My thankfulness is on my knees thanking my savior, Jesus for another day of life! And begging forgiveness for my sins, asking for mercy on America, least to greatest! May God have mercy on America again! Make America Great Again!
Kat S
2 years ago
Well said
Dan W.
2 years ago
I am just thankful that I have a supportive family, a roof over my head, enough food in the fridge, a car that’s still running after 18 years on the road and access to whatever medical care that I need.
Patrick R Mansfield
2 years ago
We will be celebrating Thanksgiving at home this year. Just the wife and I. Thankful for what we have. Costs are getting way out of control. Back in the day when I was still working my job stayed current. Retirement does not provide the same level of adjustment. Must learn to make adjustments more and more. Country needs help like never before. Blessing to all.
2 years ago
In my earlier years I took life for granted. There had always been another day, so it was easy to assume that there always would be another day. Then I was diagnosed with leukemia and it became very obvious that my days are numbered. I don’t know what that number is, but I know that it is smaller than it has ever been before. So I thank G0d for every day that he gives me. I’m also very grateful for a good wife and five wonderful daughters. I also have to say that I’m grateful to have lived 75 years in a land that has been mostly free, and that so far we have survived the jackasses the democrats have foisted on us.
Patricia M Ohlert
2 years ago
The cost of gasoline is skyrocketing since Biden got control of our country. I may be forced to retire early because it is getting very hard to afford the gasoline to drive to work.
Odins Beard
2 years ago
Obviously costs are way up regardless of whether you are hosting a group or just enjoying Thanksgiving with your family. We, generally do not host, keeping the meal for our immediate family. I did not select any answer, Poll is too specific.
Tom Sullivan
2 years ago
What’s causing this is not rocket science. In fact the demonrats have done this before, does Jimmy Carter ring a bell? Printing money you don’t have to spend does this every time, then we have to suffer. All BS!
2 years ago
Thanks President Biden for everything you are told to do by Obama.
We are all so happy to progress towards SOCIALISM.
Peter Stroempl
2 years ago
At the root of the inflation; look to fuel costs. It threads its way throughout the supply chain. The climate-gullible are fools and deserve to suffer. Sadly the rest of us will also suffer.
Dennis Doescher
2 years ago
Covid rules affected my Thanksgiving travel location not the price of groceries
Phil M
2 years ago
For us, it was going to be fewer people at the table this year, anyway, due to other circumstances. That said, I am quite relieved that I will not have to spend so much.
2 years ago
Thanks to joey and the slime-o-crats, just about everything is more expensive. They raised the Social Security benefit by almost 6% and then go ahead an raise the cost on Medicare over 14%. Which represents the true inflation number?
2 years ago
The prices of beef! I quit buying unfortunately, and sure miss it!
2 years ago
I don’t normally host Thanksgiving. My closest relative is 75 minutes away and with the gas prices I will not be going anywhere. So it will be me, myself and I this year.
Bob Sachlis
2 years ago
Of course Food, Utilities are on the rise. GAS and Diesel prices make my annual “road trip” twice as much as last year. $300 vs $150 a year ago. Fuel is at the root of most of the increased costs and Ole Joe has no clue that it rests on his shoulders.
2 years ago
I did some shopping around and paid just a bit more than last year. Politicians never pass a bill anymore unless it provides a path for them to profit from. It’s long past time to clean house an seeing that voting is no longer an option, then I’d say we’re due for a Convention of States.
2 years ago
I didn’t respond to this post. None of the answers made sense to me. It’s obvious that Biden’s agenda is not working and has affected every aspect of our lives negatively. His build a better America plan would allow households to increase their salt deduction from state and local taxes from $10,000 to $80,000 through 2025. Actually, this is the 2nd most expensive item in the bill and will benefit rich blue states. Hypocrite’s in the house from NY & NJ added this to help their resident rich.
Al Smith
2 years ago
Thanks to the energy policies of Joe Biden everything grows more expensive by the day. Let’s Go Brandon!!
2 years ago
I am hosting Thansgiving as usual. My family cannot afford to help out, they are barely getting by. I spent most of my food budget getting items for Thanksgiving meal but hubby and I are eating very little and scraping by so we can do this. I don’t know what we are going to do for Christmas.
2 years ago
This administration has just about ruined the whole country, and has become the laughing stock of the world. Rising costs and inflation is only the crust of it, and they don’t even care.
2 years ago
I bought all our food in advance when I found it on sale so I didn’t notice a big difference in the cost.
Lew Rigaud
2 years ago
Thanks Joebama!! To steal a quote from Blazing Saddles those goes to prove you are the leading a-hole in the country!!
2 years ago
Due to rising prices, inflation, fewer goods and my diminishing ability to survive comfortably in our country, I’m thinking about panhandling as a supplemental revenue stream and signing up for all of the Church pantry programs. Like the government who has no source of income other than stealing from its citizens, I would be a fool not to also not take advantage of ours ignorant citizens. I’m a government of one!
2 years ago
5%? bull hockey! My grocery bill has steadily climbed, since Biden was installed, to TWICE what I paid this time last year. When will anyone address his daughter’s diary entry that stated he had inappropriate showers with her? Or his lewd, crackhead son that made millions for the family off his dad’s political office? when will the incestuous, lecherous, lying, cheating, quid pro Joe be treated like the criminal be is?
Michael Peck
2 years ago
We have not hosted Thanksgiving for many years because it is easier for our adult children to host it rather than round up their children to travel to us. We do contribute the turkey for our daughters to prepare and share.
Karen Taylor
2 years ago
The costs of everything including gas prevent our families from even getting together let alone the food.
2 years ago
The price of Thanksgiving Dinner has increased this year not to mention the price of gas to get where you’re going. Getting to spend time with my Son and Grands is totally worth the 6 hour drive and increased cost of goods. Make a way for family time because it doesn’t happen that often.
Norma Diulio
2 years ago
5%??? where the heck are you buying your groceries? I want to go there…Prices have risen in some cases 100%. Get out to a real store!!!
2 years ago
Since I had all the desired ingredients at least a month before, I am not impacted by the gouging that occurs the week or two before the holiday…for example, cranberry sauce increased from $1.69 to $2.25 last week. I bought mine with coupons.
You have to shop smart. Or don’t shop at all and starve the gougers.
2 years ago
This year as well as last year, I will be your friendly RSO at the gun range having a quiet day because, in case you aren’t a sport shooter, the availability of ammunition is almost nonexistent and the prices have risen 40% We still got turkeys for $.49/ lb like we did last year.
Always late
2 years ago
Vote Republican!!
2 years ago
the month of October We spent over $400.00 for groceries and my wife and I are the only people in the house and we’re retired. this is a rerun of the Obama years on steroids when gas went to $5.32 a gallon. I guess we deserve what we’ve got with the Biden administration because people couldn’t see this chump for what he is. do ya wish Donald was back?
2 years ago
The cost of everything has increased thanks to Biden’s rotten, anti-American policies. I am thankful for God’s mercies, love and Grace through His Son, Jesus. I’m thankful for family, friends, our veterans, and for true American patriots who are fighting back against the corruption in our Country! Do the Country a favor, do not vote for a single Democrat in 2022 and you’ll see a huge upward swing in our great Nation!
Robert Van Gemert
2 years ago
We will not be going anywhere this thanksgiving or buying a turkey
Stephen Russell
2 years ago
Paid 118.00 for 23lb bird at Gelsons supermarket chain
to feed family on T Day
2 years ago
We all share the costs by splitting the meal into a potluck type dinner. Someone brings a different dish. Here in Texas, the cost of everything is about the same as always. It’s not about the food anyway, it’s about the family and gathering together and being present with one another.
2 years ago
None of the choices on the poll really apply. Whether we host or not, everyone in the family contributes to the meal. The cost for my part was more.
2 years ago
Our family will each contribute to thanksgiving together reducing the price for each one. But noticeable increases every week at grocery store.
Nick Selembo
2 years ago
Well no one should be surprised about Biden and his team of cronies he has now. The same group that was in the Obama admin is now getting richer working in this one. All the political nonsense is a front for all the graft and corruption now going on. When Biden said his slogan was “Build back better” did you really think he met the citizens of this country. He was talking about his staff and his backers who are lining their pockets right now. Thats WHO the better is all about
2 years ago
None of the responses are really applicable. I don’t host any holidays, so those responses aren’t valid. But I have cut down on what I will be eating due to the prices.
2 years ago
So, the Todd Starnes theory is Kamala Harris is out as VP, Joe selects Hillary(who still hates us deplorables) or Michelle Obama as VP and then Joe resigns as President. You see where this is going?
2 years ago
The spiraling cost of gas in CA is causing me to drive far less, $5 / gallon. Huge change in socializing.
2 years ago
I look for the sales and I stock up our pantry. Of course I check expiration dates . yes it has cost more. We drove out to Colorado to see our kids and grandchild. Even the rental car. In April I paid 500.00 for 10 days of rental. This time it cost me a thousand dollars! In September. Due to lack of rentals because of the chips for the new cars! Which they can’t get. My family is small, just my husband ,me, his mom and my other son and daughter in law which only live a hour away. But I really feel for larger families. Maybe do what we did growing up. Everyone pitch in and bring something to share to make things easier.We the people need to start being self sufficient again and being there for one another. We have gotten too dependent on government, which is what this administration thinks and wants!
2 years ago
I chose C only because we’re going to a family members house. It doesn’t mean I’m “happy “ to have avoided paying! I think this is a poor choice of words. I will contribute toward costs as I usually do along with bringing the dishes we contribute.
2 years ago
Actually our normal Thanksgiving Celebration has been ruined. Travel is a big concern and the current situation in my area is also troubling. I live near Kenosha Wisconsin and things are tense. Not pleasant!
2 years ago
For those of us on the same fixed retirement income for 20+ years, this past year has been extremely hard. We have stopped all long distance travel, eating out, and entertainment just to meet out-of-control food, gasoline, utility, home maintenance and other unavoidable costs. Add rising insurance, property taxes(that we get nothing for in my dem city), and other expenses in and things are extremely tight. The next thing to go will likely be cable tv as it has become unreasonably expensive, the programming so sorry its not worth keeping, the taxes & fees outrageous, and getting in-home service (that we are billed monthly for) for their inferior equipment is no longer coming. For one of our family gatherings for Christmas, two of us are splitting the cost of food since one can no longer afford to host 20 people. What’s so bad is things don’t HAVE to be this way. The entire US system is rigged to destroy the middle class. My wife and I can confirm from personal experience that very thing is happening each time we make ANY purchase.
S Campbell
2 years ago
The cost of gas will have us staying at home and have less friends and family showing up.
gerald Johnson
2 years ago
Increased in prices comes with increased Evil and our current president does Not respect Almighty God and is fighting everything Christ suffered for. In the end Those that Love God the Father will Triumph.
Shalowm Endure till the End.
2 years ago
In my area the cost for Thanksgiving has pretty much been the same. The grocery stores have run some pretty good specials. Other things have raised in price a small amount. I’m expecting this to change for Christmas, so I have bought what I could now. I feel blessed it hasn’t hit bad here yet, but I sure it’s coming.
My thankfulness is on my knees thanking my savior, Jesus for another day of life! And begging forgiveness for my sins, asking for mercy on America, least to greatest! May God have mercy on America again! Make America Great Again!
Well said
I am just thankful that I have a supportive family, a roof over my head, enough food in the fridge, a car that’s still running after 18 years on the road and access to whatever medical care that I need.
We will be celebrating Thanksgiving at home this year. Just the wife and I. Thankful for what we have. Costs are getting way out of control. Back in the day when I was still working my job stayed current. Retirement does not provide the same level of adjustment. Must learn to make adjustments more and more. Country needs help like never before. Blessing to all.
In my earlier years I took life for granted. There had always been another day, so it was easy to assume that there always would be another day. Then I was diagnosed with leukemia and it became very obvious that my days are numbered. I don’t know what that number is, but I know that it is smaller than it has ever been before. So I thank G0d for every day that he gives me. I’m also very grateful for a good wife and five wonderful daughters. I also have to say that I’m grateful to have lived 75 years in a land that has been mostly free, and that so far we have survived the jackasses the democrats have foisted on us.
The cost of gasoline is skyrocketing since Biden got control of our country. I may be forced to retire early because it is getting very hard to afford the gasoline to drive to work.
Obviously costs are way up regardless of whether you are hosting a group or just enjoying Thanksgiving with your family. We, generally do not host, keeping the meal for our immediate family. I did not select any answer, Poll is too specific.
What’s causing this is not rocket science. In fact the demonrats have done this before, does Jimmy Carter ring a bell? Printing money you don’t have to spend does this every time, then we have to suffer. All BS!
Thanks President Biden for everything you are told to do by Obama.
We are all so happy to progress towards SOCIALISM.
At the root of the inflation; look to fuel costs. It threads its way throughout the supply chain. The climate-gullible are fools and deserve to suffer. Sadly the rest of us will also suffer.
Covid rules affected my Thanksgiving travel location not the price of groceries
For us, it was going to be fewer people at the table this year, anyway, due to other circumstances. That said, I am quite relieved that I will not have to spend so much.
Thanks to joey and the slime-o-crats, just about everything is more expensive. They raised the Social Security benefit by almost 6% and then go ahead an raise the cost on Medicare over 14%. Which represents the true inflation number?
The prices of beef! I quit buying unfortunately, and sure miss it!
I don’t normally host Thanksgiving. My closest relative is 75 minutes away and with the gas prices I will not be going anywhere. So it will be me, myself and I this year.
Of course Food, Utilities are on the rise. GAS and Diesel prices make my annual “road trip” twice as much as last year. $300 vs $150 a year ago. Fuel is at the root of most of the increased costs and Ole Joe has no clue that it rests on his shoulders.
I did some shopping around and paid just a bit more than last year. Politicians never pass a bill anymore unless it provides a path for them to profit from. It’s long past time to clean house an seeing that voting is no longer an option, then I’d say we’re due for a Convention of States.
I didn’t respond to this post. None of the answers made sense to me. It’s obvious that Biden’s agenda is not working and has affected every aspect of our lives negatively. His build a better America plan would allow households to increase their salt deduction from state and local taxes from $10,000 to $80,000 through 2025. Actually, this is the 2nd most expensive item in the bill and will benefit rich blue states. Hypocrite’s in the house from NY & NJ added this to help their resident rich.
Thanks to the energy policies of Joe Biden everything grows more expensive by the day. Let’s Go Brandon!!
I am hosting Thansgiving as usual. My family cannot afford to help out, they are barely getting by. I spent most of my food budget getting items for Thanksgiving meal but hubby and I are eating very little and scraping by so we can do this. I don’t know what we are going to do for Christmas.
This administration has just about ruined the whole country, and has become the laughing stock of the world. Rising costs and inflation is only the crust of it, and they don’t even care.
I bought all our food in advance when I found it on sale so I didn’t notice a big difference in the cost.
Thanks Joebama!! To steal a quote from Blazing Saddles those goes to prove you are the leading a-hole in the country!!
Due to rising prices, inflation, fewer goods and my diminishing ability to survive comfortably in our country, I’m thinking about panhandling as a supplemental revenue stream and signing up for all of the Church pantry programs. Like the government who has no source of income other than stealing from its citizens, I would be a fool not to also not take advantage of ours ignorant citizens. I’m a government of one!
5%? bull hockey! My grocery bill has steadily climbed, since Biden was installed, to TWICE what I paid this time last year. When will anyone address his daughter’s diary entry that stated he had inappropriate showers with her? Or his lewd, crackhead son that made millions for the family off his dad’s political office? when will the incestuous, lecherous, lying, cheating, quid pro Joe be treated like the criminal be is?
We have not hosted Thanksgiving for many years because it is easier for our adult children to host it rather than round up their children to travel to us. We do contribute the turkey for our daughters to prepare and share.
The costs of everything including gas prevent our families from even getting together let alone the food.
The price of Thanksgiving Dinner has increased this year not to mention the price of gas to get where you’re going. Getting to spend time with my Son and Grands is totally worth the 6 hour drive and increased cost of goods. Make a way for family time because it doesn’t happen that often.
5%??? where the heck are you buying your groceries? I want to go there…Prices have risen in some cases 100%. Get out to a real store!!!
Since I had all the desired ingredients at least a month before, I am not impacted by the gouging that occurs the week or two before the holiday…for example, cranberry sauce increased from $1.69 to $2.25 last week. I bought mine with coupons.
You have to shop smart. Or don’t shop at all and starve the gougers.
This year as well as last year, I will be your friendly RSO at the gun range having a quiet day because, in case you aren’t a sport shooter, the availability of ammunition is almost nonexistent and the prices have risen 40% We still got turkeys for $.49/ lb like we did last year.
Vote Republican!!
the month of October We spent over $400.00 for groceries and my wife and I are the only people in the house and we’re retired. this is a rerun of the Obama years on steroids when gas went to $5.32 a gallon. I guess we deserve what we’ve got with the Biden administration because people couldn’t see this chump for what he is. do ya wish Donald was back?
The cost of everything has increased thanks to Biden’s rotten, anti-American policies. I am thankful for God’s mercies, love and Grace through His Son, Jesus. I’m thankful for family, friends, our veterans, and for true American patriots who are fighting back against the corruption in our Country! Do the Country a favor, do not vote for a single Democrat in 2022 and you’ll see a huge upward swing in our great Nation!
We will not be going anywhere this thanksgiving or buying a turkey
Paid 118.00 for 23lb bird at Gelsons supermarket chain
to feed family on T Day
We all share the costs by splitting the meal into a potluck type dinner. Someone brings a different dish. Here in Texas, the cost of everything is about the same as always. It’s not about the food anyway, it’s about the family and gathering together and being present with one another.
None of the choices on the poll really apply. Whether we host or not, everyone in the family contributes to the meal. The cost for my part was more.
Our family will each contribute to thanksgiving together reducing the price for each one. But noticeable increases every week at grocery store.
Well no one should be surprised about Biden and his team of cronies he has now. The same group that was in the Obama admin is now getting richer working in this one. All the political nonsense is a front for all the graft and corruption now going on. When Biden said his slogan was “Build back better” did you really think he met the citizens of this country. He was talking about his staff and his backers who are lining their pockets right now. Thats WHO the better is all about
None of the responses are really applicable. I don’t host any holidays, so those responses aren’t valid. But I have cut down on what I will be eating due to the prices.
So, the Todd Starnes theory is Kamala Harris is out as VP, Joe selects Hillary(who still hates us deplorables) or Michelle Obama as VP and then Joe resigns as President. You see where this is going?
The spiraling cost of gas in CA is causing me to drive far less, $5 / gallon. Huge change in socializing.
I look for the sales and I stock up our pantry. Of course I check expiration dates . yes it has cost more. We drove out to Colorado to see our kids and grandchild. Even the rental car. In April I paid 500.00 for 10 days of rental. This time it cost me a thousand dollars! In September. Due to lack of rentals because of the chips for the new cars! Which they can’t get. My family is small, just my husband ,me, his mom and my other son and daughter in law which only live a hour away. But I really feel for larger families. Maybe do what we did growing up. Everyone pitch in and bring something to share to make things easier.We the people need to start being self sufficient again and being there for one another. We have gotten too dependent on government, which is what this administration thinks and wants!
I chose C only because we’re going to a family members house. It doesn’t mean I’m “happy “ to have avoided paying! I think this is a poor choice of words. I will contribute toward costs as I usually do along with bringing the dishes we contribute.
Actually our normal Thanksgiving Celebration has been ruined. Travel is a big concern and the current situation in my area is also troubling. I live near Kenosha Wisconsin and things are tense. Not pleasant!
For those of us on the same fixed retirement income for 20+ years, this past year has been extremely hard. We have stopped all long distance travel, eating out, and entertainment just to meet out-of-control food, gasoline, utility, home maintenance and other unavoidable costs. Add rising insurance, property taxes(that we get nothing for in my dem city), and other expenses in and things are extremely tight. The next thing to go will likely be cable tv as it has become unreasonably expensive, the programming so sorry its not worth keeping, the taxes & fees outrageous, and getting in-home service (that we are billed monthly for) for their inferior equipment is no longer coming. For one of our family gatherings for Christmas, two of us are splitting the cost of food since one can no longer afford to host 20 people. What’s so bad is things don’t HAVE to be this way. The entire US system is rigged to destroy the middle class. My wife and I can confirm from personal experience that very thing is happening each time we make ANY purchase.
The cost of gas will have us staying at home and have less friends and family showing up.
Increased in prices comes with increased Evil and our current president does Not respect Almighty God and is fighting everything Christ suffered for. In the end Those that Love God the Father will Triumph.
Shalowm Endure till the End.
In my area the cost for Thanksgiving has pretty much been the same. The grocery stores have run some pretty good specials. Other things have raised in price a small amount. I’m expecting this to change for Christmas, so I have bought what I could now. I feel blessed it hasn’t hit bad here yet, but I sure it’s coming.