Voted for choice #4 because, although some of the Democrats are deluded enough to actually believe they could get President Trump removed from office, a lot of them likely see this impeachment as an election strategy for 2020. They accuse the President of this manufactured offense, blame Senate Republicans for not convicting him for removal from office, and then use that as a campaign rationale to try to gain the Senate to ”finish the job.” An insane strategy, but then Democrat politicians (or their CNN supporters) should never be accused of being rational.
But I don’t agree with the reference in the choice’s statement to Democrat “inaction”, because whenever Dems gain political control they’re usually very very active writing unconstitutional or expensive legislation, that is, when they’re not trying to personally smear their opposition. It’s really very good when Democrats are inactive!
Just waiting for all of this nonsense to backfire in their faces, come 2020. And a lot of them can go back home where they came from to be inactive there.
Marie M
5 years ago
I voted #4; the Democrats hatred of President Trump have driven them over the edge. They realize that he will be re-elected and they think impeachment is going to make him go away. When you have people like Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler spending time and our tax dollars on yet another waste of time, like the Mueller 2 year extravaganza, who in their right mind would ever vote for a democrat! More importantly, bills to be passed in the House are sitting on Pelosi’s desk since March. These Democrats are not doing their jobs, people who don’t do their jobs usually get fired! President Trump has done more for our country than the last 3 presidencies. Trump 2020!
Brian B
5 years ago
The Democrats and their media coconspirators have employed a Nazi propaganda trick: brain-washing and indoctrination through repetition. If you repeat the lie often enough, people will believe it. Democrats want their slander to create doubt about the President’s character and motives. They know they can’t get him removed from office even if the House votes to impeach. But they will continue to obstruct and smear both the President —- and every conservative that dares to tell the truth. The mainstream media are fully aware of the fact that they no longer have any journalistic integrity. They merely have a Marxist agenda that requires the spread of misinformation. Recent elections in Kentucky and Virginia are evidence of the media’s significant influence upon indolent and foolish voters. Fortunately, much of America is waking up. The Democrat Party is imploding. Our Republic is in better hands than at any time since Reagan. MAGA
5 years ago
So, the first day of testimony presented two witnesses, Kent and Taylor, who stared into space when asked to state any grounds for impeachment. I believe they never met or talked to President Trump, and all their testimony was based on indirect interpretations among six people, through chain letters, it appears.
Then, today, Yovanovitch was questioned, and, again, she had never spoken with the president. She, too, couldn’t point to any impeachable actions on the part of the president. Plus, wasn’t she gone before “the call” took place?
Schiff gavels down Republicans regularly, not allowing them to ask questions. This guy should be crawling from the scene with his tail between his legs. Maybe we should just let him paint himself and his fellow dems into a corner. Fodder for the 2020 elections…
5 years ago
Dems are totally in sane-they’re angry Trump beats them constantly at their own game, He’s smart, effective, results oriented, none of which apply to the Dems-The whole Impeachment process is a joke & embarrassment to our great nation. There’s NO accountability in our government- However, the Republicans can’t seem to handle the outright lawlessness of this mess. Schiff & Pelosi belong in an institution for the mentally insane and our leaders are allowing them free reign – Proven facts, Dem leaders broke laws but somehow, there are no consequences, just tip toeing around- A whole country held hostage by a house run by corrupt politicians-
Where the heck is the Senate & the Judges to control this mess-Republicans need to take their vote NOW-that the impeachment process is DOA, the proceedings are lawless and will not be recognized -the President should sue Schiff and Pelosi for gross harassment and defamation of character, and for just plain being stupid, then go back to work and IGNORE the crooked Dems- The American people aren’t nearly as dumb as the the Dems think- IGNORE Schiff and Pelosi and get to work, Immigration, healthcare, infrastructure, secure SS & end government tampering with it, just to begin with!
D Hash
5 years ago
When you can’t get what you want attack your opponent at all cost with all cost on the back of taxpayers like the Muller report. Anyone who votes for Democrats deny obvious illegal actions by past administration. Let’s be honest on both parties.
Doug R
5 years ago
“None dare call it treason.” The truth is that those involved in this attempted coup, including all the democrats in leadership, many FBI, CIA, and DOJ officials are committing treason against the United States. They are misusing their office and power to remove a duly elected president. They all should be held accountable and I don’t mean for a slap on the wrist…I mean death. That is the penalty for treason. The fact that everyone of these evil people swore and oath to defend and protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, makes all of them without excuse. What they have done is more dangerous to our country than any other act in recent history. There are some Republicans also involved in this treason whose heads should be on the block…literally.
Until these acts to overthrow and corrupt our govt. using their power are checked with the severest of penalties, we will see more and more of this wickedness.
Kathleen McIntyre
5 years ago
Term limits need to be addressed by “ We the People”.
Steve V
5 years ago
This entire impeachment sham was orchestrated as a spy trap by POTUS… the Dems walked directly into the trap and we all know who the lamestream media works for! There will be no escape… oh yea, “EPSTEIN DIDN’T KILL HIMSELF”.!,!
Allen Baldwin
5 years ago
Let’s be honest, DJT is both effective and an embarrassment. We have been sorely disappointed by both parties. This is why the left has been pushed to complete socialism and anti Americanism. This is also why the right has been pushed to seek a strong man and overlook all his faults. Praise Trump for his many accomplishments and they are significant but admit that you’d never allow him to date your daughter. A Democrat white house would harm America, perhaps irreparably, we got a taste of that in Obama. But we have to aspire to much more than Trump! Get out and work your precincts, give time and money to good candidates, engage your neighbors and for heaven’s sake find ways to engage youth and teach them why socialism is a cancer, progressivism is a lie, gender fluidity is destructive mental sickness because they are our future.
Dick S
5 years ago
#3 or #4 are both reasonable choices. These people are completely delusional!! There is one thing that I have discovered over the past few years that has made it quite easy to determine what democrats are doing or have done in the past – whatever they accuse a republican of doing is actually what they are doing or have already done. Their hope is that by pointing their finger at republicans will distract people from seeing them for what they really are. The BIG question is: Are these people looking out for what is BEST for America and the American people or are they desiring what is best for themselves? For me that is a no brain er!!
Steve Voegtlin
5 years ago
It was all a spy trap initiated by POTUS. trap set all the liars and leakers walked directly into it. Never play a game you can’t win.
Thomas F Wuthrich
5 years ago
You left the most likely reason off your list. It is an attempt to preemptively undercut the DOJ AG’s soon-to-be-released report, and probably more importantly, the more extensive report by US Attorney John Durham which will show just how extensive and nefarious the Deep State conspiracy was/is. When those reports come out, Democrats want the American public, especially those who are only half paying attention (which is probably half the country, unfortunately!) to shrug and say, “They ALL do it!” That is the best Democrats can hope for; that the American people will come away thinking that everyone is as dirty and corrupt as they are.
In Liberty
5 years ago
The reason is that the Democratic Party growth is illegal immigrants. This admin threatens that if you stop the illegal immigration you stop the Democratic Party,
S Gay
5 years ago
I voted for #3. I believe the democrats know they have no chance of removing the president before the 2020 election and are trying desperately to damage him in the eyes of the American people prior to the 2020 election. I believe their hopes fall on the option to so damage him in public opinion that a majority of Americans will vote for whichever damaged Democratic candidate the left finally settles on in their 2020 convention.
Linda Taaffe
5 years ago
Besides trying to overturn the 2016 election results, the Democrats don’t want Pres. Trump to run in the 2020 elections because they know they don’t have anyone that can compete with him. All Pres. Trump needs to run on are the accomplishments he’s already done as president, which is far more than we’ve seen from several of the past presidents. I hope Americans can see the farce this who impeachment inquiry is and the continual lies that the Democrats are spouting. They have been caught so many times already, you’d think they could see that they’re actually shooting themselves in the foot; but that’s good for Republicans. God bless America, may freedom ring!
Andrea Baker
5 years ago
It’s actually to divert attention away from the democrats’ corruption.
W. P. Cunningham
5 years ago
“If you lie down with dogs, you rise with fleas.” Dems have built a coalition over the past fifty years based on support for immoral activity: contraception/abortion, LGBT actions, treating women and very young humans as objects rather than persons with infinite dignity. When one accepts evil actions as good, the human mind sees the dissonance between what is true and good and what is accepted, and gradually “rewires in software” to believe that good is evil and evil is good. This impeachment voodoo is all one with that narrative. Franklin Roosevelt and Truman and Kennedy and Johnson–wherever they are–are laughing themselves silly that what they did with foreign leaders on a DAILY basis are now being seen by the leaders of their decadent party as impeachable offenses. Lord have mercy on us.
Linda Taaffe
5 years ago
The best journalism I’ve seen is the new newspaper called The Epoch Times. I think it’s very good reporting and a lot of substance. Check it out.
5 years ago
Perception is reality. The adhere to this religiously.
C Stewart
5 years ago
This action is a farce and the Democrats should be ashamed.
J Jorden
5 years ago
The dems & riinos are not intellectually stupid. Much said are just talking points as demonstrated by the one voice of the socialist media & socialist party which has taken over the Democratic party. They know they are unable to remove the President from office because of the Republican Senate, but they also know the public is so closely divided between God fearing, Bible-thumping, constitutionalists and those that want to totally remake our society into a socialist/communist state that they need to sway only a few votes to get the job done in the 2020 election. We are so hedonistic that we’ve been asleep at the wheel and it breaks my heart that this might just work.
5 years ago
When are both parties start doing what they are being paid to represent the American people and not their stupid petty games
James Biondi
5 years ago
I don’t think the Dems are planning to impeach. This farce is just set up to use their power in the House to do everything they can to make Trump look bad. The more they “show” that he is “evil”, the better it is for them at election time…
5 years ago
I think it is a combination of the last 2 options: inactivity of the Democrats & to overturn the 2016 election results AND the fact that Trump is an ‘outsider’ who is exposing the theft and mediocracy of the government as it is. The American public is being made aware of All of this by Trump’s positive actions. Their ‘cookies are crumbling.’
Linda Taaffe
5 years ago
The specific words I’m not hearing the Republicans say to all these investigation charges, is that the President has every right to investigate corruption that has been going on for years. The fact that the Biden’s are in this investigation has nothing to do with him as a candidate. The Biden’s would be investigated anyway on their involvement in this corruption investigation. Biden should not be excluded just because he’s a candidate. They all need to be held accountable for their actions, including the Clinton’s; they need to go to jail!
Barbara M
5 years ago
The Democrats and some Republicans have been wasting the resources they were entrusted with when they were elected to their offices. We should be confident that they would spend their time and our dollars working on the issues they were elected to solve. They not only are doing everything in their power to undermine President Trump and showing disrespect for their and the Presidential offices. What are they teaching their children and grandchildren?
5 years ago
Take notice that the Dems charge Trump with every offense that they committed from the past that are now being uncovered. One giant coverup and smoke screen to divert attention from the true criminal abuses of the Obama administration.
5 years ago
MSM/NET’s are Public Enemy # 1 to America.
ALFRED L Deavers
5 years ago
Hurry to get ALL illegals OUT of USA before November, 2020.
Mike L
5 years ago
#3, since, absent any real evidence, there is no chance in getting 2/3rds of the Senate to actually convict him. In addition, they are hoping the Mr Trump will stick his foot in his mouth enough to annoy those independents (those who can’t make up their minds, not those who just don’t like political parties), who really are the Democrats’ only chance.
Ed M
5 years ago
Let’s face it, it has not as much to do with actually impeaching the President as it has to keep smearing the conservative side. DEMS game plan is to keep some kind of dirt following on a daily basis to prevent Republicans from getting back in office 2020.
The other thing they are trying very hard to prevent, is the American people to come to realize a non politician businessman can run the country better than themselves. Truthfully, neither side wants that to happen, hence to republicans who are scared of the President and his willingness to cast politics aside and do what’s best for America.
5 years ago
It is so obvious.
5 years ago
All of our duly elected officials, including Democrat Congressmen & Women are given the word Honorable before their Name. Too many of the Democrats have forgotten how to spell that word and probably have never known the meaning. They have abandoned all civil discourse and created a mockery of their own party and themselves. This Mockery can’t even qualify as a Kangaroo Kourt. They should all be ashamed of themselves.
I predict a 2020 LANDSIDE VICTORY…
David Hunter
5 years ago
All of the Congressmen, Senators and all Federal employees need to be read the definition of Treason and sign a statement that they understand what the definition of Treason is and what the punishment is. Then asked if they wish to resign before possible charges are brought against them.
Jean Fan
5 years ago
The democrats are trying to steal the president election from us!!
John Di Donato
5 years ago
Much ado about nothing
Elizabeth Schaefer
5 years ago
President Trump WILL be re-elected in 2020 despite the hated and foolishness of the Democratic party. What I wonder is what on earth are they going to do for the next 4 yrs of this presidency? We must get the vote out to change the House and retain the Senate as Republican.
Jean Fan
5 years ago
Stealing the President election of 2016 from us!!!
5 years ago
Dems can not stand prosperity shame shame
Connie Henderson
5 years ago
I just wish the inspector general and Durham would hurry with their reports. Hopefully we will see some heads roll right into prison. Killary should be the first one to go.
Mel Zenkowski
5 years ago
We should have been able to select more than one answer. There are the middle three that are pertinent to these impeachment hearings. The democrats can never accept defeat at the ballot box. They are the ones contesting elections and now they have sunk so low in their current attempts to overthrow a duly elected President. Shameful and Shameless. Politics has been exposed to our fellow countrymen and countrywomen for the dirty profession that it is. Top to bottom.
5 years ago
This is cover for Democrat corruption. None of the choices in your poll are the real story.
5 years ago
I voted 4 because that is the most accurate description of the reason for this insanity. However, I am becoming more and more suspicious of the Republican Congressional members! Is there nothing more they can do? I only hear from a very few who are vocally withstanding this circus! I firmly believe that term limits need to be implemented and also to hold every Congress member accountable for even the smallest promised action they make during their campaign. With no accountability challenging them, they’re more than willing to stay in the ring as long as they can receiving all the perks of the position and then retire rich beyond anything they could achieve in the nations job market places! They work for We The People!! We the People must find an effective and swift way to hold them accountable. Until we do, there will be about 87% of the Congress riding the wagon instead of pulling their load. God, have mercy on these United States!
Richard Russo
5 years ago
It is another false narrative being used by the Democrats to divert attention away from the Obama/Biden Administration and put pressure on the GOP and The President Of The United States. Russia Collusion in which Schiff (funny how that guy is at the center again) had irrefutable evidence against the President turned into a huge Nothing. And in fact seems to point toward the Dems being the instigator.
Along comes another Whistleblower, known only to Adam Schiff, and suddenly the President is defending himself from the Quid Pro Quo that former VP Biden and his son Hunter were so obviously involved in! The American People are again being fed only half the Story because the press wants it that way.
The DemocRATS have no answers for the Economy and the job Trump has been able to do in spite of all the diversions. They have no candidate nor policies that can beat Donald J Trump. This is what they have got. It’s total Bull ?
5 years ago
What we are seeing now, is more than a lost election, or to discredit the President. The Dems, or really “The Left” has been caught up in trying to bring down America!
David Nielsen
5 years ago
Every one of these Demoncrats have been turned over to reprobate minds because of their hatred ultimately for GOD. They want to be gods like Soros thinks he is.
Please pray for our President, Vice President Pence, our Country. But, we should also pray for those carrying so much hate would come to know JESUS CHRIST as their LORD and SAVIOR. Otherwise, they will lead a wasted, unfulfilled, corrupted life which leads to so much emptiness.
5 years ago
It wasn’t one of the choices but I believe they are afraid of everything he knows and will expose.
He learned a lot about many of them when he was a civilian businessman and they know that he knows. They’re scared and want him out of office because he won’t be able to investigate or expose as much if he’s no longer president.
He’s also doing more than any other president ever has and keeping more promises which makes them look bad.
Terry Benson
5 years ago
The hatred and pure evil of the Democrats is astounding. They are becoming the party of Anti-America, Anti-USA.
5 years ago
Term limits are a must!!!!! We can not depend on lazy or uninterested citizens to the polls to vote out these lifers!
Voted for choice #4 because, although some of the Democrats are deluded enough to actually believe they could get President Trump removed from office, a lot of them likely see this impeachment as an election strategy for 2020. They accuse the President of this manufactured offense, blame Senate Republicans for not convicting him for removal from office, and then use that as a campaign rationale to try to gain the Senate to ”finish the job.” An insane strategy, but then Democrat politicians (or their CNN supporters) should never be accused of being rational.
But I don’t agree with the reference in the choice’s statement to Democrat “inaction”, because whenever Dems gain political control they’re usually very very active writing unconstitutional or expensive legislation, that is, when they’re not trying to personally smear their opposition. It’s really very good when Democrats are inactive!
Just waiting for all of this nonsense to backfire in their faces, come 2020. And a lot of them can go back home where they came from to be inactive there.
I voted #4; the Democrats hatred of President Trump have driven them over the edge. They realize that he will be re-elected and they think impeachment is going to make him go away. When you have people like Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler spending time and our tax dollars on yet another waste of time, like the Mueller 2 year extravaganza, who in their right mind would ever vote for a democrat! More importantly, bills to be passed in the House are sitting on Pelosi’s desk since March. These Democrats are not doing their jobs, people who don’t do their jobs usually get fired! President Trump has done more for our country than the last 3 presidencies. Trump 2020!
The Democrats and their media coconspirators have employed a Nazi propaganda trick: brain-washing and indoctrination through repetition. If you repeat the lie often enough, people will believe it. Democrats want their slander to create doubt about the President’s character and motives. They know they can’t get him removed from office even if the House votes to impeach. But they will continue to obstruct and smear both the President —- and every conservative that dares to tell the truth. The mainstream media are fully aware of the fact that they no longer have any journalistic integrity. They merely have a Marxist agenda that requires the spread of misinformation. Recent elections in Kentucky and Virginia are evidence of the media’s significant influence upon indolent and foolish voters. Fortunately, much of America is waking up. The Democrat Party is imploding. Our Republic is in better hands than at any time since Reagan. MAGA
So, the first day of testimony presented two witnesses, Kent and Taylor, who stared into space when asked to state any grounds for impeachment. I believe they never met or talked to President Trump, and all their testimony was based on indirect interpretations among six people, through chain letters, it appears.
Then, today, Yovanovitch was questioned, and, again, she had never spoken with the president. She, too, couldn’t point to any impeachable actions on the part of the president. Plus, wasn’t she gone before “the call” took place?
Schiff gavels down Republicans regularly, not allowing them to ask questions. This guy should be crawling from the scene with his tail between his legs. Maybe we should just let him paint himself and his fellow dems into a corner. Fodder for the 2020 elections…
Dems are totally in sane-they’re angry Trump beats them constantly at their own game, He’s smart, effective, results oriented, none of which apply to the Dems-The whole Impeachment process is a joke & embarrassment to our great nation. There’s NO accountability in our government- However, the Republicans can’t seem to handle the outright lawlessness of this mess. Schiff & Pelosi belong in an institution for the mentally insane and our leaders are allowing them free reign – Proven facts, Dem leaders broke laws but somehow, there are no consequences, just tip toeing around- A whole country held hostage by a house run by corrupt politicians-
Where the heck is the Senate & the Judges to control this mess-Republicans need to take their vote NOW-that the impeachment process is DOA, the proceedings are lawless and will not be recognized -the President should sue Schiff and Pelosi for gross harassment and defamation of character, and for just plain being stupid, then go back to work and IGNORE the crooked Dems- The American people aren’t nearly as dumb as the the Dems think- IGNORE Schiff and Pelosi and get to work, Immigration, healthcare, infrastructure, secure SS & end government tampering with it, just to begin with!
When you can’t get what you want attack your opponent at all cost with all cost on the back of taxpayers like the Muller report. Anyone who votes for Democrats deny obvious illegal actions by past administration. Let’s be honest on both parties.
“None dare call it treason.” The truth is that those involved in this attempted coup, including all the democrats in leadership, many FBI, CIA, and DOJ officials are committing treason against the United States. They are misusing their office and power to remove a duly elected president. They all should be held accountable and I don’t mean for a slap on the wrist…I mean death. That is the penalty for treason. The fact that everyone of these evil people swore and oath to defend and protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, makes all of them without excuse. What they have done is more dangerous to our country than any other act in recent history. There are some Republicans also involved in this treason whose heads should be on the block…literally.
Until these acts to overthrow and corrupt our govt. using their power are checked with the severest of penalties, we will see more and more of this wickedness.
Term limits need to be addressed by “ We the People”.
This entire impeachment sham was orchestrated as a spy trap by POTUS… the Dems walked directly into the trap and we all know who the lamestream media works for! There will be no escape… oh yea, “EPSTEIN DIDN’T KILL HIMSELF”.!,!
Let’s be honest, DJT is both effective and an embarrassment. We have been sorely disappointed by both parties. This is why the left has been pushed to complete socialism and anti Americanism. This is also why the right has been pushed to seek a strong man and overlook all his faults. Praise Trump for his many accomplishments and they are significant but admit that you’d never allow him to date your daughter. A Democrat white house would harm America, perhaps irreparably, we got a taste of that in Obama. But we have to aspire to much more than Trump! Get out and work your precincts, give time and money to good candidates, engage your neighbors and for heaven’s sake find ways to engage youth and teach them why socialism is a cancer, progressivism is a lie, gender fluidity is destructive mental sickness because they are our future.
#3 or #4 are both reasonable choices. These people are completely delusional!! There is one thing that I have discovered over the past few years that has made it quite easy to determine what democrats are doing or have done in the past – whatever they accuse a republican of doing is actually what they are doing or have already done. Their hope is that by pointing their finger at republicans will distract people from seeing them for what they really are. The BIG question is: Are these people looking out for what is BEST for America and the American people or are they desiring what is best for themselves? For me that is a no brain er!!
It was all a spy trap initiated by POTUS. trap set all the liars and leakers walked directly into it. Never play a game you can’t win.
You left the most likely reason off your list. It is an attempt to preemptively undercut the DOJ AG’s soon-to-be-released report, and probably more importantly, the more extensive report by US Attorney John Durham which will show just how extensive and nefarious the Deep State conspiracy was/is. When those reports come out, Democrats want the American public, especially those who are only half paying attention (which is probably half the country, unfortunately!) to shrug and say, “They ALL do it!” That is the best Democrats can hope for; that the American people will come away thinking that everyone is as dirty and corrupt as they are.
The reason is that the Democratic Party growth is illegal immigrants. This admin threatens that if you stop the illegal immigration you stop the Democratic Party,
I voted for #3. I believe the democrats know they have no chance of removing the president before the 2020 election and are trying desperately to damage him in the eyes of the American people prior to the 2020 election. I believe their hopes fall on the option to so damage him in public opinion that a majority of Americans will vote for whichever damaged Democratic candidate the left finally settles on in their 2020 convention.
Besides trying to overturn the 2016 election results, the Democrats don’t want Pres. Trump to run in the 2020 elections because they know they don’t have anyone that can compete with him. All Pres. Trump needs to run on are the accomplishments he’s already done as president, which is far more than we’ve seen from several of the past presidents. I hope Americans can see the farce this who impeachment inquiry is and the continual lies that the Democrats are spouting. They have been caught so many times already, you’d think they could see that they’re actually shooting themselves in the foot; but that’s good for Republicans. God bless America, may freedom ring!
It’s actually to divert attention away from the democrats’ corruption.
“If you lie down with dogs, you rise with fleas.” Dems have built a coalition over the past fifty years based on support for immoral activity: contraception/abortion, LGBT actions, treating women and very young humans as objects rather than persons with infinite dignity. When one accepts evil actions as good, the human mind sees the dissonance between what is true and good and what is accepted, and gradually “rewires in software” to believe that good is evil and evil is good. This impeachment voodoo is all one with that narrative. Franklin Roosevelt and Truman and Kennedy and Johnson–wherever they are–are laughing themselves silly that what they did with foreign leaders on a DAILY basis are now being seen by the leaders of their decadent party as impeachable offenses. Lord have mercy on us.
The best journalism I’ve seen is the new newspaper called The Epoch Times. I think it’s very good reporting and a lot of substance. Check it out.
Perception is reality. The adhere to this religiously.
This action is a farce and the Democrats should be ashamed.
The dems & riinos are not intellectually stupid. Much said are just talking points as demonstrated by the one voice of the socialist media & socialist party which has taken over the Democratic party. They know they are unable to remove the President from office because of the Republican Senate, but they also know the public is so closely divided between God fearing, Bible-thumping, constitutionalists and those that want to totally remake our society into a socialist/communist state that they need to sway only a few votes to get the job done in the 2020 election. We are so hedonistic that we’ve been asleep at the wheel and it breaks my heart that this might just work.
When are both parties start doing what they are being paid to represent the American people and not their stupid petty games
I don’t think the Dems are planning to impeach. This farce is just set up to use their power in the House to do everything they can to make Trump look bad. The more they “show” that he is “evil”, the better it is for them at election time…
I think it is a combination of the last 2 options: inactivity of the Democrats & to overturn the 2016 election results AND the fact that Trump is an ‘outsider’ who is exposing the theft and mediocracy of the government as it is. The American public is being made aware of All of this by Trump’s positive actions. Their ‘cookies are crumbling.’
The specific words I’m not hearing the Republicans say to all these investigation charges, is that the President has every right to investigate corruption that has been going on for years. The fact that the Biden’s are in this investigation has nothing to do with him as a candidate. The Biden’s would be investigated anyway on their involvement in this corruption investigation. Biden should not be excluded just because he’s a candidate. They all need to be held accountable for their actions, including the Clinton’s; they need to go to jail!
The Democrats and some Republicans have been wasting the resources they were entrusted with when they were elected to their offices. We should be confident that they would spend their time and our dollars working on the issues they were elected to solve. They not only are doing everything in their power to undermine President Trump and showing disrespect for their and the Presidential offices. What are they teaching their children and grandchildren?
Take notice that the Dems charge Trump with every offense that they committed from the past that are now being uncovered. One giant coverup and smoke screen to divert attention from the true criminal abuses of the Obama administration.
MSM/NET’s are Public Enemy # 1 to America.
Hurry to get ALL illegals OUT of USA before November, 2020.
#3, since, absent any real evidence, there is no chance in getting 2/3rds of the Senate to actually convict him. In addition, they are hoping the Mr Trump will stick his foot in his mouth enough to annoy those independents (those who can’t make up their minds, not those who just don’t like political parties), who really are the Democrats’ only chance.
Let’s face it, it has not as much to do with actually impeaching the President as it has to keep smearing the conservative side. DEMS game plan is to keep some kind of dirt following on a daily basis to prevent Republicans from getting back in office 2020.
The other thing they are trying very hard to prevent, is the American people to come to realize a non politician businessman can run the country better than themselves. Truthfully, neither side wants that to happen, hence to republicans who are scared of the President and his willingness to cast politics aside and do what’s best for America.
It is so obvious.
All of our duly elected officials, including Democrat Congressmen & Women are given the word Honorable before their Name. Too many of the Democrats have forgotten how to spell that word and probably have never known the meaning. They have abandoned all civil discourse and created a mockery of their own party and themselves. This Mockery can’t even qualify as a Kangaroo Kourt. They should all be ashamed of themselves.
I predict a 2020 LANDSIDE VICTORY…
All of the Congressmen, Senators and all Federal employees need to be read the definition of Treason and sign a statement that they understand what the definition of Treason is and what the punishment is. Then asked if they wish to resign before possible charges are brought against them.
The democrats are trying to steal the president election from us!!
Much ado about nothing
President Trump WILL be re-elected in 2020 despite the hated and foolishness of the Democratic party. What I wonder is what on earth are they going to do for the next 4 yrs of this presidency? We must get the vote out to change the House and retain the Senate as Republican.
Stealing the President election of 2016 from us!!!
Dems can not stand prosperity shame shame
I just wish the inspector general and Durham would hurry with their reports. Hopefully we will see some heads roll right into prison. Killary should be the first one to go.
We should have been able to select more than one answer. There are the middle three that are pertinent to these impeachment hearings. The democrats can never accept defeat at the ballot box. They are the ones contesting elections and now they have sunk so low in their current attempts to overthrow a duly elected President. Shameful and Shameless. Politics has been exposed to our fellow countrymen and countrywomen for the dirty profession that it is. Top to bottom.
This is cover for Democrat corruption. None of the choices in your poll are the real story.
I voted 4 because that is the most accurate description of the reason for this insanity. However, I am becoming more and more suspicious of the Republican Congressional members! Is there nothing more they can do? I only hear from a very few who are vocally withstanding this circus! I firmly believe that term limits need to be implemented and also to hold every Congress member accountable for even the smallest promised action they make during their campaign. With no accountability challenging them, they’re more than willing to stay in the ring as long as they can receiving all the perks of the position and then retire rich beyond anything they could achieve in the nations job market places! They work for We The People!! We the People must find an effective and swift way to hold them accountable. Until we do, there will be about 87% of the Congress riding the wagon instead of pulling their load. God, have mercy on these United States!
It is another false narrative being used by the Democrats to divert attention away from the Obama/Biden Administration and put pressure on the GOP and The President Of The United States. Russia Collusion in which Schiff (funny how that guy is at the center again) had irrefutable evidence against the President turned into a huge Nothing. And in fact seems to point toward the Dems being the instigator.
Along comes another Whistleblower, known only to Adam Schiff, and suddenly the President is defending himself from the Quid Pro Quo that former VP Biden and his son Hunter were so obviously involved in! The American People are again being fed only half the Story because the press wants it that way.
The DemocRATS have no answers for the Economy and the job Trump has been able to do in spite of all the diversions. They have no candidate nor policies that can beat Donald J Trump. This is what they have got. It’s total Bull ?
What we are seeing now, is more than a lost election, or to discredit the President. The Dems, or really “The Left” has been caught up in trying to bring down America!
Every one of these Demoncrats have been turned over to reprobate minds because of their hatred ultimately for GOD. They want to be gods like Soros thinks he is.
Please pray for our President, Vice President Pence, our Country. But, we should also pray for those carrying so much hate would come to know JESUS CHRIST as their LORD and SAVIOR. Otherwise, they will lead a wasted, unfulfilled, corrupted life which leads to so much emptiness.
It wasn’t one of the choices but I believe they are afraid of everything he knows and will expose.
He learned a lot about many of them when he was a civilian businessman and they know that he knows. They’re scared and want him out of office because he won’t be able to investigate or expose as much if he’s no longer president.
He’s also doing more than any other president ever has and keeping more promises which makes them look bad.
The hatred and pure evil of the Democrats is astounding. They are becoming the party of Anti-America, Anti-USA.
Term limits are a must!!!!! We can not depend on lazy or uninterested citizens to the polls to vote out these lifers!