If your criteria is even partially dependent on what would likely be passed by Congress this year, then the answer of none of the choices you’ve offered would be the only valid option. Just read the contents of either H.R.1 or S.R.1 and you’ll find the Democrats in control of Congress, who have unilateral control of what is in any proposed legislation that Congress may fashion, have zero interest in any of the options you’ve listed. Just the opposite actually. Same goes for any so-called election integrity legislation coming out of any Democrat controlled state such as California, New York, New Jersey, Oregon, etc. Sorry, but that is the hard truth.
Now if you limited your poll question to either just Republican controlled states, where all these options are still possible, or states where neither party has complete control, then your poll is at least valid. Under either of these conditions, there is room for some give and take to set priorities for real voter integrity legislation. Otherwise, this poll is just another exercise in wishful thinking, so people can vent their outrage over the direction this country is going with Socialists back in charge.
Personally, I would have thought that this week’s poll might have centered around the dismal performance Biden gave at his first so-called “news conference”. Where even under the highly choreographed conditions of getting all the questions submitted well in advance and the White House staff typing up pages of answers for Biden to read from on the podium, Biden still managed to make several gaffs, lose his train of thought and even become combative with the friendly reporters a number of times.
Dan W.
3 years ago
Voter ID for both in-person and absentee voting goes without saying and only sending a mail-in ballot to those who request a mail-in ballot also makes sense.
However, my favorite is not on your list. Georgia has just criminalized providing either food or water to any voter who is stuck in an hours long voting line. I’m not sure if this law will stand up to judicial scrutiny where it applies to federal elections but I’m sure that old Strom is smiling down (or up) at this one.
3 years ago
For all their differences, Republicans and democrats are in total agreement about fraudulent voting. Republicans believe that fraudulent voting helps elect democrats, and democrats believe that fraudulent voting helps elect democrats.
3 years ago
End Bill Clinton’s Motor-Voter scheme at the BMV. That opened the greatest avenue for illegal immigrants to gain access to the voting booth.
Bruce David
3 years ago
As we know, Dems are pushing to do away w/ ID requirements for voting which is insane. ID is required for entry to gov’t bldgs, air flights, purchase of many controlled substances, opening a bank acct, etc.
Tom M
3 years ago
You have to develop a failsafe system that cannot be hacked and it has to be a standard system across all voting fronts. Today, we have a mishmash of voting rules and machines and processes from venue to venue that can never be completely secured as a whole. The government is not good at developing this kind of system because there will be too many pay-offs and under the table corruption. Perhaps ballots need to have a watermark and can be produced by only one source which is monitored by an independent agency. All voting machines have to be the same and operate under internal surveillance and control. There might have to be a series of cross-checks to verify true votes. Won’t matter…the Commie-crats will destroy the voting process and declare themselves the winners of ALL elections and nobody will do anything to stop them.
3 years ago
The left is so adamant that fixing the election laws so as to eliminate (as much as possible) fraud that they make it obvious they are cheats. A state rep in Georgia was arrested for hammering on the door where the governor was signing a bill to do just this. Since their favorite theme is claiming racism they used this to rile up the lib voters. Give Georgia lawmakers credit for not bowing to their demands and pass this law.
Douglas Davina
3 years ago
Voter ID is very important and should be a required. I live in Idaho and we have one of the best vote systems that I know of. However, we do have some major problems here. We have no way to determine if a voter is a US citizen. Our drivers license should provide this but I don’t think that it’s something that would be easily accomplished. Also, Idaho is one of a very few states that does not use the provisional ballot system. A provisional ballot should be used for election day registration if that is legal in a state. Provisional ballots are ones where the voter claims a proper residency for voting but has no ID at that time. The ballot is held separately and the address and other claimed items are verified before it can be counted. Provisional ballots can be held and not counted at all if the quantity of them do not equal enough votes to change any race or ballot measure.
3 years ago
I say all of the above; except we do NOT need another National Holiday. We, in Florida, have ample early voting; including Saturday, for everyone to vote.
Steven Etheredge
3 years ago
What if your vote didn’t matter anymore.
Uncle Pat
3 years ago
Change the required voting age back to 21, the military draft has been over for over 30 years
Linda K
3 years ago
I remember when we only had one day to vote and had to show ID and that worked fine. Let’s bring that back.
dwayne mosley
3 years ago
There has to be one-election day not a week or month or elections days following the true voting day. Absentee only for reason as stated in the poll. Only proof on file must be made available for any mail in request. All Absentee votes must be logged and signed separate.
3 years ago
I do not think there will ever be another election in this country that matters. The ‘fix is in’ and now that the criminals are in charge, they will solidify their ability to provide fake votes.
3 years ago
All of the above. If you want to vote do so, in person and prove your right to vote.
Nelson Davis
3 years ago
If we do not fix the 2020 election debacle, none of it will matter. Personally, I will NOT bother to vote again in another federal election unless the 2020 fraudulent election is completely exposed and ALL involved in this massive criminality and treason are brought to justice.
3 years ago
The illegal voting must be put to a stop, no mail in voting unless requested. One voting day, if you don’t vote on election day and or have your ballot returned by election day, then that is the voters problem. The only mail in voting should be absentee ballots.
3 years ago
In Person voting and No Electronic ballot systems is the only way to cure the fraud!!! We will Never have another free and Fair election as long as Democrats are the party in power. There has been absolutely NO justice for the American Citizens concerning this last election with all the Fraud and Cheating that took place, it was blatant and nothing done about it. I will never vote in this country again and most likely be moving out of it in the next 3 years or so, takes awhile to get un-established. I am ashamed to be an American and sick of all the Lefts lies and hate towards conservatives and Christians. Truly disappointing and sickening to see.
Fay f Shoemaker
3 years ago
Without legal voting no one is going to feel they have a say in our govt. All of the above are correct. We need 1 day to vote. If it takes a holiday to give everyone a time to do it then so be it. We must preserve our precious right to vote. The dishonest dealings om GA and PA should make us all determined to get our voting rules together and fair. If you don’t have an ID , you don’t vote!!
3 years ago
I believe all of these are important. It was really hard to pick just four. So many cheated elections from the Presidential election which was completely cheated down to many other seats. It has to stop and it has to be PROSECUTED this year.
3 years ago
I can not honestly vote this one. All are needed to a insure fair election.
Joy Jackson
3 years ago
There really needed to be an “all of the above” choice.
Steve Ridgway
3 years ago
Ex black republican (joke) senator from Georgia’s says having to have voter id is
UNFAIR to black voters…of course this total complete idiot now works for cnn!! One of the most stupid racist statements EVER made!!
David Reinhart
3 years ago
I would rank all of these except #3 as nearly equal on importance. But there are ways of better securing absentee ballots.
3 years ago
All of the above applies. We need to make it harder to vote, not easier! Every person in this country who has a driver’s license had to pass a test. why shouldn’t casting a vote to determine the future of our country be at least as important. I would be willing to bet that 50% of people casting a vote can’t even name the 3 branches of Government .Almost all voters are democrats, or republicans because their parents were. That is a sad reason for voting for someone! If you were properly educated in Jr. high, and high school you will have no problem passing a simple Government Civics test. That is the least we should expect from our fellow Americans!!!
Noreen A Prine
3 years ago
Every one of these points is important to securing election integrity and avoid a repeat of the 2020 Election. Democrats will soon be lobbying for allowing the family dog to vote if they get the idea that Fido is part of the family and therefore should be given a voice and a vote. Non-citizens should never, under any circumstances, be allowed to muddy our election process.
Ron Smith
3 years ago
Doesn’t matter since none of these will pass in the current Democrat controlled govt.
JBill Case
3 years ago
Get rid of the Commu
Margaret Duffy
3 years ago
I think all the items are good, but it would not let me select the rest. There should never be any question of the results.
3 years ago
If an ID is required to get a fishing license or to get on an airplane, to buy alcohol, buy a firearm and so on, it MUST be required to vote.
Margaret Wolfe
3 years ago
This past election was a complete fraud and now we have in the highest office in our country a man who is totally incompetent and reversing all the good things President Trump did for the people. The border is a disaster. The wall needs to be completed and that has stopped. In the debates, Biden told immigrants to come so now they are flooding our country with people who haven’t been tested for the virus, and criminals who are causing terrible things to happen. We were energy independent whenTrump was in office and now we aren’t because that’s not what this current administration wants. Abortion is murder and now we have an administration who supports it. Taxes are going to be raised at a time when we cannot afford it. How sad for our country that the Supreme Court can’t support the inquisition into the fraudulent election and turned cases down that would have proved it.
3 years ago
We have spent countless dollars, and countless lives granting, and insuring fair and free elections in foreign lands, this should not be a debate here. There is only ONE party, which seeks to cheat and destroy our election system.
Carol Yoder
3 years ago
It is sad that this has to be discussed and often feel helpless to do anything about it. Other things that are happening in our country also that I never imagined would happen here. I think voter integrity is very important.
Margaret Wolfe
3 years ago
I too believe all of them are very important. It was hard for me to choose too. If we need identification for most other things we definitely need identification to vote. That’s not racist! Mail in voting should be restricted as stated in the poll. We need to stand up and demand all of these things.
3 years ago
Re: voter ID required choice states “when voting in person”. This does NOTHING to quell mail fraud without voter ID proof. iD needs to be proven on ALL ballots!!
3 years ago
Those that are in their seats currently (DC, Georgia, other states) are imposters and frauds. This is amazingly sad, but the truth is now widely known and they are losing their grasp. Thank You, Lord, for Your truth and Your justice being implemented. We can see it happening, and we believe Your truth. In Jesus’ name.
3 years ago
So georgia is now trying to fix their voting fraud. Too little, too late. There will never be a fair election in many states now. Georgia’s elected officials got RICH selling out this once great nation! GOD will not protect a nation when it allowed the party of satan to rule!
3 years ago
Make it a holiday so there would be NO need for mail in voting. Everyone show up with an ID. Would still need absentee for disabled and military over seas.
Richard Allen
3 years ago
The voter poll should have had an all of the above vote.
Nick Selembo
3 years ago
Well just the thought of having this issue as the weekly polling question tells you how far this voting integrity issue has gone. Now Pelosi claims as the speaker “she” gets to decide whether or not the new Republican senator will get seated in the House. Any Republican who doesn’t object and push back hard on this one needs to find a new job. They obviously aren’t up to the task of representing this country’s interests only their own. And someone please get Biden a clown suit. He’s already acting the part so he might as well be dressed for it too. China and other countries are laughing at him
3 years ago
Why don’t we just follow the laws that are on the books and finally why doesn’t the Supreme Court just get involved and say the election laws are set by each state. Keep the Democrats and the federal government out of it and of course how about a simple solution like voter ID run by each state and not the federal government.
Lauren R MacArthur
3 years ago
I did not bother to pick the mail-in ballot question, because mail-in ballots should not be allowed, period.
The method to which we already subscribe…absentee balloting, which I did choose…negates the need for a mail-in option.
3 years ago
I believe all those things should happen in order to have a safe and honest election.
Before the election and after voting ballots had been mailed out, I witnessed thieves stealing mail out of mailboxes in my neighborhood. It was a daily occurrence until after the election.
Maurice "Moe" Yoder
3 years ago
I wanted to choose all of the above.
Richard Riley
3 years ago
Voter ID needs to be required for all forms of voteing!!!
3 years ago
Poll watchers, workers should be allowed from all involved parties plus impartial. Laws should avoid limits such as “both major parties”, especially for local elections with no party affiliation or different parties. Ballot trafficking should be allowed with bonded service, tamper indicating envelopes.
3 years ago
It should be all of the above. But it’s all moot if HR 1 becomes law.
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago
I can’t vote on this poll. Except for making Election Day a national holiday which I find unnecessary, all are very important. The bottom line is that only legal voters should be allowed to cast a ballot with valid ID to prove their identity, only one ballot per customer, and all counts must be accurate and fair. The final goal must be fair and honest elections or we are no better than a third-world cesspool. Anything required to achieve fair, honest, ethical elections (which we are failing miserably at today) is paramount. Maximizing participation in our elections is far less important than making certain they are honest, and the Democrats are not interested in honesty proven by the horrid HR-1 bill Pelosi is pushing. If it passes we will never have another valid, ethical election is this country.
3 years ago
Get rid of the Dominion & Smartmatic fraudulent “election” equipment that “wins” “elections” by whatever software manipulations it gets . Only then will America have a chance to rid ourselves of the liberal / socialist / muslim / communist / career organized crime criminals we now have everywhere !
3 years ago
Voter ID must be required for ANY AND ALL VOTING, not just in person voting. I agree all are important as this is the very reason the CCP influenced socialists want to change everything.
I do place hope and faith in the strong and sensible GOP members that have come forward to speak out for America.
Please, those of you that choose not to vote: Keep in mind that very non vote is providing a definite vote for socialism and corruption.
If your criteria is even partially dependent on what would likely be passed by Congress this year, then the answer of none of the choices you’ve offered would be the only valid option. Just read the contents of either H.R.1 or S.R.1 and you’ll find the Democrats in control of Congress, who have unilateral control of what is in any proposed legislation that Congress may fashion, have zero interest in any of the options you’ve listed. Just the opposite actually. Same goes for any so-called election integrity legislation coming out of any Democrat controlled state such as California, New York, New Jersey, Oregon, etc. Sorry, but that is the hard truth.
Now if you limited your poll question to either just Republican controlled states, where all these options are still possible, or states where neither party has complete control, then your poll is at least valid. Under either of these conditions, there is room for some give and take to set priorities for real voter integrity legislation. Otherwise, this poll is just another exercise in wishful thinking, so people can vent their outrage over the direction this country is going with Socialists back in charge.
Personally, I would have thought that this week’s poll might have centered around the dismal performance Biden gave at his first so-called “news conference”. Where even under the highly choreographed conditions of getting all the questions submitted well in advance and the White House staff typing up pages of answers for Biden to read from on the podium, Biden still managed to make several gaffs, lose his train of thought and even become combative with the friendly reporters a number of times.
Voter ID for both in-person and absentee voting goes without saying and only sending a mail-in ballot to those who request a mail-in ballot also makes sense.
However, my favorite is not on your list. Georgia has just criminalized providing either food or water to any voter who is stuck in an hours long voting line. I’m not sure if this law will stand up to judicial scrutiny where it applies to federal elections but I’m sure that old Strom is smiling down (or up) at this one.
For all their differences, Republicans and democrats are in total agreement about fraudulent voting. Republicans believe that fraudulent voting helps elect democrats, and democrats believe that fraudulent voting helps elect democrats.
End Bill Clinton’s Motor-Voter scheme at the BMV. That opened the greatest avenue for illegal immigrants to gain access to the voting booth.
As we know, Dems are pushing to do away w/ ID requirements for voting which is insane. ID is required for entry to gov’t bldgs, air flights, purchase of many controlled substances, opening a bank acct, etc.
You have to develop a failsafe system that cannot be hacked and it has to be a standard system across all voting fronts. Today, we have a mishmash of voting rules and machines and processes from venue to venue that can never be completely secured as a whole. The government is not good at developing this kind of system because there will be too many pay-offs and under the table corruption. Perhaps ballots need to have a watermark and can be produced by only one source which is monitored by an independent agency. All voting machines have to be the same and operate under internal surveillance and control. There might have to be a series of cross-checks to verify true votes. Won’t matter…the Commie-crats will destroy the voting process and declare themselves the winners of ALL elections and nobody will do anything to stop them.
The left is so adamant that fixing the election laws so as to eliminate (as much as possible) fraud that they make it obvious they are cheats. A state rep in Georgia was arrested for hammering on the door where the governor was signing a bill to do just this. Since their favorite theme is claiming racism they used this to rile up the lib voters. Give Georgia lawmakers credit for not bowing to their demands and pass this law.
Voter ID is very important and should be a required. I live in Idaho and we have one of the best vote systems that I know of. However, we do have some major problems here. We have no way to determine if a voter is a US citizen. Our drivers license should provide this but I don’t think that it’s something that would be easily accomplished. Also, Idaho is one of a very few states that does not use the provisional ballot system. A provisional ballot should be used for election day registration if that is legal in a state. Provisional ballots are ones where the voter claims a proper residency for voting but has no ID at that time. The ballot is held separately and the address and other claimed items are verified before it can be counted. Provisional ballots can be held and not counted at all if the quantity of them do not equal enough votes to change any race or ballot measure.
I say all of the above; except we do NOT need another National Holiday. We, in Florida, have ample early voting; including Saturday, for everyone to vote.
What if your vote didn’t matter anymore.
Change the required voting age back to 21, the military draft has been over for over 30 years
I remember when we only had one day to vote and had to show ID and that worked fine. Let’s bring that back.
There has to be one-election day not a week or month or elections days following the true voting day. Absentee only for reason as stated in the poll. Only proof on file must be made available for any mail in request. All Absentee votes must be logged and signed separate.
I do not think there will ever be another election in this country that matters. The ‘fix is in’ and now that the criminals are in charge, they will solidify their ability to provide fake votes.
All of the above. If you want to vote do so, in person and prove your right to vote.
If we do not fix the 2020 election debacle, none of it will matter. Personally, I will NOT bother to vote again in another federal election unless the 2020 fraudulent election is completely exposed and ALL involved in this massive criminality and treason are brought to justice.
The illegal voting must be put to a stop, no mail in voting unless requested. One voting day, if you don’t vote on election day and or have your ballot returned by election day, then that is the voters problem. The only mail in voting should be absentee ballots.
In Person voting and No Electronic ballot systems is the only way to cure the fraud!!! We will Never have another free and Fair election as long as Democrats are the party in power. There has been absolutely NO justice for the American Citizens concerning this last election with all the Fraud and Cheating that took place, it was blatant and nothing done about it. I will never vote in this country again and most likely be moving out of it in the next 3 years or so, takes awhile to get un-established. I am ashamed to be an American and sick of all the Lefts lies and hate towards conservatives and Christians. Truly disappointing and sickening to see.
Without legal voting no one is going to feel they have a say in our govt. All of the above are correct. We need 1 day to vote. If it takes a holiday to give everyone a time to do it then so be it. We must preserve our precious right to vote. The dishonest dealings om GA and PA should make us all determined to get our voting rules together and fair. If you don’t have an ID , you don’t vote!!
I believe all of these are important. It was really hard to pick just four. So many cheated elections from the Presidential election which was completely cheated down to many other seats. It has to stop and it has to be PROSECUTED this year.
I can not honestly vote this one. All are needed to a insure fair election.
There really needed to be an “all of the above” choice.
Ex black republican (joke) senator from Georgia’s says having to have voter id is
UNFAIR to black voters…of course this total complete idiot now works for cnn!! One of the most stupid racist statements EVER made!!
I would rank all of these except #3 as nearly equal on importance. But there are ways of better securing absentee ballots.
All of the above applies. We need to make it harder to vote, not easier! Every person in this country who has a driver’s license had to pass a test. why shouldn’t casting a vote to determine the future of our country be at least as important. I would be willing to bet that 50% of people casting a vote can’t even name the 3 branches of Government .Almost all voters are democrats, or republicans because their parents were. That is a sad reason for voting for someone! If you were properly educated in Jr. high, and high school you will have no problem passing a simple Government Civics test. That is the least we should expect from our fellow Americans!!!
Every one of these points is important to securing election integrity and avoid a repeat of the 2020 Election. Democrats will soon be lobbying for allowing the family dog to vote if they get the idea that Fido is part of the family and therefore should be given a voice and a vote. Non-citizens should never, under any circumstances, be allowed to muddy our election process.
Doesn’t matter since none of these will pass in the current Democrat controlled govt.
Get rid of the Commu
I think all the items are good, but it would not let me select the rest. There should never be any question of the results.
If an ID is required to get a fishing license or to get on an airplane, to buy alcohol, buy a firearm and so on, it MUST be required to vote.
This past election was a complete fraud and now we have in the highest office in our country a man who is totally incompetent and reversing all the good things President Trump did for the people. The border is a disaster. The wall needs to be completed and that has stopped. In the debates, Biden told immigrants to come so now they are flooding our country with people who haven’t been tested for the virus, and criminals who are causing terrible things to happen. We were energy independent whenTrump was in office and now we aren’t because that’s not what this current administration wants. Abortion is murder and now we have an administration who supports it. Taxes are going to be raised at a time when we cannot afford it. How sad for our country that the Supreme Court can’t support the inquisition into the fraudulent election and turned cases down that would have proved it.
We have spent countless dollars, and countless lives granting, and insuring fair and free elections in foreign lands, this should not be a debate here. There is only ONE party, which seeks to cheat and destroy our election system.
It is sad that this has to be discussed and often feel helpless to do anything about it. Other things that are happening in our country also that I never imagined would happen here. I think voter integrity is very important.
I too believe all of them are very important. It was hard for me to choose too. If we need identification for most other things we definitely need identification to vote. That’s not racist! Mail in voting should be restricted as stated in the poll. We need to stand up and demand all of these things.
Re: voter ID required choice states “when voting in person”. This does NOTHING to quell mail fraud without voter ID proof. iD needs to be proven on ALL ballots!!
Those that are in their seats currently (DC, Georgia, other states) are imposters and frauds. This is amazingly sad, but the truth is now widely known and they are losing their grasp. Thank You, Lord, for Your truth and Your justice being implemented. We can see it happening, and we believe Your truth. In Jesus’ name.
So georgia is now trying to fix their voting fraud. Too little, too late. There will never be a fair election in many states now. Georgia’s elected officials got RICH selling out this once great nation! GOD will not protect a nation when it allowed the party of satan to rule!
Make it a holiday so there would be NO need for mail in voting. Everyone show up with an ID. Would still need absentee for disabled and military over seas.
The voter poll should have had an all of the above vote.
Well just the thought of having this issue as the weekly polling question tells you how far this voting integrity issue has gone. Now Pelosi claims as the speaker “she” gets to decide whether or not the new Republican senator will get seated in the House. Any Republican who doesn’t object and push back hard on this one needs to find a new job. They obviously aren’t up to the task of representing this country’s interests only their own. And someone please get Biden a clown suit. He’s already acting the part so he might as well be dressed for it too. China and other countries are laughing at him
Why don’t we just follow the laws that are on the books and finally why doesn’t the Supreme Court just get involved and say the election laws are set by each state. Keep the Democrats and the federal government out of it and of course how about a simple solution like voter ID run by each state and not the federal government.
I did not bother to pick the mail-in ballot question, because mail-in ballots should not be allowed, period.
The method to which we already subscribe…absentee balloting, which I did choose…negates the need for a mail-in option.
I believe all those things should happen in order to have a safe and honest election.
Before the election and after voting ballots had been mailed out, I witnessed thieves stealing mail out of mailboxes in my neighborhood. It was a daily occurrence until after the election.
I wanted to choose all of the above.
Voter ID needs to be required for all forms of voteing!!!
Poll watchers, workers should be allowed from all involved parties plus impartial. Laws should avoid limits such as “both major parties”, especially for local elections with no party affiliation or different parties. Ballot trafficking should be allowed with bonded service, tamper indicating envelopes.
It should be all of the above. But it’s all moot if HR 1 becomes law.
I can’t vote on this poll. Except for making Election Day a national holiday which I find unnecessary, all are very important. The bottom line is that only legal voters should be allowed to cast a ballot with valid ID to prove their identity, only one ballot per customer, and all counts must be accurate and fair. The final goal must be fair and honest elections or we are no better than a third-world cesspool. Anything required to achieve fair, honest, ethical elections (which we are failing miserably at today) is paramount. Maximizing participation in our elections is far less important than making certain they are honest, and the Democrats are not interested in honesty proven by the horrid HR-1 bill Pelosi is pushing. If it passes we will never have another valid, ethical election is this country.
Get rid of the Dominion & Smartmatic fraudulent “election” equipment that “wins” “elections” by whatever software manipulations it gets . Only then will America have a chance to rid ourselves of the liberal / socialist / muslim / communist / career organized crime criminals we now have everywhere !
Voter ID must be required for ANY AND ALL VOTING, not just in person voting. I agree all are important as this is the very reason the CCP influenced socialists want to change everything.
I do place hope and faith in the strong and sensible GOP members that have come forward to speak out for America.
Please, those of you that choose not to vote: Keep in mind that very non vote is providing a definite vote for socialism and corruption.