so the memory might be fading, of course. Once they are blocking campus greens or alleyways(Emerson College in Boston), then it becomes a safety issue, too.

Dean C Howerton
Dean C Howerton
5 months ago


David Zuk
David Zuk
5 months ago

i am pleased to participate in AMAC polls. I am confident that it is unbiased and gets the real feeling of the general public.

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