
Some House GOP hardliners want to oust Speaker Mike Johnson for bringing a vote on a foreign aid package with funds for Taiwan and Israel and loans to Ukraine. Which comes closest to your view?

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jim wood
jim wood
5 months ago

Until the border is secured and we become energy independent again nothing else really matters. Replacing another speaker just plays into the democrats plan to keep power. GOP is a mess and unless Trump is president again this country will continue to fall. Biden doesn’t care and that is why your vote to oust this idiot is so important. The U.S. is a complete mess right now. Laws are not followed, criminals are not prosecuted, and our enemies are loving this lack of leadership. Disgusting.

5 months ago

I just wish that there were no “package” votes. This is a nice trick of the democrats. I believe there should be individual bills presented for voting so that there is not such a mixture of issues thrown into one.

5 months ago

While the Democrats walk in lockstep. The Republican continues to throw rocks in their own glass house.

5 months ago

Mike Johnson is a constitutional conservative with a 1 seat majority. There is no reason to replace him with 6 months until the election. They have already passed H.R.2 a strong border bill that sits on Schumers desk. The Marxist democrats will not take it up. Trump 2024 MAGA forever.

5 months ago

Seeing it happen before our very eyes.
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”― Alexander Fraser Tytler

 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

5 months ago

How about we QUIT supporting other nations, we pay for everything and everyone and this country is burning down. There is nothing left for Americans who worked and paid into the system. Sickening

5 months ago

It’s time to spend american money on Americans

Arthur Pavis
Arthur Pavis
5 months ago

The United States has been under attack and is being held captive by lawless, Leftists embedded in our Intelligence Agencies and the Deep State ever since the 2020 presidential election was stolen and puppets Biden and Harris were installed. Most of America is asleep and doesn’t know or care that this is happening.

Mist Carter
Mist Carter
5 months ago

The $95 billion package in total would offer military & humanitarian aid to the tune of $26 billion to Israel; $60 billion to Ukraine; and $8 billion to the Indo-Pacific.  It is made up of four separate bills, with the fourth bill addressing the  House’s recently passed crackdown on TikTok’s ownership, as well as the REPO Act, which would liquidate seized Russian assets and give that funding to Ukraine.    Bottom line: IT’S MONEY WE DON’T HAVE

I invite you to read my recent article on SubStack which addresses our failing legislative process and our exorbitant national debt. It is titled “Failure to Legislate = $35 Trillion National Debt.”

Since Russia’s invasion in 2022, the US has allocated over $113 billion to Ukraine. That equates to about $900 per American taxpayer. Now, Biden wants another $60 billion for Ukraine. Think what that amount of money could do to securing our own border; aiding our military veterans; funding mental health care & drug addiction which is the root cause of homelessness, etc. Instead, the only money that goes to addressing domestic issues is the government pouring out freebies and support for the millions who have illegally invaded our country.

Johnson has indicated that some this latest omnibus aid package would be in the form of a “loan.” Here’s the kicker – $23 billion of the $60 billion would go to oversight and accountability of equipment given to Ukraine. What a joke! That’s the problem; we have given bundles of dollars to Ukraine and others with NO accountability of oversight as to where that money is actually being spent. And do we really think they will “pay back” the loan? We are fools!

Shortly after Speaker Johnson took the gavel, he said in a news conference, “The battle is for the border, we do that first as a top priority, and we’ll take care of these other obligations.” Moments earlier, Johnson told GOP lawmakers in a closed-door meeting that their “hill to die on” was border policy.  Umm,

Johnson had many of us fooled when he first stepped into the leadership role. As it turns out, he is just among the numerous RINOs that currently are holding office. The GOP (as well as Congress as a whole) are completely inept and dysfunctional. But the question remains, is it beneficial to oust another speaker before Trump takes office in 2025 to add to the dysfunction? Pray and vote!

I realize these verses are referring to false prophets, yet we can apply them to false leaders also.

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”                                                                 Matthew 5:17

       “Therefore by their fruits you will know them.”           Matthew 5:20

5 months ago

It’s always surprising how many people worry so much about how things will be perceived by Democrats. Wake up. Nothing you ever do will be perceived by democrats as good unless you submit to their will. Even then you will be looked down upon. Get over it and do what is right.

N pilipick
N pilipick
5 months ago

A country that has been plunged into 35 trillion dollar dept by politicians seeking for a return on our tax payer money ,has no business laundering more money overseas and leaving our country wide open to,further invasion, its treasonous!

5 months ago

We are damned if we do and damned if we don’t. Once again the problem falls back on the voter to get the best people elected to office but we still have NO control or oversight of the election process at the local or state level. Over and over we are forced to listen to the pundits scream that we need MORE voters. Wrong! We don’t need more voters, we need SMARTER voters. An alien who just arrived from Africa, South America or the Middle East and can’t even speak English is not exactly an “informed” voter.

5 months ago

The hardliners should keep quiet and work on getting a GOP president and legislators elected. This is not the time to be bringing an upheaval into the party. Grow up kids and do what we elected you to do.

John Casey
John Casey
5 months ago

USA should not send ANY money to Ukraine. That is just laundering it for the dirty politicians and throwing it out of our economy as inflation soars. Trump is the ONLY chance America has, or will we be a 3rd world nation.

John Casey
John Casey
5 months ago

If you think you sort of know what is happening in the world from the TV, you are not informed. Easy to get lost with all the details, so back up. Trump has been persecuted for 9 years, spies, inside traitors, corrupt judges, lawyers and Politians. Why do you think that is ? the Corrupt people (1000s) are terrified because the know Trump will clean it up. Everything had to take place like it has. The Bad guys expose themselves with every vote and action, and easy to find. All the cases DJT took to the supreme court have set a precedent for future judgements. Trump is doing all this to save America and Americans. Our Dirty system squanders money like water. America is Rich, but it goes in their pockets. America is almost LOST right now, if Biden stays in, we are doomed. They will bleed America dry in more ways than one. Trump is the only Hope we have. Ignore the stupid stuff on the lefty channels.

5 months ago

America first!
It really is that simple. Nobody cares if the crooked US government gets another paid vacation

5 months ago

I am a little surprised that so many of you are still falling for the “well let them vote and they will pay for their vote at the ballot box”. The Republicans have taken this approach over and over again beginning with Paul Ryan. Big talk and NO action! Until Republicans make a stand snd stay united, they will continue to get walked on by the extreme leftists!

5 months ago

Break the package into one separate item and bring each up for a vote separately. This will show who supports what and why.

5 months ago

Wait a minute. Who composed these poll questions? Garland of DOJ or Mayorkas of Home Land Security? Conservative patriots are called “Hardliners”? Really? What is next “Hardliner terrorist extremists”? For wanting accountability, justice and what is right? After everything that has been going on, I can’t picture why anyone would vote demorat. Wake up, there is a serious possibility we could get marxist Hakeem Jefferies as Speaker. Removing Johnson would just exacerbate the situation. The election for Congressional House representative seats are most important in order to hold on to the House majority.

5 months ago

Our border security should not be tied up in a bill to fund any other country. It should be the only thing they vote on. The future of this country is in jeopardy. I do not have kids, but the next generations will be the first ones that have it much harder, with less freedoms, and less choices than any of us.

5 months ago

I suspect that Mike Johnson is under threat of some kind , possibly his family ? Our government is full of evil people who worship the devil and I fear that we “Real Americans” will need to exterminate them in order to take our country back !

Robert Humphrey
Robert Humphrey
5 months ago

The border was not opened by lack of funding, it was opened by the Obama people who tell Biden what to do. Any House member who doesn’t know that is too stupid to be there.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
5 months ago

It appears to me that the house couldn’t pick a speaker any more than they could set up a bill for success. Mike Johnson is just another “Democrat appeaser” not a Conservative leader. He will always lead from a point of weakness. Dumping him may be the best option. Jim Jordan would be a more effective leader. He is a communicator and wouldn’t back down. We would have better results. He wouldn’t take their crap and hold their feet to the fire. If the moderates can’t handle it, it’s time for them to call it a day and allow true conservatives to run for congress. Far too many RINO’s in congress.

Dan W.
Dan W.
5 months ago

Many things can be true at the same time but you would think that we would have figured out how to make the House work for us after almost a year and a half of trying.

Eugene R. Molusky
Eugene R. Molusky
5 months ago

Why do we, the American taxpayer constantly bankroll the world when we ourselves are bankrupt; financially and morally?

5 months ago

The Republicans need to stop infighting and concentrate on the election in November, stop playing the Dem’s playbook. You people act like children on the playground, Grow up and act like the representatives you are suppose to be and govern, otherwise we will once again have Biden and his gang for 4 more years and our country cannot stand 4 more years of Joey.

5 months ago

It is beyond stupid to be giving money to anyone, because we have to BORROW IT to give it away. We are broke! Shame on every Rep who voted for this. Johnson said no deal without something for the border, but he lied. He is a HUGE disappointment. Ukraine is NOT going to win that war, and we are basically throwing our (borrowed) money away.

Marty M
Marty M
5 months ago

What a revolting development it is to realize we have yet another useless R.I.N.O. making stupid decisions, that further destroy our country!

Gary J
Gary J
5 months ago

This is a minority position, to be sure, but I never thought we should have become involved in the Ukraine situation. I am TIRED of America being expected to solve all of the world’s problems when we have problems of our own. I’m sick to death of other nations wanting our help over and over, but when the USA is struggling (like now), other countries couldn’t care less. I hold nothing against the Ukrainian people, but this conflict with Russia is probably going to end up another Vietnam, broiling for year after blood soaked year.
And throwing billions of dollars at a no-win situation thousands of miles away will NOT improve the American context when our own land is being overrun with illegal migrants.

Tim J
Tim J
5 months ago

Are we sure that Mike Johnson isn’t Nancy Pelosi in disguise? Or perhaps, Satan? STOP, STOP. STOP giving America’s money to friggin’ foreigners. Start paying off our obscene debt. Start saving for a rainy day. Start securing America’s border. Start fixing America’s infrastructure. And, yes, let’s oust Nancy … I mean Mike.

5 months ago

The “hardliners” (in earlier eras, the fiscal patriots”) do indeed see the optics, but refuse to assume blame for them because they see the larger picture. When excuses flow about “divided government”, they look back at the illegitimate (s)election of 2020 and the fact that hundreds of similar patriots are rotting in prison for exercising their 1st Amendment rights, while being denied due process largely due to withheld evidence. They also see the inexcusable abdication of our 4th Amendment rights at the hands of this feckless little weasel who indeed needs to go. Fundamentally we know the coup was completed on Jan. 6, but some of us were still wildly hopeful our elected leaders would have the courage and integrity to claw it back. Silly of us!

Frank the Tank
Frank the Tank
5 months ago

Optics is a great word, but unless voters are looking at the whole picture, optics is part blindness. If this were you or me, by now, we would have our service cut off, we would be charged interest, they would get a lien on us and we would be foreclosed. We borrow money from China to GIVE to Ukraine, WE have to pay it back with interest, and OUR border is a mess. You have to see this or there’s a crack in your optics.

Dale Tate
Dale Tate
5 months ago

I have zero confidence in the leadership of this country. The path that our country is taking will lead us to ruin.

5 months ago

I’m constantly reminded of what Bill O’reilly said over a year ago. “The Democrats cause your problems, but the Republicans never fix the problem to your liking”!

5 months ago

Why are the American tax payers ALWAYS on the hook for foreign countries? We whine and complain that we can’t AFFORD to take care of our own poor, our own veterans, our own border, make Social Security solvent etc. etc.. Yet, we CONTINUALLY and PERPETUALLY SEND TAXPAYER MONEY TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES!! It is DISGUSTING and INSULTING, the level of ineptitude and corruption we endure from our ELECTED officials and representatives. One must question WHOSE REPRESENATATIVES are really making policy and decisions, because it SURE AS HELL ISN’T MINE!!!!

5 months ago

Johnson has a tough job with such a small majority, but I’d hate to see a democrat like Jeffries become speaker. I think Johnson is doing the best he can and the hardliners are fracturing the party. I agree with the view that our border security should come first, then aid for Israel, but insisting on these when they can’t pass in the House is a fool’s errand. Constantly changing speakers will not accomplish the impossible.

Randy Lahnum
Randy Lahnum
5 months ago

The Majority of Republicans in the House of Representatives is barely there. So ousting another Speaker of the House in my opinion wouldn’t be a smart idea at this point in time until we the people are able to elect more Republican representatives so as to increase the majority of Republican Representatives in the House.
Otherwise if the Demonrats take the majority, it would be hard for a good bill the Patriots of this fine Country try to get passed at all.

5 months ago

I am sick to death with the “hardliners” in the House! They are helping to make the GOP as much of a laughing stock as the President. We need Conservatives, desperately, but the people have to vote them in. We MUST get aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan, force the President to get the MUNITIONS to Ukraine, not cash. We have to stop Iran, China and Russia! But, we also Have to pull together as Conservative Republicans to stop the Democrat Party from destroying this country, which they are close to accomplishing. The “Hardliners” MUST joinor we are doomed! the majority to stand together, like the Democrats ALWAYS do,

Suzanne Easter
Suzanne Easter
5 months ago

Zero for all foreign countries. Zero for politicians until border is closed and illegals are out. Zero for duplicative and unconstitutional agencies. Decrease salaries.

5 months ago

For once all of the choices are good ones making it hard to decide.

The speaker has a tough job. Trying to herd the cats of the GOP is an impossible task. He had to make sacrifices to get it done.

While my priorities are the southern border, getting aid to Israel is second most important at least from what I saw it is not loaded with pork for pet projects like every other bill is.
IF and when the GOP votes like the old pelosi demos did, in other words enbloc with no strays.
Conservatives will never get crap done. Will always make the public think they are a bunch of clowns.

Time to have term limits and get rid of about 40% of the swamp.

5 months ago

If they keep it up, the Republicans are going to lose everything. Why can’t they stand together just once and get something done. Replacing the current Speaker would be a huge loss and a big gain for Dems. We can’t afford to keep us this behavior for another minute.

5 months ago

The poll so far indicates the same numbers as the real situation. Half of the GOP wants to go one way the other the opposite. The border will never be fixed with the current GOP mentality. We cannot do what it takes to fix a problem. Johnson has failed us and taken up the Biden position on everything. Johnson’s actions speak louder than his words. Where did the “Power” go in the “Purse”? Voters in this poll take notice- we are divided just like Johnson and Green.

5 months ago

The constant squabbling and turmoil by Republicans needs to end. There’s no sane reason to abandon Ukraine, Israel or Taiwan just like there’s no sane reason to allow the open border. All of the House and Senate need to work together for the good of the country rather than constantly polarizing it over issues that can and should be resolved by compromise.

5 months ago

I don’t begin to know the ins & outs of being a congressman but attacking the people in your OWN party seems like a pretty stupid thing to do. Causing another upheaval just before the most important election in decades is exactly what the Democrats are hoping for. This is not the time or the way to handle it. I’m so disappointed in MTG. If we lose the House, it will be all her fault.

5 months ago

I DO realize that ‘ tossing Johnson out could up set the apple cart to witch the Pride of woke -Republicans is DRIVING’..!! THEY ARE THE ONES NEEDED TO GET UNDER CONTROL.!!

Sharon K Danks
Sharon K Danks
5 months ago

WE are losing our republic and democracy! The dems are throwing it away with both hands. Anyone who votes for a single democrat is contributing to our downfall/

5 months ago

I voted for one but agree that they can’t seem to govern in the house either. Very disappointed in our officials. I see them as weak and this bill gave the dems what they wanted.

Kevin M
Kevin M
5 months ago

I’m not sure what to make of all this other than the GOP seems unable to govern in the House. The optics definitely are not good. It would have been much better if Trump had quietly killed the previous border bill. He (and Republicans) are going to be hurt by wavering. The U.S. is $32 trillion in debt… better to fund Ukraine now than send U.S. troops to fight Putin in a few years. Proxy wars are bad, but better than real wars.

Matt M
Matt M
5 months ago

The current optics seems to make the house look unhinged and not pulling together. Debating the policies with fervor is part and parcel with the democratic system. However, calling for the speaker’s removal seems a bit much making republicans look weak.

Mark Eastway
Mark Eastway
5 months ago

First, none of this likely would have happened if we had a president who demonstrated strength. If Putin concures Ukraine, nations that are part of the United Nations will then be adjacent to Russia. At that point, as part of the United Nations, we will be required to put boots on the ground if war breaks out. Israel is a tiny fraction of the world’s population, and the only explanation of the passions that run so deep worldwide can only be explained on a spiritual level. It doesn’t end well for nations that oppose Israel. It is a certainty that terrorists have come across our border in droves, but we are powerless to do anything about it, aside from on a state level. We should not let the good that we cannot do prevent us from doing the good that we can do.

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