

Currently, America has a $400 billion trade deficit with China.u00a0Do you support President Trump’s efforts to equalize trade between the U.S. and China by using tariffs?

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Brian B
Brian B
6 years ago

Tariffs are generally a bad idea, but Communist China is a notable exception. Communist China has stolen billions of dollars of proprietary business and military research from America via cyber espionage. They have disrespected International Patent Laws.They flood our borders with dangerous drugs and stolen brand-name merchandise. And they are engaged in a systematic reprogramming of American perceptions of communism via media and educational propaganda.
Doing business with the enemies of freedom is never a good idea. Communist China will smile politely, then proceed to do whatever possible to destroy the last bastion of freedom in the world.

6 years ago

Google Bill Clinton’s connection to China when he was in college. It’s eye opening for those of you who are not aware of this. I heard about it when he was President but just like Obama’s connection to Rev Joshua Wright & Louis Farrakhan, it’s been covered up.

6 years ago

Most of our international trade deals years over the past three Presidential administrations (Clinton, Bush and Obama) were negotiated not so much to ensure a balanced and mutually equitable trading arrangement between each of the various countries and the United states, but rather to promote a combination of either support for the political agendas of the day or to provide a means for financial payback to certain large political donors of each of those administrations. Ensuring balanced and reciprocal trade for all American goods and services associated with each of these various trade deals was a very low or non-existent priority to the political bureaucrats we had on our side negotiating these deals. Almost none of which had either any significant private sector experience involving international trade / business or a background in real-world economics. Most were either political appointees or career bureaucrats more concerned with getting the wording of any deal done to the standards of Washington boilerplate than being mutually advantageous for the United States. While the other countries usually sent in teams composed of seasoned business executives and international trade personnel. So in many cases, it was like us sending in a bunch of five years olds to negotiate against adults and the quality of the deals struck show that. Thus is shouldn’t be surprising that in most instances, we end up with significant trade imbalances, because our goods and services are in most cases taxed far more than the same product from the other country coming into the United States.

A U.S. car sent to China, as an example, has a standard tariff (tax) of 25 percent added to it at the port of entry, while a car coming from China to the United States only has a tariff (tax) of 2.5 percent added to it. Thus American cars are effectively priced out of the market in China in favor of both domestic Chinese cars, as well as cars from our European and Japanese trading partners. A $35,000 car in the United States costs a minimum of $43,750 in China. Look at the multi-year sales figures of GM, Ford and Chrysler in China to see how poorly we perform relative to other auto makers, whose products are taxed significantly less. Europe, Mexico, Japan and Canada all have similar lopsided tariff arrangements with respect to many of our goods entering their countries, while we tax them little or nothing for what they send us. I could give you lots of other examples, but you get the idea. President Trump is indeed correct that most of the trade deals struck in the last three President administrations are horrible and one-sided in favor of the other countries.

There is nothing wrong with free and fair trade, where both sides treat similar goods and services in the same manner. The problem is under most of our trade deals, the terms are not equitable for similar goods and services. That is one of the major reasons why we run huge trade deficits year after year and what the President is trying to correct. Of course the other countries don’t want to change any of these trade deals, because they have been taking the United States to the cleaners for decades now. Washington bureaucrats also don’t want to change anything, as it would end up showing how inept and corrupt the administrative state is. So of course they all want to maintain the status quo, each for their own reasons, and try to paint Trump as some sort of lunatic out to destroy the international economy.

Lex Sewell
Lex Sewell
6 years ago

I’m beside myself at how American have changed. The true Americans are to quite and complacent letting the other population take over. This is slowly replacing the real America. I can only hope my daughters generation figure it out quick and change the course

Warren Ellison
Warren Ellison
6 years ago

We absolutely must, it may hurt some now but in the long run it’s what’s best for our country.

David L Pursey
David L Pursey
6 years ago

Americans have been “ripped off” by China for far too long. China floods our markets with their goods made by “cheap” labor. “Made in China” is the rule in America rather than the exception.
Here in South Carolina, mills cut pine trees, chip them up and ship boatloads of the pulp to China. China “presses” the pulp into pressed wood and make furniture and other products. Then, ships the crap back to America where many consumers purchase these “cheap” products. Outrageous!!

Don Foster
Don Foster
6 years ago

I believe President Trump always has a strategic plan and is thinking far ahead of others. Can’t we just trust him based on what he has already demonstrated.

6 years ago

we need free trade!!!!!

Bob Reeves
Bob Reeves
6 years ago

The big issue is soybeans. China will buy from South America. The countries who bought from So America last year will buy the beans China bought last year from the U S. The world will not stop eating But we don’t need to buy all the junk made in China on US store shelves. China is buying America with their trade surplus. They have already purchased our largest hog producer in the world-Smithfield. They are stealing our high tech co’s and A I start-up companies. We have been in a trade war with China for over 45 years but we have not stood our ground and we have lost much ground.
Either start defending our trade or learn to speed Chinese.

6 years ago

What has China given us? Poision in our foods, poision in drywall, lead in kids toys and cheap metal, etc. In the long run the famers will be better off and so will the American people.

6 years ago


David Pinder
David Pinder
6 years ago

We need ‘ fair trade’. Actually, we need to stop supporting, red china’s military with our dollars!! Boycott, communist china.

6 years ago

Its about time! China has been in a trade war with US for decade’s and our response is always short slighted. We allow our tech and long term stability to be taken for cheap labor now. Very poor planning by US companies.

Brian Wagner
Brian Wagner
6 years ago

It seems most the products I buy are made in China. How can they continue to expect ud to buy when we are not working, or making enough to buy. Factorys are finally starting to hire, and offer better wages, and I believe it is the result of our Presidents efforts to support American firms that use American workers.

Bruce Thumann
Bruce Thumann
6 years ago

Right or wrong, it’s an affirmative step towards solving the problem………… Certainly not the solve all solution to this problem, but an important first step to solving a major problem ignored by those in power for so long.

John Hill
John Hill
6 years ago

The main reason we have such a trade deficit is that congress and ruling elites sell America out for personal profit every chance that they get. How do you think that so many of them are filthy rich? The “Swamp” is a treasonous cesspool!

6 years ago


Pam Ward
Pam Ward
6 years ago

Watching the stock market during this time is concerning, but I support the President’s efforts to correct years of selling America out.

Barbara T Warthan
Barbara T Warthan
6 years ago

yes, Fair and reciprocal trade is the right thing to do and tariffs are just one tool to use with China; HOWEVER, he needs to get on with it… Make the Deal! , Before everyone loses what retirement money they have and farmers go broke! China is not so dumb… they bring down the market value, then buy up the commodities at sale price. So get on with IT, do not drag this out for six months –it could also impact your presidency and republican elections

Berman Ray Thompson
Berman Ray Thompson
6 years ago

I voted for him to do the job of running our country, he has enough obstacle from the other elected officials. His voters had enough confidence in him then to run his company and we wanted him to run our country. So we should let him do his job with out him being questioned every time he makes a decision

John R. Hernandez
John R. Hernandez
6 years ago

This is one of many reasons I voted for DJT. I spoke to many regarding how much we needed President with America’s interest at hand. Great President and is directing the Nation in the right way. This is the time we needed someone as Commander in Chief. No question about it. As an American Veteran I salute DJT.

6 years ago

Tariffs will not hurt Trump in 2018 as much as the monstrosity and egregiousness of the Omnibus Reconciliation he just signed into law will hurt the two faced GOP. The GOP has become the Democrat party on steroids when it comes to spending to try and buy votes. The Democrats feed, nurture and respect their various special interest groups that comprise there far left Progressive Socialist base. On the other hand, the GOP ignores their conservative base on a consistent basis and votes against the interests of their base opting to create legislation at the direction of any and every lobbyist or fat cat donor and then automatically vote for that legislation. The leadership has repeatedly acted to dilute and eliminate the conservatives in the GOP since leadership themselves are just as Progressive in ideology as the Democrats. Wake up! The elitist establishment GOP hates, loathes and despises conservatives and just as they have been taken to the woodshed in prior elections so too will they not just be humbled but will be embarrassed this time, on the surface. Make no mistake. They are hoping the Democrats win to take care of what they consider an uncooperative nuisance: the Presidency of Donald J Trump, the outsider who crashed their big government, big bureaucracy, elitist soiree’.
Schumer knuckled under when the Democrats realized the American people we not fooled by him insisting the 3 day government shutdown in January was the fault of the GOP. Instead of using that advantage and crafting a budget to reflect the priorities of this President, acting as the #NeverTrump cadre of turncoats they are, they not only became Obama 2.0 on drugs, but then lied to him that he would get what he wanted. Instead we got full Obamacare funding, insurance companies bailouts, increased Planned Parenthood funding, legislation that directly infringes on the 2nd Amendment and funding for all the useless debris like the endowments for the arts (to fund more garbage the anti-western culture crowd lusts for) and other giveaways.
Here is the reality. Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi BOTH praised the budget. That right there are two HUGE RED FLAGS that Trump ignored or was lied to about. It those two like something, it can only mean one thing: their agenda is being fully funded by their accomplices in the destruction of America, the GOP.
God save us from the GOP, the Democrats and every other Progressive Marxist Socialist in our midst. They seek our harm, not out good. Change your party affiliation to anything other than Republican ASAP to get the attention of the few sane people left that conservatives are abandoning them and they have to rely on the votes of their donors to win elections until they learn to keep the promises they make.
Rant complete.

Mary Ann Wilkerson
Mary Ann Wilkerson
6 years ago

Yes, it is time China pays up. No other President wanted to tackle it.

Dale cuthbertson
Dale cuthbertson
6 years ago

I stand behind president Trump’s 110%

6 years ago

I want free AND fair trade. Generally don’t like tarrifs but don’t know how else to make the trade fair.

Peggy Fender-Martens
Peggy Fender-Martens
6 years ago

I trust what the President is doing.

a concerned citizen
a concerned citizen
6 years ago

China is stealing us blind not only by the trade deficit but by stealing our intellectual property by cyber espinage. This is war they use cyber hacking atound the world stealing, goverment and businesses trade secrets and RAD and they are using it to build up their military and their rogue goverment. Need to read their 100 year plan. This is not a trade war this is finally calling out China for what it is – an enemy at war with the USA to advance their agenda at all cost. Our military and country is at a huge disadvantage and capitalisman is being hurt by this rogue country. China had been stealing our military and business secrets for years and and the USA politicians would rather continue to pad their pockets then protect our country. The USA citizens needs to wake up. Nobody is reporting on this especially not our proper gander media
Once China steals our intellectual trade secrets and proprietary information they then turn it around and destroy our USA companies by under cutting our businesses. This is not capitalism this is theft and the USA has been losing jobs because of this and everyone says it is capitalism, it is not. It goes deeper than this this. China is stealing all our military secrets and using ithem to advance there military and they are far advancing the USA because of prior weak administration’s who have done absolutely nothing to stop it and have absolutely emasculated our military and our military research and development to protect our country.
President DJT is the best thing to happen to the USA since President Romad Regan. We finally have a politican/business man who is looking to save this great nation and hw will do the right thing at all cost.

6 years ago

Our Business President has been BANKRUPTED more time then most criminals. Why should we Trust him now?

John Patriot
John Patriot
6 years ago

Always remember, it is the American citizen that has become addicted to the foreign goods. Let’s stop the desire for stuff and the rest of this noise will end.

6 years ago

For one thing the only thing tariffs do especially on raw materials is punish the end user of those raw materials. in the case of consumer products it drives up the cost of consumer goods. The Chinese government, in many cases reimburses the cost of tariffs to their manufacturers because the government “owns” the manufacturing. We need to be very cautious with this sort of thing because the Chinese manufacture most of the computer chips used in our manufacture of military hardware and we can’t build a warplane without them. We need to be very careful off the toes we step on today because the may be connected to the backside we have to kiss tomorrow.

6 years ago

I agree with President Trump 100%. Why don’t we take all of the money we give to illegal aliens and use it to support the farmers and other industries that will be affected by the tariffs until we get China’s attention. If we don’t stop this now our country will cease to exist. The elite and extremely rich want to keep it the status quo so they can continue to make money while we lose our intellectual property and our freedoms. Remember, the Chinese are communists. They don’t play fair and are not to be trusted.

Lee M.
Lee M.
6 years ago

Historically tariffs are what put America on a good foundation for becoming and independent nation. In addition, tariffs spurred America in to its industrial revolution, making America a powerhouse of innovation and productivity. It is principally by sales of goods that industries have capital for research and development. In the Federalist Papers we read that the best form of taxation for preserving Liberty is taxation on the sale of goods, and in fact prior to the enactment of the 16th Amendment in 1913 (Income Tax), tariffs, duties and excise taxes were the principle sources of revenue for the Federal Government. I love the national self reliance that comes from protective tariffs. Tariffs promote the need for all manner of jobs to fill consumer demands. This promotes the development a diversity of skills in the American work force, making America more self reliant as a nation.

Diana B
Diana B
6 years ago

It’s been a long overdue process!! We also need to Stop selling all of our American businesses to foreigners! If it’s not too late?

James Nay
James Nay
6 years ago

It seems pretty simple to me. When you send out more money/value than you take in you go broke! The few Chinese people I know are very nice people – but I don’t need to contribute to their support. Also, I don’t care much for supporting despots!

Michael A Katz
Michael A Katz
6 years ago

These tariffs cannot stop with China. Tariffs need to be implemented south of the border too with tariffs so high, it drives back American Businesses. Whether we continue free trade with some countries cannot be decided on whether or not we allow Nuclear Ships into it’s harbors (Like New Zealand). Free trade should be decided on how poorly it will affect the USA and it’s businesses and workers.

John J Francks
John J Francks
6 years ago

It is about time we have a PRESIDENT STANDING UP TO THESE OTHER COUNTRIES!!! Love our president!!!!

6 years ago

Only the globalists lose. They have waged a war against our middle class and they put 8.8 million workers, who formerly paid taxes, on the unemployment line. America first. The elite globalists, last.

6 years ago

Seems like there could be government action to help farmers survive should the tariffs become more than a negotiating tool.

Philip meyers
Philip meyers
6 years ago

Remember how public opinion during the Vietnam war gave strength to the enemy when they were much weaker? Keeping public opinion positive on this issue will help China understand that the US is behind the president and they need be more equal in our trade.

6 years ago

Other countries cannot expect USA to ignore protective tariffs against its products. A 25 percent tariff on US vehicles is not fair trade. Agree to reduce all tariffs to 10 percent maximum in all countries.

6 years ago

There are other industries in US not mentioned in media with Chinese (and other countries) tariffs applied. Major issue

Tony Green
Tony Green
6 years ago

I am proud of President Trumps “moxy” to continue to do what is right and had needed to be done for a very, very long time. I will have to admit though that it will have an impact on the mid-terms in Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin.
It’s just not China we have a large trade balance with. Mexico, Canada & Germany also are being looked at. President Trump is absolutely correct in stating NAFTA either needs to be renegotiated or torn up.

With all the “kick back” coming from the Deep Sate on this and EVERYTHING the President is trying to correct and do what is right, it is easy to see why former Presidents didn’t have the gonads to do anything. Of course, the Bush’s are members of the Deep State. George W. was/is a member of the Skullduggery. We need to continue to support President Trump in every mannerism we can. It has been said before many times, I know. But……………..our country, as we know it as of today is in deep jeopardy of us losing so much of our freedom that we enjoy. One world currency is not far off if the Deep State is successful.

I am not talking conspiracy……..I am talking the truth.

Robert H
Robert H
6 years ago

Newt Gingrich got it right in his book “Understanding Trump”. We’re no longer living in a post WW II world when U.S. aide was needed to rebuild Europe and limit Soviet expansion. Today, we’re surrounded by tough, and not always fair, competitors. We need to assert American interests first because China and others are certainly asserting theirs.

6 years ago

Not only YES! BUT HELL YES. The taxpayers of this Nation have been taken advantage of by CORRUPT “trade deals” that always leave US on the bad end of the so called “DEAL”
with inferior, and many UNSAFE “goods” made in foreign countries. ALSO the “goods” that we send back are being “copied”, made cheaper out of inferior materials, then sent back for US to purchase.
This has to be stopped and the PRESIDENT is RIGHT to put a halt to AMERICA being taken advantage of in order to “get along” with nations that are out to PROFIT off the backs of U.S Citizens.

Robert Curry
Robert Curry
6 years ago

Originally when I voted for President Trump, I was not certain what kind of job he would do to protect our WONDERFUL Country, but now after a year of his continual , CORRECT decisions on Making AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, I made an outstanding choice! I Pray that Republicans get out and vote for a new crew of Congress and Senators that will Continue to truly help SAVE our Country ! GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Norman Lawrence
Norman Lawrence
6 years ago

The use of tariffs is the only tool that Trump has right now to try to force China and some of the other countries back to the negotiating table to correct the BAD trade agreements that were made by previous administrations that were more interested in paying off favors and lining their own pockets as opposed to do doing what was best for the country as a whole.

6 years ago

Perhaps the products affected by the tariffs could be marketed/branded to sell here in USA or to friendly countries.

Joy Crouch
Joy Crouch
6 years ago

It is not $400 billion, a little less than $300 billion. We need to step back and look at history. It has been reported in one historical article that tariffs was the cause of the 1929 stock market crash. Trade agreements are a healthy thing for the world’s economy and the US is in the best place to negoiate these.

Thomas Mann
Thomas Mann
6 years ago

High (“protective”) tariffs ALWAYS damage the economy. Every time the U.S. has imposed “protective” tariffs, economic disaster has followed. Republicans do NOT want to return to being the party of “protection”.

Mike H
Mike H
6 years ago

I’m a farmer and what’s good for the country, United States of America, is good for me! Plus, most of the other comments below…..
Let’s Roll! MAGA!!!!

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