
Did you watch the Democrat National Convention?

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4 years ago

Seriously? You could get everything you needed to know about the lies and promises the Democrats were spinning by watching the two minute update from any nightly news broadcast. All you needed was enough brains to disregard the media cheerleading of the whole event. So why would anyone have wasted four nights of their lives to listen to the socialist party of America?

4 years ago

I watched some of the Louder with Crowder coverage.
DNC makes for really funny comedy, if it weren’t for the fact that those DNC folks are deadly serious.

David Dahlstrom
David Dahlstrom
4 years ago

There is nothing the current Democratic Party says, that has any interest for me. They have become the party of tearing down and of destruction. The Republican Party is our only current, political alternative. I pray that the Rhino’s within the Republican Party will be totally exposed and a badly-needed house cleaning take place, now!

Bruce David
Bruce David
4 years ago

Pure disingenuous schlock and worse if you could get past the venomous anti-American flatworms bellowing how they hate Trump & our nation.

Robert Charles Wells
Robert Charles Wells
4 years ago

So sad. Perhaps once again in time to come, there will be a true representation of he liberal point of view. The Democratic party has been co-opted by the dark forces.

4 years ago

I did not need to further aggravate myself by needlessly wasting my time viewing the willfully ignorant leftist train wreck that the Dems have become…

Robert Gibson
Robert Gibson
4 years ago

Why would I want to watch communist propaganda?

4 years ago

Whatever they say to get elected on either side is worthless, look at what they have done in the past to see what they would truly do if you elect them. So no I don’t care at all what happens in conventions.

Renee Crowe
Renee Crowe
4 years ago

It was all lies and a sad testimony to the state of our country.

4 years ago

I have not watched any news broadcasts including Fox since Sept. 10. Listen to Mr. Limbaugh for the truth(and pray for discernment).

4 years ago

I got enough play by play from conservative talk radio. The democrats did not give anywhere near a direction other than orange man bad. So if you want to know their true agenda, google “Biden-Harris unity task force recommendations” go buy ink for your printer because its 110 pages approximately. This manifesto makes Marx look like a second grade reader. People these democrats have gone bitshat crazy.

Michael l Javick
Michael l Javick
4 years ago

They left God out in 2 places. The pledge of allegiance guy AND Bidet didn’t dare say ..and may God Bless America in his closing remarks..Typical demons..

John roros
John roros
4 years ago

Democrats do nothing for this Country but say they’re going to do something and lie all the time and make things worse vote all of them out of the Congress and Senate

Thomas Alan Gernaat
Thomas Alan Gernaat
4 years ago

I think the Democratic Party has lied so much and now it’s finally beginning surface that a lot of the Obama administration and others are up to their eye balls in some extremely serious corruption within our government. I don’t believe for a minute that Trump is perfect but I truly believe he has always put our country first when making decisions and will continue to do so!
Trump 2020??

Michael l Javick
Michael l Javick
4 years ago

No. i had cat boxes to clean…

William Flatt
William Flatt
4 years ago

Communist agitprop is so predictable, I knew what they would say before they said it. I had no need to watch it.

4 years ago

I’m very surprised that they had a flag of our country and said the pledge, but not surprised that they left “Under God” out. Very disturbing that these Godless people could be elected to the president of our great country!

4 years ago

All President Trump has to do during The debates if they are going to have any! Is list all his accomplishments and turn to Biden and say what have you accomplished in 40+yrs ????

4 years ago

There is no Democratic party! It is all Socialist.
My concern is if Biden wins and cannot complete his term do we really Harrriis?!?!

4 years ago

What a waste of time , anybody with a brain knew the entire content would be blame President Trump, offer no solutions, and put racism, sexism,and every other divisive tactic into play.
Not a positive word about Our Great Country, because these perennial losers want to destroy America.
Same useless democrat politics for the last 50 years.
Enough, America deserves WAY better!

4 years ago

Joe Biden is a liar and crook. I remember him running in 1988 and 1992. Without all of today’s social media, at that time the media found him in numerous lies and acts of plagiarism. As a result he had to dropout of both primaries. Too bad the media does not bring this up and the younger people do not remember the debacles. Same old sleepy and sneaky Joe

4 years ago

I wasn’t even the slightest bit interested in what they had to say. A few YouTube snips with commentary from people I trust filled my need-to-know bucket.

4 years ago

I didn’t watch the Chavez or Maduro conventions in Venezuela either. democRats are Marxists Seditionists Maggots Traitors. Simple enough to understand even for a millennial or an aged boomer.

4 years ago

Not once did they give details for how to pay for their promises, no details for how to accomplish their goals- just venom and TDS spewing from every orifice. Not once did they condemn violence in the streets. I truly hate hyperbole but these people are seriously deranged and dangerous!

4 years ago

It is sad that the Dems had to sink to this level before the American citizens acknowledged the true core values of this totalitarian party. Even more sad is the abundance of RHINO traitors the citizens blindly continue to support. The left never sleeps, never rests while decent people just want to get on with their jobs and their lives. Now they are entering our neighborhoods to “wake up M***** F*****s!”


4 years ago

Did my comment post? Or not?

Samuel Skousen
Samuel Skousen
4 years ago

The democratic campaign relies on lies, half truths and deception. Should I expect anything else from their Convention? From what I heard they continued to slam Trump with lies, never offered solutions to real problems but promoted ideas designed to exacerbate the problems and enhance their power while cheating their way to permeant power at our expense.

Frank J Reedy
Frank J Reedy
4 years ago

What is there that these communists, retards and wealth destroyers can possibly have to say to me? They are an insult to Americans and proof that our educational system is devoid of value or worth. I am through bring civil and respectful of others’ opinions who would advocate even higher taxes, urban chaos, racial pandering and hatred of religion. They are enemies, not fellow citizens.

Mary Fromstein
Mary Fromstein
4 years ago

The sad part about it was that they spoke mostly about Trump and little to nothing about their potential policies. A lot of bashing, like spoiled children. How many years did some of these people get trying to work for the people, and proved to get nothing done? That’s the reality of it all. What our nation is going through didn’t just happen in three years. This has been brewing for years.

Beverly Jay
Beverly Jay
4 years ago

When I realized that their logo contained a symbol of the Satanic Temple, I didn’t need to hear anything more.

Matthew Peters
Matthew Peters
4 years ago

The America haters just couldn’t virtual anything up that would hold my interest for more than two seconds; no prescriptions or policies only blame and criticism do they offer. I have found more peace in my life by turning off TV ‘news’ and TV political talk, except for One America News Network! Lucianne, Free Republic, Bongino Report and The Gateway Pundit are my go to news sources going forward! Save America, vote for law & order and against chaos November 3.

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

From what I saw and heard in the clips that I viewed. It was great theater. Just loaded with prevarication,mendacity,socialist promotion,buckets of verbal diarrhea,and pure venom.

CJ Vernon
CJ Vernon
4 years ago

Uncle Joe spoke well enough to please Fox News panelist, Donna Brazille the former DNC chair. His ‘grand ideas’ of handling the pandemic was Trumps check list. (Actually, Pence’s check list). The rest of his ideas was a list of Socialist nightmares foisted on a hurting nation. The lies, slander, and hatred toward Trump was appalling. O M G !! Individually, they can’t owe up to those same traits they see in the mirror every morning. My brother, who had spent ten years in the funeral business, said the acollades of Biden were more like a ‘Celebration of Life’, aka a funeral service, all of the good stuff and none of bad stuff, short comings, gaffs nor criminality.

4 years ago

I can’t imagine a more useless endeavor.

john koo
john koo
4 years ago

I watched some of Biden speech he repeated what President Trump has been saying for the last four years. yet he gave NO PLAN on how he would do what he said. What would he have done different pertaining to the virus is it a secret ? He is nothing but a phony like most politicians.

John Madsen
John Madsen
4 years ago

Never heard do many lies. Very sad.

4 years ago

The Dems refuse to listen to anyone other than a like-minded person, so after years, I have quit listening back…always the same lies and misdirected thinking anyways…nothing new but more vile comments against our President, law, or our country.

4 years ago

What convention?

4 years ago

I know all that I need to know of the progressive movement. It is pro-doublestandard (Lori Lightfoot polices her own neighborhood, helps no one in the Southside), pro-racism (identity politics), pro-crime (green-lights rioters, prosecutes people who defend themselves against them; reduces police presence and cheerfully watches crime rise), is anti-prosperity, anti-tolerance, pro-totalitarian, in short, everything America in her founding stands against. They are the enemy of America and Americanism. Didn’t used to be, but the creeping head of fascism is rising on the Left. They must be opposed at all costs, because they will make our country a socialistic dump heap.

4 years ago

I really couldn’t wait to watch it!!
But I forgot and watched reruns of Frazier. Laugh my a** off and went to bed. Did that for four nights, SORRY

4 years ago

Hard to believe anyone would watch that pack of liars and disingenuous fools. Interesting that they seem to believe that if they keep up the lies long enough we will believe them. We are not that stupid. They are, as well as diabolically putting a mentally challenged front runner in there, who will likely soon be declared unfit, and the ones they really want in power will be there to fill in. Sad for America.

4 years ago

You know the old adage, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer, lol.
They sure put alot of hate out for a lot of American people, I call them Bullies!!!
The dnc view is alot different than mine and most of my friends.

Donald King
Donald King
4 years ago

Those who did not watch at least some of the skit called the Democrat convention should have in order to see just how absolutely crazy their proposed ideas on how to run our country are. The skit only reinforces a sane person’s intention to vote Republican and save what’s left of our country. Talk about lies! It’d be like having the fox guard the hen-house or letting the inmates run the asylum.

R Jeffrey Savlov
R Jeffrey Savlov
4 years ago

Why waste my time . If I wanted to watch a group of idiots trash the country and the President I could watch the Mainstream media or late night television.

4 years ago

Either we are all nuts or this is the twilight zone. Do they really think that Biden is normal? that’s what scares me do they know somthing we don’t know , like they run anyone because they are rigging the election?

lisa Daniel
lisa Daniel
4 years ago

Peggy Noonan from Wall Street Journal sums it up well
Missing was any hint of priorities or plans, of the meaning of the party or its intentions. They made the case against Donald Trump, and a case for Joe Biden as an essentially decent person. But they didn’t say what they’ll do. And this year that is key.

I’m not sure they’re sufficiently aware of two things. One is the number of people who don’t like Mr. Trump and will vote for him anyway. They don’t have to be talked into thinking he’s a bad character, they’re already on board.

All summer I’ve been running into two kinds of people. One kind says, “That man is a living shame on our country and must be removed.” The other kind says very little. They don’t defend him. They say, “I can’t believe I may vote for him, but . . .” And always they explain it this way:

“What the other guys are gonna do on taxes,” “What the other guys will do to my industry,” “What the Democrats will do to the economy.”

Do the Democrats understand how hunkered-down many people feel, psychologically and physically, after the past six months? If I asked this right now of a convention planner or participant I think they’d say, “Yes, people feel battered by systemic bias, inequality, and climate change.” And I’d say no, they’re afraid of foreclosures! They’re afraid of a second wave, no schools, more shutdowns, job losses and suddenly the supply lines break down this winter and there are food shortages.

If I were 12 and watched, I’d wonder if I had a chance here. If I were 20, they’d have flooded me with unearned bitterness.

Injustice is real, history is bloody. But guys, do you ever think you’re overdoing it? Are you afraid that this is all you got? Is that why you don’t talk about policy?

4 years ago

I am truly praying for the silent majority to really take a stand come election day.

Donna H
Donna H
4 years ago

No different than any other production like the Emmy’s or Oscar’s; just doesn’t interest me. It’s not genuine.

4 years ago

I only watched Biden’s acceptance speech/lie. Couldn’t stomach any more than that.

4 years ago

I did not need to further aggravate myself by needlessly wasting my time viewing the willfully ignorant leftist train wreck that the Dems have become…

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