Most of the money I spend is on gasoline and groceries. When I need gas, I need it, so I don’t worry about what the corporate bigwigs think about anything. The exception is Citgo, which I MIGHT consider putting in my van if they paid me to take it. At the grocery store, it’s mostly milk and produce. Who knows what a banana thinks about anything?
3 years ago
I don’t call this wokeness, I call it “pandering”. These corporations could care less about the people who they supposedly are supporting, it’s only about their bottom line. Problem is that it’s so obvious and more folks are insulted by this that it hurts more than it helps.
Bruce David
3 years ago
We now boycott many leftist leaning enterprises including Amazon, Kohl’s, Coke, Levis, Papa John’s and others which air anti-free speech, anti-2nd Amendment & other socialist crap.
3 years ago
I stopped buying from Dollar General, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Coca Cola, Kohl’s. Starbucks. When you are an American business in the United States of America you should keep your nose out of politics & stay NEUTRAL!!
3 years ago
I also drive by the Citgo to get another brand. It’s very hard to find things made in USA . Nearly all apple juice, for instance, has apples grown in China. Germany, and other countries while our Apple growers are suffering.
Most kitchen utensils are made in China.
3 years ago
I no longer watch pro sports due to players stance on political issues. The same goes for traditional brick & mortar stores & online retailers. Congressional representatives like AOC have me very concerned about the future of American Freedoms.
3 years ago
I go out of my way to NOT patronize those “woke” companies.
Terry Baugh
3 years ago
My wife kicked her Coke habit of over 30 years. She won’t touch it and hopes many other like minded people somehow cause enough negative impact to at least show up in their financial statements
3 years ago
Haven’t shopped at Target for years, ever since it became corporate policy to allow biological men into their women’s fitting rooms & rest rooms. Haven’t shopped at Bed, Bath & Beyond ever since they cancelled Mike Lindell. I will look everywhere else first (including manufacturer’s websites) before buying things on Amazon as a last resort. I try not to shop at places that ideologically hate me.
Tom M
3 years ago
I have been cutting back as much as possible using woke supporting products. I have managed to cut back my Amazon buys about 90% over the last year. it’s impossible to know every company that supports this woke crap, but my hit list keeps growing. That includes big tech and pharma.
Mary W
3 years ago
Along with stores and products, I have given up MLB, NFL & NBA in sports and I no longer use any social media platform. I pray that people everywhere will repent of our sins and turn to the Lord to be saved before it is too late. No government or Social Organization can heal our land. The Lord God Almighty is the only answer and He is waiting for us to trust Him.
3 years ago
Absolutely! And I don’t buy things made in China.
John R.
3 years ago
Haven’t shopped at Target for over three years, recently removed Kohl’s from my email list, planning on removing more soon. It’s sad when “giant” corporations have to appease a small minority of people–they don’t care about the rest of us.
3 years ago
I have been buying a lot of ammunition and freeze dried foods lately.
Tom Cassity
3 years ago
Your poll is poorly structured. Yes, I pay a LOT of attention to “wokeness”. There are brands and stores now that I absolutely will not utilize because of their bowing down to marxism. This extends to my stock choices as well.
Your poll doesn’t measure how negatively the corporate “wokeness” is viewed.
J Rea
3 years ago
I wont wear my MLB logo shirts and wont by Coke products. I wont buy Nike or fly Delta. There is much more we should do but it is impossible to keep up with all the Corporate Craziness. And while I support my Church and many charities, I watch what they do and say. ( I did stop giving to the Peter’s Pence collection that goes to Pope Francis)
Anthony Dembek
3 years ago
I avoid stores and brands that proclaim their sensitivity while they ignore the obvious racism, ignorance and hatred spewed by the “thought police”. They can be “woke” without my dollars.
3 years ago
I will not shop at Kohl’s. I will not shop at Target. There are a few more that I am debating.
3 years ago
I won’t buy from those co that cave in to this BS.
3 years ago
It’s hard to keep up with these so called Corporations that believe they are representing the people by going along with the radical left government we have. They should just stay out of it and do what they know produce and sell products. Let the people decide if they want the product. Now there are a lot of products out there I would love to buy but will NOT! And I try everything possible to not buy from Amazon thought that one is hard if you really need the product. I look around directly and even if more I’ll buy from them. We bought from “My Pillows” even though with the discount they were more than I would pay for pillows. And as another thought, try to find things not made in China, now that’s a tough one. I know cause I always check and want to buy American made.
3 years ago
I wish you’d make a list of the companies, in case we’ve missed done along the way.
3 years ago
Money talks and BS walks! They want to be “woke”, then test their fake values and principles and don’t financially support their stupidity! Then we’ll see how dedicated they really are about trying to dictate to their consumers.
3 years ago
I avoid, as much as possible, products and businesses/organizations that claim to be “woke”! I can’t understand why so many people and institutions, etc. are caving in and catering to such an insignificant portion of the population! Our long-standing standards and morals are going out the window, and the world is much worse off for it!
3 years ago
Stopped buying from Amazon years ago. Quit buying from REI and dropped their credit card. Never shopped at Target. I avoid Dick’s Sporting Goods. Now I have added Coca-Cola, Nike, Goodyear, and quite a few other to my list of products I won’t buy. I actually removed the Goodyear tires from my truck. I dropped Fitbit and stopped my contract with Peloton last year over their support of BLM. I stopped buying from and Petsmart for the same reason. I never did like Apple and don’t use their products. I only use Blackview phones (waterproof, crushproof) built in Hong Kong and I buy direct. I don’t use Google search or Google browsers, instead have switched to Duck Duck Go and Brave browser (much better btw). I boycott any website that carries a BLM banner. I finally dropped my subscription to the Wall Street Journal after they tried to claim Proud Boys was the group behind the Jan. 6 protests. I dropped cable and Sirius just so that I would not be putting money into the pockets of CNN and MSNBC, which get paid for your cable subscription even if you never watch them. When my local newspaper sends me offers to subscribe I send it back marked “FAKE NEWS” in their postpaid envelope. They buy most of their news articles from NYT and WAPO. Go woke, go broke.
3 years ago
I agree with one of the other polsters who said they would like a list of companies. You might have a company that you won’t buy from but we don’t always know the other brands and companies that they own. I’m not sure how to find out. For example, you know Coca Cola owns more than just Coca Cola.
3 years ago
I am being more aware and proactive on NOT spending my money on this liberal, woke, socialist, communist, progressive criminal CRAP! Not watching the disgusting whinning millionaire club, the NFL, now that they are going to play a, National Black Anthem, before each game starting Aug., 5th.
Whatever that is. And they are going to paint the end zones with woke slogans. Pure insanity.
Terri G
3 years ago
For a list of some ‘woke’ companies, check out those that cancelled the My Pillow company..
3 years ago
We try to avoid the big ones and also we shop at our small local business whenever possible. I closed my Amazon account months ago and we no longer buy coke products. There are more where we don’t shop but it is hard to know who is who! We are off of Fakebook as well in our household!
3 years ago
Absolutely! We avoid all products and services from all companies that have stepped into the woke politics that have divided us. Ex; no coke products including all their subsidiaries.
Jim VH
3 years ago
Absolutely watch where the money goes. More to local mom and pop stores instead of the big name places. It is pretty much impossible to keep up with all of the woke people, places, sports, and businesses but if you do what you can sooner or later it will make a difference. On a side note, again with the unsure voters. Really you are unsure of how or where you spend your money? If anyone has the question “how did the country get this bad” look no further than the unsure responders. Pretty woke themselves.
Dennis R
3 years ago
They cannot have it both ways INSULT & CONDEMN the Majority and KISS UP and PANDER to the minority!! Pretty stupid CEO’S…Don’t buy Coke!!
Donald Merchant
3 years ago
As a Coca Cola consumer for most of my life I will no longer purchase any of their products. There are many products on the market as good or better.Lost me forever. Any corporation weak enough to cave in to the anti American woke left will not get any of my money. This includes spoiled overpaid pro athletes and MLB, NFL, NBA etc. No longer a fan.
3 years ago
I DO NOT support woke companies. No Coke in my house!
3 years ago
As horrifying that the political arena has become, I’m happy to be doing a small part for the right side now…paying attention, watching, waiting, listening, and acting when & where possible.
Donna Mcdaniel
3 years ago
I do not support any company that promotes this propaganda! Why are a few radicals influencing such large corporations such as Coca Cola is beyond me!
3 years ago
I do not support the companies that I know, but don’t seek them out. Starbucks and Coke were easy, neither are good. There are a lot of better sandwiches than Subway, so don’t need them. Most of my support went to MLB and I don’t miss it at all, I hope they lose money on the All Star Game. NFL lost me years ago. I will never watch the Olympics again, Amazon lost alot of my business, if I can get the items elsewhere.
3 years ago
I think your poll is very poorly worded. I am much more cognizant of how and where I spend my dollars, but I am AVOIDING “woke” businesses and products, etc., NOT spending my money to SUPPORT them!!! I think a lot of people chose the first answer, thinking the way I do, (avoiding, not supporting “woke” products, services, businesses, etc.) so that will really mess up your results!
3 years ago
Way to go, Ozy! No Coke in our house, either. No Delta Airlines, either. This whole “follow the flock off the cliff” thing the Left is inspiring and getting away with is waking up a LOT of people to the horrible things on their agenda. God will have the last word.
3 years ago
I’ve heard “radicals” purchase one share of a company’s stock to attend the Annual meeting and press the boards with more and more RADICAL (WOKE) ideas!!! I’m looking at SELLING the stocks of companies that crumble to WOKENESS!!! NO COKE IN THIS HOUSE EITHER!!!
3 years ago
Absolutely yes! We will intentionally shift to a different product/company that does not attack our beliefs and priorities. MLB done! Cocoa Cola done! Starbucks never (besides the coffee stinks!). The list seems to continuously grow.
Tony D.
3 years ago
I refuse to finance my enemies! And, anyone who does is a fool.
3 years ago
Every woke company product for which I can find an alternative, I have done and will continue to do. It actually has not been that hard and in some cases saved money. I’m cancelling all woke credit card providers, changing soft drinks , no longer fly, and am still looking for that complete list of woke corporates so I can continue to look elsewhere. The only two I’ve been unable to totally substitute are Amazon and Home depot, but if others offer a same product at the same price I will choose them. Don’t think I will ever get over the move of the All Star Game – that was undeserved and ABSOLUTELY none of MLB’s business. I still love the Braves (even as bad as they’re playing) but have no use for MLB, to the point of not watching any of the All Star Game events this year – for the first time ever. Disappointingly MLB has gone the way of the NBA, NFL and the the NCAA is trying their best to get as woke as possible. The Olympics are also history for me after the woke flag event. No more donations, no more merchandise and no more watching – and I have never missed one until this year. Tokyo, cancel if you like – it no longer matters to me.
Eugene E. Eckerson
3 years ago
So many corporations, particularly sports franchises, have turned their backs on the very people who made them the behemoths they are today. They have forgotten about the working folks who built this country. I agree with Rush: ‘Get woke, go broke.’ I not only don’t shop/spend with ‘woke’ companies, but I discourage others as well.
James Wright
3 years ago
I would like to see posted, a list of the businesses and corporations that subscribe to the woke theory. Where can I find such a list. I already don’t drink Coke.
Charles & Cheryl Johnson Johnson
3 years ago
Yes. I refuse to shop at WOKE stores and use WOKE products.
3 years ago
Want to weed out the “woke”, many times all you have to do is watch their commercials. Talk about a new lack of diversity!
Kimberly Thomas Collins
3 years ago
I can honestly say I have stopped drinking cokes, eating out at certain establishments and purchasing products from certain businesses. I’m saving a lot of money just by boycotting all sports, movies music etc. I refuse to support company that’s trying to push their politics down my throat . I’m saying money and enjoying much more time doing things with my family!
Richard Horner
3 years ago
I will go without before I shop at one of these woke companies. They can all kiss my grits!
Mary Proctor
3 years ago
I DO NOT patronize businesses that that support the Left in any way. I cancelled my local newspaper which I had subscribed to for over 40 years, I stopped watching ABC, CBS, & NBC in 2016 and I refuse to watch anything on their stations. Saw in Target childrens’ “gay” oriented clothing & toys – NO MORE target for me. I THINK FOR MYSELF and abhor what is happening to this country.
3 years ago
I have nothing to do with pro sports – football, basketball, etc. Living in a rural area, I have to buy from the internet a lot, but try to purchase items from non-woke companies. Even locally, I do not buy Coke or other products I know are supporting this goofy idea.
Most of the money I spend is on gasoline and groceries. When I need gas, I need it, so I don’t worry about what the corporate bigwigs think about anything. The exception is Citgo, which I MIGHT consider putting in my van if they paid me to take it. At the grocery store, it’s mostly milk and produce. Who knows what a banana thinks about anything?
I don’t call this wokeness, I call it “pandering”. These corporations could care less about the people who they supposedly are supporting, it’s only about their bottom line. Problem is that it’s so obvious and more folks are insulted by this that it hurts more than it helps.
We now boycott many leftist leaning enterprises including Amazon, Kohl’s, Coke, Levis, Papa John’s and others which air anti-free speech, anti-2nd Amendment & other socialist crap.
I stopped buying from Dollar General, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Coca Cola, Kohl’s. Starbucks. When you are an American business in the United States of America you should keep your nose out of politics & stay NEUTRAL!!
I also drive by the Citgo to get another brand. It’s very hard to find things made in USA . Nearly all apple juice, for instance, has apples grown in China. Germany, and other countries while our Apple growers are suffering.
Most kitchen utensils are made in China.
I no longer watch pro sports due to players stance on political issues. The same goes for traditional brick & mortar stores & online retailers. Congressional representatives like AOC have me very concerned about the future of American Freedoms.
I go out of my way to NOT patronize those “woke” companies.
My wife kicked her Coke habit of over 30 years. She won’t touch it and hopes many other like minded people somehow cause enough negative impact to at least show up in their financial statements
Haven’t shopped at Target for years, ever since it became corporate policy to allow biological men into their women’s fitting rooms & rest rooms. Haven’t shopped at Bed, Bath & Beyond ever since they cancelled Mike Lindell. I will look everywhere else first (including manufacturer’s websites) before buying things on Amazon as a last resort. I try not to shop at places that ideologically hate me.
I have been cutting back as much as possible using woke supporting products. I have managed to cut back my Amazon buys about 90% over the last year. it’s impossible to know every company that supports this woke crap, but my hit list keeps growing. That includes big tech and pharma.
Along with stores and products, I have given up MLB, NFL & NBA in sports and I no longer use any social media platform. I pray that people everywhere will repent of our sins and turn to the Lord to be saved before it is too late. No government or Social Organization can heal our land. The Lord God Almighty is the only answer and He is waiting for us to trust Him.
Absolutely! And I don’t buy things made in China.
Haven’t shopped at Target for over three years, recently removed Kohl’s from my email list, planning on removing more soon. It’s sad when “giant” corporations have to appease a small minority of people–they don’t care about the rest of us.
I have been buying a lot of ammunition and freeze dried foods lately.
Your poll is poorly structured. Yes, I pay a LOT of attention to “wokeness”. There are brands and stores now that I absolutely will not utilize because of their bowing down to marxism. This extends to my stock choices as well.
Your poll doesn’t measure how negatively the corporate “wokeness” is viewed.
I wont wear my MLB logo shirts and wont by Coke products. I wont buy Nike or fly Delta. There is much more we should do but it is impossible to keep up with all the Corporate Craziness. And while I support my Church and many charities, I watch what they do and say. ( I did stop giving to the Peter’s Pence collection that goes to Pope Francis)
I avoid stores and brands that proclaim their sensitivity while they ignore the obvious racism, ignorance and hatred spewed by the “thought police”. They can be “woke” without my dollars.
I will not shop at Kohl’s. I will not shop at Target. There are a few more that I am debating.
I won’t buy from those co that cave in to this BS.
It’s hard to keep up with these so called Corporations that believe they are representing the people by going along with the radical left government we have. They should just stay out of it and do what they know produce and sell products. Let the people decide if they want the product. Now there are a lot of products out there I would love to buy but will NOT! And I try everything possible to not buy from Amazon thought that one is hard if you really need the product. I look around directly and even if more I’ll buy from them. We bought from “My Pillows” even though with the discount they were more than I would pay for pillows. And as another thought, try to find things not made in China, now that’s a tough one. I know cause I always check and want to buy American made.
I wish you’d make a list of the companies, in case we’ve missed done along the way.
Money talks and BS walks! They want to be “woke”, then test their fake values and principles and don’t financially support their stupidity! Then we’ll see how dedicated they really are about trying to dictate to their consumers.
I avoid, as much as possible, products and businesses/organizations that claim to be “woke”! I can’t understand why so many people and institutions, etc. are caving in and catering to such an insignificant portion of the population! Our long-standing standards and morals are going out the window, and the world is much worse off for it!
Stopped buying from Amazon years ago. Quit buying from REI and dropped their credit card. Never shopped at Target. I avoid Dick’s Sporting Goods. Now I have added Coca-Cola, Nike, Goodyear, and quite a few other to my list of products I won’t buy. I actually removed the Goodyear tires from my truck. I dropped Fitbit and stopped my contract with Peloton last year over their support of BLM. I stopped buying from and Petsmart for the same reason. I never did like Apple and don’t use their products. I only use Blackview phones (waterproof, crushproof) built in Hong Kong and I buy direct. I don’t use Google search or Google browsers, instead have switched to Duck Duck Go and Brave browser (much better btw). I boycott any website that carries a BLM banner. I finally dropped my subscription to the Wall Street Journal after they tried to claim Proud Boys was the group behind the Jan. 6 protests. I dropped cable and Sirius just so that I would not be putting money into the pockets of CNN and MSNBC, which get paid for your cable subscription even if you never watch them. When my local newspaper sends me offers to subscribe I send it back marked “FAKE NEWS” in their postpaid envelope. They buy most of their news articles from NYT and WAPO. Go woke, go broke.
I agree with one of the other polsters who said they would like a list of companies. You might have a company that you won’t buy from but we don’t always know the other brands and companies that they own. I’m not sure how to find out. For example, you know Coca Cola owns more than just Coca Cola.
I am being more aware and proactive on NOT spending my money on this liberal, woke, socialist, communist, progressive criminal CRAP! Not watching the disgusting whinning millionaire club, the NFL, now that they are going to play a, National Black Anthem, before each game starting Aug., 5th.
Whatever that is. And they are going to paint the end zones with woke slogans. Pure insanity.
For a list of some ‘woke’ companies, check out those that cancelled the My Pillow company..
We try to avoid the big ones and also we shop at our small local business whenever possible. I closed my Amazon account months ago and we no longer buy coke products. There are more where we don’t shop but it is hard to know who is who! We are off of Fakebook as well in our household!
Absolutely! We avoid all products and services from all companies that have stepped into the woke politics that have divided us. Ex; no coke products including all their subsidiaries.
Absolutely watch where the money goes. More to local mom and pop stores instead of the big name places. It is pretty much impossible to keep up with all of the woke people, places, sports, and businesses but if you do what you can sooner or later it will make a difference. On a side note, again with the unsure voters. Really you are unsure of how or where you spend your money? If anyone has the question “how did the country get this bad” look no further than the unsure responders. Pretty woke themselves.
They cannot have it both ways INSULT & CONDEMN the Majority and KISS UP and PANDER to the minority!! Pretty stupid CEO’S…Don’t buy Coke!!
As a Coca Cola consumer for most of my life I will no longer purchase any of their products. There are many products on the market as good or better.Lost me forever. Any corporation weak enough to cave in to the anti American woke left will not get any of my money. This includes spoiled overpaid pro athletes and MLB, NFL, NBA etc. No longer a fan.
I DO NOT support woke companies. No Coke in my house!
As horrifying that the political arena has become, I’m happy to be doing a small part for the right side now…paying attention, watching, waiting, listening, and acting when & where possible.
I do not support any company that promotes this propaganda! Why are a few radicals influencing such large corporations such as Coca Cola is beyond me!
I do not support the companies that I know, but don’t seek them out. Starbucks and Coke were easy, neither are good. There are a lot of better sandwiches than Subway, so don’t need them. Most of my support went to MLB and I don’t miss it at all, I hope they lose money on the All Star Game. NFL lost me years ago. I will never watch the Olympics again, Amazon lost alot of my business, if I can get the items elsewhere.
I think your poll is very poorly worded. I am much more cognizant of how and where I spend my dollars, but I am AVOIDING “woke” businesses and products, etc., NOT spending my money to SUPPORT them!!! I think a lot of people chose the first answer, thinking the way I do, (avoiding, not supporting “woke” products, services, businesses, etc.) so that will really mess up your results!
Way to go, Ozy! No Coke in our house, either. No Delta Airlines, either. This whole “follow the flock off the cliff” thing the Left is inspiring and getting away with is waking up a LOT of people to the horrible things on their agenda. God will have the last word.
I’ve heard “radicals” purchase one share of a company’s stock to attend the Annual meeting and press the boards with more and more RADICAL (WOKE) ideas!!! I’m looking at SELLING the stocks of companies that crumble to WOKENESS!!! NO COKE IN THIS HOUSE EITHER!!!
Absolutely yes! We will intentionally shift to a different product/company that does not attack our beliefs and priorities. MLB done! Cocoa Cola done! Starbucks never (besides the coffee stinks!). The list seems to continuously grow.
I refuse to finance my enemies! And, anyone who does is a fool.
Every woke company product for which I can find an alternative, I have done and will continue to do. It actually has not been that hard and in some cases saved money. I’m cancelling all woke credit card providers, changing soft drinks , no longer fly, and am still looking for that complete list of woke corporates so I can continue to look elsewhere. The only two I’ve been unable to totally substitute are Amazon and Home depot, but if others offer a same product at the same price I will choose them. Don’t think I will ever get over the move of the All Star Game – that was undeserved and ABSOLUTELY none of MLB’s business. I still love the Braves (even as bad as they’re playing) but have no use for MLB, to the point of not watching any of the All Star Game events this year – for the first time ever. Disappointingly MLB has gone the way of the NBA, NFL and the the NCAA is trying their best to get as woke as possible. The Olympics are also history for me after the woke flag event. No more donations, no more merchandise and no more watching – and I have never missed one until this year. Tokyo, cancel if you like – it no longer matters to me.
So many corporations, particularly sports franchises, have turned their backs on the very people who made them the behemoths they are today. They have forgotten about the working folks who built this country. I agree with Rush: ‘Get woke, go broke.’ I not only don’t shop/spend with ‘woke’ companies, but I discourage others as well.
I would like to see posted, a list of the businesses and corporations that subscribe to the woke theory. Where can I find such a list. I already don’t drink Coke.
Yes. I refuse to shop at WOKE stores and use WOKE products.
Want to weed out the “woke”, many times all you have to do is watch their commercials. Talk about a new lack of diversity!
I can honestly say I have stopped drinking cokes, eating out at certain establishments and purchasing products from certain businesses. I’m saving a lot of money just by boycotting all sports, movies music etc. I refuse to support company that’s trying to push their politics down my throat . I’m saying money and enjoying much more time doing things with my family!
I will go without before I shop at one of these woke companies. They can all kiss my grits!
I DO NOT patronize businesses that that support the Left in any way. I cancelled my local newspaper which I had subscribed to for over 40 years, I stopped watching ABC, CBS, & NBC in 2016 and I refuse to watch anything on their stations. Saw in Target childrens’ “gay” oriented clothing & toys – NO MORE target for me. I THINK FOR MYSELF and abhor what is happening to this country.
I have nothing to do with pro sports – football, basketball, etc. Living in a rural area, I have to buy from the internet a lot, but try to purchase items from non-woke companies. Even locally, I do not buy Coke or other products I know are supporting this goofy idea.