
armed bystander shooting picnic

Crime has skyrocketed to levels not seen in decades in many American cities in 2021. Which is among the causes in your view? Please check three.

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Jim VH
Jim VH
3 years ago

Remember where this is happening, In states/cities run by Democraps. As far as the mainstream media is concerned, until they start to come clean and tell the truth to the American people this will never change as well as many other issues.

3 years ago

This is NOT an American problem!
It IS an Anti-American Democrat/Socialist Ideology !

3 years ago

This is not something we can properly blame on the Biden administration. First, it’s not the responsibility of Washington to control crime at the local or state level. Second, the increase in crime started even before the election was stolen. Having a criminal in the White House isn’t a good thing, but it has happened before and not resulted in an increase of violent crime.

OTOH, we probably are getting at least some violent crime from violent criminals coming across our southern border. Violent criminals don’t magically turn into good citizens by violating immigration laws.

3 years ago

AMAC forgot to include, as one of the choices, blue state Democrat leadership releasing lots of prisoners from their state prisons as a part of their insane Covid directives.

Claudia Seversen
Claudia Seversen
3 years ago

Defund the police was the worst thing the Democrats could have done. The consequences will be felt for generations as many veteran officers have retired early or just quit.

Rev. John Randolph Riddle
Rev. John Randolph Riddle
3 years ago

When a nation exchanges the truth of God revealed in the Holy Bible and exchanges it for the lie that man – and not God – is the measure of all things, bad things not only happen, but increasingly worse things happen until that nation/culture/civilization falls (cf. Romans 1 and Thomas Cole’s 19th century landscape paintings, “Course of Empire.” We are now witnessing America’s transition from “Consummation of Empire” to “Destruction of Empire.”

Tom M
Tom M
3 years ago

It’s mostly the wokeness movement where law and order are cancelled. That includes enshrining people like Mr. floyd as a beacon of what a person should become. That includes the war against anyone white and especially old…ya know, pukes like joey and half the commie-dem party. For sure if anywhere requires a build-backwards-faster program, it’s the dem controlled cities. You gotta knock ’em down before they can be replaced…better call antifarts and blm, not Saul.

3 years ago

I also believe it is the weakness of our governmental leaders, for all this past year none of them have spoken out against the rioting that has gone one.

3 years ago

There are no consequences

Mary Bosco
Mary Bosco
3 years ago

There was a report of an elderly man being beaten because he wasn’t wearing a mask (and the mask mandate has been dropped in this area). The government has fomented fear for a year and has not let up despite the development of effective treatments, the fact that 99% of people who contract COVID19 recover and 80% of the deaths are among the 65 and older population with co-morbidities such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Young healthy people are terrified of a disease they will recover from. Even the young are affected by the co-morbidities mentioned above but this is not mentioned in reporting and contributes to the irrational fear and fear often leads to aggressive behavior.

3 years ago

Democrats is the answer

3 years ago

What was left out is the lack of respect for individuals and property, the teaching that you don’t have to have any level of respect for any authority (except of course the government). The amount of people saying you are being held back instead of you can do it is astounding, the fact that it’s an engrained part of social discourse and a political ploy by a political party is extremely sad. This entire mess, in my opinion, is purposeful, in that in order to enact big change and government control by those who see themselves as the elite, you need social chaos and a bad economy, both are very far into the works, and if anything, are going to come to a head within the next decade at the very latest. The crime, it will continue to get worse, that’s what the media message and the elected officials want and are actively pushing. The young generation, hearing all this, socially manipulated into the same thought process that is starting to boil today, so it will continue to decay as there is no strong voice out there telling kids and adolescents you can do it. It’s crazy that the same people who cry at the top of their lungs about discrimination, are those that do it the most. Like the televised fact that they think all police are bad, etc. Never did I think the people in the US would be so hoodwinked and led down the path we see now.

3 years ago

We should have a lottery to bet on the number of black on black deaths each weekend. A $1.00 chance should make for a good pot.

Candace Warren
Candace Warren
3 years ago

There is increasing evil in this world, as foretold in the Bible. We are as in the days of Noah, when mens hearts were evil all the time, always devising wicked things to do. We have taken God Almighty out of the public eye, out of the schools, and our courts have gone along with the approval of that which is abhored by a Holy Creator God. The evil that men do, is the basis for all the above factors you have offerred as causes for the decline of our society. We will continue to watch this until Christ comes again. God will not be mocked, and His tolerance will reach an end.

3 years ago

Taking God out of schools, promoting ”do as you please” in schools, and failing to teach children the meaning of NO and the consequences of breaking the law!

paulie a schneider
paulie a schneider
3 years ago

we should have more than one choice and other or all

Bob C
Bob C
3 years ago

Its just part of the current Democrat Party playbook. Key elements include dividing us any way they can (race, religion, sex, status (financial), political, etc.). Eliminate God from public discourse and turn tradition on its head. Just read Rules for Radicals to see the whole list. Allowing mayhem in the cities they control is to be expected.

Bruce David
Bruce David
3 years ago

The moral fiber, encouraged by Hollywood & Leftists, has been steadily eroding over the decades and Democratic leaders seem to encourage rather than discourage immoral behavior.

Tim C
Tim C
3 years ago

No consequences for committing bad actions or
actors, releasing a large.amount of felons due to Covert 19, weaknesses in local government elected officials, the media, schools being closed and indoctrination by college professors, school teachers, plus some bad parenting and the defund police movement has caused most of the problems seen and heard about today. Mostly in democratic run cities.

3 years ago

Weak leadership and a failure by the Biden Administration to speak out and take action against the crime wave.

Lewis Oldham
Lewis Oldham
3 years ago

When God is not honored by a nation chaos fills the void of moral fiber.

David Fehringer
David Fehringer
3 years ago

I could have voted for all of the options. I think it is a combination of all of them.

3 years ago

What does every socialist/communist regime have? A state run and controlled national police force.

High crime will eventually be their excuse for the federal government to take over all policing in the name of “public safety”.

3 years ago

We are witnessing the purposeful destruction of American society from within. This crime wave fits the narrative. Its purpose is to convince the majority that state and local policing can’t get the job done. Soon we will hear clamoring from the halls of Congress for a national, centrally controlled police force. Progressivism is a front for the Fascist Oligarchy that is taking control of the entire world. You don’t think so? Consider the power that has been concentrated in the hands of the “tech giants.” Jack Dorsey looks like a skid row bum that’s been sleeping in the same clothes for several months, yet we have given him and a small handful of others the power to silence a duly elected president along with upwards of eighty million voters.

Dennis R
Dennis R
3 years ago

Poll looks like it was written by a liberal (bad behavior?) !! My Choice which was not there:ALL the cities ran by Democrats, had rioting, looting, arson and insurrection (Attacking government facilities: Police stations and courthouses) and the Police we told to stand down!! VP Harris even raised bail money to release these criminals ASAP. This was the DEMOCRATS way of intimating the Presidential election by putting fear into the hearts and minds of the voters!! WAKE UP AMERICA!!

3 years ago

Weaponized liberal media is fomenting divisiveness by sensationalizing race. “If it bleeds it leads” has run amok. The other 800 pound gorilla in the room is the lack of father figures, particularly black ones. This alone is causing most of the problems sensationalized by the news media, which mis-places the blame on law enforcement.

3 years ago

Woe to that nation that call’s good evil and evil good woe to that nation. Judgment is coming people this is just the tip of the iceberg God is going to judge America before he does it’s going to get worse and worse and worse

3 years ago

Seeing the results of the gang, drug problem, robbing, looting, stealing and breaking into homes for drug money.

3 years ago

A lot of good suggestion about the highest crime wave in decades,but it seems everyone missed one reason.MSM who have become the propaganda machine for the democrats.They cover up for Hunter Biden involvement in China,Ukraine,Biden’s brother and Biden himself. news media asking him what kind of ice cream do u like! Does anyone think if that was trump MSM would be asking soft ball question

3 years ago

You should be able to choose more than one answer. All issues aren’t resolved with one thought pattern.

3 years ago

I voted for “Refund the police” in this poll because “None of the Above” wasn’t a choice. The real reason for high crime is our culture of entitlement. Not only is it taught in schools it is also taught in many churches.

Kathleen Coscia
Kathleen Coscia
3 years ago

Our ELECTED aleaders are supposed to work for the people, but acting as if riots are ok isn’t helping people. This should have been taken care of immediately and since it wasn’t, it has given a license to this group that they can run amuk and not be held responsible for thier actions. Sad that these leaders can lose thier job for NOT doing it.

3 years ago

The real crime is what is happening to our kids. Critical race theory being forced on them by our cultist teachers, the idleness caused by stay at home schooling, the removal of history, civics, and all religion (God) from outside influences, and the anti-God allowances of transgender disfigurements. I say eliminate teachers unions and eliminate the Federal Dept of Education. Eliminate the idea that a college education is required for advancement. The current education system is the demi-god leading the destruction upon American values.

Tamara Tarbell
Tamara Tarbell
3 years ago

It was very difficult to pick just one. They are all part of the problem

3 years ago

Leftists are destroying the rule of law. They have turned their backs on GOD and GOD has turned HIS back on the USA.

3 years ago

This happens everytime the democrats control the government. It’s their way of forcing gun control and eventually federalized law enforcemrnt. Socialism and communism is on it’s way if we don’t vote the Liberals out and keep them out.

Larry Taylor
Larry Taylor
3 years ago

Its hars to choose between the first four questions. Definitely not lax gun laws; the highest crime rates are in the cities with the harshest gun control.

3 years ago

Everyone of the practices listed has contributed to the crime wave sweeping our nation, making it hard to pick just one. I greatly appreciate and congratulate the strong conservative/constitutionalist governors who are doing all they can to keep their citizens safe by passing and enforcing laws to that end. These are the practices that have made America great and have kept us strong for over two hundred years.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

ahead Vigilante time if NO cops to defend home & hearth , Lock & Load, Full Auto

3 years ago

God has been successfully removed from the classroom, city hall and now society entirely. We are now seeing what it looks like when we worship Big Government, socialism and the “Save our Planet” movement which is now our modern day Golden Calf.

Jamie Rachels
Jamie Rachels
3 years ago

Defunding and NOT supporting law enforcement is plain idiotic. What did you expect? Get rid of the Blue Line, and out come the creeps out of woodwork, hidey holes and the slime. I don’t want a Police State, either, but anarchy is not an option either.

3 years ago

Do not comply with their nonsense Diktats. Remember, We are the sovereign. Let’s Wake America !

3 years ago

The biggest issue is with the “DEFUND THE POLICE MOVEMENT”. Yields very little respect for the police.

3 years ago

You can’t “fix” adult offenders, but we can mandate that they serve the maximum punishment. The only way to reduce crime, is to start holding the parents responsible for their children’s actions! It all begins in the home!

Penny Forney
Penny Forney
3 years ago

Guns don’t shoot themselves. They are a tool. They can be used for good or for bad just like Facebook.

Cheryl Gardner
Cheryl Gardner
3 years ago


Dorothy Entemann
Dorothy Entemann
3 years ago

Actually all have attributes to what’s going on, plus the dems pushing for war with anyone who doesn’t agree with them since 2016 at least

3 years ago

There are many factors working in unison to cause this “perfect storm” of lawlessness and every bit of it points to the current leadership of this great country. None of this is random!!

Karen Alexander
Karen Alexander
3 years ago

I was disappointed that you did not include in the choices that this nation is continuing to turn away from the Lord in increasing numbers. We can not expect our nation to prosper as a nation when we are unwilling to follow His laws. What we see occurring in our nation only reflects the state of man’s heart without the Lord. “The heart is deceitful and desparately wicked, who can know it.” Jer. 17:9

Jim Ruddy
Jim Ruddy
3 years ago

another large problem is the lax “rules of engagement”, what Police are permitted to do in a particular incident. they are often powerless to do anything

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