Combustible engine vehicles over the death traps called electric vehicles. Heaven over , Hell and Trump over Biden. As a Veteran I want my country back.
1 year ago
MAGA over democrats and Rinos
1 year ago
The LORD Jesus Christ over satan’s murderous rebellion and evil….
1 year ago
Jesus over all!
Mist Carter
1 year ago
This week’s poll question got me thinking that it represents the epitome of our national condition of division. Now before you start responding that I’m going off track and not really making the choices on the poll, I realize it is intended to be “light-hearted” and “fun.”
My point is that regardless of the poll results, we all have our personal preferences¾and that’s fine. And in the end, who really cares? Our preferences are our preferences. The sad reality is that we don’t treat other likes/dislikes (preferences) in the same happy-go-lucky manner.
Instead of getting into harmless debates/discussions on why we may favor a dog over a cat, or vise-versa, the topics or issues that truly impact our life tend to lead to no discussion or debate at all. Tragically issues such as crime, open borders, economy, compromised justice system, election integrity, corruption at all levels of government, etc., are spun by pundits and media through lies, and omissions of truth.
Without peaceful, sensible, and truthful means to address the differing views and opinions, both sides tend to stay in their lane, close their eyes and ears, and dig the trench of division to deeper levels. The last time it got this bad, we ended up in a Civil War.
I keep thinking about September 10, 2001 when we had conservatives and liberals, and all that goes with that. We had similar problems that we do today¾but on a much, much lower scale. Then 9/11 happened, and guess what? We as a nation united like never before. We still had our preferences, but we didn’t allow them to separate and divide us. I pray that we would come to our senses and unite for our country (without a tragic disaster such as 9/11). By the way, I prefer dogs over cats!
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Psalm 133:1
L. Laresn
1 year ago
God over Government
Brian Carrozza
1 year ago
As the United States of America crumbles around us I prefer truth over lies.
Frank the Tank
1 year ago
Jeffrey Epstein was murdered by the Deep State because he had too much dirt on everybody.
John Manning
1 year ago
Trump over Biden
1 year ago
AARP STILL pushing the death jabs! ‘Nuff said.
Margaret Wolfe
1 year ago
Peace over war! Love over hate! Good over evil!
Robert L
1 year ago
Capitalism over Socialism/Communism.
1 year ago
Thanks for the chuckles AMAC, once in a while we need to slow down & take slow, deep breaths. Otherwise we become : ” HEY, you kids get off my lawn !!! ” . Enjoy the day my friends
1 year ago
Beach sand over snow shoveling!
1 year ago
V-8 Hemi over an EV.
L. Laresn
1 year ago
God over Government.
Edward Culligan
1 year ago
Let Israel run it’s own war, we have a terrible history of letting politicians run wars ie: Afghanistan, Iraq, Viet Nam, Korea, WWII where we let the Russians take Berlin and where it all began the Civil War.
1 year ago
Yes, very lighthearted… i like pina coladas?
Now, back to business, and AMAC should love this. Anyone notice the commercials the leftist AARP has pushed out lately? Many more than I remember. I think we got them on the run!
We just signed up for health insurance, and said no thanks to Aaarp, who is completely aligned with the o’bidens! MAGA 2024!
1 year ago
Secure border over open border, energy independence over energy dependence, fair elections over election fraud, law and order over lawlessness.
1 year ago
Trump over whoever democrats run against him.
Thank you for this poll. It was fun.
1 year ago
Liberty over tyranny!!!
1 year ago
I actually do like cats, ornery though they are, for two reasons. Number one, they don’t bark, and Number two, they don’t chase motorcycles.
I like sunrises, but I would have to get up early to see one.
I drive a Ford work vehicle and have a Chevy Malibu as my personal car. Both are good, but they don’t compare to my wife’s Honda CR-V.
Dan W.
1 year ago
Michigan over Washington Monday night.
1 year ago
Wow – fun questions, yes, but whoever made this one up is the exact opposite of me!! I could only check two – AMAC over AARP & texting over talking on phone (people will tie you up for hours no matter how many times you say you need to go)!
1 year ago
God given rights over the World Health Organization.
Steven Alton
1 year ago
Trump over Biden, Heaven over Hell, Combustible engines & vehicles over electric pieces of garbage, oil & gas over electricity, Less Federal government control and less taxes,4yr.term limit on a president, and 2yr.term limit on every Congressman and Senator.and the Lord Jesus Christ Over Everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daniel LaChance
1 year ago
Personally, now is not the time for light-hearted drivel. We have less than a year to figure how to restore our elections so we can return Trump and others legally and rightfully back to office to restore our once great USA.
Thomas Pfau
1 year ago
it would be nice to see the results as a percentage of votes cast. i can’t even find any indication of the number of votes cast to figure it out myself.
1 year ago
Thanks for the light-hearted poll AMAC. As for AMAC or AARP, it’s no contest. Nice to start the new year off in a more relaxed way because the rest of this year might be a roller coaster. Hang on my friends, God is doing great things behind the scenes. HE will win, over this present evil, in the end. Pray hard for this nation!
Nolan Conley
1 year ago
Here’s my list…
Jesus over all! Trump over Biden. Fair Voting over vote cheating and ballot stuffing. The Constitution (as it was written) over all laws. 2nd Amendment over confiscation and runaway government. Capitalism over Communism/Socialism any day. Death penalty over letting murders and rapist going free. Same goes for pedofiles and child molesters.
Tony Garner
1 year ago
Texting has it’s place for quick passing of info after that quit wasting my time and CALL! Dodge over chevy or ford.
John E Cornell
1 year ago
Many of these I have no preference.
1 year ago
Freedom over being a Leftist
1 year ago
No big pharma drugs verses using them.
A Voter
1 year ago
This poll is so blatantly biased. Why are there no reciprocals for the this over that questions? IE Chevy over Ford etc. LOL.
American Believer
1 year ago
Doing my best this year to remember who my real leader is and paying less attention to the media static.
Jesus, my lard and savior, my leader
1 year ago
Wow, it’s like you don’t know mw at all!! Cats, sunrises, eating HEALTHY, mornings, staying home, I don’t text!, have 5 Chevys (plus my tractor), too tired to run, either potato dish is fine, HOCKEY RULES, ice water, usually ketchup, and gearboxes in older cars and slushboxes in newer ones.
Glenn Lego
1 year ago
Something over nothing.
Matt B.
1 year ago
Law abiding over Law Breakers
Lee B.
1 year ago
My wife over another gal.
Ed Ludwig
1 year ago
I like cats because they allow me to delegate my authority to them.
Jackie ICT
1 year ago
AMAC definitely over AARP. Manual over automatic. Everything else on the list I couldn’t care less. I do think usually Amac surveys have more important subjects asking of public opinions.
Bob L.
1 year ago
Cats over dogs – I have 5.
Sunrises over sunsets – I’m an early to bed and early to rise person.
Sweet foods AND salty foods for snacking
Mornings over late nights – see item two above.
Vacationing close to home over far away – I quit flying decades ago and the highways are too crowded and I can’t drive very long between bathroom breaks any more. Maybe if there were more passenger train routes I would travel if compartments are still an option.
Talking to someone over the phone over texting – I don’t text, or tweet. My phone is for incoming and outgoing calls only.
Dodge over Ford or Chevy – Dad was a Ford man and I didn’t care for them. I’ve owned Chevys and they were alright, but My ’95 Dakota is the best vehicle of them all – and still is.
AMAC over AARP – No contest Everybody in the country should know about AMAC then AARP would dry up and blow away.
Walking over running for exercise – I run if there’s a fight or flight reason, not for the fun of running.
Hashbrowns and home fries are both good
Football? Baseball? – I’ve lost a lot of interest in sports over the last several years. Not even the kid’s games are “fun” anymore as enough rude parents are spoiling it for all. Excessive pay for players and coaches turned me off of most of the rest. Formula One has become so technical that having a driver in the car is almost unnecessary. World of Outlaw winged sprint cars still hold my interest, now THAT’S racing!!
Coffee over tea, but tea is god for the health benefits it offers.
Ketchup over mustard? – Both are good depending on how they are being used.
Manual over automatic transmission – no contest there the manual is far better and was even better before the government got involved with the “safety” features now attached to them.
1 year ago
Honeymooners over Seinfeld(that’s a tough one)
Colleen Sanders
1 year ago
Critical Issues facing our country over “Lame O”
dayvid aitch
1 year ago
Sedan over SUV or truck.
Gas car over electric.
Analog cars over electronic/tracking monsters of today.
Dan arcotta
1 year ago
1 year ago
Well, this was a change of pace. A useless distraction, which we all need now and then. Today I’m going to eat salty chips while watching football and reading AMAC during ad breaks!
1 year ago
Easy-peasy! All the choices were clear-cut for me! O do enjoy the polls but can’t abide daily emails, so I wait till they show up!
Trump over Biden.
Combustible engine vehicles over the death traps called electric vehicles. Heaven over , Hell and Trump over Biden. As a Veteran I want my country back.
MAGA over democrats and Rinos
The LORD Jesus Christ over satan’s murderous rebellion and evil….
Jesus over all!
This week’s poll question got me thinking that it represents the epitome of our national condition of division. Now before you start responding that I’m going off track and not really making the choices on the poll, I realize it is intended to be “light-hearted” and “fun.”
My point is that regardless of the poll results, we all have our personal preferences¾and that’s fine. And in the end, who really cares? Our preferences are our preferences. The sad reality is that we don’t treat other likes/dislikes (preferences) in the same happy-go-lucky manner.
Instead of getting into harmless debates/discussions on why we may favor a dog over a cat, or vise-versa, the topics or issues that truly impact our life tend to lead to no discussion or debate at all. Tragically issues such as crime, open borders, economy, compromised justice system, election integrity, corruption at all levels of government, etc., are spun by pundits and media through lies, and omissions of truth.
Without peaceful, sensible, and truthful means to address the differing views and opinions, both sides tend to stay in their lane, close their eyes and ears, and dig the trench of division to deeper levels. The last time it got this bad, we ended up in a Civil War.
I keep thinking about September 10, 2001 when we had conservatives and liberals, and all that goes with that. We had similar problems that we do today¾but on a much, much lower scale. Then 9/11 happened, and guess what? We as a nation united like never before. We still had our preferences, but we didn’t allow them to separate and divide us. I pray that we would come to our senses and unite for our country (without a tragic disaster such as 9/11). By the way, I prefer dogs over cats!
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Psalm 133:1
God over Government
As the United States of America crumbles around us I prefer truth over lies.
Jeffrey Epstein was murdered by the Deep State because he had too much dirt on everybody.
Trump over Biden
AARP STILL pushing the death jabs! ‘Nuff said.
Peace over war! Love over hate! Good over evil!
Capitalism over Socialism/Communism.
Thanks for the chuckles AMAC, once in a while we need to slow down & take slow, deep breaths. Otherwise we become : ” HEY, you kids get off my lawn !!! ” . Enjoy the day my friends
Beach sand over snow shoveling!
V-8 Hemi over an EV.
God over Government.
Let Israel run it’s own war, we have a terrible history of letting politicians run wars ie: Afghanistan, Iraq, Viet Nam, Korea, WWII where we let the Russians take Berlin and where it all began the Civil War.
Yes, very lighthearted… i like pina coladas?
Now, back to business, and AMAC should love this. Anyone notice the commercials the leftist AARP has pushed out lately? Many more than I remember. I think we got them on the run!
We just signed up for health insurance, and said no thanks to Aaarp, who is completely aligned with the o’bidens! MAGA 2024!
Secure border over open border, energy independence over energy dependence, fair elections over election fraud, law and order over lawlessness.
Trump over whoever democrats run against him.
Thank you for this poll. It was fun.
Liberty over tyranny!!!
I actually do like cats, ornery though they are, for two reasons. Number one, they don’t bark, and Number two, they don’t chase motorcycles.
I like sunrises, but I would have to get up early to see one.
I drive a Ford work vehicle and have a Chevy Malibu as my personal car. Both are good, but they don’t compare to my wife’s Honda CR-V.
Michigan over Washington Monday night.
Wow – fun questions, yes, but whoever made this one up is the exact opposite of me!! I could only check two – AMAC over AARP & texting over talking on phone (people will tie you up for hours no matter how many times you say you need to go)!
God given rights over the World Health Organization.
Trump over Biden, Heaven over Hell, Combustible engines & vehicles over electric pieces of garbage, oil & gas over electricity, Less Federal government control and less taxes,4yr.term limit on a president, and 2yr.term limit on every Congressman and Senator.and the Lord Jesus Christ Over Everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Personally, now is not the time for light-hearted drivel. We have less than a year to figure how to restore our elections so we can return Trump and others legally and rightfully back to office to restore our once great USA.
it would be nice to see the results as a percentage of votes cast. i can’t even find any indication of the number of votes cast to figure it out myself.
Thanks for the light-hearted poll AMAC. As for AMAC or AARP, it’s no contest. Nice to start the new year off in a more relaxed way because the rest of this year might be a roller coaster. Hang on my friends, God is doing great things behind the scenes. HE will win, over this present evil, in the end. Pray hard for this nation!
Here’s my list…
Jesus over all! Trump over Biden. Fair Voting over vote cheating and ballot stuffing. The Constitution (as it was written) over all laws. 2nd Amendment over confiscation and runaway government. Capitalism over Communism/Socialism any day. Death penalty over letting murders and rapist going free. Same goes for pedofiles and child molesters.
Texting has it’s place for quick passing of info after that quit wasting my time and CALL! Dodge over chevy or ford.
Many of these I have no preference.
Freedom over being a Leftist
No big pharma drugs verses using them.
This poll is so blatantly biased. Why are there no reciprocals for the this over that questions? IE Chevy over Ford etc. LOL.
Doing my best this year to remember who my real leader is and paying less attention to the media static.
Jesus, my lard and savior, my leader
Wow, it’s like you don’t know mw at all!! Cats, sunrises, eating HEALTHY, mornings, staying home, I don’t text!, have 5 Chevys (plus my tractor), too tired to run, either potato dish is fine, HOCKEY RULES, ice water, usually ketchup, and gearboxes in older cars and slushboxes in newer ones.
Something over nothing.
Law abiding over Law Breakers
My wife over another gal.
I like cats because they allow me to delegate my authority to them.
AMAC definitely over AARP. Manual over automatic. Everything else on the list I couldn’t care less. I do think usually Amac surveys have more important subjects asking of public opinions.
Cats over dogs – I have 5.
Sunrises over sunsets – I’m an early to bed and early to rise person.
Sweet foods AND salty foods for snacking
Mornings over late nights – see item two above.
Vacationing close to home over far away – I quit flying decades ago and the highways are too crowded and I can’t drive very long between bathroom breaks any more. Maybe if there were more passenger train routes I would travel if compartments are still an option.
Talking to someone over the phone over texting – I don’t text, or tweet. My phone is for incoming and outgoing calls only.
Dodge over Ford or Chevy – Dad was a Ford man and I didn’t care for them. I’ve owned Chevys and they were alright, but My ’95 Dakota is the best vehicle of them all – and still is.
AMAC over AARP – No contest Everybody in the country should know about AMAC then AARP would dry up and blow away.
Walking over running for exercise – I run if there’s a fight or flight reason, not for the fun of running.
Hashbrowns and home fries are both good
Football? Baseball? – I’ve lost a lot of interest in sports over the last several years. Not even the kid’s games are “fun” anymore as enough rude parents are spoiling it for all. Excessive pay for players and coaches turned me off of most of the rest. Formula One has become so technical that having a driver in the car is almost unnecessary. World of Outlaw winged sprint cars still hold my interest, now THAT’S racing!!
Coffee over tea, but tea is god for the health benefits it offers.
Ketchup over mustard? – Both are good depending on how they are being used.
Manual over automatic transmission – no contest there the manual is far better and was even better before the government got involved with the “safety” features now attached to them.
Honeymooners over Seinfeld(that’s a tough one)
Critical Issues facing our country over “Lame O”
Sedan over SUV or truck.
Gas car over electric.
Analog cars over electronic/tracking monsters of today.
Well, this was a change of pace. A useless distraction, which we all need now and then. Today I’m going to eat salty chips while watching football and reading AMAC during ad breaks!
Easy-peasy! All the choices were clear-cut for me! O do enjoy the polls but can’t abide daily emails, so I wait till they show up!