

Do you agree/disagree that President Trump is justified in withholding funding from the World Health Organization (WHO)?

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Brian B
Brian B
4 years ago

The WHO was politicized from it’s inception in 1948. Currently it is headed by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a microbiologist from Ethiopia. He is an avowed communist, belonging to the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, and affiliated with Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front.

Since the United Nations seems incapable of appreciating the evils of communism and consistently fails to protect the freedoms, health and well-being of the people of the world, I see no reason to continue funding the WHO nor a long list of other United Nations agencies. The communists/ globalists at the UN have done everything possible to undermine American democracy. We should not be helping them to destroy us.

Marie M
Marie M
4 years ago

I agree with Brian B, he stated it well. WHO covered up for China’s deliberate misreporting about the seriousness of the Wuhan virus, the officials of the organization knew from the start that China was lying about the origin and spread. Through this entire situation WHO has defended China in their handling and reporting! We should not continue to fund them, we could certainly find plenty of ways to spend that $500 million right here in the U.S. As far as the UN, get it out of the USA!

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
4 years ago

That being all the power mad Leftist DEMOCRAT governors that are strangling our economy
in the name of providing some measurement of safety.

Remember the words of Benjamin Franklin:
“Those who would give up essential Liberty , to purchase a little temporary Safety
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”

This rings truer now than ever before.
Good luck my friends.

GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !

4 years ago

The goal of the UN, from its inception, has been to weaken and then destroy national sovereignty, imposing a global socialist government on all people, including the US. That philosophy runs contrary to our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Get everything associated with the UN out of the US, and the US out of the UN. Period.

Tom M
Tom M
4 years ago

He should also stop funding any state that doesn’t start opening up their economy by mid May. Mask wearing and SDing should not be mandatory. WHO is one of the most corrupt agencies on the planet, trailing only Big Pharma and Congress.

Flann Cheryl
Flann Cheryl
4 years ago

Agree. Cut them off completely. If they sant to defend China, let China pay them $500M. Time to stop sending money to China as well. Thank you President Trump.

Bob Bradshaw
Bob Bradshaw
4 years ago

This president should withhold money from anyone who doesn’t do what he wants should be done. Other presidents like Hussein Obama NO.

4 years ago

Like too many Progressive or despotic organizations, WHO has been corrupted by the scheme by which the UN determines its leadership. The US already does enough around the world and we don’t need to fund organizations like the WHO which are acting counter to our interests in a big way, and in particular, who have played a significant and negative role in this pandemic which has cost so many lives and so much economic damage.

Lew Rigaud
Lew Rigaud
4 years ago

No more money for those fascists!! Fire Dr. Fakeouches!!

4 years ago

If you have you car fixed, you pay for the service. When you have your lawn mowed, you pay for the service. The WHO did NOT do their job …. don’t pay them.

Shiela Peterson
Shiela Peterson
4 years ago

Absolutely agree, so many people are not informed on the big picture . Putting our Freedom at risk

4 years ago

Get the UN out of the US and The US out of the UN

4 years ago

Whether you agree or disagree. WHO has done little for world health. If they were cognizant of world health, they would have track this virus before it would be global.They have been run by third world leaders to focus on third world health issues, and have failed to be fully effective.

Eugene Gunn Jr
Eugene Gunn Jr
4 years ago

Yes we should stand by and support our President and lift him up to God in our prayers each day.

Army veteran -Vietnam
Army veteran -Vietnam
4 years ago

Absolutely withhold all funding to the WHO, kick the UN out and stay for ourselves. If anyone can move this forward it is President Trump. We need to start taking care of our people instead of sending money to all that hate us and use the money against us.

Mickey g
Mickey g
4 years ago

America wake up. The Who, China and the UN want control. If you like living as we have the past 6 weeks with no work
Your wealth/retirement has been desimated, real estate values are about to tank, and food shortages are on the horizon. China and its pal the WHO are responsible for the illness, death and destruction of freedom. Think carefully how you vote in November or 2021 will only be worse. God bless America

Deborah Taylor
Deborah Taylor
4 years ago

USA needs to cut ties with China as much as we can, produce our own medications here and give those jobs to Americans. We need to cut off $ to China. We need to get back to ‘MADE IN THE USA.’

Les Jones
Les Jones
4 years ago

Just another “globalist” outfit that the USA overfunds while others politically manipulate. We should review all of these taxpayer funded “junkets”.

4 years ago

It’s time that we start focusing on our country and the money sent to other nations should be spent here. Trump has the ball rolling towards that but the libs and the media are doing their best to stop him. When I read that Cuomo required nursing homes to accept patients with the virus that caused those homes to become hot spots. Then I read that the dems are considering him to replace Biden, I realize how dangerous they are. When Biden mumbles and forgets where he is, I realize that he’s just a pawn. What are they planning? When every stimulus designed to help our people is held up by Loony Nancy for her pork, which has nothing to do with the virus, it shows where their heart is. This pandemic is bringing out the best in some but also showing the true colors of others. Our only hope is to make sure we all vote, not by mail but at the polls.

Annlynn Ayres
Annlynn Ayres
4 years ago


4 years ago

To support world-wide organizations, (or any body), that go counter to our best interests is ludicrous. We need to work directly with individual countries. Why pay a group to hurt you?

Harley Foust
Harley Foust
4 years ago

I trust my President. He has more information than lower level politicians.

Ednor (Andy) Rowe
Ednor (Andy) Rowe
4 years ago

Although I was raised “progressive” & to take UNICEF boxes around at Halloween to extort money contributions to that UN organization when I was little, I’ve come to see that UNICEF can’t help children it kills very much since it is PRO-ABORTION; and I’ve come, now that I’m a Christian since age 21, that the entire UN is both anti-Christian AND ant-American.

So it is no surprise that a similar globalist organization, the WHO, should be in the pocket of the Chinese Communist Party, and have damaged us. I am only sorry that I hopped on the bandwagon before I was saved and thought Nixon China policy was GOOD… I see our policy (including “Most Favored Nation” status for China) as suicidal. And Anti-Christian, by proxy… And I would like to thank other posts here for informing me that the current head of the WHO has a background with a violent African communist movement – certainly more important to that man than his “microbiology” training, since a leftist is ALWAYS a leftist first and foremost – and not an individual or a spiritual Christian man, or woman.

Bob Randall
Bob Randall
4 years ago

The WHO does not have our interests in mind, they have a completely different adjenda in there plans. The are strongly influenced by the Deep State financial aid from China and other socialist countries. I strongly support the president in this matter.

4 years ago

The WHO and all of the U.N. should get out of our country. They are a political organization that generally is against our best interests.

Janice Lewis
Janice Lewis
4 years ago

President Trump did the right thing
Strongly agree! They covered up the severity of the pandemic and continued with the Chinese propaganda. The WHO is a worthless organization and does not deserve our money.

Frank Adams
Frank Adams
4 years ago

We should permanently defund the WHO

Barbara Nelen
Barbara Nelen
4 years ago

Whoever voted above that “oh gee, WHO is good, they just got this one wrong” seriously needs a head examination. Grow a spine or China and WHO will break the one you have. I cannot think of a more hideous example of their malfeasance than this China virus smoke and mirrors.

4 years ago

Should do same to United Nations and NATO and ANY country that doesn’t spend our side to help their citizens rather than the crooked leaders lining their pockets, cut it ALL off!!!

Jim Black
Jim Black
4 years ago

Agree. Stop politicizing world health

Kevin Griffin
Kevin Griffin
4 years ago

This was a manipulated conspiracy that was funded by Clinton foundation, the Democraps, the WHO, The billionaire behind the Democraps, and China…Follow the money…you will find the rats !

4 years ago

And drop the funds to the UN!

T Allan Ritchey
T Allan Ritchey
4 years ago

I don’t buy into the phan-demic as anything but a ploy. I believe the WHO downplayed Covid19 and condemned travel bans because they wanted it to be as widespread and catastrophic as possible. They are but a cog in the plan to achieve a one world government.

4 years ago

I whole heartily agree with the first statement! They are a socialist organisation in bed with China and our Enemy! Years ago I read an article stating they were giving immunizations in South America, Plus sterilizing the women at the same time, so they could control the population! That is NOT their job! I trust them like I trust the Democratic Party to tell the truth.

john h smith
john h smith
4 years ago

Definitely China has groomed the WHO and alot of africa for their own benefit.

Paul Derrick
Paul Derrick
4 years ago

WHO has the responsibility to monitor the status of Health Issues around the World to identify and highlight any issues that threaten the health and security of others. WHO should manage / coordinate the dissemination of Information to prevent / contain such medical events. The amount of money expended needs to be audited and justified!

Alana Halley
Alana Halley
4 years ago

I totally agree since the WHO knew back as early as late October early November about the seriousness of the virus and they are equally as guilty as China for NOT being transparent as they should have been. It takes a REAL leader to make tough decisions and that is what happened!

4 years ago

Defund W.H.O. ASAP and while your at it President Trump defund the UN,PBS, & NPR. The infiltration of the democrat party by hard core radial socialists is complete Draining the swamp is one thing. Removing the scourge of socialism from our MSM/NET’s is a whole nother matter.They’ve been burrowing into America for over 60 years.

4 years ago

Bill Gates is funding WHO..let him..then we as a nation can stop wasting our tax dollars on an organization that apparently does nothing for our good.

4 years ago

If the WHO is so important to global health, then why aren’t other countries providing funding as the U.S. has? Its time the rest of the world started pulling their weight instead of leaving it all up to the U.S. to be the majority of funding for organizations such as this. We need to take care of America first because if we don’t, we won’t be around to help anyone else. We also need to limit foreign aid to only our most trusted allies. Ones who don’t sell themselves to the highest bidder.

4 years ago

The United Nations, I believe, including the WHO and other agencies, has outlived its original usefulness and purpose. It is too partisan; many of its participants seem to be bought by the highest bidder. It should be disbanded and kicked out of NY. Yes, that would take money out of the NY economy, but the city/state would survive given good leadership (which it lacks at this time). And it would relieve this country of funding it so magnanimous.

Fritz Beiermeister
Fritz Beiermeister
4 years ago

Yes, I agree. I also think the US should significantly reduce our funding for the UN in general. They are not aligned with the US philosophically. They are a public forum for our adversaries and we fund it while it is managed ineffectively and their their payroll is extremely high for virtually every position. We should reduce our involvement significantly.

Pete Nickerson
Pete Nickerson
4 years ago

The WHO is an arm of the Chinese Communist Party.

Natalie J Perttula
Natalie J Perttula
4 years ago

Absolutely no money for WHO they lied just like China, all the deaths due to Covid-19 are at the hands of China. Time to stop everything with China. We need to start buying only things made in the USA as well as medication, the US needs to start making all phamasuticals and bring back our businesses to employ our Americans…We don’t need China and we don’t need any more lies from anyone involved. Me Trump needs to not only stop finding to WHO he needs to hold them and China accountable for what they’ve done. Maybe take a good long look some of these so called doctors, no names needed here…

Philip Beam Sr
Philip Beam Sr
4 years ago

Send The Who back to Ethiopaand let the communists starve.

Frank Bellini
Frank Bellini
4 years ago

Yes. And the UN needs to be treated the same way.

John Childers
John Childers
4 years ago

WHO is hand picked by China. We paid more much money than any other country. This is any other thing we Americans do. We could not reward bad behavior. Sure once this child has seen it’s errors of its ways than they can have their allowance back. In the main time as always if something happens somewhere in the world we can give direct support. There is sound reasoning for this group of administrators to be uncharge of the funds.

Joe Bee
Joe Bee
4 years ago

I also believe that we should get the U.N. Out of the USA and take the WHO with them. It is time to stand up for our country and the world ???!

John E
John E
4 years ago

We should defund all UN entities and permanently remove them by lethal force from American soil

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
4 years ago

While the WHO may have had some past benefit, like so many other world organizations including the UN they have become generally anti-American except for wanting our money. If they prefer kissing China’s fanny they don’t need us or our money (nor does China for that matter). The WHO’s performance on this pandemic has been disgraceful to the point they have a lot of blood on their hands, just not as much as China.

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