

Which of the following best describes your current feelings about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and its impact on your daily life?

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Dan W.
Dan W.
4 years ago

As as tonight, all restaurants and bars in Illinois cannot offer inside dining (take-out and deliveries are still allowed) for the next two weeks. All public and private schools will be closed as of tomorrow and colleges and universities are conducting classes online. Many business associations are canceling their conventions and people are lining up at grocery stores to buy six months worth of cleaning supplies, canned goods and toilet paper.

No fatalities in Illinois so far but the scope of the virus remains unknown as testing has been minimal to date.

People aren’t panicking (except for the run on toilet paper) but most are taking a wait and see attitude and hope that the current restrictions limit the spread of the virus. However, people seem to be prepared if further restrictions are needed or if current restrictions need to be extended for several weeks.

Brian B
Brian B
4 years ago

The coronavirus has proven to be no more deadly than the seasonal flu. The hype, hysteria and fear-mongering that dominates the media has a political agenda. Power- hungry politicians and unscrupulous media magnates crave public panic. Panic gives politicians an excuse to exercise control over a nation, so as to “fix” the perceived and manufactured danger. In the end, our basic freedoms become the ultimate victims. We have learned enough about the coronavirus in the past few weeks to understand it’s specific dangers to segments of the population. Vulnerable people should be protected through intelligent isolation if necessary. In this instance, the closure of schools, churches and businesses is a “fix” more damaging than the disease itself.

Marie M
Marie M
4 years ago

I agree with Brian B, I could not have said it better, the media is to blame for much of the hysteria and panic.

PR Munro
PR Munro
4 years ago

partial BS, based upon the vote you folks are showing your age!!!

Charles Dahlke
Charles Dahlke
4 years ago

I am not concerned about the virus. My concern is centered around my business and how this will impact that. Additionally, my other concern is how much authority / power the government is going to take during this situation and then not want to relinquish at the end of all of this.

Dan Little
Dan Little
4 years ago

The demonocrats have created a panic in the US to demoralize the American public. They have attempted to lay the foundation for American socialism. Time to destroy the evil within and take our country back.

Betty Thornton
Betty Thornton
4 years ago

I’m 73 with Asthma and had cancer. I’m very concerned and am staying in.

4 years ago

It’s hard to go about normal activities when everything on my calendar for the next two weeks has been cancelled. I think the media is the reason for all the panic.

Laurie Henry
Laurie Henry
4 years ago

I heard George Soros owns the plant in WUHAN, CHINA. Now all this makes sense. A plot to take down the president.

4 years ago

I just lost my part time job that I must have in order to get by!

4 years ago

We are both 67 and retired. We live in the country, so life hasn’t changed that much. We aren’t so concerned about catching the virus ourselves, but we have several in our circle of family and friends that are either immune compromised or are in contact with someone who is. We have chosen to not expose ourselves more than necessary so that we can not spread anything.

Marilyn Breedlove
Marilyn Breedlove
4 years ago

It concerns me that people are not taking this seriously enough. People on this site are in the high risk category. If we don’t do what we are being asked to do to stop the spread of the virus and save lives, we are going to be in the same shape as Italy with our health care system overwhelmed and unable to handle the crisis. Although we do not need to panic, it is urgent that we take the steps being given by the experts. I hope people wake up soon.

Gary Stuber
Gary Stuber
4 years ago

Here in WZV where as of yet there are no reported cases, we have mastered social distancing. My closest neighbor is a mile away.

Steve S
Steve S
4 years ago

Not a very good poll. I would try and have a normal schedule, but can’t because of all the closures and general craziness going on.

Karen Baetz
Karen Baetz
4 years ago

I’m not concerned about the virus at all. The flu is much worse. But now my husband’s construction job has been shut down for 3 weeks and he’s our only source of income. This is all just too convenient being in an election year. I’m actually ticked off.

Brenda Zuzolo
Brenda Zuzolo
4 years ago

I am currently working remotely. But my daughter and son both have to report to workplaces and they live with us. Our son works in our local grocery’s pharmacy. So we keep a close eye on him and his health, especially since he has asthma.

Dawn Walker
Dawn Walker
4 years ago

I am in my mid 50’s and I have less concern about this than the FLU. I agree with Brian S that the media is responsible for all the fear-mongering. I AM concerned however about the political climate that is being pushed with this virus. The Pres. was trying hard to prevent mass hysteria, but the media wouldn’t allow that. Now we have the stock market losing so much, making people re-think their support for our Pres. The leftists are trying to show he is incompetent. Why the “run” on toilet paper????

Anita G
Anita G
4 years ago

I have COPD and I’m worried because this virus could kill me. I’m not ready to tell my family good bye.

Fr. James G Carellas-Greek Orthdox priest
Fr. James G Carellas-Greek Orthdox priest
4 years ago

My concern is that many churches are either closing, or telling people n0t to come and worship. Now more than ever, we need to beg Christ to forgive us for denying Him the great majority of each day, grant us tears of repentance, forgive us, heal us and save us!

David R
David R
4 years ago

When does a declared health emergency usurp our 1st Amendment “the right of the people peaceably to assemble”? The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Rita Ward
Rita Ward
4 years ago

All of the reply’s below hit it exactly.
I feel very strongly it is a political agenda on the part of the far Left/liberals.
They couldn’t take Trump down by impeachment so they’re trying to bring him down by destroying the economy

4 years ago

I’m not as afraid of the virus as I am of the government forced shutdown of businesses. This smells of socialism/communism from WW1+2. This is what happened then and that’s what I fought against with the Navy.

4 years ago

I am cautious and geed the experts’ warnings. However, in the back of my mind I see the MSM and their Democrat and Hollyweird comrades hyping this to an intolerable level. I believe they see this crisis as a way of destroying the Trump presidency. They hope for more misery, death and panic! It’s party over country for the Democrats.

4 years ago

As I have asthma and am 78, I am very concerned. I stay home as much as possible, but will go to church Sunday (they cancelled all other activities). So far have not needed to go out at all. This doesn’t fit any of your options.

4 years ago

Yes, as Brian B said – the liberals are effectively instating socialism and crashing the economy for political gain.

Allen Mulvey
Allen Mulvey
4 years ago

I am more concerned about the economic effects of the over-reaction to this virus. My daughter’s small business is suffering very much. I do not think the government has the authority to restrict activities as they are doing. The NYS governor is using a fake emergency as an excuse to grab power.

David B
David B
4 years ago

China has used this virus of theirs to tank our economy and steal our wealth by buying up bargain-priced stocks. Look it up.

Margaret Pratt
Margaret Pratt
4 years ago

I am not concerned about this virus. I have medical people in my family who have told me what to do to stay healthy at this time. First of all use common sense. People are panicing and it is not necessary. Just do what our parents told us to do when we were young. Wash our hands often, Sneeze into our shoulder or kleenex . Wash hands again. If running a fever stay home and in bed. Like I said common sense. I am 71 years old and in good health.

4 years ago

Doesn’t cover the nuances. I don’t normally participate in social gatherings, so not doing so now is not a change. The major danger now is the way in which panic is causing people to buy out certain products in the grocery store. If they had been preparing all along, there would have been no such need and no such panic. Masses of people in the grocery store to buy out products is a major risk factor when it comes to social gatherings. I have heard that the government might prepare boxes of food and you take what you can get. This will not work for me because of multiple allergies and food avoidances. The foods I do eat would not be included. I doubt if there will be exceptions for people like me. For example, I am allergic to onions. Probably 95% of prepared foods (cans of soup, for instance) contain onions. I also avoid GMO ingredients. Probably 95% of prepared foods contain at least one such ingredient. So I am hoping they do not resort to that, but if people keep mobbing grocery stores, they probably will.

Maureen O'Connell
Maureen O'Connell
4 years ago

I think this virus tho it can be deadly, is not as bad as they’re telling us. To practice common sense and good hygiene is important but To hear about it 24/7 is annoying.

4 years ago

YES !! I also agree with Brian B. Well said.
It “almost” seems like a trial run for Martial Law. One heck of a run .
Hmmmmmm, SMH !!
Just Sayin !!

Michael Hagen
Michael Hagen
4 years ago

This is the Media Virus. Hyped up springtime flu for the election year. Trying to trip up President Trump so they can blame every death on him.

Bonnie Parr
Bonnie Parr
4 years ago

With all the restrictions & bans you can’t continue your normal life. It appears to be totally crazy and the media again is feeding the panic. Let’s hear about the people who have had it and survived !!

4 years ago

I work in a hospital as a respiratory therapist – so far it’s been much ado about nothing. We are gearing up and staff is getting screened before they contact patients, as well as measures taken for patients possibly infected. That being said, we have had ZERO cases so far in my hospital in Wisconsin. We are having many, many flu cases, however. I think this coronavirus is a myth and a hoax and being completely blown out of proportion by politics and the media. Where will it end?

Teresa O
Teresa O
4 years ago

Thank you Fake News and liberal politicians for causing a mass panic. Makes one wonder what is really going one? One might think the intentions of the democrats might be a bit devious…

Michael D
Michael D
4 years ago

I agree with many of the others that have posted concern about this being political. I understand the posturing necessary by Pres. Trump to combat the left & liberal media, however, tell me how a huge bailout is any different than what the left is proposing for the future of our country (pay people to stay home & do nothing)??? The only way to pay for the bailout is to raise taxes or print money (devalue the dollar). Neither are good solutions. Stop the bailouts. Stop the hype. Treat those that get sick with cost effective, PROVEN approaches including high dose vitamin C/trace minerals, homeopathy, etc. Viral infections have been treated successfully for thousands of years. Stop the insane spending and look to what has been proven effective historically.

JoAnn Leichliter
JoAnn Leichliter
4 years ago

It is too soon to say with certainty what effect COVID-19 might have or might have had if we did not take precautions. It is no big deal for me to limit my social contacts, and if I need something I get it early in the morning when there are no crowds–or my son gets it for me. Italy got blindsided because the large Chinese population in the north (Italy’s industrial area) went home–many to Wuhan–for the holiday, then returned. The rest is history. Italy is the only “Belt and Road” participant in Europe.

Norm S
Norm S
4 years ago

This entire response to the virus is ridiculous and scares me far more than the virus! Where was all the over top response with all the prior virus’s? And what is perplexing is that this response does not work, can’t work and most thinking people understand that fact. All that will come from this is to destroy our economy and bolster inflation…again! Unfortunately, I suspect there are powerful people that want to destroy our economy. It’s working.

Mike Mcc
Mike Mcc
4 years ago

I’m a California dentist age 74 with asthma. Per the California Dental Association strong recommendations, we have closed for 2 weeks except for an emergency.

4 years ago

I will not live in fear and avoid listening to the “Fake News” media. Common sense. Hopefully, the Coronavirus will end the dependency on foreign goods, especially medicine. Trump 2020 ??

4 years ago

This is no worse than the flu. It is the Democrats who are trying to destroy our president. When Obama was president 10,000 people died from the H1N1, but no one vilified him or tried to destroy him. This is nothing more than political hype, and everyone is panicking because of it.

George Jetton
George Jetton
4 years ago

I believe that the Dems and Chineese or working together to oust Trump. The Chineese don’t give a flip about their own population except down size it, What better way than this? I’m 88 years old and I have been to China, I don’t put anything past them. Trump has been pressured into most of this closures. If anything the Dems have done the past 3 years it is to make sure that I will never vote Dem again.

R fox
R fox
4 years ago

Total HOAX..middle tn lost 10 children to the flu this year..where is the outcry. Wake up people this is a dems ploy and if we keep voting the Pelosi’s of the world in,we deserve what we get. God is on His throne but He has got to be as sick of our stupidity. I am

4 years ago

I am more afraid of the mass hysteria than I am of the actual virus. All these businesses closing, mine soom. what will we do? How will we pay bills and rent? I live in an area where I rely on well water that is undrinkable. There is none to be found in stores, This concerns me.

John Jimenez
John Jimenez
4 years ago

I agree with Brian B. The lame stream media is to blame for all the hysteria or over hype of the situation. Politics and media just trying to take advantage of this situation. ??

Dorothy Taylor
Dorothy Taylor
4 years ago

The numbers do not measure up to a pandemic in my mind. Having lost 3 very close family members (on my father’s side) in the 1918 flu epidemic I resent the powers that be labeling this virus as such. Just compare the numbers who die EVERY year from the annual flu attack and you will see my point.
As members of the “elderly” who always are noted to be the most endangered by any “outbreak,” I am sick to death of all the hoarding and nonsense that has accompanied this virus. All virus attacks are serious and the safeguards for them need to be based on common sense, not panic and misplaced fears. My husband and I are staying at home because we can afford to do that but we also have doctor appts. that are vital to us remaining healthy and we are seeing to those as well. We’re eating a healthy diet (as is our normal practice) and getting the rest our “elderly” bodies require. Overreacting is never a good idea and closing down our entire network of businesses and recreational settings is just plain stupid!

Kathleen Howard
Kathleen Howard
4 years ago

At a time when we need prayer, I am disappointed that all churches have stopped all services and gatherings. Personally, I will be praying more at home. Sadly, all of my daily routines outside of the home have been discontinued. So, I will have a fabulous yard this year. Looking to be out of doors as much as possible.

Frances Simpson
Frances Simpson
4 years ago

It seems that there is a lot of confusion that is unnecessary. I am 70 and my husband is 73. We are more concerned over the climate of socialism that is prevalent in our country!

4 years ago

Fear mongering by the media and political left is absolutely sick

4 years ago

The people that I am concerned about are the ones that are part-time and possibly working 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet. They know that they will be in a world of hurt when the stores close for 2 weeks as they are usually operating on a ‘shoestring’.

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