Both militarily and economically, China is threatening all of its neighbors including Taiwan and has the muscle and economic power to back up its threats worldwide.
3 years ago
The real threat to the US and every other nation’s independent sovereignty and stability is that all these crises will be used to promote a “(Socialist) New World Order” with a one world dictatorship.
3 years ago
How about all of the above?
Tom Russell
3 years ago
Our biggest problem with all of these international problems comes directly from our lack of CURRENT leadership of the political party controlling our great country right now!!!!! You can not fight socialism when our politicians are promoting socialism, and ridiculous liberal teachings and ways of life!!!!!
Tom M
3 years ago
We will be fighting the next useless war with wokies and equality instead of fighting personal. The pentagon is getting itchy for another major conflict to test their wares. The US should be gone from most world locations. So you fight a war with China? There will be no winners. The Middle East will never be settled since there are far too many leaders with supreme arrogance and hatred fueling their desires to beat up each other. Senseless and barbaric…just what our “modern” world is really likle.
3 years ago
Both China as communist and Iran as Islamic countries seek to dominate other peoples and nations of the world by force – militarily, economically, religiously.
3 years ago
All of the above. Add to it, a president, vp & administration who cares more about trying to change God’s handiwork that changes our climate continually then our safety. Who only cares about cancelling anything with Trumps name on it then standing up to real problems. Who care more about letting men participate in sports against women & then shower with them then showing our strength to the world. 2022 can’t come soon enough, pray we are still here by then.
JAKe Hatmacher
3 years ago
Do you think any of us really knows what goes on!? So many smoke and mirrors. You will never know the truth unless you’re on the inside, and then, too, you may be fooled.
3 years ago
What I feel is the biggest threat is our current administration’s knee jerk reaction to any and all of these issues. Biden (or whomever pulls those strings) was so hell bent on undoing everything President Trump had done without any thoughts about the repercussions. So many other countries look to the United States as a beacon of hope and justice and we certainly are not that any longer. This administration is a complete embarrassment! I’m sure other countries are still wondering how a man with dementia got into that office? I’m sure the world leaders are watching the USA implode and wondering when is the best time to strike?
It’s time for us to take back our country and that begins with what has been taught to our children.
3 years ago
China is advancing regardless of what we do due to the relationship with the Biden family.
As far as Iran all past and present presidents have said they will contend with Iran but no real action
has been taken to stop their quest for nucleal weapons goes–the US and Europe better resolve fast.
Jamie Martin
3 years ago
Russia is not doing any of that. Stop listening to the fake news media. Russia is not our enemy. Deep state is trying to bring war because the Central Bank is broke and Trump did not get us into a war. Wake up sheeple. The great reset will not take place.
3 years ago
All of the above. Beijing Biden is going to destroy our country and place our country under control of a global governance headed by China. Start stocking up on food, water and medicines, prepare your guns and stockpile your ammo. It’s coming quicker than anyone imagined.
3 years ago
Both China and Iran want to be world dominate powers to bury the USA! And we have an impotent corrupt complacent government, in bed with both of these evil world nation governments! Not a good equation. But there are good things happening in the rest of the world. The elite social secular globalist system is being rejected and starting to come down. You will not hear that on the lame street marxist biased media. There is a massive rise in National Populism world wide. It looks like France will be voting in conservative populist Jean Marie Len Pen! Many other nations are turning to the right also! Good things are happening. Check it out and get involved in the rising Conservative National Populist movement in our country.
3 years ago
The worst international crisis is actually at our Southern Border! It carries with it the infiltration of terrorists as we have already seen, gang members and MS13 members as well as other criminals. And not withstanding the above, it brings hundreds of thousands of children who end up in the sex slave trade, homeless or dead from the drug cartels leaving them to drown or being killed by animals. And it leaves the American Taxpayer to pay for the health care, housing, feeding, clothing, schooling of all of these children putting a complete strain on the economy and the ability of American Taxpayers to take care of their own families!
3 years ago
None of the about isses raised are as big a threat as Biden and the democratic idiots in the House and Senate that are banrupting and governing to satisfy thier vested interests that are going to have the biggest inpact on distroying our country.
3 years ago
The Bible says in the last days there will be wars and rumors of wars. This is the beginning of sorrows . The United States is in a war evil against good. The democrats that are in office are the worst and most evil we have ever had in this country.
Lucy Sharkey
3 years ago
China, Iran and Russia are all evil…we cannot be duped into thinking that one is less dangerous that the other! Take care USA!
3 years ago
Another option could be the “un-education” system that has allowed all of these things to take place by the systematic brain washing that has been occurring in these commie controlled strongholds for decades. They have changed the way people think and brought an evil ideology to the head of the class (culture) so that people no longer think clearly with common sense or morality. Russia is not a large threat, it is now China, Iran, and Turkey that pose the international problems for the decaying un-United States of America.
jimmy Django
3 years ago
to be clear this is a 3rd Obama term and he is systematically destroying america with over 100M armed to the teeth patriots just sitting around on social media letting it happen . . .even if he has brainwashed half our military to fight for him . . . THIS IS A WINNABLE SITUATION !!
James D. Scott
3 years ago
The most troubling thing I see today is undereducated kids thinking they’re educated enough to vote, run for office, even hold office or change the constitution. The truth is, lack of education will be the downfall of this country.
Norma Hamilton
3 years ago
I can’t check the box that feels right to me because it would be: all of the above. With all the bad things happening, it looks like Armageddon is on the horizon. I don’t believe this has anything to do with race, politics or one country trying to rule the world. I believe, at this moment in time, we are fighting a war between good and evil. So far good seems to be sitting back and watching
3 years ago
I’m more concerned with our government and big tech shutting down free speech and creating division.
We’re going to be socialist / communist before you know it.
3 years ago
Both China and Iran have no regard for human life other than to serve at the whim of the ‘party”.
Clyde Bragg
3 years ago
The Biden Administration will be the end of free America with the border crisis, Biden being in bed with China,the communist democrat party and the spineless Republicans, America doesn’t stand a chance. We patriots need a strong leader who will lead us into battle to at least try to slow the devastation the communist democrats are doing. We are being destroyed from within.
3 years ago
These polls often fail to cover all. Iable options. AMAC left put – Biden as President and the Deep State are the immediate threat failing to draw a line in the sand and standing their ground.
Robert Philpot
3 years ago
I believe that the American people are benign to China’s ambitions, the way they think, and their strategy to achieve their aims. The USA has financed their ability to have the 2nd largest economy in the world, which has enabled them to build the islands in the South China Sea, largest Navy, etc.
Thomas Predmore
3 years ago
If we give up our Allies then we are lost s a Country, Allie, Partner and friend! Who will stand with us when we turn our backs on others in Need!
Jerome William Moore Jr
3 years ago
Our entire way of life is at risk with Democrats in office – THAT is the biggest risk!
William Kohler
3 years ago
Unfortunately for patriotic Americans our present illegitimate occupier of The White House is in bed with the Chinese and standing bedside to Iran. Therefore our future looks mighty bleak unless illegal immigration can be stopped and HR-1, amnesty for illegals and D.C. statehood all held in check. I know it may be a tall order, but I pray for the best.
Scott Strohm
3 years ago
The fascists actors within the US: permanent government employees at all levels of all governments, corporate executives, billionaire oligarchs, longstanding employees of the alphabet agencies,…
All external “problems” will NEVER be solved with our internal division, without the equal application of law.
Jeff Parkis
3 years ago
All the above
3 years ago
I would say none of those. Biden and his administration are the biggest threat because they are whackos
3 years ago
Actually, all 3 are equally concerning!
3 years ago
I chose Russia and Iran. What I’ve heard recently makes me believe China is more into intimidation to achieve their goals rather than outright violence. Also there are some indications that their soldiers may not be worth very much on the battlefield.
Iran isn’t a loose cannon; they’ve stated plainly their aims in the Middle East. Iran with nukes? Even worse.
Russia doesn’t appear to be afraid to use violence. Indeed, sometimes they appear eager to do so.
But obviously the greatest international crisis is Biden in the White House.
3 years ago
I read many post about good and evil. That is spot on. Let’s not forget this nation was formed as one nation under God. When we lived with that foundation, God blessed us as a nation. He is a patient and loving God waiting for us to come to our senses and get back to Him our creator. We can do a lot of things but unless we get back to prayer in unison our efforts will go no where. It is with the risen Christ at our side this battle will be won. As Peter reached out for Christ’s hand was he saved from drowning. We need to reach out to grasp Christ’s hand. We then will not perish. Trust in the Lord and His mercy.
3 years ago
The weak-kneed regime illegally occupying the WH is the biggest threat.
3 years ago
I know International crises have to be addressed, but we cannot form a united front as Americans if we don’t deal with our crises at home first. We have to make voting safe and fair, educate our children without hatred of America, and stop racial guilt.
3 years ago
I think You should have added BIDEN, PELOSI, SCHUMER, BLM, AND THE GANG.
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago
Israel can handle Iran if needed. China is our second biggest threat but behind the flood of illegal aliens at our border. The really biggest threat to our nation overall is the Democrats and this disgusting administration.
3 years ago
We could say China, Russia, and Iran—in that order. One thing is certain though: The filthy America-detesting Democrat Party, under its treacherous figurehead Dementia Joe, has created all the opportunities for America’s enemies with their America Last policies. They make clear that all things American are to be denigrated, and broadcast their weakness and hatred for our country to the world.
David Stafford
3 years ago
The greatest threat to the American people and the United States of America is the liberal media and the democratic party.
Gordon McClure
3 years ago
We’ve taken major steps back into globalism and away from nationalism. The previous administration aspired to take care of our nation’s best interests first. Not in a way that turned its back on the world but in a way that stopped other countries from taking advantage of us. The result was a booming economy, historical job growth (especially among minorities), and bringing companies back to the US. Not to mention low gas prices. These all appeared to have threatened the power of self-promoting types so they resorted to false news and censorship. When it’s all about consolidated power the people suffer. When it’s about the people the people thrive.
3 years ago
Crisis!!!! Our country is in CRISIS.
Yes Biden will start a war, that’s what Democrats do best. TAX, SPEND AND START CONFLICTS. So get used to it, it’s our future.
Jeannie Huppert
3 years ago
When we make time to pray, we CAN address all the issues. I must prioritize: prayer is more important than I eat too much; secular movies; games; gossip; etc. I should WAIT to shop until: A. I have more of a list: then go once instead of multiple trips; B. Wait to shop ’til I plan: mind or paper 2 – 4 stores close to ea. other, not all over the county. After this life, my entertainment, “likes”, R & R, fun outings, & the like will have -0- nada zilch meaning & value.
Orville Figgs
3 years ago
China worries me the most. But I’m sure Pedo Joe will support Taiwan with socks, blankets and MREs, just like his boss supported the Ukraine.
However, the ProgLibs want a nuclear war with Russia.
Iran does worry me also. When they get a nuclear weapon they will use it.
William Lessig
3 years ago
They are all a threat they feared Trump, They known Biden is weak and the weak are always preyed upon our Border is just another example. Elections have consequences boy are we going to pay dearly!
J Book
3 years ago
Demented Joe serves China & Iran with his “Destruct America” theme.
3 years ago
Our biggest threat is internal. The United States, when it abided by the Constitution and rule of law, was the greatest system of government in the history of mankind. It offered the most hope possible for the freedom of humanity, ever. As a unified nation under this system, we overcame two threats of global domination in the last world wars. But “This [the U.S. Constitution] is likely to be administered for a course of years and then end in despotism…when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.” Benjamin Franklin
Don Wieser
3 years ago
The greatest threat is our deficit spending !
Kirk Menard
3 years ago
This corrupt and illegal administration is ruining our country, our safety and our constitutional rights! It’s time to stop them NOW WITH WHAT EVER MEANS ARE NECESSARY. The hypocrisy and two tier justice system are more like communist China.
The answer to all your questions is China.
Both militarily and economically, China is threatening all of its neighbors including Taiwan and has the muscle and economic power to back up its threats worldwide.
The real threat to the US and every other nation’s independent sovereignty and stability is that all these crises will be used to promote a “(Socialist) New World Order” with a one world dictatorship.
How about all of the above?
Our biggest problem with all of these international problems comes directly from our lack of CURRENT leadership of the political party controlling our great country right now!!!!! You can not fight socialism when our politicians are promoting socialism, and ridiculous liberal teachings and ways of life!!!!!
We will be fighting the next useless war with wokies and equality instead of fighting personal. The pentagon is getting itchy for another major conflict to test their wares. The US should be gone from most world locations. So you fight a war with China? There will be no winners. The Middle East will never be settled since there are far too many leaders with supreme arrogance and hatred fueling their desires to beat up each other. Senseless and barbaric…just what our “modern” world is really likle.
Both China as communist and Iran as Islamic countries seek to dominate other peoples and nations of the world by force – militarily, economically, religiously.
All of the above. Add to it, a president, vp & administration who cares more about trying to change God’s handiwork that changes our climate continually then our safety. Who only cares about cancelling anything with Trumps name on it then standing up to real problems. Who care more about letting men participate in sports against women & then shower with them then showing our strength to the world. 2022 can’t come soon enough, pray we are still here by then.
Do you think any of us really knows what goes on!? So many smoke and mirrors. You will never know the truth unless you’re on the inside, and then, too, you may be fooled.
What I feel is the biggest threat is our current administration’s knee jerk reaction to any and all of these issues. Biden (or whomever pulls those strings) was so hell bent on undoing everything President Trump had done without any thoughts about the repercussions. So many other countries look to the United States as a beacon of hope and justice and we certainly are not that any longer. This administration is a complete embarrassment! I’m sure other countries are still wondering how a man with dementia got into that office? I’m sure the world leaders are watching the USA implode and wondering when is the best time to strike?
It’s time for us to take back our country and that begins with what has been taught to our children.
China is advancing regardless of what we do due to the relationship with the Biden family.
As far as Iran all past and present presidents have said they will contend with Iran but no real action
has been taken to stop their quest for nucleal weapons goes–the US and Europe better resolve fast.
Russia is not doing any of that. Stop listening to the fake news media. Russia is not our enemy. Deep state is trying to bring war because the Central Bank is broke and Trump did not get us into a war. Wake up sheeple. The great reset will not take place.
All of the above. Beijing Biden is going to destroy our country and place our country under control of a global governance headed by China. Start stocking up on food, water and medicines, prepare your guns and stockpile your ammo. It’s coming quicker than anyone imagined.
Both China and Iran want to be world dominate powers to bury the USA! And we have an impotent corrupt complacent government, in bed with both of these evil world nation governments! Not a good equation. But there are good things happening in the rest of the world. The elite social secular globalist system is being rejected and starting to come down. You will not hear that on the lame street marxist biased media. There is a massive rise in National Populism world wide. It looks like France will be voting in conservative populist Jean Marie Len Pen! Many other nations are turning to the right also! Good things are happening. Check it out and get involved in the rising Conservative National Populist movement in our country.
The worst international crisis is actually at our Southern Border! It carries with it the infiltration of terrorists as we have already seen, gang members and MS13 members as well as other criminals. And not withstanding the above, it brings hundreds of thousands of children who end up in the sex slave trade, homeless or dead from the drug cartels leaving them to drown or being killed by animals. And it leaves the American Taxpayer to pay for the health care, housing, feeding, clothing, schooling of all of these children putting a complete strain on the economy and the ability of American Taxpayers to take care of their own families!
None of the about isses raised are as big a threat as Biden and the democratic idiots in the House and Senate that are banrupting and governing to satisfy thier vested interests that are going to have the biggest inpact on distroying our country.
The Bible says in the last days there will be wars and rumors of wars. This is the beginning of sorrows . The United States is in a war evil against good. The democrats that are in office are the worst and most evil we have ever had in this country.
China, Iran and Russia are all evil…we cannot be duped into thinking that one is less dangerous that the other! Take care USA!
Another option could be the “un-education” system that has allowed all of these things to take place by the systematic brain washing that has been occurring in these commie controlled strongholds for decades. They have changed the way people think and brought an evil ideology to the head of the class (culture) so that people no longer think clearly with common sense or morality. Russia is not a large threat, it is now China, Iran, and Turkey that pose the international problems for the decaying un-United States of America.
to be clear this is a 3rd Obama term and he is systematically destroying america with over 100M armed to the teeth patriots just sitting around on social media letting it happen . . .even if he has brainwashed half our military to fight for him . . . THIS IS A WINNABLE SITUATION !!
The most troubling thing I see today is undereducated kids thinking they’re educated enough to vote, run for office, even hold office or change the constitution. The truth is, lack of education will be the downfall of this country.
I can’t check the box that feels right to me because it would be: all of the above. With all the bad things happening, it looks like Armageddon is on the horizon. I don’t believe this has anything to do with race, politics or one country trying to rule the world. I believe, at this moment in time, we are fighting a war between good and evil. So far good seems to be sitting back and watching
I’m more concerned with our government and big tech shutting down free speech and creating division.
We’re going to be socialist / communist before you know it.
Both China and Iran have no regard for human life other than to serve at the whim of the ‘party”.
The Biden Administration will be the end of free America with the border crisis, Biden being in bed with China,the communist democrat party and the spineless Republicans, America doesn’t stand a chance. We patriots need a strong leader who will lead us into battle to at least try to slow the devastation the communist democrats are doing. We are being destroyed from within.
These polls often fail to cover all. Iable options. AMAC left put – Biden as President and the Deep State are the immediate threat failing to draw a line in the sand and standing their ground.
I believe that the American people are benign to China’s ambitions, the way they think, and their strategy to achieve their aims. The USA has financed their ability to have the 2nd largest economy in the world, which has enabled them to build the islands in the South China Sea, largest Navy, etc.
If we give up our Allies then we are lost s a Country, Allie, Partner and friend! Who will stand with us when we turn our backs on others in Need!
Our entire way of life is at risk with Democrats in office – THAT is the biggest risk!
Unfortunately for patriotic Americans our present illegitimate occupier of The White House is in bed with the Chinese and standing bedside to Iran. Therefore our future looks mighty bleak unless illegal immigration can be stopped and HR-1, amnesty for illegals and D.C. statehood all held in check. I know it may be a tall order, but I pray for the best.
The fascists actors within the US: permanent government employees at all levels of all governments, corporate executives, billionaire oligarchs, longstanding employees of the alphabet agencies,…
All external “problems” will NEVER be solved with our internal division, without the equal application of law.
All the above
I would say none of those. Biden and his administration are the biggest threat because they are whackos
Actually, all 3 are equally concerning!
I chose Russia and Iran. What I’ve heard recently makes me believe China is more into intimidation to achieve their goals rather than outright violence. Also there are some indications that their soldiers may not be worth very much on the battlefield.
Iran isn’t a loose cannon; they’ve stated plainly their aims in the Middle East. Iran with nukes? Even worse.
Russia doesn’t appear to be afraid to use violence. Indeed, sometimes they appear eager to do so.
But obviously the greatest international crisis is Biden in the White House.
I read many post about good and evil. That is spot on. Let’s not forget this nation was formed as one nation under God. When we lived with that foundation, God blessed us as a nation. He is a patient and loving God waiting for us to come to our senses and get back to Him our creator. We can do a lot of things but unless we get back to prayer in unison our efforts will go no where. It is with the risen Christ at our side this battle will be won. As Peter reached out for Christ’s hand was he saved from drowning. We need to reach out to grasp Christ’s hand. We then will not perish. Trust in the Lord and His mercy.
The weak-kneed regime illegally occupying the WH is the biggest threat.
I know International crises have to be addressed, but we cannot form a united front as Americans if we don’t deal with our crises at home first. We have to make voting safe and fair, educate our children without hatred of America, and stop racial guilt.
I think You should have added BIDEN, PELOSI, SCHUMER, BLM, AND THE GANG.
Israel can handle Iran if needed. China is our second biggest threat but behind the flood of illegal aliens at our border. The really biggest threat to our nation overall is the Democrats and this disgusting administration.
We could say China, Russia, and Iran—in that order. One thing is certain though: The filthy America-detesting Democrat Party, under its treacherous figurehead Dementia Joe, has created all the opportunities for America’s enemies with their America Last policies. They make clear that all things American are to be denigrated, and broadcast their weakness and hatred for our country to the world.
The greatest threat to the American people and the United States of America is the liberal media and the democratic party.
We’ve taken major steps back into globalism and away from nationalism. The previous administration aspired to take care of our nation’s best interests first. Not in a way that turned its back on the world but in a way that stopped other countries from taking advantage of us. The result was a booming economy, historical job growth (especially among minorities), and bringing companies back to the US. Not to mention low gas prices. These all appeared to have threatened the power of self-promoting types so they resorted to false news and censorship. When it’s all about consolidated power the people suffer. When it’s about the people the people thrive.
Crisis!!!! Our country is in CRISIS.
Yes Biden will start a war, that’s what Democrats do best. TAX, SPEND AND START CONFLICTS. So get used to it, it’s our future.
When we make time to pray, we CAN address all the issues. I must prioritize: prayer is more important than I eat too much; secular movies; games; gossip; etc. I should WAIT to shop until: A. I have more of a list: then go once instead of multiple trips; B. Wait to shop ’til I plan: mind or paper 2 – 4 stores close to ea. other, not all over the county. After this life, my entertainment, “likes”, R & R, fun outings, & the like will have -0- nada zilch meaning & value.
China worries me the most. But I’m sure Pedo Joe will support Taiwan with socks, blankets and MREs, just like his boss supported the Ukraine.
However, the ProgLibs want a nuclear war with Russia.
Iran does worry me also. When they get a nuclear weapon they will use it.
They are all a threat they feared Trump, They known Biden is weak and the weak are always preyed upon our Border is just another example. Elections have consequences boy are we going to pay dearly!
Demented Joe serves China & Iran with his “Destruct America” theme.
Our biggest threat is internal. The United States, when it abided by the Constitution and rule of law, was the greatest system of government in the history of mankind. It offered the most hope possible for the freedom of humanity, ever. As a unified nation under this system, we overcame two threats of global domination in the last world wars. But “This [the U.S. Constitution] is likely to be administered for a course of years and then end in despotism…when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.”
Benjamin Franklin
The greatest threat is our deficit spending !
This corrupt and illegal administration is ruining our country, our safety and our constitutional rights! It’s time to stop them NOW WITH WHAT EVER MEANS ARE NECESSARY. The hypocrisy and two tier justice system are more like communist China.