
Crime has been on the rise for two years. Causes and consequences can be complicated, but which option below do you believe is at the root of much of it?

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Rush Glick
Rush Glick
2 years ago

I believe it all boils down to our nation having turned its back to God.

2 years ago


2 years ago

“Morality” has been around since day-1 and Cain killed Able. Righteous, swift, consistent punishment is the key.

Cornell Hopkins
Cornell Hopkins
2 years ago

People respond to incentives. Lyndon Johnson’s great society gave strong economic incentives for Moms to have kids with the father not in the home. Two or three generations of fatherless children are now adults and many are in second and third fatherless homes. How can children from homes with only mothers be expected to understand societal norms. We the people created these people who are so asocial. Drugs, crime, violence, vandalism, we have today are the fault of all of us for incentivizing anti family behaviors.

2 years ago

It all started with the douchebag BLM and Antifa riots of 2020. The fake news and Democraps cheered them on, they would not let the Police do their job. Without law and order this is what you get. The Democraps refuse to prosecute criminals, no bail laws. So of course crime is on the rise, just how the libtards want it.

2 years ago

We have phony idiots at the helm of our Country…wake the hell up America!!

2 years ago

Crime is opportunistic, but people with good morals pass up the opportunities, choosing to do the right thing if for no other reason than that it is the right thing to do.

2 years ago

Not enough guns on the streets or in the home. The dummy in the black house wants crime up, up and away so he can comfiscate all guns and sell them to the terrorists.

2 years ago

The first choice is the root of the cause of bad behavior. Also the rise in crime is because there is a lack of hard punishment.

2 years ago

Low or no bail, defund the police, lefty judges, an blacks thinking just because they are black their owed to do crimes. And a lack of respect ,dignity is not taught in the home by fatherless families.

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
2 years ago

We are breeding criminals in fatherless homes. We are not allowing boys to be boys paying more attention to women’s and gay rights than young straight men. When I was a kid if two boys got into it at the school playground a teacher gave them boxing gloves and let them have at it. Therefore, frustrations were eliminated. Today no aggression of any kind is allowed. Pent up frustration explodes later in the form of mass shootings.

Richard Lambert
Richard Lambert
2 years ago

The reason that crime is on the rise is because our judicial system has failed. They are too lenient on criminals so there is nothing to show others that they shouldn’t commit a crime. The penalty for murder is nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

The penalty for any crime involving the use of a firearm should be death. Penalty for rape should be death. Judges aren’t doing their jobs. Police arrest a criminal and the courts let them go. Why should a cop bother to arrest someone. There is too much emphasis on what the police do to a criminal. If you run from a cop, he should have the right to shoot you.

This country is too soft on crime and therefore it will continue to increase.

Tom Zieger
Tom Zieger
2 years ago

What has caused all this crime? A breakdown of the family – parents don’t care about their kids – only how to make them or kill them through abortion. I was beat on when a kid and glad I was. I knew right from wrong even though I did not like it. Then I learned Biblical principles and my God has set me straight. Let’s study our Bibles and learn what God wants from us.

2 years ago


2 years ago

All of the above EXCEPT too many guns!

Eric Yale
Eric Yale
2 years ago

There is no correct answer, all of the possibilities mentioned contributes to crime. The spikes in crime come from lackluster Soros DA’s and scum sucking liberals who use these misfits for their own political agenda, mainly to further their 2A agenda.

2 years ago


Kenneth D.
Kenneth D.
2 years ago

The moral values and standards of discipline and personal accountability and conduct have been deteriorating in America for decades. This social and cultural decay has been fueled exponentially by a bankrupt coalition of the “entertainment” and social medias via violent video games, internet pornography and a social media paradise for predators and perversion. Apathetic or enabling judicial, political and legal cultures have created the perfect petri dish for the development of these putrid outcome.
Now with the departure of the Depression/WWII Generation, who were the last firewall for decency and accountability, all of the bitter fruit planted and nurtured socially, culturally, judicially and politically are falling from the trees……
We have giddily sown to the wind and now reap the whirlwind………..

Martin Nonhof
Martin Nonhof
2 years ago

I think one of the major causes of Children shooting up schools and killing people are video games. They set in front of a screen and get points by how many people they can kill. They see blood splattering everywhere, and people being blown away. Nobody is addressing the violence the children and young adults see for many hours a day in the video games. If you haven’t see any of the games, go to a video arcade, or see what your children or grandchildren are playing for 10 or more hours a day. They can’t separate the difference from games and reality.

Brian Carrozza
Brian Carrozza
2 years ago

Our criminal justice system is dead.
Proof: The members of the Clinton and Biden Crime Families are walking around free.

2 years ago

All the answers apply to some degree, but allowing rampant violence and looting along with efforts to defund and demoralize police contribute the most in my opinion.

Mike W
Mike W
2 years ago

It is more than two years that we have had the increase. After Trump was elected, the liberals in congress started telling people to attack conservatives and chase them out of restaurants or stores. They supported the riots in Oregon and Washington state. In other words they said “If you did not get what you wanted, then it is alright to do whatever you want including looting and killing.” Then they say, “look what guns are doing!!” If we had honest news outlets, We would not be seeing this stuff in the volume we have it.

Lew Rigaud
Lew Rigaud
2 years ago

When you have no consequences for criminal behavior & when you make career criminals heroes this is what happens!!

mark sligh sr
mark sligh sr
2 years ago

Again here is Amac asking a question wanting one answer ,, i didnt take the pole at all but i can damn sure tell you it has to do with everyone of them except Guns , they are a device used by people no different than the car you drive or the knife you use at home, things really started going to hell when you could get arrested for smacking your childs ass for acting up in a store,, and we all know we have the liberals’ to thank for that , GO VOTE PLEASE

Michael Black
Michael Black
2 years ago

FAKE NEWS PROPAGANDA, Democrat party the current Presidential administration and congress policies, RINO devastating CANDY ASS leadership over the decades destroying the constitution The slow destruction of the republic form of government and throwing God out of everything! SOCIALISM IS THE PROBLEM TAX AND SPEND WITH NO RESTRAINT BASICALLY STUPIDITY

2 years ago

First and foremost, no values are taught in the home. Have you been to a school classroom recently? No respect, no fear. Idiot parents calling or texting during school hours. Get a freaking job parents and let those kids learn in school since you have no manners yourself.
Second, there are no consequences. Allow the police to do their job. Stop demonizing them!

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

We should have been able to vote for as many as apply, not just one cause.

2 years ago

I think the “root” answer is that we, as a whole and as a nation, have become complacent and we have walked away from God. We’ve kicked God out of our schools and our courts and, worse than that, many of our churches are becoming more secular and entertainment oriented aimed at filling the pews with words that tickle our fancy rather than guiding us to repent and follow Christ.

Constance Luce
Constance Luce
2 years ago

All of the above! We are like a bunch of ping pong balls being tossed around & which ever one comes up, that’s the issue for now & then we spin again. There is no direction, morals, empathy, family values and so on and so on. Very discouraging & scary times.

2 years ago

I think many of you who responded anything other than “A”, should rethink your responses. The question was “what is at the root”. All that follows are the consequences of the root cause! It’s the same as believing banning firearms will correct the behavior of the killer. No, we need to stop raising killers!

2 years ago

They didn’t make it easy, did they? Looking at this murderer’s row of societal pathologies, it’s easy to see we’re in deep doo do.

John Sorbel
John Sorbel
2 years ago

All of these contribute to the crime issue. That said, a spike starting two years ago was the result of a sudden event. Letting rioters destroy the very neighbors that needed those businesses the most showed me that the grownups are no longer in charge.

Sandra Coyle
Sandra Coyle
2 years ago

This rise in crime is part of the liberal agenda for chaos and destruction of our great country. Next they ruin the economy, raise gas prices to cripple our means of transportation, then try to take away our 2nd Amendment rights. That idiot-in-chief is on national tv talking about famine and power outages across the country this summer. We’re the greatest national on earth and we can’t feed our babies. Summer is going to be hell.

Katie in Georgia
Katie in Georgia
2 years ago

You asked what caused it in the past two years— lack of consequences… BUT the root cause is the disintegration of the family which started with LBJ giving money to women and children as long as Dad wasn’t in the house, then no fault divorce, sex for play not committment, and it all built up to feed the lawlessness which, with no consequences, which gives us todays culture. Gangs give boys the feeling of a family with a Dad in charge. Bring back fathers in the home and gangs will diminish, not disappear, but diminish because most Dads will keep their sons with them..

Frank Mc Carley
Frank Mc Carley
2 years ago

The issue is with the local, state, and federal governments. They have emboldened the criminals by putting them into leadership positions in our government with impunity.

Dave Gorjup
Dave Gorjup
2 years ago

The roots of the current crime epidemic can be traced back to the 1960’s LBJ Great Society. This is when the fed’s started subsidizing single parent households and the loss of father figures in those households. Mom’s are great but cannot adequately substitute for an active father figure in a child’s life. The destruction of the American culture and nuclear family has resulted in what we’re seeing today. It took many years to get here. It’s questionable whether we’ll be able to peacefully recover.

2 years ago

Your polls leave a lot to desire. There’s many reasons that crime is rampant in this country. I couldn’t just vote for one so I didn’t vote. There needs to be a great turning back to God and our faith and Christian values which certainly are lacking. Punishment with just a slap on the hand and freeing dangerous criminals, liberal judges who just let criminals free to roam and commit crimes again.

2 years ago

Evil is the cause and spreading! But God has this and Justice is coming???? Praise the Lord????????

Tom K.
Tom K.
2 years ago

It seems the establishment believes it owns the Ballot box. So now they are coming for our guns. After that it’s all over for freedom and the USA as we know it. Gun laws create soft targets for criminals. Soft targets are responsible for mass shootings. Our children are the establishments “Pigs to the Slaughter”.

2 years ago

Society in general has been denigrated starting w/ leftist Hollywood & pushed by immoral communist Dems

Ed McGlynn
Ed McGlynn
2 years ago

All of them apply, but especially the breakdown of the family unit and its destruction. The government has sought to become the “giver of all good things,” creating an irresponsible electorate and an impossible and economically disastrous goal

2 years ago

All of the top 4 have something to do with it with it. But I voted for morals because that is something that is definitely lacking. There are too many guns in the hands of the wrong people. But the guns are not the problem, it’s the people.

Timothy Yorgan
Timothy Yorgan
2 years ago

We have destroyed the homes of a segment of our society, particularly in the black community. This has the fathers relegated to the role a powerless tenant, particularly as the home is out of wedlock. When the monetary power was given to the women through welfare checks, it replaced the natural order of male head of household, to a matriarch. When young men see this, their natural instinct to be a leader is not nurtured, so they rebel and join gangs…where they can be “men” and what do gangs teach them? If you object to this welfare trap, you are labeled a misogynist or you’re against women’s rights or some such psycho-babel, where you’re accused of starving children or some other vile crap the communists are spreading. If left uncorrected we won’t have a normal thinking majority in our society, to compensate and restore sanity.

2 years ago

This country started in the early 1900’s to turn its back on GOD the Creator. When that happened and we quit choosing light and chose darkness we gave the Demonic power. The progression has been slow and continuous. Many didn’t realize it was happening. Now it is very blatant and hard to miss. Without Light the darkness spreads and we are dealing with the result.

Robert M De Angel
Robert M De Angel
2 years ago

What ever the far left says, ‘Guns do not kill people, people kill people’

Kerri Deal
Kerri Deal
2 years ago

they want our society to be in chaos so they can establish a new world order

2 years ago

The invasion at our Southern border is the major contributor to the increase in crime. Are we to believe that there are no gang organizers, criminal cartels, human traffickers, career criminals and wards from emptied prisons among the millions that have crossed? Only fools would believe otherwise. This puts huge stresses on Law enforcement and Peace Keepers everywhere at the same time there have been stresses due to the lock downs and shut downs and impoverishment of the American people through outrageous Federal spending and the fiat money inflation that followed. The breakdown of home and family, shut downs of our churches, disrespect of our police and deliberate radical policies that cause stress and disorder have all contributed.

2 years ago

I think unfettered immigration without assimilation, and drugs are at the root of much of the crime in our country.

2 years ago

There is no one cause for the rise of crime. It is a result of several factors. The breakdown of the family unit that has kids coming home to an empty house, being unsupervised. It goes back to infants being tossed into daycare situations and being separated from the mother. Seems that it is more important for young families to have 2 incomes than have a nurturing parent at home. Violent video games and rampant internet use are babysitting latchkey kids at an empty house. Add to the fact that liberal judges and D.A.’s are setting career criminals free and the defunding of the police movement has created the “Perfect Storm” for criminals to ravage our country. As a former teacher, I have seen all of these factors come into play as kids go through the educational system.

2 years ago

My first thought, before seeing the choices, was “weak leadership”. I think all choices fall into that category, including the 1st because weak family structure is in part caused by all the handouts and rewards for no jobs, more (welfare) children, take-the-goods-and-run crime, etc.

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