
Congress and many state legislatures are considering legislation to change the “spring forward” and “fall back” Americans have been doing since daylight saving time was first introduced in 1918. Ideas to change it take different forms. Which would you MOST favor?

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6 months ago

Why are there no experts or scientist explaining how daylight saving is better and healthier. I rather have DST over ST. I have not seen or heard any one explain how standard time is better with out discrediting day light saving time.

4 years ago

End the seasonal time switch. Whether it remains on ST or DST year round, that doesn’t matter. Businesses can always adjust their hours of operation to take advantage of seasonal daytime duration changes however they want to. Just leave our senior biological clocks alone!

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
4 years ago

IT’S FRIDAY . . . .
And TIME for another silly AMAC poll.

POTUS just accused BHO of treason for spying on his campaign.
What is your opinion ?

1. YES
2. NO

GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 Deus Vult !

Marie M
Marie M
4 years ago

Wasn’t DST instituted to benefit the farmers? Maybe they are the ones who should be asked.
I am disappointed with this weeks poll, with all that is going on in our nation couldn’t AMAC come up with something of more substance!

Tom M
Tom M
4 years ago

This is why nothing ever changes. This stupid idea has been around for about 100 years in the US. It never has mattered and just causes distress with our circadian rhythms. You never gain or lose an hour in real time, only in the minds of idiot politicians who often conger things out of thin air.

Not As Smart As I Thought
Not As Smart As I Thought
4 years ago

Why not just split the difference at half an hour and make that the permanent change?

Deb S
Deb S
4 years ago

Why don’t we just change it by 30 minutes— a half an hour— and LEAVE IT there! Year around. Makes the most sense to me rather than changing clocks twice a year. Otherwise just leave it standard time and everyone can adjust schedules accordingly.

4 years ago

It benefits the farmers we should leave it in spring forward.

Joseph B Gadberry
Joseph B Gadberry
4 years ago

I prefer light longer so keep daylight savings time. I never understood why so many like it getting dark earlier.

4 years ago

I don’t care what time is used. I just want it to stay the same every day. It usually takes me a week to adjust to the change each time.

4 years ago

Depends on what part of the country.. .

4 years ago

when “man” messes with what GOD has instituted, the result is total CHAOS and confusion. A search on the subject proves that. I still don’t have the REAL reason WHY and WHEN this was put into place in the first place. ?

John O
John O
4 years ago

Why not compromise between keeping daylight savings time all year long and standard time all year long. Just move the clock ahead one half hour and leave it that way permanently.

4 years ago

Whatever, one OR the other! Time IS a constant.

4 years ago

It is not clear in selections for vote which one is dark earlier and which one is dark later. I chose daylight savings hoping it is the one that gets dark later (forward) ?

Tom Bass
Tom Bass
4 years ago

The choice matters little to me. However, school children should not have to wait on a bus when dark. Congress and/or the states should consider the timing so the students are waiting in daylight mnot dark.

Ken H
Ken H
4 years ago

Stop the time change! I really don’t care which time zone we settle on. Indiana was on central time years ago, then they went to eastern time, now the are on eastern time and observe DST too! Stop the madness! There are only 24 hours in a day. Pick a time and stick with it!

4 years ago

I want it to be dark in the morning and light in the evening. I hate driving to work with the sun in my eyes and getting off work and it’s dark.

4 years ago

In my opinion, this is an extremely low priority issue.

Debra Bower
Debra Bower
4 years ago

Hi, I would like to suggest Ohio keep Daytime Savings Time because we have thousands of people who have a seasonal disorder and respiratory problems and depression. If we would have more months that have Light, it would substantially lift the moods of thousands of people and keep them out of the doctors offices. The answer isnt more prescription drugs. Just get outside and if there is more daylight people get out. The dark keeps them inside and hence the depression, anxiety etc. I have many friends effected with this syndrome and would really like to help them long term. Can the people that make these decisions, please consider this discussion. Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful day.

4 years ago

You should live in the state of Indiana, if I drive a mile south of my house or a mile west, the time changes (still in Indiana). If you go 30 miles east of my residence, they are on “slow time” (Central time) while I’m on “fast time” (Eastern). There have been several attempts to make changes but the one that has never been proffered is to put the entire state (or at least the southern part) on the same time zone. The one advantage is that I can drive 40 miles to Evansville (third largest city in the state) and “get there before I left” – time travel is possible in Indiana.

Sheryl Riley
Sheryl Riley
4 years ago

Why can’t we leave the tradition of spring forward and fall back. It lets us know the warm weather is coming and or the winter is approaching.
I like tradition

Ruby Huggins
Ruby Huggins
4 years ago

When we’re on standard time during the winter, it feels like the middle of the night when we get out of Bible Study on Wednesday nights at church. I wish time could be left on DST year round, instead of having to get used to change twice a year.

4 years ago

Having it so dark in the winter when children are going to school is just too dangerous. We experienced it one year in the 70’s when they didn’t change back to standard time. Leave us at standard time all year.

Terri Duncan
Terri Duncan
4 years ago

What is standard time!

4 years ago

I say leave it alone just so we have some change in our lives! And this is not too much. It shakes us up twice a year and makes us think outside ourselves like kids being safe going to school and long summer nights. If this is all people have to worry about they do not realize how rich they are!

Monika Woods
Monika Woods
4 years ago

The documentation and research speaks about this matter. This change is directly related to creating problems. It is difficult for everyone, especially school children to readjust their body clock. We have more knowledge now of the impact of circadian rhythms and the effect nature has on our bodies. To continue to adjust clocks ignores the needs for basic human function in favor of adjusting an artificial construct we call time.

david bickley
david bickley
4 years ago

Split the difference and leave it there

Art Anson
Art Anson
4 years ago

D.S.T. reeks of wrongness. It was cooked-up by a Godless twit who thought he could control the sun. With D.S.T. school children and school bus drivers are walking / driving in the dark. Dangerous and stupid. Do away with D.S.T. permanently!

Gary DeMay
Gary DeMay
4 years ago

I agree , been around to long & is archaic. People have biological rhythms & why do we let the government messy with them. come everyone let them know whose in charge. Stop the jump ahead & fall back crap. Pick one & leave it alone. WOW won’t it be great if they actually listening to ” WE THE PEOPLE FOR A CHANGE.” ! Mr. D

4 years ago

Should have been another choice, “Who cares”. Don’t we have a few more important things for these useless politicians to do?

4 years ago

Please give us more LIGHT!

4 years ago

Get off the spring foward and fall backward as does nothing for what it was established. Causes health issues. You still have same amount of light in a day. No matter kids still go to school in the dark, which is a hazard to all. Schools need better hours and better bus pick up in day light. Time set may wake up a few administration rules for better safety of travel for students and all employees of all businesses.

Craig Bryan
Craig Bryan
4 years ago

Move the time ahead 2 hours permanently!

Craig Bryan
Craig Bryan
4 years ago

Move the time ahead 2 hours permanently!
This way we will have light to do things after work!

4 years ago

Back in the late 40’s we were on Central Standard Time. Then sometime in the 50’s we went on Daylight Savings Time which was actually Eastern Standard Time with the Spring Forward, Fall Back scenario. I don’t think that lasted too long because for a long time we went to Daylight Savings Time/Eastern Standard Time year around. that worked great until Mitch Danials changed it to Eastern Daylight Savings Time with the Spring Forward Fall Back scenario. In this scenario we were 2 hours ahead of the time were on in the late 40’s. And if you have access to a sun dial it would show us at almost 2 hours fast now. So I prefer what is known as Central Daylight Savings Time/Eastern Standard Time year around. I have never understood the concept of cutting 1 foot off the sheet at the top and adding it to the bottom.

Kelly F.
Kelly F.
4 years ago

We the people, have been trying for years to get this changed!!!!!! Via organizations, collection of signatures on a petition to a bill written in last legislative session!!!!! All failed!!!! Why? Because so simple, never made it to a committee to be brought to a vote!!!! This not only messes up humans, but our pets as well for feeding time.
This WAS a good idea back when World Warll started. I understand that. We’re no longer at war and need to be on Standard time. I really dislike the time change!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we just fix this already!? PLEASE ?

Mark Sobotka
Mark Sobotka
4 years ago

Yet another example of our do nothing Congress. They can’t even address a simple issue like this yet we keep voting the same incompetent incumbents back into office. So happy my incumbent has decided to retire so our district will be sending someone new to Washington now we need to vet a good replacement.

Regina R L E
Regina R L E
4 years ago

My poor pets have as hard a time adjusting to the time change as I do. They don’t understand why their getting fed later. Just leave the time the same all year round.

4 years ago

What is standard time?

Betty Smith
Betty Smith
4 years ago

I prefer standard, either one just don’t change.

4 years ago

Move time 30 minutes and leave alone.

4 years ago

I’m tired of driving the kids to school in the dark. Daylight savings time is a mistake.

Elizabeth Ann Bourke
Elizabeth Ann Bourke
4 years ago

Have always thought split the difference and let it be permanent.

4 years ago

I am amazed at how many people I know do not understand this question. They think that keeping Standard time is actually keeping daylight savings. Why this confuses people I don’t know.
Might skew your results though.

4 years ago

I’ve been living in Arizona for over three years now and it’s nice not to have to change our clocks because some Politian thought it would be a good idea. Having your sleep pattern disturbed twice a year is really counter-productive. That week long period of adjustment really sucked and I don’t miss it one bit.

Lee Steele
Lee Steele
4 years ago

In November, fall back a halfhour and leave it there permanently. Split the difference and call it good.

kim kuhl
kim kuhl
4 years ago

i would really like it to get dark later than sooner. quit messing with it

4 years ago

Another option the poll should have provided was to start DST a little later in the year, and end it a little earlier. I don’t remember exactly when the DST “season” was extended (it was fairly recent) but they went a little too far.

4 years ago

Standard Time is the only choice that isn’t some kind of meddling with the world standard.

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