
Do you believe the U.S. should take military action to stop North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

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Bernard Beverley
Bernard Beverley
7 years ago

But I would send in agents from South Korea into North Korea to get information about were the missiles are being made and guidance systems and plant some bombs and blow that plant up.

7 years ago

Drop a FAT Bomb in the right place.

7 years ago

Uh…Ya really need to qualify the question a bit.

Jan James
Jan James
6 years ago

Keep an eye out — but don’t give them a black eye yet by sending the military. Try sanctions and see if the Korean people don’t try to handle it themselves. Either they stand up and fight the dictatorial tyranny and some may die, or they all might die anyway if they don’t take a stand against their government. There is only so much trying to appease a nasty, nasty person. The Bible says we are supposed to agree with our adversaries while they are in the way with you — or they may turn and render you. If we can do this without turning blue and getting mad — great. But this dictator looks like he is going to hold out for what he wants by agreeing with us (his adversaries) and then not wait for us to render — but do the rendering first and give us a black eye — AFTER he gets what he wants — not necessarily what is best for his country. After all, he doesn’t really care about Korea or his people. He was gone for many years in Europe and doesn’t even relate to Korea or the Korean people. He is very narcissistic — you can tell. He doesn’t want to do without his hair styles/hair gel or lots of fattening food, or Hollywood fantasy and fashion. I hope I am wrong. President Trump can try agreeing (by giving the baby his pacifier and candy) to see for awhile if he will be a mature adult and do the right thing for his people — but then we need to be vigilant and get ready for the worst.

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