
Seven left-wing activists stormed in and occupied Speaker McCarthy’s office this past week. Mass news media outlets ignored this event. First, did you hear about it, and second, what should become of the activists?

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1 year ago

Yes, by all means treat these people that exact same way the J6 protestors were treated. Of course that won’t happen, because the DOJ will either not charge these people with anything or the MSM will paint these 7 as just poor, misunderstood peaceful protestors exercising their rights. In either case, all 7 will be free within 2 weeks. Maybe they will even be compensated for the inconvience of being arrested in the first place.

1 year ago

We have watched the footage over and over again with the police personnel opening the doors for folks, Ray Epps encouraging people to enter the building on January 6th yet much like the 2020 election, a different narrative is being shoved down our throats! “Nothing to see here”……Ray Epps isn’t enen imprisoned; he’senjoying life on a ranch somewhere! I heard nothing about an invasion of Kevin McCarthy’s office, but the media is owned by the Marxists controlling our Country, and they don’t want the American Citizens to know the truth about anything!!

Dan W.
Dan W.
1 year ago

Yes, throw the same book at them as was thrown at those January 6th “tourists”.

1 year ago

When you are a Democrat or leftist it is always different nothing will come of it and the spineless Republicans will not bring it to Americans attention either. All the while men and women literally rot in a DC jail not charged and not ever will be brought to trial. Sickening and again few give a crap. The illegals are treated like royalty get more money than SS recepients who worked all their lives and paid into it. This country and our leadership on both sides are evil and corrupt.

1 year ago

If you didn’t hear about it, that is because you never hear anything that the left does wrong! Now days, the left is “right” and the right is “wrong.”

1 year ago

1/6 was a demonstration that got out of hand. The BLM riots actually were insurrection with looting, arson, etc., and few if any individuals were charged and nobody received a significant sentence. The media and liberals control our country and make a mockery of those who died or were wounded defending our country for the last few hundred years. It’s time to take our country back!

Rod Pelkey
Rod Pelkey
1 year ago

It’s time to stop the double standard in law enforcement based on political views.

1 year ago

If this were someone on the “right” these seven would be in jail like the ones who have been in jail for years with the false insurrection. There is no fair justice in our system these days and they will probably get off with a slap on the hands.

1 year ago

Summer of 2020 comes to mind when I barely heard of this incident. Main stream media is thoroughly disgusting along with the DOJ. Peaceful protest would be the explanation if you hear anything. Our country is in a downward spiral with this democrat government.

1 year ago

I didn’t say to treat the as the January 6 protesters were treated because the January 6 protesters should not be treated that way either.

1 year ago

Proud boys leader gets 22 years in the joint and wasn’t even at the capital. These people get zero time. Says all you need to know about dem /communist/marxist 2 tier judicial system in this country.

1 year ago

DOJ will do nothing to them. Another week of 2 tier system that is crap. Another reason we need to fight the left at their own game and get Big “D” back to get this country going in the right direction.

1 year ago

Yes, they should be treated exactly as the ‘Jan 6’ folks are being treated.
But we all know that ain’t gonna happen now, don’t we?

1 year ago

I did not know about this. It is similar to the black cop that shot Ashley Babbitt and was treated like a hero. Then Rosanne Boylan was trampled, beaten by a DC cop and died J6, who knew about that? And two older men that died J6 when cops fired flash bangs into the crowd. Make no mistake, democrats are the enemy of America.

1 year ago

I cannot believe the number of people who didn’t hear about this. Shows how corrupt the media is and how uninformed people in this country still are.
Start watching feeds on Rumble, like Bongino, and get caught up. You’ll know what’s coming next and will be prepared for it.

1 year ago

These people are paid political activist surely compensated by the marxist democrat party!
Prosecute them just like the illegal prosecution and persecution if the January 6th activists who knew the election results were a fraud.
The January 6th fake prosecution was wrong,overblown and a kangaroo court show, only aimed as discrediting a Great President Trump!
He didn’t fund the protest like the immoral, corrupt democrats do.
All the Blm, destruction, cities burned and destroyed, dont forget was compliments of the marxist democrat party!

Larry Davenport
Larry Davenport
1 year ago

These resurrectionists should be tried and handed sentences equivalent to what the January 6th protesters received. However, I fear they will receive nothing more than a slap on the wrist. This is the most corrupt administration in the history of the U.S. They, along with the MSM are destroying our country. It is time we take our country back! The wolves have taken charge of the hen house.

1 year ago

If you didn’t know about the incident, then you are still getting your news from the MSM. Turn on Newsmax or Fox to know what is really going on!

1 year ago

I missed this story on Fox this week (one of a few news outlets that reported it). Except for “The Hill,” NY Post, and BBC, it was not reported by MSM. The 7 protesters were removed. They demanded that the HIV/AIDS program, PEPFAR, continue after 9/30/23 (expiration date of the program). The program is a US fund that supplies money and aid to people all over the world for HIV/AIDS. Seeing as how they were in a restricted area, like the Jan 6th protestors, they should receive the same treatment as those who protested on Jan 6th. It floors me how much the media “censors” our news and only reports anything that may damage Conservatives. Heck, they are still denying Joe Biden had any connection to the enrichment (millions and millions in funneled money) of his family members. Uh huh, sure thing…wink, wink.

Melanie Wright
Melanie Wright
1 year ago

Treat them the same way J6 protestors were treated. The left is too used to getting their way by endless litigation; intimidation; extortion and/or violence. Constantly catering to the every whim of bullies and the loudest mouths must stop.

Linda K.
Linda K.
1 year ago

Trump 2024!

1 year ago

I’d be preaching to the choir, if I said anything, just keep your powder and primers in a cool dry area….just saying.

1 year ago

Don’t watch the marxist lying lame street media. Didn’t hear anything about this insurrection at all. Throw them in jail for 22 years like they did to the leader of the Proud Boys, who wasn’t even in Washington D.C. on J. 6th. Because they trespassed on government property to incite an insurrection, which was a threat to overthrow our democracy! Doesn’t that sound familiar? We do not need activism. We need people to obey the law. We need to get back to CONSTITUTIONAL REPRESENTATION of we the PEOPLE, not marxist TOTALITARIANISM. We need to quit playing these legal games. And we need ENFORCEMENT of the CONSTITUTION and the LAWS already on the BOOKS! The people we vote into office take an oath to carry out their DUTY AND JOB! If they can’t then they should GET OUT of office! We The People Are The Government, Free and Sovereign! Go Brandon.

Joyce Crommett
Joyce Crommett
1 year ago

The January 6 protesters should have been treated as such, not as insurrectionists. Same with these protesters. The Jan 6 protesters should have charges dropped and let go.

1 year ago

And the band plays on. We the People have been lied to and kept in the dark about so much, and we don’t even know it. What can be done about the media that deliberately refuses to report news? What can be done to ournalists that report lies? Their role in all of this has harmed the Ameeican people. The entire plandemic and killer jabs was all lies that killed many.

1 year ago

Definitely prosecute them just like the Jan 6th marchers! But, with them being leftest, nothing will be done to them! Sadly, we have double standards when it comes to prosecuting people!

American Farmer
American Farmer
1 year ago

We live in a very scary time. The control the Communist government has over us is at a level that may very well be unrecoverable from.” We The People”, are fed up of the two tiered system currently being administered on our nation. Get out and vote in your local elections this November. Vote for anyone but the Democrats. They have proven once again that they cannot be trusted. Unfortunately some Republicans fall into that category as well. Having a strong majority at the local level is and can be very beneficial in the long run. Having a strong majority in a liberal state you can override a governor of that state. Even states like California and New York. Justice will be served then.

1 year ago

Government should not be an eye for an eye. Aren’t government buildings public property. The Jan 6th ‘insurrection’ was planted and filled with left wing trouble makers.

1 year ago

Why continue to take these polls? Nothing ever happens! Just another way to vent frustration, which in the end means nothing.

1 year ago

Treat them as the law prescribes…nothing more nothing less… maybe the message will finally get through

Mark Florack
Mark Florack
1 year ago

Rioting, looting, burning down businesses, doing billions worth of damage to public and private buildings, assaulting police and even the murder of people is okay with the left and media today all in the name of social justice. We live in an upside-down world today.

Michael Lane Warren
Michael Lane Warren
1 year ago

Where are the left’s outrages about violation of the “sacred” capitol building? The guy who got into Pelosi’s office is, I believe, still in prison. With the Justice department the way it is, these folks will be given a slap on the wrist or will not be persecuted. Until we throw all the Communists and Marxists out, unequal justice will continue, and will get worse.

Jon S
Jon S
1 year ago

Lawlessness… the way of the Left. When do criminals ever think they should be held to account for their actions?
Why then, if lawless politicians are not held accountable should their lawless followers/supporters be held accountable either?
Wreck the country and expect what good to come from it… this is the mindset of the lawless Left!

T Allan Ritchey
T Allan Ritchey
1 year ago

I watch Fox and I believe they mentioned it briefly. While it would be appropriate to treat them as the dems have treated the so-called J6 insurrectionists, the right thing to do is to follow and apply the law.

Rick in Maine
Rick in Maine
1 year ago

Of course, they should get the Jan 6 treatment. However, we know that they won’t because in this day you are innocent until proven Republican.

1 year ago

Treat them as any trespassers should be treated but release the alleged insurrectionists.

Big Kahuna
Big Kahuna
1 year ago

There are glaring differences between the sodomites who broke into McCarthy’s office and the patriots who were protesting on January 6th.
None of the pedophiles were murdered like Ashley Babbit by rogue moulinyan capitol cop Michael Byrd!
The sodomites were there by then selves not lured in by rogue Nazi FBI goons!

1 year ago

All of congress is a huge joke. This might be our main enemy. They do nothing for the people. It is all for them selfs and/or the darn party. We should out source them to BDO. Perhaps they can close the border. Oh, and cast the 7 criminals out of congress. Fire them!

Donald Young
Donald Young
1 year ago

I am very tired of the double standard from the Democrats & the media. When I was a child, the Democratic Party professed to be the party of the people but in the 1950’s & 60’s they lied to the Farmers & started the demise of the family farms. In the 1960’s & 70’s they lied to the Blacks & started the conflicts between the races & the demise of the black family unit. Also, in the late 60’s they did away with the Draft & started protesting the Vietnam war which they started. In the 1970’s & 80’s they lied to the Hispanics in an effort to gain another ethnic group who would blindly vote Democratic & repeated this process with the Asian peoples in the late 1990’s & early 2000’s. Now they are all in on Climate Change but what will happen when all the solar panels & windmills wear out in 20-25 years? Is the U.S. going to turn in to 1 giant land fill? As I am 75 years old now, I probably won’t be around to see this, but my children & grandchildren will. It seems to me that we would have a better country if there were term limits to allow new thinking to opened up in the halls of power in this country. Nowadays, everyone is out for the almighty dollar but one thing I know over the years is that no one is going to take any of it with them when they die & no matter how much power you think you have in this life it doesn’t last after death & for the most part 5 years after that happens very few people remember who you were even if your name is on some building or monument.

1 year ago

The media blackout is the most disturbing part. As for the leftist idiots, throw the book at them the same way Slow Joe and Nanny did at the so-called “insurrectionists” of J6. Time for McCarthy and the repubs to grow a pair.

1 year ago

We no longer have a respected mass news media outlets only a Nazi propaganda machine directed by the White House so they keep their access

1 year ago

We are getting to the time when the democrat left will offend the 4th estate to the degree that they will turn on them. the powers that be on that side of the aisle hold the public in contempt and seek only to exercise control over them, achieving power by proxy. The useful tools (the general populace) will have to become disenchanted with the current status quo and recognize they are being played for fools by having such poor representatives as biden and harris foisted upon them.

1 year ago

As tempting as it is to treat these guys in similar vein as the J6 protesters are being treated…We are STILL a nation of laws… At least we’reSUPPOSED to be…If we continue down this path of lawlessness…we will reap the whirlwind…revenge for revenge sake is not a good policy…

1 year ago

I can honestly say I’m done with all things news and government. We lost in many ways. The only reason they’re after president Trump is that he’s standing in the way of us there after us.

1 year ago

I think they should be prosecuted but not by sinking to the low levels of the January 6 prosecutions. Two wrongs don’t make a right. We’re better than that.

Sam M
Sam M
1 year ago

Only reason I heard about it was because I subscribe to Townhall.com

The Ugly Truth
The Ugly Truth
1 year ago

With Marxists in control of our government, nothing will happen to anyone on that side of the political spectrum. Only conservatives are targeted for punishment in a One Party Nation of racist Marxism.

1 year ago

In a democratic republic they would be arrested and tried. In a tyrannical dictatorship they will be honored.

1 year ago

if that’s going to be the playbook go for it!! Seems to be working for all these self righteous ‘sanctuary city’ freakazoids. Time for them to taste the cool aid!!

Bobby Thomas
Bobby Thomas
1 year ago

It’s mind-blowing that the largest number of all in this poll is the people who haven’t heard about this horrible event! We do not have enough Republicans paying attention! I’m a social media influencer and have plastered this event on all my social media sites, a yet people are STILL in the dark. Of course, I don’t use Twitter (permanently banned) and I deleted communist Facebook two years ago.

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