
election vote

How do you plan to vote in the general election in November?

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The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
3 years ago

because you know they will, vote early and in person.

#Trump/House/Senate/2020 Deus Vult !

3 years ago

Obviously, the best option to ensure election integrity is to vote in person on election day. There is honestly no medical reason to do it any other way as even Saint Fauci has been forced to admit. However, in several Blue States, the Democrat Governors and Democrat legislatures have already enacted policies that have severely restrict the number of in person polling places in their states. All under the guise of Covid-19 preventative measures. So in the New York / New Jersey / Connecticut tri-state area, as one example, the number of actual in person polling places open on election day will be only 10 to 20 percent of normal. Done intentionally to facilitate the kind of voter fraud Democrats are famous for. Something none of the MSM has focused on, as it is yet another example of government over-reach in order to try and restrict the voting rights of citizens.

3 years ago

As a naturalized American citizen, I am very proud & honored to be granted this privilege. I am totally bewildered as to why some Americans do not exercise their right to vote! Perhaps it’s due to a number of factors: ignorance, laziness, indifference, irresponsibility, too busy (really?) or for any other ‘excuses’.
Most of us know that our liberties & freedoms are already slowly being taken away by the MSM & the big internet & social media moguls! MSM is mostly not reporting facts. They are freely manufacturing lies, stories & narratives. Tweeter, Facebook, Google & the likes, are blatantly cancelling or blocking people’s Right to free speech (even our POTUS)! It’s quite telling when that is treated as not really shocking anymore!
If we truly want to be Free, to keep our Liberty to decide & work for our destiny, and to truly be able to help our fellow men who are in real need, then WE ALL BETTER WAKE UP NOW!
WE all need to stay informed of what is really going on in our country! When anyone is spewing with hate, you better watch out! Everyone needs to examine & look deeper, even the fact checkers!
I am a proud American! This country has truly enabled me, my family & my former country men from the Philippines to achieve the American dream. The system may not be perfect, but through hard, honest & diligent work, we have been able to acquire decent livelihood. We have achieved & continue to have the fortune of a comfortable retirement. We are able to leave & hope to preserve a Legacy for our offsprings.
This country gave us the freedom to choose our destiny! We want to keep these aspirations & hopes for our grandchildren & future generations. We respect ALL lives, including the unborn. We believe & want to encourage the dutiful, but just, rights of everyone, regardless of creed, color, gender, culture, religion or other distinguishing, honorable characteristics.
We acknowledge that we all have to accept individual responsibility for our actions. We recognize that something given as FREE, but NOT EARNED, will likely be FLEETING & a trade off for the OPPOSITE.
We always say that every election is important. Now, more than ever, this rings louder & true! It’s truthfully the Fight for keeping AMERICA for what it’s founded for: LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!

3 years ago

Will go to a polling place on Election Day, as it should be done by everyone. That’s the best way to ensure that fraud is minimized.
Postal balloting is about as reliable as is the process used to vote for America’s Got Talent contestants.
The main drawback for early in person voting is that the deliberation period that campaigning allows is not uniform for all voters. A lot of impropriety or political viewpoints can be exposed between the day the early polls open and when they close at the end of Election Day. The additional cost to man polling places for an extended period is also a negative.
Voting in person or by a properly controlled absentee ballot, is the only responsible way to hold elections.

J R short
J R short
3 years ago

I hate when extraneous stuff is added to a question. “I will vote early and by mail-in ballot. I feel this process can be trusted and will work.” Why don’t you just ask if I am voting by mail-in ballot? Why don’t you ask if I trust the other methods? There’s ways to cheat all of them. I’m in Puerto Ricco currently, so mail in is my only choice, whether I trust it or not. When I see added stuff like that, I always figure the poll trying to make some kind of spin. No, I don’t trust mail in ballots; you ought to add that to the same question.

3 years ago

i read that 30% of mail-in ballots were denied in Brooklyn, and 20% in Manhattan in the primary due to errors. If you plan to vote by mail, be very careful,so your vote isn’t denied.

3 years ago

What if you don’t have a choice. I live in NJ and in my district there is no “in-person” voting. Our governor took care of that! But I’ll vote. We’ll see what happens but I don’t trust the process in NJ.

Wayne Stonestreet
Wayne Stonestreet
3 years ago

I’d answer polls more often if the pollster didn’t try to put words in my mouth. Ask a question and let me give simple Yes/No answers.

Your second option to this question:
I will vote early and by absentee ballot. I feel it’s more reliable than mail-in voting.

Each sentence is a separate issue.

I’m voting absentee. Yes/No

I feel absentee voting is more reliable than mail-in voting. Yes/No

Kathleen Anne Olinger
Kathleen Anne Olinger
3 years ago

If you are in line and still not served by the time polls are supposed to close they are (or used to be anyway) required by law to stay open until the last voter is served.

3 years ago

It is time to take the masks OFF permanently and go vote on Election Day. Even for old people like all of us herd immunity is the way to go.

3 years ago

Aside from medical or travel reasons, there’s no excuse to not vote in person. A lack of effort to vote legally in person, might also indicate a laziness of knowing when the candidates stand on issues. Freedom to choose our leaders is a great responsibility that separates us from other countries and shouldn’t be taken lightly.

3 years ago

Due to my job and not being at home, I requested for an absentee ballot and I just voted.

Eric Wilson
Eric Wilson
3 years ago

This is a poll I can participate in. I never participate in polls about political support because I can’t trust the source to report accurately

Jeff Garn
Jeff Garn
3 years ago

My wife and I will vote for Trump & Pence.

Teresa Connor
Teresa Connor
3 years ago

I will vote in person. It’s as safe, and more, than the grocery store. I moved in 2016, so I went online to check out my status for my old address. I was listed as “inactive.” By a simple vote, it would be “active” again. So I requested that I be removed from the rolls as I am now registered to vote in another state. The next day I received a confirmation email.
I want my vote to count, and I don’t want someone using my name.

3 years ago

When I voted in June for our local election we were asked at that time if we would like to sign up for an absentee ballot because no one knew if we would be allowed to vote in person due to the China Virus. So we said ok sign us up for the absentee ballot. We received our ballots this week and it said if we decide to vote in person and not use the absentee ballot we would have to use a provisional ballot which may or not be counted. So I filled out my absentee ballot and will take it to my local elections place and put it in their lockbox which will be monitored. You can then log on to their website to see exactly when your ballot was processed. I don’t like to do it this way as I have always voted in person. I like going to vote in person because that truly is our right as an American.

3 years ago

I have voted absentee since I turned 65.

3 years ago

If our President loses this election, it will be from them being able to cheat.. We already know we have people that have dumped ballots. However I am Praying that people that don’t receive on can still go to a place and vote in person. I Pray daily for our President and 4 more years.

3 years ago

I would politely ask all of the respondents that do NOT plan to vote please UN-Immigrate from my country. Thank you!

Monika Smith
Monika Smith
3 years ago

Here in NJ I don’t have a choice about voting. All mail in ballots thanks to our governor.

Thomas F. Olszewski
Thomas F. Olszewski
3 years ago

TRUMP 2020 . It’s time to put sleepy joe to bed.

Mark B
Mark B
3 years ago

Michigan passed no reason absentee voting some years ago. Request a ballot, the township sends it to you and you either mail it or drop it off by Nov. 3rd. In Michigan, if its not there by the 3rd, it will not count. I feel it is easy, safe, and fair. I think that all ballots in all states should be in by November 3rd. If it takes until November 4th to count them that is okay but to extend voting out for weeks is asking for trouble.

3 years ago

I have already voted absentee. I also hand delivered it to my voting center. First time in my life I ever voted straight ticket. I have been sickened by Democrats over the last four years. God help us if the Dems get in power!

Vincent Pascale Jr.
Vincent Pascale Jr.
3 years ago

None of the choices in the survey reflects my opinion. I will vote by mail/drop off because that is what my state does – I will vote Red and will oppose all ballot measures to increase taxes or increase my State’s power. A vote for Biden is a vote for the radical Left. He will be swept aside via the 25th Amendment and Harris will take over. They will pack the Supreme Court and add 4 perpetual Democrat Senators from DC and Puerto Rico. They will talk like moderates and then act like radicals.

3 years ago

For those who have no opinion or choose not to vote, please do not ever complain about DC or taxes or corruption or war or your rights being minimized when you give up your voice to advocate for yourself. You are letting voters who have potentially the opposite view as you decide your government for you. Many countries right now have citizens dying for the chance to have a voice and you can’t be bothered to use yours. Please consider what your life may be like if someday you don’t get to have a choice to vote.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

I sent in my ballot early.
I wrote in the name of Harold Stassen. I was informed that he is long dead, but I don’t hold that against him. Nobody is perfect. Besides, Stassen has run so many times he deserves a break.
Mr Trump will enjoy a second term.
A vote for Joe is a vote for Kamala, who would be the de facto president behind Mr Trump.

Lorin Turner
Lorin Turner
3 years ago

I would love to vote in person on Nov 3 but will vote an absentee ballot in Texas. In person… was the plan but getting Covid has changed that plan. I didn’t take Covid seriously. As a 46 yr old healthy female with underlying autoimmune issues (like millions of people) I didn’t understand how wrong it could go. After 18 days in the hospital (not even on a ventilator) now I’m on day 14 of recovering in a rehab center. I finally have started being able to use my right arm again. Not painlessly but I can move it more. We hope to see progress in the right leg now. It’s the neurological part of Covid! I understand the left has manipulated this illness completely for their benefit but it’s real, it can be horrible. Continue to protect yourself as reasonably as possible. I’m not looking for sympathy, just want to protect people from what I underestimated.

Virginia Ferrer
Virginia Ferrer
3 years ago

Will vote in person to be sure my VOTE won’t end in the trash

Ross Robertson
Ross Robertson
3 years ago

I haven’t received my absentee ballot yet if I don’t get it soon I’ll vote in person. I usually vote by absentee because they constantly change the voting location on me and I can’t be sure where I’m supposed to vote because of it.

3 years ago

Vote early and vote often.

3 years ago

I voted by mail-in for primary election believing the polls wouldn’t be open. Not being fooled this time. Let’s Keep America Great!!??

Jay Brandenberger
Jay Brandenberger
3 years ago

In South Carolina you can vote early in person if you are 65+ or meet other qualifying criteria. My wife and I have already cast our votes and feel comfortable that our ballots will not get mishandled somewhere along the line in the mail in process.

Randy White
Randy White
3 years ago

With America’s future being threatened by today’s America hating socialist Democraps, I plan to vote straight Republican all the way.

Craig Baldwin
Craig Baldwin
3 years ago

I’m from Colorado. Our ballots were mailed yesterday. We can track our ballots until they are counted.

John fiege
John fiege
3 years ago

Votiing by unsolicited ballot is nothing but a scheme to cheat in the voting process.

Ed Faust
Ed Faust
3 years ago

Voting in person is the best way to ensure your vote counts. On election day I will be managing a polling place.

Donald King
Donald King
3 years ago

I had to vote early, but I personally took my ballot to the board of elections to insure that some Trump hater or socialist/progressive mail clerk didn’t destroy it.

3 years ago

I didn’t answer the poll because I have to vote by mail-in ballot and I don’t trust it but in NJ, I have no choice. Only disabled voters can vote in person. Does that make sense to anyone but Governor Murphy?

3 years ago

I live in the God forbidden state of NJ. Our Gov Murphey has taken away our right to vote in person. Ballots have been mailed and expected to be mailed back. This gives the Democrats a huge advantage because typically this group of people don’t vote. It also does away with the checks and balance system that is in place to keep our election fair. Discarded ballots have already been found throughout the state. I know there is a way to identify which party you are voting on the return envelope, I haven’t taken the trouble to find out how.

Raymond Luther
Raymond Luther
3 years ago

Do not trust mail in ballots, have already seen reports of ballot harvesting by Democrats and Libs.

3 years ago

To those who say they won’t vote you are fools. Every vote is needed to save us from the socialists.

Jim M
Jim M
3 years ago

I was so looking forward to voting for the first time. Gerald Ford did not excite me, but Carter scared me. I woke up sick on Election Day. I did everything I could, and finally felt well enough to cast my vote at 6:30 PM. Now I have the right to vote anytime I want, and am healthy enough, during early voting. I learned my lesson, and vote early. I am not promised good health on Nov 3, nor am I promised I will even be alive, or able to get to a precinct to cast a vote on that day! Vote early, and in person … for President Trump!!!

Nick Selembo
Nick Selembo
3 years ago

Well I’m going to vote in person on Election Day. Yes Pa. has the idiot Wolf for a gov. They have billboards on the interstate that show a woman putting her hands up saying “Don’t blame me, I voted for Wagner”. He only does what Cuomo and Crazy Nancy tell me. Speaking of her, this is her time of the year. Halloween. I’m looking her flying over the Capitol on her broom! What a perfect holiday symbol. And now she is putting together a “commission” to deal with the 25th Amendment. Good lord! Haven’t the people of this country had enough of her flying around DC on her broom stirring up trouble. Thats the problem with this crop of Democrats. If they cant own it, they make sure no one else does either!

3 years ago

I’ll be out of town for 10-12 days (working). I hope to be back by election day, but on the chance that I’m not, I plan to vote early. There is NOTHING that can happen before election day (or after) that could get me to vote for Biden/Harris.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Do not trust mail in voting.

Charles Ercolano
Charles Ercolano
3 years ago

I voted by absentee ballot. I vote this way each election. In my area it’s easy to verify that your vote was received. I’ve never had a problem. I’ve already verified that my vote has been received this year.

Mary Petti
Mary Petti
3 years ago

Since here in NJ we have mail in ONLY….voting machines on election day are reserved strictly for the disabled…the choices you provided didn’t apply.
I filled out my unsolicited mail-in ballot (every registered voter received one because of our Governors’ mandate, “surprisingly” including the dead and those that moved away!!!) and hand delivered it to my county Board of Elections office last week.
Voting options ON election day (for the non-disabled) are hand delivering the mail in ballot to a poll worker OR voting by provisional ballot if you show up empty handed.
The process is so confusing to many people because they hear polls will be “open” and think they can vote on a machine which they cannot.
Of course this is intentional…but I’m doing my best to educate people about the best way to vote to make sure their ballot and vote are received and counted.

Walt C
Walt C
3 years ago

I already voted in person, absentee. My vote is recorded at the board of elections. It is not in a mail truck, headed who knows where. It is not in a drop box, waiting for someone to lose it on the way to be counted.

Norma Milluzzo
Norma Milluzzo
3 years ago

I don’t trust the democrats and their push for mail in voter fraud. This election is critical and Joe is only a tool for the socialist/ communist to get in. Now Pelosi has a bill to use 25th amendment, I believe to get rid of Joe so Harris could then be President. But I am seeing signs that Harris could also be a target, so Pelosi will then be President. There was actually a video clip of her giggling and saying she was going to be the president. We have to have Trump win by a landslide!!! He has proven himself to be the best. The democrats are liars and cheaters and will stop at nothing! They try something deceitful everyday. Mail in is a fraud and it amazes me how they get away with everything!!

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