
Christmas Gifts

‘Tis the time of year to bestow the blessings of the season as well as gifts to family and friends. Which best describes your 2023 holiday spending?

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Mist Carter
Mist Carter
1 year ago

The first gifts given were from three wise men who traveled many miles to honor and worship our King of kings, and Lord of lords. Over the centuries we have continued this tradition, yet the gift-giving is for each other. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, as long as gifts are given out of love, instead of obligation.

Sadly, we the people continue to receive “lumps of coal” from the radical socialists in many forms.

·     Record illegal immigration

·     Insecure border

·     Record inflation

·    Judicial overreach i.e., the unconstitutional Colorado Supreme Court ruling

·     Anti-Semitism and hate off the charts

·     Rampant crime without accountability

·     Energy costs soaring all to feed the climate hoax

I could go on, but it is the Christmas season and our focus should be on the reason for the season. Here’s something I wrote a few years ago and would like to share it with you all. May we all reflect on the true meaning and impact of Christmas and graciously receive His Presence. Have a very Merry Christmas and the best in 2024.

Your Christmas Presence          

Generations of sinners, and You stood by;

                      We ask ourselves the question “Why?”
                      You came to tear the curtain apart;
                      So we could love You, heart-to-heart.
                      Your infant being brought light to this world;
                      Fulfilling Scripture the prophets had told.
                      You lived as a man, with all that entails;
                      Surrounded by sin, only You could prevail.
                      In the flesh, You taught us how to live;
                      To love, to serve, and how to give.
                      These gifts from You are the pure essence;
                      Of how much We need Your Christmas presence.

                      We’ll think of You in every season;
                     God gave His Son for this reason.
                      Thank You God for this special day;
                      Our love for You is here to stay.

“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”   Isaiah 9:6

1 year ago

Joe have broken me. I’m on SS, and don’t have any money left from all the higher cost.
So I can not spend anything this year!
Thanks Joe

1 year ago

What a year…more death, murder and corruption…thank you joey.

1 year ago

Everyone gets a $50.00 bill. Everyone is most happy. Many reading this find this kind of cold but everyone looks forward to it and has plans in place for what they are going to do with it.

Wayne H
Wayne H
1 year ago

I spent about as much as usual, which is not much. We already have excessive STUFF in our house, and are not lacking materially. I have learned not to buy ANYTHING for my wife that can’t be returned.

1 year ago

I am very blessed to be financially secure so spending more was not a concern for me. I am not rich but in a situation that allows me share with others. I am able to donate to charities and give to family.

1 year ago

None of these questions really reflect the reason why gifts are shared. How much one spends is irrelevant.
Three kings shared gold, frankincense, and Myrrh because of what they represent. The amount was never mentioned.
We should have the intent to share whatever we may that is of value whether it is time, food, drink, or whatever. Christmas is first and foremost about Christ, not us.

Marty M
Marty M
1 year ago

To do a twist on Broderick Crawford’s quote of Highway Patrol fame: Remember, it’s not what you drive, it’s how you drive.
How about: Remember, it’s not what you give, it’s how you live!!!

John Rawlings
John Rawlings
1 year ago

I spent more and purchased less thanks to “bidenomics”. Joetato and his administration’s (or is it barry’s administration?) moronic economic policies have exacerbated inflation to an intolerable degree. Literally. Those of us with fixed or no income see trips to the grocery store draining any savings we do have left…doesn’t feel so good looking at balances these days.
Get this: Leftist Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman says the national debt doesn’t really matter. Search it for yourself. If national debt doesn’t matter, then why do any of us pay taxes? Why doesn’t the government just print and spend more to cover their own inflated tax bill? It’s the left, the democrats, that produce these foolhardy economic postures. Our national debt is almost 34 trillion now. When the world boots the US dollar as its reserve currency it will finish us off.

Colleen Sanders
Colleen Sanders
1 year ago

All that me and my family want for Christmas is Biden and his insane Admin gone from the White House. Everyone is older, so we are all feeling the pinch and stress of inflation. We pray this is the last Christmas under “Bidenomics.”

Gary Proto
Gary Proto
1 year ago

My beloved entered into eternal rest a little over a year ago. Christmas was very special to her as she splurged a bit on the grandchildren. I have since retired and am on a very limited income. I no longer buy gifts for my three children or their spouses but when I visit them I do repair jobs around their homes that they either have no experience doing or just don’t have the time to accomplish. I consider this a gift of the self. This year I gave all seven grandchildren one hundred dollars. All are under the age of five so their parents got the funds to spend as they see fit. At this time it was all I could afford.
Merry Christmas to all. Happy New Year.
May The Almighty Father Bless and keep you and yours throughout this Christmas Season and for all your days in this journey we call Life.

John E Cornell
John E Cornell
1 year ago

There really wasn’t a choice that best fit my situation. Inflation has affected me, but the biggest reason I’m not spending as much, is my adult children have needed help, thus my budget is a lot tighter this year.

1 year ago

Our family started drawing names many years ago, as we were all of a certain age. It was getting so hard to find the “right ” thing, then when we got even older we stopped altogether, now we just get together to eat and reminisce, good times.

Loretta Bedford
Loretta Bedford
1 year ago

My husband and I spend nothing. We prefer to spend time together or with others, as time is more valuable than a gift box. The wise men and shepherds are noted for the fact that they came to see Jesus, and people alone or in nursing homes want someone’s presence, not presents.

Hot Dawg
Hot Dawg
1 year ago

13 months away for recovery from O’Bidenomics.
Trump policies will prevail.

Brian Carrozza
Brian Carrozza
1 year ago

Even though Bidenomics remains the bag of coal all Americans get for Christmas, certain expenditures must be made.
Merry Christmas, and vote responsibly in the New Year!

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

Another reason why i spent less than in previous years is because i spent most of the Christmas shopping season figuring out my health insurance coverage for 2024.

1 year ago

I spent wiser and have been doing this all year. When something was appropriate for someone and at a really special deal I purchased it. I am giving less and more creatively, none of these things were options.

1 year ago

Merry Christmas and I pray for a blessed conservative New Year to all you AMAC members

J. Proctor
J. Proctor
1 year ago

We are grandparents. We haven’t bought gifts for years. Everybody already has everything they could possibly want that we could afford to give them. We have invested money in 529 plans for the grandchildren in the past but that is about it. We don’t even buy gifts for each other. We surprise each other with appropriate gifts whenever we wish. After 53 years of marriage, we are appropriate as needed.

1 year ago

Had to spend less since insurances, groceries, energy costs all went up considerably. Feeling financial stress unlike years of Trump economy. Noticed we were urged to ‘ buy now, pay later’. Bad idea- I do not do that. Cash flow it as possible or I don’t spend. Life lesson learned.

1 year ago

Dave, hugs to you. For your thoughtful, gentle, honesty. Courage too.
I am truly sorry for the judgment you have no doubt endured.
I really do love and believe in freedom. I believe Almighty G-D made us that way, on purpose, cause HE values freedom too. In scripture HE often puts choices before people.
I also celebrate Jesus’ birth every day, but really love this Holy Season, for lights, the food and yes, gift giving. And I feel close to Jesus, God with us, He really did celebrate Hanakkah in our gentile December. And I learned this year that it was December 25:)
I’m asking Him to forgive us for the people who we, His followers, have wounded with our lack of love, so I write to ask you to forgive those who have been unkind. And I do hope you will reconsider The One Who is celebrated at Christmas or how I like to say Messiahmas.

1 year ago

Sadly, my situaton this year was rather gloomy. I had to get another car after my other car died. My furnace died. My dishwasher died. It was an expensive year. Being on a fixed income, it was very hard to make ends meet. I felt horrible telling my family no Christmas this year because I had no extra money for gifts.I refused to by on credit. Thanks to Biden, my cost of living has doubled. Prices have stretched my income to nothing. But I am blessed with a great family and grandkids. I hope I can keep it together on Christmas day.

1 year ago

You did not have NOTHING!
Answer is NOTHING!!!!!

1 year ago

I have several organizations I’ve supported in the past. Judicial watch, the Heritage foundation, The USO, DAV, Prager University, College of the Ozarks and Dr. Jerimiah’s turning Point. spending is dried up as now I’m trying to figure out how to make my Mortgage payment because my mortgage company increased my escrow payment by $200.00 per month because they failed to correct their mistake last year but we have Jesus, Christmas tree and family.

1 year ago

I spent about the same but the difference was that this year, I bought very little “stuff” (except for in the case of children I was buying for) but opted instead to buy precious metals for my family members. It’s small, it’s valuable, and it’s flexible in how they may wish to use it, it doesn’t support foreign countries selling ephemera at big box stores, and it provides a store of “emergency money”. I think everyone will be pleased this year!

1 year ago

I understand your point of view mines a little different I see the richer getting richer and the poor getting poorer the commercialization of sales at stores takes away from the real meaning of Christmas instead of spending money on gifts family I take those dollars and put it into a charity to assist the less fortunate

Dan W.
Dan W.
1 year ago

You make a sound argument for the gift of tolerance.

dayvid burynski
dayvid burynski
1 year ago

I do not really buy anything for Christmas either. Haven’t been interested in it since age 18 or so. Gift giving like that is for children. I do like making stuff (I’m a woodworker) for others, but I do not feel constrained to the holidays.

Jeff M
Jeff M
1 year ago

Though we spent about the same, everyone got less because of Bidenomics.

1 year ago

The true meaning of Christmas,Luke 2:10-11. It is good news and will bring great joy!

1 year ago

I don’t buy gifts. I don’t like to because so unnecessary—just to unwrap something!! People have what they need or buy what they want/need when the moment arises. I don’t like the commercialization of Christmas. I really don’t even like to shop. Too much stress and I don’t live near those that are my closest friends or family. So Christmas very low key for many I know.

1 year ago

Years ago, when it reached the point where all we were doing was exchanging gift cards, we stopped doing that and now we just enjoy each other’s company and remember the greatest gift of all, a savior was born.

1 year ago

I spent zero on gifts as our family has decided against them since we are all adults and have most of what we want. The most I spent was on food items because we always have a big feast.

American Believer
American Believer
1 year ago

The Ultimate Gift is our Savior Jesus Christ. Put him first and we’ll all be happy!
This year I’m spending less thanks to the Buffoon in the White House and his merry minions.

1 year ago

I give Holy Notes every year. They are good almost every where on the planet.
As long as these notes continue with the most important message “In God We Trust”, they are most valuable.
Merry Christmas to all those that don’t know him, and a Blessed Christmas to all my brothers and sisters who love him.

1 year ago

I have a large family (5 children, 12 grandchildren, 23 great grandchildren), so it’s difficult to keep up with gifts. The last few years I have made gifts. I’m retired, so I have time. I start in September or before. It’s fun for me, and the kids have always been appreciative of the little homemade things (crocheted ornaments, slippers, animals, painted rocks, etc.). We made gifts when our kids were young and we didn’t have money, so it’s like a tradition.

Terry Brinker
Terry Brinker
1 year ago

I’m right there with you.

Eric H
Eric H
1 year ago

The survey questions should have been written differently. In dollars, we spent about the same. But, the number of total gifts is less due to democrat spawn inflation. Confidence for the American consumer is clearly down. Confidence that the best days are ahead for our once great nation is down significantly. Democrats don’t seem to care that they are driving the nation off the fiscal and cultural cliff. They just want to be at the helm when it goes over. I will never understand that mentality on this side of the grave. Despite the country’s troubles, enjoy the Christmas season!

1 year ago

As for most on SSI I can np longer buy presents or even visit them, Biden has ruined any chance of that. I just pray every night for them and anyone else affected by his administration! As for the commenter who said we did not save I did but lost most of it in 2008 when Dems were in control of congress and economy tanked, and what have left under Biden I have lost another 30+%! and under Trump I did not lose but had gained!

John Betka
John Betka
1 year ago

I think this is a terrible thought and action, Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ our savior has NOTHING to do with spending money, it is about the salvation of this corrupt humanity through Jesus Christ, get with the program

1 year ago

On fixed income Biden has made it difficult to anything, that being said I give my money to local food banks who can purchase in wholesale better than I can for the less fortunate. Also, Christmas is way overblown, with sales starting too early in year. Hopefully GOP can get it together and win the ,2024 election, get the rats out of the sewer and get this country moving in the right direction. Currently we are a mess and this must change.

1 year ago

My answer would be ‘other’. I spent less, not because of financial constraints. We used to have a big family get together, and I would give the kids gifts. No party, no gifts.

1 year ago

We spent more on our adult children,grandchildren and local charities mostly with gift cards for food, meals, etc. We are fortunate to have done so. They are struggling way more than we are and are very blessed. Most of our adult children and grandchildren work lots of extra hours and have had to cut back on items due to old joe’s inflation. God, I pray he goes away as he, actually obummer has ruined our great country.

1 year ago

I made all the gifts this year. Like old fashioned Christmas of years ago. The uncertain times we live in does not permit to spend and spend. 2030 like 1930 is upon us this is not the roaring 1920’s. The dems will break this country and all its citizens with it.

1 year ago

I am not a Christian but that doesn’t mean I don’t see the value it has in a society. Armed, I would guard the door to your temple, church, synagogue, mosque or open field.
In my estimation a culture that kills its young is one step this side of a culture that eats them. It’s not religion to me, it ethics. Right and wrong exist.
Politicians hang onto power like I will hang on to my last breath. We all know this, no news here, Democrats are destroying America as we knew it. Republicans (broad brush) are doing little to stop them. Quid pro quo, nothing more, nothing less.
We are divided because united we would throw them out. We will eventually kill each other while they hide behind walls and fences with armed guards and concertina wire.
The founding fathers would be shooting already.
This is the government they warned us about.
Santa uses democrat donor roles as a first draft of his naughty list.

1 year ago

I always spend about the same amount on gifts every year. I make sure that Christmas is always a special occasion, and everyone in the family receives a gift at the traditional ham dinner I prepare with all the trimmings. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.

1 year ago

The first gift was the gift of Jesus, our savior, from God.

Susan Kater
Susan Kater
1 year ago

I spent what I normally spend to make Christmas cookies which are my gifts to friends and family. They ALL have FAR more than they need both financially and materially, and they love to get the cookies.

GB "Doc" Reed
GB "Doc" Reed
1 year ago

Spending less because of inflation, recently the CPI(consumer price index) came down that inflation was coming down, but they didn’t include fuel and food. Another government agency trying to help Uncle Joe get elected with a false narrative. Mist Carter comments were perfect. Biden has three not so wise consultants running his agenda. Dewey, Cheatem & Howe.

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