
The Article V Convention of States is gaining traction all over the country. How do you feel about the Convention of States?

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5 years ago

If the convention of states gives POTUS Trump more power to enact his winning legislation and winning ECONOMIC PROGRAMS, THEN I AM 10,000% FOR IT!

5 years ago

I believe that it should have happened a long time ago. It’s never good to wait till the bou is under water to start bailing the ship.

Eugene Humbert
Eugene Humbert
5 years ago

Only if we prevent the liberals from stacking the deck in their favor. Be careful of what you wish for. A constitutional convention could backfire on us and leave out personal protections, like the 2nd amendment, and the 5th amendment.

5 years ago

Holding a Convention of States to change any one of those selected, or added, would be a disaster. The Socialist Democrats and power – hungry Senators on both side of the isle would never come to an agreement
The Convention would go on and on for the next century.


5 years ago

The current resolution is too broad. Should be limited to congressional term limits, pay, and benefits ( in clouding retirement)

5 years ago

If our U.S. Congress continues to focus on its own political agendas (those House members, for example, who have been focusing all of their time and energy on impeachment) instead of serving the American people, then the American people need to either bypass Congress or replace them.

Emily Cooper
Emily Cooper
5 years ago

I just read the article in your magazine and after watching the debacle of impeachment feel we now need to help drain the swamp in DC. Mr trump needs our help!

5 years ago

Those elected are not even doing their ‘part-time’ job. So why leave them to continue to live off the Washington D.C. sugar tit!

Gregory Diamond
Gregory Diamond
5 years ago

Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time”. That said, it takes both chambers of 34 state legislatures to call for a convention; then, both chambers of 38 states to ratify. In our wildest fears, how could there ever be a runaway convention? At best, that position is sincere ignorance or worst, sincere conniving. During the 2016 presidential election, then candidate Trump said to the black communities, “what have you got to lose?” and three years later, we have record unemployment for all ethnic minorities! Our federal branches of government are so broken, partisan, and unresponsive to “we the people”, what have we got to lose? If not now, then when; if not us, then who? Our founding fathers gave us this Article V Convention of States for such a time as this!

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
5 years ago

Our wise founders would not have allowed for a “Convention of States ” under the provisions of Article V of the Constitution if they feared a “runaway convention “.
I trust the wisdom of Madison, Hamilton, Adam’s, et al more so than that of the contemporary denizens within the beltway.

Anna Petrocelli
Anna Petrocelli
5 years ago

I also just read the article, and I am even more scared than before. I do not trust the Left or any others who think their agenda is more important than the others. I worry about this country that some day we will have a revolution with the way we are going giving permission to question The Constitution………

Roy Jones
Roy Jones
5 years ago

If we don’t get term limits enacted, the Democrats will just keep electing dinosaurs like Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and Chuck Schumer. Just saying the ballot box gives us term limits is disingenuous at best: people in conservative states can’t vote in New York or California, and the voters in NY and CA will keep electing their entrenched liberals long after they are dead. (There are a few Republicans who need to be put out to pasture, too; but incumbents always have an advantage.) A Convention of States is the necessary first step toward term limits.

4 years ago

We need term limits on congress and the courts desperately. Implementing it yesterday would not be soon enough. Mark Levin’s book The Liberty Amendments is a brilliant book about just what needs to be done to help save our country. Read it!

4 years ago



Jean Curiotto
Jean Curiotto
4 years ago

Would like to see discussion on vaccines

Dennis Bummper
Dennis Bummper
4 years ago

I agree there should be limits if a convention occurs. Be “careful what you wish for” is correct. It may turn out to be a Pandora’s box or a trojan horse if driven by the left. The problem is not the Constitution, it’s the lack of adherence to it as it already stands. What makes you think it will be honestly followed with the amendments and rewrites of a convention, when it is not being followed now? I believe the framer’s had divine guidance and it cannot be any better written than it is today. As for term limits, I think they are self-defeating where good people are concerned. The solution already exists: If a politician is bad, vote them out!

Dennis Bummper
Dennis Bummper
4 years ago

Further on term limits, what makes you think a lame duck politician will not go full-out corruption at the end, knowing they will not have to answer to the voters? With term limits, they will go out in bunches. The temptation for corruption without accountability will be too great. I am opposed to term limits and further opposed to a COS, which by nature is too broad in scope and dangerous to the Republic.

Nancy Gonsowski
Nancy Gonsowski
4 years ago

I believe a lot can be gained by “We the people” trying to adjust the things that we have all hoped for. Term limits for the house and senate for one. That may solve a lot of problems that we face over and over. Also I’ve not heard of any job where the employees can dictate their salary and the allotment of the expenses they are allowed each and every year. The waste in Washington alone is staggering. Another thing is the lobby force in Washington DC. That was supposed to be fixed a long time ago and as usual it didn’t last long.
Immigration of course is a big one as well as the fact that foreign mothers come here simply to have their child so he or she can be an American citizen and become ” an anchor baby” is another main problem. We have laws and they should be obeyed. Everywhere, on the Federal and State level. There are others that don’t come to mind now but there are a lot of good things that can be done. If not by a Convention then they should be addressed in Washington and we all must write call and insist that these things be fixed.

4 years ago

Things have already long ago gone way to far into federal bureaucratic & congressional usurpation of states powers, unlimited terms for officials & in Congress and fiscal irresponsibility gone mad. The Convention of States is constitutional & perfectly safe, & opposed only by liberals & far leftist & other deep state reptilians who have everything to lose & nothing to gain by it.

4 years ago

I am 72, waiting for enough states to approve the resolution and hope that I will still be alive to see new amendments ratified that will rein in our federal government.

4 years ago

I am 72 and waiting impatiently for enough states to pass the resolution. I am hoping to still be alive when new amendments will be ratified to rein in the federal government.

Dennis Bummper
Dennis Bummper
4 years ago

The Deep State includes Republicans as well as Democrats. Democrats already hold at least 20 state houses as we speak. 30 states (meaning there are Republican houses included) have either passed or are pending unconstitutional red flag laws! That means only 8 more will be needed to gut the 2A. The first item that will be subject to compromise and debate will be the 2A! Without the 2A, government tyranny will prevail. Leave the Constitution alone. It is perfect as it is. If you want term limits, start an amendment. Same number of votes without the risks.

Mel Pinney
Mel Pinney
4 years ago

My heartfelt thanks goes to AMAC for publishing such an excellent article on COS. You certainly won’t see the “drive by media” mentioning it, at least not in a positive light!

L Helton
L Helton
4 years ago

I like the idea , however, what if we get a bunch of leftist making the changes? Is that possible

Carole Allen
Carole Allen
4 years ago

Would still be growing national govt. Don’t need more govt. Is too big now

Garrett Humbertson
Garrett Humbertson
3 years ago

The Founders were so wise to include this solution in the Constitution! They knew this day might come, and it’s the only way to get term limits and real fiscal restraint on Congress! conventionofstates.com/?ref=223

Jensen Richard
Jensen Richard
3 years ago

Watch a town hall presentation on Convention of States. youtu.be/kEpHW1gm4RE

David Certa
David Certa
3 years ago

Each day that Congress meets in Washington, the states become less and less relevant. Article V of the Constitution gives the States the power to re-establish the balance of power between the States and the Federal Government.

Angel Cushing
Angel Cushing
3 years ago

Article V is the only way will get Term Limits on Congress!

T Love
T Love
3 years ago

At this point Washington, biden fake administration obviously don’t believe in our constitution,Bill of Rights!! We MUST at the grassroots level stand up to them!! Run for school board, city council, anything you can to help save nation! Vote OUT the liars and the corruption 2022 is still a ways off pray America we make it!!STAND UP, SPEAK UP, SHOW UP!!

David J. Doiron
David J. Doiron
3 years ago

Article V is our legacy which the Founders left us for times like now. It is the peaceful, Constitutional manner to re-balance federal/state powers.Using it is LONG overdue.

Tom P
Tom P
3 years ago

I am a Vietnam Era veteran with a late brother who served in Vietnam. What I see being foisted on the once great country I served appalls me! In any mention of race in any way regarding the military my late brother was very quick to point out that, “we all wore green uniforms and when we bled it always came out red!” To him these were colors that mattered just as much as the “Red, White and Blue!” CRT wasn’t heard of in my late brother’s lifetime since he died in March 1985 with all the symptoms of agent orange exposure at a time in history just before the DOD, DOA, etc, acknowledged a relationship between agent orange exposure and many diseases! It is too late for my brother and many others, and I shudder to think what they would say were they to see what is going on with the present attack of the liberal left! As a veteran and the family member of an in-country Vietnam veteran I pray their collective and individual sacrifices are not in vain! We need to push back at the ideological assault from the left by reminding the young people now of the sacrifices that have been made and not let the memories of our once great country die! We the people deserve better than the inculcation of the left; which is what we’ll be left with if we continue to let them erase our history, our memories and the legacy of the Founding Fathers!

Mark White
Mark White
3 years ago

It’s so infuriating to see what’s become of our once great nation. It’s still great, but it’s being dragged into a quagmire of socialist dystopian ruin by an overgrown, out of control federal government. There is one way, and only one way, to restore our constitutional republic: a Convention of States. Article V authorizes it and I fight for it every day. Won’t you join me? Sign up at conventionofstates.com.

Joanne Laufenberg
Joanne Laufenberg
3 years ago

I care about this a great deal, to the tune of working tirelessly to get Wisconsin’s 3 point resolution passed. We’ve gotten to third base twice and are urging the WI Senate to pass it. SJR 8

Jim Carter
Jim Carter
3 years ago

Article V Convention of States is the last great peaceful way to limit the Federal Government and get back to America First. This isn’t a Democrat or Republican issue because both parties are guilty. This is about America and our way of life. The states need to take back control as they are the ones closest to the American public. Each citizen needs to take back Self-Governance and make their voices heard at school board meetings, county commissioner meetings, City and town council meetings and the like. Get involved, your children and grandchildren will pay the price if you don’t.

Michael Hamlet
Michael Hamlet
3 years ago

It’s time for the government to SERVE the people instead of dominating them…. Local issues vary State to State and that is why LOCAL government is so important. Lifetime politicians breed corrupt supporters … time for term limits across the board.

Rich Russell
Rich Russell
3 years ago

Term limits, fiscal responsibility, control Federal Govt overeach. Our founding fathers had amazing foresight to write article 5 which is the ultimate way for states to control a runaway corrupt government!

Dee acosta
Dee acosta
3 years ago

There will never be a better time than now to utilize the gift the founding fathers gave us, Article V. The government has gotten so comfortable dictating what we do/say that they are now publicly doing it with no remorse. Article V was added for a REASON & what we are living now is THE REASON. Everyone should sign no matter your political party. United We Stand, Divided We Fall. It’s time for us to come together.

Sharon Correll
Sharon Correll
3 years ago

Our Founding Fathers knew that the time would come when we would need to make use of the convention option in Article V. Maybe if we had done this earlier instead of cowering fear, we wouldn’t be in the situation we are in now. Congress will NEVER bring about the changes that are needed – mainly because they are the worse culprits. It’s well past time that We the People acted

Bronzson Lane
Bronzson Lane
3 years ago

The founding fathers warned us about an government with all the power. Thats why we have to keep them in check with the convention. We need term limits, a restraint of money spent and more say on local level about things like schools and ect.

Lynette Band
Lynette Band
3 years ago

Your political party affiliation is irrelevant to me, what is relevant is your core believes concerning God, Country, & Family, in that order.  “We The People” do have an alternative to sitting on the couch complaining, arguing with our family members about which party is doing the right thing and wrong thing, or declaring a civil war to straighten out the Congress and bureaucrats. Our US Constitution, in ARTICLE V, provides “We, the People” a peaceful means in which to begin the restoration of our Constitutional Republic. The States created the Federal Government, each State of the Union, through our State Legislatures have the power and obligation to stop the out-of-control overreach, so that we can (you and I) effectively put a “check” on the blatant unconstitutional systematic removal of our Rights, Liberties and Freedoms by those in Washington DC.  This RUNAWAY GARBAGE is the Left continuing to SCARE the uninformed American. Here are the FACTS:
It is not easy but this is how it works ACCORDING TO ARTICLE V of the US CONSTITUTION….(I am giving you the shortened version.)
1)  Citizens ask state legislators to sponsor and support Convention of States (COS Resolutions) There are THREE resolutions citizens are fighting for RIGHT NOW.
1. Impose fiscal restraints on federal government.        
2. Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government
3. Term Limits on Congress and federal officials.
2)  COS resolution MUST PASS through our state legislature.
3)  A Convention of States is called when (2/3 of the states) 34 states PASS the COS amendments (containing the same three items to address) approved by the amendments state legislators. State Legislators select the “Commissioners” who attend the convention, giving them authority to address the approved topics ONLY. AN AMENDMENT is an ADDITION to the CONSTITUTION! Not “OPENING” or “GUTTING” of the Constitution, that is ALL PROPAGANDA from the Left who what to Scare us in to doing nothing. 
4) At the convention the Commissioners write the Proposed amendments.
           A. Each State gets One (1) Vote. The number of Commissioners is not relevant when it comes to Voting to approve the Proposed Amendments. One State One Vote, PERIOD.
  5) The proposed amendments must pass by the majority of the states at the Convention of States – the amendments are then SENT BACK  to all 50 states for “ratification”.
           5) The proposed amendments only become valid when  “ratified” by (3/4 of the states) 38 states. It only takes 13 states to stop an amendment from being ratified….so you can see this is not an easy process.
           6) If 38 states ratify the amendments then the US Constitution is amended.
One more important Fact: Congress does have a role, to set the date and location of the Convention, that’s it. Nothing more! Stop listening to the LEFT Soros haters of our America, who’s only GOAL is to destroy it, they never intend to stop; they have a MISSION. SO DO WE FELLOW PATRIOTS:  Stop them by USING THE CONSTITUTION TO SAVE THE CONSTITUTION. God Bless America and damn those trying to take it away from We, the People.

Ellen Roddy
Ellen Roddy
3 years ago

At this point, I am sure we all see the need for a Convention of States. Our forefathers were so smart to enact the fifth amendment. I think they knew that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Our present congress does not reflect many of our values. We need to hold Congress to a balanced budget. My parents said if you can not afford something, do without! Congress needs to be held accountable. We can not pay for all the stuff in the Green new deal.

Keith Simmons
Keith Simmons
2 years ago

If you believe liberals and communists will not use our COS to get what they want too, you’re a fool.
Drain the swamp, elect representatives who will uphold our constitutional rights, re-elect President Trump, and push laws – not executive orders – that will accomplish what you want.
Also, for those who demand we balance our budget, you will destroy our country. Imagine a law that says you must pay cash for your home. Such a law would “balance your budget”, but you’d then be a renter or homeless.
Islam teaches not be in debt and look how that’s stifled the economies of Muslim countries, leaving them in a permanent 3rd world lifestyle.
Yes – $30,000,000,000,000 is way too much debt but destroying our economy with a balanced budget amendment will mean we’ll never have a GDP capable of paying it off.

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