

It’s been several weeks of failures in Democrat-led cities in America. In your view, which of these is MOST deserving of the grade of 'F'?

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4 years ago

Seriously? Gee, it is awfully hard to grade who is the worst in a classroom filled with equally idiotic and subversive morons ALL intent on burning down the school house (the country) as fast as possible. Will it be the moron who shuts the water off to the sprinkler system (defunding the police partially) before pouring gasoline all over the place and striking a match? Will it the group of morons who throw all the fire extinguishers out the windows (completely doing away with entire police forces) before nailing all the windows shut and locking all the doors after also pouring gasoline everywhere? Will it be the morons who use their gasoline soaked books and desks (CHOP zones and toppling statues to try and placate their fellow classmates) as kindling for the blaze? Honestly, every single Democrat Governor, Mayor and Council person, who has participated or even stood by silently encouraging such behavior, needs to be removed from office ASAP. Ideally by legal means, but none the less removed ASAP. I leave it to your imagination how that needs to be accomplished in each of your own states.
If the so-called silent majority in this country just continues to sit back passively and just watches as these morons continue to go about their merry way, then the country is already gone. You either stand up for yourself and your rights and freedoms or you surrender to the tyranny of mob rule. The Democrats are intent on removing the counter-balance to crime and anarchy (the police and the rule of law in general), which will leave a power gap that the criminal and anarchist segments of society will rush in to fill.

4 years ago

Are we ignoring the fact that most of these cities with Dem-socialist mayors have like-minded Governors, too?
I’d say foolish people get what they vote for, but people who live outside of big cities often get shafted because the cities often dominate state politics, too. (Illinois, Minnesota, Washington)
Why don’t states elect their governors with an electoral college system like the way Presidents are chosen? Each county gets an elector and each representative district gets an elector. It would never happen because it makes too much sense.

Dan W.
Dan W.
4 years ago

Mayor Bill de Blasio probably deserves some type of lifetime achievement award for incompetence (an “F” with oak leaf clusters) but I would also give a D- to all of the hard-partying 20 to 30 somethings who are forcing several governors to tap the brakes on reopening their States.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
4 years ago

All the choices are equally moronic.

Chuck Acheson
Chuck Acheson
4 years ago


Tyler Bush
Tyler Bush
4 years ago

We members of the “silent majority” need to STAND UP & SPEAK OUT against this anarchy. The left wishes for us to remain quiet & cowled. If we are to keep this nation for our kids & grandkids, we need to be active in fighting this mess.

Paul Lubell
Paul Lubell
4 years ago

This poll is poorly designed. If it is desired to determine which one of these episodes is the worst, there should not be an “all of the above” choice, which caused most respondents to make that choice without evaluation. I thought that the Seattle situation was by far the worst because it involved an active decision to give in to anarchy. New York and Minneapolis were symbolic-decisions that will never be implemented. The “Liberal Media” choice had nothing to do with cities.

Chuck Acheson
Chuck Acheson
4 years ago

These are being coached and led like puppets by someone. Many names come to mind . All are being manipulated by Satan and his minions in tes last days. l pray for all who are trapped in his plans for our world!

4 years ago

HEADLINES – City of Atlanta sees massive spike in crime over last month. While privileged liberal Jon Ossoff calls for defunding the police, violent crimes are surging in Georgia’s largest city….NYC defunded the very people who ran into the burning towers on 9/11. Dozens of inmates freed from city jails over fears they were vulnerable to the coronavirus have wasted no time plaguing the city with new crimes....
Amid unjustified criticism of police, cutting budgets for the people who defend us, firing cops who defend themselves, the stats show how wrong the libs and their press are. Letting a few maverick cops change the entire culture of our only defense against a culture of mobs ruling our country is a dream come true for the socialist/communist democrat politicians. VOTE in November to cleanse the entire lib leaders.

Michael Phillips
Michael Phillips
4 years ago

This happened approximately 70 years ago with unrest with the mobs, 1.3 % of the German people belonged to the Nazis,Look what they did to Germany ?? And the regular hard working Germans,I should know my Mother endured all that HELL, Go Donald Trump, I Pray God gives you Wisdom Daily , especially with that deep of a Swamp around you,even IN the White House!!??

4 years ago


4 years ago

This new format stinks!
Not only doesn’t voting on a comment not work most of the time but seeing all reply’s is a waste of time. Were the comments plagued by robots so now we have to tell them that I’m not a robot.

Thomas F. Olszewski
Thomas F. Olszewski
4 years ago

REAL AMERICANS will return President Trump to office and then the left will lose their minds

4 years ago

The Democrats have again shown that they are not for the common man but for the Illegal Aliens, Criminals and Terrorists. The only thing an American citizen is good for is to pay the bill, be assaulted with no arrests, prosecution or punishment against the racists/Terrorists/Criminals, and to shut up.

Bill wimmer
Bill wimmer
4 years ago

And we still let them all off the hook by playing and talking nice!

Robert Bartholomew
Robert Bartholomew
4 years ago

The liberal Democrats, George Soros, AFIFA, Black Lives Matter and the Rhinos are trying to destroy our great country. If they win the House, Senate, and the Presidential elections the USA will not see our 250th birthday. We need to STAND STRONG and get people out to vote and keep our country the way this country was founded.

Stephen Hankins
Stephen Hankins
4 years ago


4 years ago

We here no Va have the same problems as others where the large cities control most of the political agenda. Our Governor has gone extreme left to the degree ,that he is about to start another civil war in the “Old Dominion “. We that live in rural America are being systematically denied our voice in government by big money and mainstream media, eventually to the destruction of our entire country as we know it. Pray for our country.

Jack Cory
Jack Cory
4 years ago

Total insanity going on in our country.

Paul and Dee
Paul and Dee
4 years ago

It is difficult to protest ‘systemic racism’ while strangling all who may question your methods.

4 years ago

If the laws of the Constitution and the laws of the various States had been followed most of these instances would not have happened. We can not crater to terrorist be they international or home grown. We must realize the harm in cratering is greater than holding on to our laws and rules of humanity. America is changing and in some instances for the better but some of the City, State and Federal boards/councils have become more about the elected official than about the country. This is what is creating anarchy. It’s time to clean out those that have become greedy and feel they are indispensable. They are elected to represent their peers not to become millionaires, dictators or make their relatives millionaires.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
4 years ago

If “all of the above” has a positive side, it’s shining a bright light on the cockroaches. Only problem is, These cockroaches won’t go away. We’ve got to step on them to be rid of them. Vote!!

4 years ago

Regarding the Minneapolis city council, you neglected to add the council members hired their private guards with TAXPAYER dollars. They care nothing about safety for their residents. Typical democratic logic.

Deborah Hernandez-Metoyer
Deborah Hernandez-Metoyer
4 years ago

Everyone of these mayors deserve an F

Stephen Hankins
Stephen Hankins
4 years ago

I want to echo President Obama’s buddy Rahm Emmanuel, of don’t let a crisis go to waste. The Republican party in each of these Democrat-led cities, needs to jump on these opportunities to have good Republican leaders elected to bring about reform before the conditions get any worse.

Gene DeMorrow
Gene DeMorrow
4 years ago

I’m so mad never thought I would be so down on my country I’m a proud veteran black lives don’t matter all lives matter including the unborn I will never apologize for my country and never bow or cower down to a phony religion I am a Christian and will stand always for the flag and kneel for my Cross please God heal our people love his love is the only thing that will work God Bless America

4 years ago

Peaceful protests are fine but, the radicals that show up from every where else funded and hired just to riot cannot and should not be tolerated. Letting anarchists take control of police departments and entire sections of a city is insane.I am not in favor of the Feds taking over in these situations because that is the job of the state. Only when federal crimes are committed, should they intervene. I just hope that the voters are sick enough of their cities getting torn apart and burned that they let their feelings known when their governors and mayors come up for reelection. If they don’t, then let them deal with the consequences on their own.

Marva Rudolph
Marva Rudolph
4 years ago


4 years ago

The actions of the Minneapolis City Council in voting to disband the city police force then hiring private security for personal protection of certain members at taxpayer expense is a stark reminder of the elitist belief that they are more important than the mere citizens they rule over. The voters of Minneapolis should vote the whole council out of office and into the unemployment line at their first opportunity.

4 years ago

Our side has to start protesting loudly and visibly! We need to march on washington dc by the millions and demand our country back! Dammit, we’re gonna lose it if we don’t so WHY NOT PEOPLE!

4 years ago

None of the groups mentioned in the poll are about freedom or liberty. This movement is very much a Markist takeover of America.

Mona Mistric
Mona Mistric
4 years ago

Many lives, including black lives, died needlessly because of the democrats. Many lives, including black lives, have lost their livelihoods because of the democrats. Many lives, including black lives, are scared because of the democrats.

Marva Rudolph
Marva Rudolph
4 years ago

Louisville, KY is close to being like these cities… thanks to our Dem. Gov. Beshear, our Dem. Mayor Fischer and our left leaning Metro Council. Gov. Beshear continuously talks about KY’s need for a handout from the Fed. government to aid our $1.1B budget deficit. And while the rioters terrorize motorists and roam our streets, Mayor Fischer stays holed up in his mansion. Everyone I know is sick of it.

4 years ago

November will be a choice between Chaos and Civility. The evidence is overwhelmingly showing that the Democratic party is supported by BLM and ANTIFA as they continue to wreak havoc throughout our country with the blessings of the left. This is not then road to go down. We the people need to vote wisely in November in order to safeguard a civil society and not support one of anarchy. The choice is obvious. Vote Republican!

4 years ago

In our actions and thinking, when “right” becomes “wrong “ and “wrong “ becomes “right “ our country is in trouble.

4 years ago

The Demoncrats will go to any extreme to attempt to discredit President Trump. It is obvious they care little for the people they are supposed to serve and instead are only seeking power and control over the people. National Guard troops should have been called in much sooner to restore order and prevent further destruction and deaths.

4 years ago

When Obama took office he said, we are what we have been waiting for…I guess we know what he meant now.

4 years ago

I think that another option should be WF, withdraw failing. They’re all such failures that they should be withdrawn from public view.

Connie P
Connie P
4 years ago

Let’s be on our faces before God Almighty who alone knows what the outcome will be concerning the future of America. In our affluence and comfort, we have allowed Marxist/Communist ideologies to emerge while the “silent majority” should have been watching and speaking out decades ago! We have rejected and insulted the mercy and goodness of the God of heaven time and time again. I believe His patience has run out with America. May He still show mercy in His Wrath.

Jerry L
Jerry L
4 years ago

Anyone who claims to be a democrat now can clearly be called a traitor. All the RINOs too. I am hoping we can get another four years, but what happens after that? How can the Republicans ever come up with anyone that has the backbone that Trump has? Going forward all I see is weak-sauce after Trump’s second term. At best we’ll have four years to take back our country, but with the propagandists, the school systems, and S0r0s funded organizations all chipping away at everything we hold dear, I’m afraid they will win eventually.

4 years ago

I think the punishment for the treasonous activities of these Antifa and BLM thugs ought to be loss of citizenship and imprisonment for 10 years

Gary A
Gary A
4 years ago

These recent events are a stark reminder that elections have consequences. These liberal cities and states are now experiencing the government they voted for. Sadly, it also impacts the rest of us who did not vote for the yahoos. It is very evident to me just in the past few days with some events around the country that if you stand up to the leftist young thugs they will back down immediately.They are not really willing to fight for what they say they believe in especially if there is a chance they may actually get hurt in the process.

4 years ago

You didn’t have a response for “See Comments”. My comment: Not only ALL of the above, but how about the preceding 50 years? I moved my manufacturing business out of NYC shortly after Dinkens became the mayor. All of us small businessmen on the Lower East Side had firearms, and the captain of the 9th Precinct always stepped in if we had crime problems, and sheilded us from harassment or frivolous prosecution if we ever had to protect ourselves. But, under Dinkens, that all ended and the crime rate soared. The state closed the Downstate Psychiatric Center, where hundreds of potentially violent criminals were kept off the street, and the LEO began to fear for their own lives. Most of us, including me, sold our properties and moved our businesses out of the city. That scenario played out in just about every Democrat-led city in the US.

Jerry Smith
Jerry Smith
4 years ago

We need a good dose of “old time religion” where people respected each other, agreed to disagree, and were thankful for what they had. They were proud to do an honest days work for an honest days wage. They taught patriotism in school and at home and loved their neighbors, no matter the color of their skin.

4 years ago

I never thought I’d see the day when destructive lawless people would have more rights than law abiding citizens. Enough already!

4 years ago

Republicans running for office should use all of these in their ads against opponents, emphasizing their own stand on Rule of Law, protecting citizens, etc.

Sharon Wyper
Sharon Wyper
4 years ago

The murder of George Floyd was performed on camera to start exactly what it did, in no way a genuine police action. The anarchists want to get rid of genuine police forces so that they themselves can patrol the city streets with gang enforcers and sharia mobs. Leftists intended to destroy America before Trump stepped forward, now they have decided that he alone will not be able to stop them, so they proceed.

4 years ago

The record of failures by the Democratic party speaks for itself. I do not trust these folks.

4 years ago

The liberal Demoncrats are heel-bent on destroying our great nation in a power grab. They will go to any extreme to attempt to discredit President Trump. The liberal media also assists them in their quest which is why I stay away from the mainstream media and seek news sources that only present facts without distorting them to fit the liberal agenda.
I refuse to wear a mask for the corona virus since numbers are really no worse than a typical flu season. The Demoncrats and liberal media purposely push a doom and gloom scenario to create a panic situation as part of their power grab by creating a fear among the people. The Demoncrats DO NOT CARE for the people they serve but are mainly interested in being served and to control the people.
Vote Republican to end the Demoncratic control over the people!!!!!

Tom M
Tom M
4 years ago

You can go to just about any big Dem controlled city and get a huge dose of the up and coming Marxism we will soon be experiencing across the country. The only way to survive the masked fiends is to create a separate country…one for the deranged fools and the other for those who are not deranged fools and idiots.

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