Stop the needless waste of everybody’s time.
GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !
4 years ago
The real problem with the primary system is that it is designed to maintain the hegemony of the two main tweedle dee, tweedle dum, “parties.” Only those two are allowed to have ballots.
I live in an area that is dominated by one of the two. Voting in a primary here is a joke, because only the dominant party ever has a full ballot. Whoever wins that party’s primary wins the general, so a lot of people vote the dominant party’s primary, and then uselessly vote the opposite party in the general election.
George Washington was wise in his admonition to avoid political parties.
4 years ago
The election is not “national”, though the position is. There are 50 state elections. Candidates need the primaries spread out so they can campaign in more states – otherwise, they’d only need to visit the top 5 cities with the highest populations. Whether Iowa is first or Montana, the fact of being first has no bearing on my evaluations. The early primaries, though, help thin the field as donations to the lower performers start drying up. I am interested in effective policy – both domestic and foreign – and whom, with the field, can produce the best result.
4 years ago
Leave it like it is where it is. The system works.
The clown car of the traveling circus has weeded out around 25 nobody wannabes leaving two decrepit, hateful old guys headed in the same direction. Under!
Way to go Iowa. Can’t wait for the circus to pull into New Hampshire. I look for two things to happen there. Finish off the two old socialists and allow New Hampshire to look at itself in the mirror and unlike socialist Vermont, change it’s ways before it’s too late and rejoin Free America.
4 years ago
Confusing? People should be paying closer attention to the candidates and issues, and not waiting until the primaries to make a decision. Waiting to see who wins in the first primary, and settling on that candidate is a reflection of the primary, and not at all an individual decision. Get off your lazy and become a responsible American.
4 years ago
All it does thin the herd a bit. Rotate them among the ten smaller states over a five week period, two states at a time.
Super Tuesday kills any chance of those states that have dates after it of being meaningful. Keeping California, Texas, New York and maybe Florida being the last to vote all in one week.
That will keep it interesting longer.
Carroll Crenshaw
4 years ago
I prefer multiple dates to allow candidates to campaign effectively.
4 years ago
Noting what is happening today in politics. The speaker of the house seems to be much more powerful then I ever knew. When someone sets their goal on impeachment for non impeachable hear say. There needs to be someway to get the speaker of the house Impeached.
4 years ago
The election process takes entirely too long a time. The amount of time it takes today should be much shorter (no more than 6 months). It may have been necessary for a longer time in history but with the ease of obtaining information today a lengthy election process is no longer required. The media is also to blame for all attention paid to the states with early primary elections and elections in general. Candidates should be required to provide a summary of the issues they see an how they stand on the issues that should be available to all for review and compare prior to an election. These summaries should then be published in newspapers and available online for review.
4 years ago
Why is it that only Iowa and New Hampshire which are both strong Democrat states are the only ones this vote happens in. Personally I think it is a waste of time especially this time around. The voting system is broken to much cheating going on. My dad had to die before he was able to vote Democrat. Since when he was alive he always voted Republican.
William Cate
4 years ago
The majority of Americans are whiny, crybaby, know-nothings whose opinions are formed by other whiny, crybaby, know-nothings who share their whiny, cry-baby, know-nothingness on social media.
JD Taylor
4 years ago
I could careless about what people in these two states say are vote for!
Les Jones
4 years ago
The price of admission is way too high and we suffer from the consequences. Political promoters trade money for promises- this not philanthropy. What a crazy, potentially corrupt way to choose politicians. No wonder they all want to stay in office for decades and retire millionaires.
4 years ago
Didn’t vote in this one. Not the problem. The problem is apathy and listening to the polls and people think that their vote won’t make a difference. Get off your duffs and vote, don’t care if it’s raining, VOTE!
4 years ago
Make election day a national holiday.
4 years ago
Do away with political parties completely and vote on the person.
4 years ago
If selected states and primary polls are gauges to persuade the American voter then the system is convoluted and broke. Voters should exercise their independence and privilege to vote by gathering needed facts and information on each candidate and consider their vote to whom they think will best serve them. Americans need to be literate and engaged, not to follow other states and often contrived media opinions.
Gary Adams
4 years ago
Agree with Mr. William Cate 100%.
Thank you sir.
Gary Adams
4 years ago
Agree with Mr. William Cate 100%.
Thank you sir!
4 years ago
The whole process is ridiculous. They campaign for years and spend zillions of dollars. What a waste! They should limit the presidential race to the previous 6 months prior to the election. If not, take half of the money raised and give it to public schools or other charities.
Stephen Russell
4 years ago
System should change from Iowa & NH to other states IE population, demographics.
Based on new 2020 Census, new states should replace Iowa & NH alone IE Texas, FL, or CO & not CA & NY.
Robert J Stitt Sr
4 years ago
Why do we need all these primaries. Why not have one or two primary days in June or July and have whichever states participate at that time. Then let the campaigning begin.
Old man
4 years ago
The most important thing to me is to get back an honest, objective , nonpartisan news media. Without that all the rest is mostly meaningless. We need voters who know the facts not the party and media propaganda. However, do agree there should be one primary vote day or as a minimum at least include many more states lets not play follow the lemmings.
Timothy Ward
4 years ago
The only people who are confused, are the “Self Appointed Intellectual Party” referred to as Democrats, who have a difficult time understanding ballots, let alone primaries, or the brilliance of the electoral college.
Let Iowa and New Hampshire have their 15 nano seconds of fame, what else have they got?
For any leftist out there you either fill in the whole circle, or you punch the circle out…. Never mind, you’re never going to get it any way.
John Karkalis
4 years ago
If the good people of Iowa and New Hampshire clearly represented a cross section of America, I would have no concerns, but I’m not convinced they do.
A one day National Primary has appeal– it’s quick. but I would like to hear from the more savvy AMAC members on this
4 years ago
National media should give third party candites equal coverage.
Charles Pulaski
4 years ago
The coup is still going on by the new communist party(the now dead democrat party).
4 years ago
Agree with Jud. Dems trade on ignorance in the electorate. Not everyone listens to Rush Limbaugh. I have an ex who condemns the man but has never listened to him. It’s called prejudice. I do wonder at the likes of Biden making it so far on so little intelligence.
4 years ago
This sounds like a poll the Democrats would ask.
4 years ago
My choice is not listed. People miss the point that the president is elected by the states, not the people. Each state is free to nominate candidates however and whenever they choose according to their and the U.S. constitutions. Decisions of how and when to hold primaries should not be the choice of any national government, party or organization – to regulate such nationally is a trespass on states’ sovereign rights. So, my vote would be to leave things as they are, not because IA and NH perform a “valuable service” to the rest of us but because their legislatures and parties are free to do things the way they choose.
4 years ago
The primary dates are set by the parties. The significance of these two primaries are due to media puffery. We don not need more top-down central control of this process. Recent events illustrate the likely result.
Dion B Muncrief
4 years ago
My prayer is that we will soon, not soon enough, find a way to demolish this 2 party system. The all inclusive donkey party and the only conservative voice in town party are, and will continue to drive us into another internal (uncivilized) war within our own country. Pray for divisions of the 2 major parties for the salvation of the USA.
Susan in Menifee
4 years ago
I would say the length of time to get to the nomination is too much. I have Volunteered in California for a Republican Candidate in 2018 for Governor. With that experience I found that while door knocking people just don’t care enough. It left me very defeated and it felt like I had just put a strainer in a bowl of water and tried tirelessly to empty water in the bowl. Waist of time!
So with that maybe the time in which people make the decision should be shortened but I myself feel I like the process the way it is. If they switch States every four years I am afraid of California’s uneducated voters not making wise choices. They just cannot be trusted with such an important issue, I feel that way about many States.
4 years ago
If we were to switch to a single primary election day, there is no reason to have it in March. Hold it in May or June to get it closer to the conventions and hopefully shorten the campaign season. Or completely do away with the conventions and hold the primary in September.
4 years ago
My only concern with a rotation of states, or one primary date for all states is the undue influence large states may have over the primary process. The founders were right to be wary of simply depending on a “popular” vote.
Frank Canaday
4 years ago
I agree with “Just Me”…it’s too long and with information technology the way it now is, 2 years of this non-sense is too much! I also agree with the idea of requiring all candidates to publish, in writing and submitted and “signed off on” publicly BY THEM directly (not thru any form or sort of “3rd party entity”), a minimum of 6 months ahead of any national or local election date, answers to 10 predetermined topics relevant to the level and type of office they seek and then as suggested, submitted and printed and made available through numerous PUBLIC outlets for all those who wish can have enough time to consider each candidate’s position. Finally, voting should be IN PERSON (unless working or living abroad, including US military personnel, in which case “absentee ballots provided several weeks ahead and returned by a predetermined deadline) but over a 7 day period. Finally, IF TERM LIMITS exist for the POTUS (2 terms of 4 years), then they should also exist for EVERY elected OR appointed official (both locally and nationally, including the US Supreme Court), so that neither party or side, nor we as citizens are made to feel so anxious or helpless when the “party in power” seeks to threaten all we stand for and hope for as “average Joes” out here. ENOUGH OF THE “unopposed, life-time, career politicians”…MAX 8 YEARS EVER on ANY elected or appointed position AND no more “lifetime retirement benefits” for public, “get rich at the expense of the taxation of the people, self-service” (because that’s why THEY NEVER LEAVE!! ENOUGH ALREADY!! LEAVE AND GO GET A REAL JOB, doing WHATEVER, WHEREVER, JUST OUTTA OUR POCKETS! OK…there you have it, my little answer to the “poll” and comment about this perpetual MESS! Nothing will ever be ideal, but we desperately need some updates and changes to the system to IMPROVE IT…NOT DUMP IT! GO USA!!!
American Believer
4 years ago
The current system requires a huge financial commitment. This in turn winnows out those not backed by big money.
One vote, one day, financial limits on EVERY candidate.
Diane Giddings
4 years ago
If Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina were not the first few primary states, not a single candidate would come to seek votes. It is impossible for candidates to campaign in all 50 states in a,short period of time. I, too, annoyed with all the campaigning, but it is necessary to sift out the wheat from the chaff. If we had gone to a March-April primary as suggested, who would be president right now?
4 years ago
My biggest question is why those two states, which incidentally don’t have a fully integrated population of every type of individual, are the key states to decide what candidates are selected. Makes me feel unwanted since I live elsewhere and I thought everyone’s voice counts.
4 years ago
No one party should be able to impeach anyone.
MK McMillion
4 years ago
This is a States right.
The Federal government has no say in when a State chooses to hold their primary elections.
You have issue with early elections, deal with it within your State.
J. Patrick
4 years ago
Problem with one Presidential Primary Voting Day, is the big states, NY, Ca, etc would just overwhelm the voices of smaller states, like they can do in the real election.
Robert E Peterson
4 years ago
I could not care less how the parties select THEIR candidate, but it should not be done with the public’s money.
Roger Madison
4 years ago
can’t require something nationally as this is a states rights issue
Me not the same
4 years ago
The only reason NH is becomming DEM is they are all Massholes deflecting that communist state.
Me not the same
4 years ago
Vote for the person not the PARTY like the dem’s do.
4 years ago
I say have three or four primary dates in March and April. That would give the early loser(s) a fair chance to assess everybody’s chances. Remember when Guiiiani decided to wait till the South Carolina vote to enter the race, , and was so far behind in the polls by that time that he just quit. Don’t know why that did him in, but it did. If we had one nationwide primary day, he might have had a good chance. And that would save campaign money. But we wouldn’t get as well acquainted with the candidates.
4 years ago
People seem to forget that there is not a national presidential election every 4 years. Yes we are a nation. But we are also 50 states united and Washington D.C. and we hold 51 presidential elections every 4 years.
4 years ago
I am not influenced by the Iowa or New Jersey primaries. I educate myself on the candidates and then make my own decision.
Bill Brown
4 years ago
This question shows a significant point. Public money should not be allowed to be used for the nominating process! Each so called party should pay all nominating costs!
Stop the needless waste of everybody’s time.
GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !
The real problem with the primary system is that it is designed to maintain the hegemony of the two main tweedle dee, tweedle dum, “parties.” Only those two are allowed to have ballots.
I live in an area that is dominated by one of the two. Voting in a primary here is a joke, because only the dominant party ever has a full ballot. Whoever wins that party’s primary wins the general, so a lot of people vote the dominant party’s primary, and then uselessly vote the opposite party in the general election.
George Washington was wise in his admonition to avoid political parties.
The election is not “national”, though the position is. There are 50 state elections. Candidates need the primaries spread out so they can campaign in more states – otherwise, they’d only need to visit the top 5 cities with the highest populations. Whether Iowa is first or Montana, the fact of being first has no bearing on my evaluations. The early primaries, though, help thin the field as donations to the lower performers start drying up. I am interested in effective policy – both domestic and foreign – and whom, with the field, can produce the best result.
Leave it like it is where it is. The system works.
The clown car of the traveling circus has weeded out around 25 nobody wannabes leaving two decrepit, hateful old guys headed in the same direction. Under!
Way to go Iowa. Can’t wait for the circus to pull into New Hampshire. I look for two things to happen there. Finish off the two old socialists and allow New Hampshire to look at itself in the mirror and unlike socialist Vermont, change it’s ways before it’s too late and rejoin Free America.
Confusing? People should be paying closer attention to the candidates and issues, and not waiting until the primaries to make a decision. Waiting to see who wins in the first primary, and settling on that candidate is a reflection of the primary, and not at all an individual decision. Get off your lazy and become a responsible American.
All it does thin the herd a bit. Rotate them among the ten smaller states over a five week period, two states at a time.
Super Tuesday kills any chance of those states that have dates after it of being meaningful. Keeping California, Texas, New York and maybe Florida being the last to vote all in one week.
That will keep it interesting longer.
I prefer multiple dates to allow candidates to campaign effectively.
Noting what is happening today in politics. The speaker of the house seems to be much more powerful then I ever knew. When someone sets their goal on impeachment for non impeachable hear say. There needs to be someway to get the speaker of the house Impeached.
The election process takes entirely too long a time. The amount of time it takes today should be much shorter (no more than 6 months). It may have been necessary for a longer time in history but with the ease of obtaining information today a lengthy election process is no longer required. The media is also to blame for all attention paid to the states with early primary elections and elections in general. Candidates should be required to provide a summary of the issues they see an how they stand on the issues that should be available to all for review and compare prior to an election. These summaries should then be published in newspapers and available online for review.
Why is it that only Iowa and New Hampshire which are both strong Democrat states are the only ones this vote happens in. Personally I think it is a waste of time especially this time around. The voting system is broken to much cheating going on. My dad had to die before he was able to vote Democrat. Since when he was alive he always voted Republican.
The majority of Americans are whiny, crybaby, know-nothings whose opinions are formed by other whiny, crybaby, know-nothings who share their whiny, cry-baby, know-nothingness on social media.
I could careless about what people in these two states say are vote for!
The price of admission is way too high and we suffer from the consequences. Political promoters trade money for promises- this not philanthropy. What a crazy, potentially corrupt way to choose politicians. No wonder they all want to stay in office for decades and retire millionaires.
Didn’t vote in this one. Not the problem. The problem is apathy and listening to the polls and people think that their vote won’t make a difference. Get off your duffs and vote, don’t care if it’s raining, VOTE!
Make election day a national holiday.
Do away with political parties completely and vote on the person.
If selected states and primary polls are gauges to persuade the American voter then the system is convoluted and broke. Voters should exercise their independence and privilege to vote by gathering needed facts and information on each candidate and consider their vote to whom they think will best serve them. Americans need to be literate and engaged, not to follow other states and often contrived media opinions.
Agree with Mr. William Cate 100%.
Thank you sir.
Agree with Mr. William Cate 100%.
Thank you sir!
The whole process is ridiculous. They campaign for years and spend zillions of dollars. What a waste! They should limit the presidential race to the previous 6 months prior to the election. If not, take half of the money raised and give it to public schools or other charities.
System should change from Iowa & NH to other states IE population, demographics.
Based on new 2020 Census, new states should replace Iowa & NH alone IE Texas, FL, or CO & not CA & NY.
Why do we need all these primaries. Why not have one or two primary days in June or July and have whichever states participate at that time. Then let the campaigning begin.
The most important thing to me is to get back an honest, objective , nonpartisan news media. Without that all the rest is mostly meaningless. We need voters who know the facts not the party and media propaganda. However, do agree there should be one primary vote day or as a minimum at least include many more states lets not play follow the lemmings.
The only people who are confused, are the “Self Appointed Intellectual Party” referred to as Democrats, who have a difficult time understanding ballots, let alone primaries, or the brilliance of the electoral college.
Let Iowa and New Hampshire have their 15 nano seconds of fame, what else have they got?
For any leftist out there you either fill in the whole circle, or you punch the circle out…. Never mind, you’re never going to get it any way.
If the good people of Iowa and New Hampshire clearly represented a cross section of America, I would have no concerns, but I’m not convinced they do.
A one day National Primary has appeal– it’s quick. but I would like to hear from the more savvy AMAC members on this
National media should give third party candites equal coverage.
The coup is still going on by the new communist party(the now dead democrat party).
Agree with Jud. Dems trade on ignorance in the electorate. Not everyone listens to Rush Limbaugh. I have an ex who condemns the man but has never listened to him. It’s called prejudice. I do wonder at the likes of Biden making it so far on so little intelligence.
This sounds like a poll the Democrats would ask.
My choice is not listed. People miss the point that the president is elected by the states, not the people. Each state is free to nominate candidates however and whenever they choose according to their and the U.S. constitutions. Decisions of how and when to hold primaries should not be the choice of any national government, party or organization – to regulate such nationally is a trespass on states’ sovereign rights. So, my vote would be to leave things as they are, not because IA and NH perform a “valuable service” to the rest of us but because their legislatures and parties are free to do things the way they choose.
The primary dates are set by the parties. The significance of these two primaries are due to media puffery. We don not need more top-down central control of this process. Recent events illustrate the likely result.
My prayer is that we will soon, not soon enough, find a way to demolish this 2 party system. The all inclusive donkey party and the only conservative voice in town party are, and will continue to drive us into another internal (uncivilized) war within our own country. Pray for divisions of the 2 major parties for the salvation of the USA.
I would say the length of time to get to the nomination is too much. I have Volunteered in California for a Republican Candidate in 2018 for Governor. With that experience I found that while door knocking people just don’t care enough. It left me very defeated and it felt like I had just put a strainer in a bowl of water and tried tirelessly to empty water in the bowl. Waist of time!
So with that maybe the time in which people make the decision should be shortened but I myself feel I like the process the way it is. If they switch States every four years I am afraid of California’s uneducated voters not making wise choices. They just cannot be trusted with such an important issue, I feel that way about many States.
If we were to switch to a single primary election day, there is no reason to have it in March. Hold it in May or June to get it closer to the conventions and hopefully shorten the campaign season. Or completely do away with the conventions and hold the primary in September.
My only concern with a rotation of states, or one primary date for all states is the undue influence large states may have over the primary process. The founders were right to be wary of simply depending on a “popular” vote.
I agree with “Just Me”…it’s too long and with information technology the way it now is, 2 years of this non-sense is too much! I also agree with the idea of requiring all candidates to publish, in writing and submitted and “signed off on” publicly BY THEM directly (not thru any form or sort of “3rd party entity”), a minimum of 6 months ahead of any national or local election date, answers to 10 predetermined topics relevant to the level and type of office they seek and then as suggested, submitted and printed and made available through numerous PUBLIC outlets for all those who wish can have enough time to consider each candidate’s position. Finally, voting should be IN PERSON (unless working or living abroad, including US military personnel, in which case “absentee ballots provided several weeks ahead and returned by a predetermined deadline) but over a 7 day period. Finally, IF TERM LIMITS exist for the POTUS (2 terms of 4 years), then they should also exist for EVERY elected OR appointed official (both locally and nationally, including the US Supreme Court), so that neither party or side, nor we as citizens are made to feel so anxious or helpless when the “party in power” seeks to threaten all we stand for and hope for as “average Joes” out here. ENOUGH OF THE “unopposed, life-time, career politicians”…MAX 8 YEARS EVER on ANY elected or appointed position AND no more “lifetime retirement benefits” for public, “get rich at the expense of the taxation of the people, self-service” (because that’s why THEY NEVER LEAVE!! ENOUGH ALREADY!! LEAVE AND GO GET A REAL JOB, doing WHATEVER, WHEREVER, JUST OUTTA OUR POCKETS! OK…there you have it, my little answer to the “poll” and comment about this perpetual MESS! Nothing will ever be ideal, but we desperately need some updates and changes to the system to IMPROVE IT…NOT DUMP IT! GO USA!!!
The current system requires a huge financial commitment. This in turn winnows out those not backed by big money.
One vote, one day, financial limits on EVERY candidate.
If Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina were not the first few primary states, not a single candidate would come to seek votes. It is impossible for candidates to campaign in all 50 states in a,short period of time. I, too, annoyed with all the campaigning, but it is necessary to sift out the wheat from the chaff. If we had gone to a March-April primary as suggested, who would be president right now?
My biggest question is why those two states, which incidentally don’t have a fully integrated population of every type of individual, are the key states to decide what candidates are selected. Makes me feel unwanted since I live elsewhere and I thought everyone’s voice counts.
No one party should be able to impeach anyone.
This is a States right.
The Federal government has no say in when a State chooses to hold their primary elections.
You have issue with early elections, deal with it within your State.
Problem with one Presidential Primary Voting Day, is the big states, NY, Ca, etc would just overwhelm the voices of smaller states, like they can do in the real election.
I could not care less how the parties select THEIR candidate, but it should not be done with the public’s money.
can’t require something nationally as this is a states rights issue
The only reason NH is becomming DEM is they are all Massholes deflecting that communist state.
Vote for the person not the PARTY like the dem’s do.
I say have three or four primary dates in March and April. That would give the early loser(s) a fair chance to assess everybody’s chances. Remember when Guiiiani decided to wait till the South Carolina vote to enter the race, , and was so far behind in the polls by that time that he just quit. Don’t know why that did him in, but it did. If we had one nationwide primary day, he might have had a good chance. And that would save campaign money. But we wouldn’t get as well acquainted with the candidates.
People seem to forget that there is not a national presidential election every 4 years. Yes we are a nation. But we are also 50 states united and Washington D.C. and we hold 51 presidential elections every 4 years.
I am not influenced by the Iowa or New Jersey primaries. I educate myself on the candidates and then make my own decision.
This question shows a significant point. Public money should not be allowed to be used for the nominating process! Each so called party should pay all nominating costs!