The movement for a Convention of States under Article V of the United States Constitutionu2013 specifically for the purpose of imposing fiscal and other restraints on the federal government and its members u2013 continues to gain traction. Where do YOU stand on the issue?
We cannot throw in the towel and embark on a road to secession. However, Woke, CRT and the gender wars, along with a weaken voter system, no borders and a corrupted federal government, cannot be allowed to go unanswered. Lies, even those based on failed Marxism have nothing to do with Free Speech and everything to do with a destructive agenda that if left to achieve the Socialist goals, would destroy our economic and industrial engine and transfer wealth to the party elite, much like Russian and Chinese communists ( now Russian totalitarian thugs). But if leaving the Union isn’t the answer, maybe a second Civil War is inevitable. Painful, destructive and dangerous for the US and the world, the current leadership in America has no intentions in allowing a Conservative takeover and they will continue to lie and subvert the law to preserve their position – so a violent approach to ending their farce may be our only hope. If we can hold an open, untainted election, we’ll push them out, but frankly, big tech, the media, the DNC, even federal law enforcement show no signs of decency or willingness to allow the Rule of Law, undamaged by the presence of the current leadership, in both parties to some degree. It isn’t hopeless, but it is a scary situation.
With the Democrat communist machine in full destroy the nation mode I have little hope of a free and fair election in the future. I predict they steel the Virginia governors race . Most Republicans are complicit and have shown themselves incapable or unwilling to fight for fair elections. It is going to take the silent majority to rise up and get these criminals out if office. I don’t think a constitutional amendment will work. Hell they don’t follow the constitution now. Just look at the political prisoners being held on misdemeanor with out bail and being abused and locked in solitary in the DC federal hell hole. The FBI is now a political hit squad for the Democrat communist.
Government over reach is the first step toward communism! I wet too war too fight communism and now I have to watch my republic destroyed!
Damn right! They are wasting OUR MONEY with every proposal they put forth how about they cut spending to these dumb groups like P.P.!
It feels like most of Congress have lost their minds and we need to get them back on track somehow. THEY WORK FOR US!!! Obviously, they have forgotten that.
The White House seems to think there are limitless moneys when they want to do give aways. But don’t worry about citizens who are being told Medicare, social security
There has to be a reigning in of the blank check Biden’s administration seems to have. COS or succeeding from the US. Of course, there are still printing presses to print more money.
Republicans don’t stick together like democrats do or we could actually get enough states to take this action. Republicans get greedy and sell themselves thus betraying the rest of republicans. Being a conservative is now a campaign slogan and totally meaningless.
Just because DJT lost an election doesn’t make me want to start tinkering with the Constitution. The country has survived a lot of bad presidents and will survive three more years of Joe Biden (or in reality, one more year until the 2022 election).
If we can’t secure the election process, can someone explain to me how the swamp is going to ensure a fair and transparent convention of the states process? I’d be 100% for it if I could trust it not to go south.
That is the only way to check the power the federal government seems to have assumed without being granted by the states.
Way too dangerous as the big states will overwhelm. The only way to save America is to divide it into The Free States of America and The Socialist States of America.
I was 100% for a COS; however I’ve changed my mind. I’ve lost faith in the ability of 50% of the people to act rationally. If this country can elect who we’ve elected in Congress and POTUS, then who’s to say WHAT would get passed attempting to change the Constitution?
The only to rein in the pigs in DC!! Somewhere down the line the parasites have forgotten who bankrolls the operation.
If term limits for Congress is included in the agenda I see it as a win for America. It’s time we reign in the professional politicians. Long over due!
I am in favor of a Constitutional Convention because the States must regain the powers they surrendered. I am not in favor of a Constitutional Convention because the party in power has no respect for the law of our land and would use any excuse to declare martial law.
The “Democrat ” party is no longer the party of moderates, if it really ever was. It is now the Socialist Tyrant Democratic party, or STD, as I prefer to call it. The looney left has moved its platform so far from center that it is unrecognizable as being anything but totalitarian. Unfortunately, they’ve snared a number of RINO turncoats as well. If the moderate Dems can understand what now controls their party, we have a chance in 2022. If they continue wearing blinders and earplugs, the machine is all set to steal another election, and no Convention will make any difference at all.
For far too many years politicians in Washington (both sides), with the help of the courts, have slowly increased their power at the cost of power reserved to the individual states. These same politicians have been in office for decades. It’s time that we return to the original provisions of the Constitution. The politicians in Washington will never voluntarily relinquished their power. By invoking the provisions of Article V and calling a Convention of States we can finally impose term limits, impose fiscal restraints on federal government, and even limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.
Every government in the history of man has eventually been decimated by the greedy, arrogant and control freak type of people who naturally gravitate to it. We are living that right now in the US…a place where we thought it couldn’t happen.
To have a new form of government that might work, we need a different kind of people with different types of beliefs to run it. I would submit that this country could be run without any centralized DC Swamp pit running it. In other words…no government such as exists today.
Sadly, all of today’s pretend leaders have ulterior motives and most are self-serving. Imagine living your life without some distant out-of-touch nitwits (politicians) making many decisions for you.
The problems we as a Nation face today are ALL due to one reason: Washington DC. We have out-of-touch politicians (both parties) who truly don’t give a damn about the middleclass, ‘fly-over’ country. The lies and corruption are rampant. My solution is what I call the “3 T’s”:
1) Term Limits for all of Congress: 2 terms for Senators and 4 terms for Legislators.
2) Tax Reform, which would include a simple formula that will treat all citizens in equal taxation; a citizen should not have to pay an accountant to figure out what his/her tax liability is.
3) Tort Reform, the legal profession has been gaming the system for decades; passing their own rules and pitting one against the other while the entire process is paid for my our taxes. Get rid of the ‘contingency’ system and thereby put some accountability back on the parties involved. Lawyers are laughing to the bank otherwise.
I am not in favor because a Convention of States puts the entire Constitution on the table.
GOP politicians have been all too willing to bargain away our 2nd amendment rights with restrictions.
What will they do when liberal states want the 2nd severely restricted or stricken entirely as a condition to any other change?
I must explain my answer of undecided. I look at what is happening now and see that the most action seems to be in the hands of the loudest and least informed or least thinking of many of our “leaders(?)” who seem to be only thinking selfishly or in the direction they can be bought. I don’t know if this can of worms needs to be opened by people who seem to know nothing about what is in the Constitution itself. For example, in my own state of Alabama, I hear many talking about the need to do away with the Electoral College. I’m not sure these folks know that when I was a child we had nine representatives. Would they be for giving any more of ours to a larger state? I will take it like it is and continue checking out anything I think I don’t like in it. Then, if I see a need, I will go for changing by individual amendment whatever I don’t like or don’t think is necessary. People, join your kids and take down a civics book as they study the subject or at least study the history of the period when our Constitution was written and the whys and wherefores of what was included. Then either run for office yourself or support candidates who are for these changes (amendments). It’s not broke(n), so fix it; don’t destroy it.
Caution: If this door is open. What else would end up on the table.
Supporting Article 5 can result in a runaway convention leading to abandoning the Constitution as few know it. Article 5 is a very bad idea.
Horrible time to hold one. The reasons for a convention are valid. However, the left has entirely too much influence right now. They do not follow the rules in place now (the Constitution). What makes you think they’ll follow the rules for the convention? They will obliterate the country you love and make it a socialist state. They already have no less than 5 replacement constitutions in the can and ready to go. Don’t do it.
Past time for there to be ‘accountability’ for the Federal government which has lost all semblance of restraint and fiscal responsibility.
NO, all of you who voted that you support this need to learn what a convention would involve, that the entire Constitution is at risk.
Bad idea. This government canNot be trusted to stay within the framework of an Article 5 convention….it would be the deathknell of the USA. The Only chance is for the last election to be corrected, and to clean house at All government agencies. Short of that, it’s over if serious patriots due not stand and delver.
How can anyone oppose the convention of the States?!? You have to be a woke leftist or ignorant to the constitution…I am sick of seeing the uniparty in Washington destroy our great country
Not in favor in yet another level of government or committee, but we need a stronger voice to curb spending
I’m in favor of this mainly because the federal government needs to be reined in. The Democrats think the governance belongs solely to THEM. They are trying to tamp down everyone else’s freedom of speech and other freedoms of folks who are patriotic!! We, the people thought very little of the fact that Jimmy Carter totally invented the Department of Education during his term. It seemed SO innocent, then. NOW, they are using it to indoctrinate our children rather than educate them. AND now they want to take total possession of our three-year-olds with early pre-kindergarten. THIS IS SO WRONG! COS is important in that States’ Rights need to be re-installed TOTALLY!
The United States is on a dangerous path. The ONLY solution to protect states’ rights, and possibly restore and save our Republlc, is to use the constitution to save the constitution — namely by calling an Article V convention to propose amendments to rein in our out of control federal government.
Congress won’t rein themselves in by proposing limits on themselves. National elections are a farce, a game of moneyed power brokers. The states must do it. The ONLY constitutional solution remaining is the Article V convention.
If the convention fails to restore original intent, then true patriots will rely on the Declaration of Independence route, which should be the solution of last resort.
The article V convention should NOT be limited to just a “balanced budget”.
It should also include limits on federal jurisdiction and power. (The founders never intended the states and the federal government to have shared jurisdiction over ANYTHiNG.)
It should term limits for federal officials — federal officials, not just members of Congress.
Tbis is why I not only general the support the Article V movement, but specifically the Convention of States Project – c(3) – and Convention of States Action – c(4).
I DO NOT CARE what looney leftist ideas may infest the convention. They remain ineffective babbling until 3/4ths of the states ratify it. Count the number of states with majority GOP legislatures and realize only 13 states need to vote “NO” to kill a proposed amendment -OR- change the current process. BRING ON THE COS!!!
It is time American Patriots stood up and took back our freedoms. Let’s establish the type of Government to founding fathers intended by God’s Will.
Once you elect to have a Constitutional Convention for one thing you want you open up Pandora’s box to anything else that people want to put on the ballot. So even if you would get what you wanted you may end up with other socially progressive amendments that you have no way of getting rid of without another Constitutional Convention. Morally conservative voters are not united enough to make sure this doesn’t happen. Remember, the baby boomers are the ‘children of the 60’s’ and are the ones who have gotten us in this mess of socialist and progressive ideas. Some of us changed after growing up, getting a job and learning life’s experiences but many more didn’t.
“Are we so naïve that we believe a govt that becomes a tyranny will propose the right kind of amendments to restrain its own tyranny?” -George Mason in explaining the need for state participation in Article V.
The best possible consequences of NOT calling for a Convention of States: Certain collapse.
The worst possible outcome of calling for a COS is failure to propose and ratify any meaningful amendments attempting to control the rogue government. Exactly the same.
HOWEVER the best possible outcome of a COS is that amendments are proposed for federal term limits, fiscal restraints, and reducing the size and scope of the government.
So which do you prefer? 100% certainty of collapse? Or a reasonable opportunity to save the country using the very process that the framers intended us to use?
“In questions of power…let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson
A 1787 letter from George Washington addresses the fear that there won’t be any leaders like the founders:
“…I do not conceive that we are more inspired—have more wisdom—or possess more virtue than those who will come after us. The power under the Constitution will always be with the people.”
“[Article V] equally enables the general and the state governments to originate the amendment of errors, as they may be pointed out by the experience on one side, or on the other.” -Madison in Federalist 43
“The convention mode [of proposing amendments] seems preferable in that it allows the amendments to originate with the people themselves…” -Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address
“The ultimate arbiter is the people of the Union, assembled by their deputies in convention, at the call of Congress, or of two-thirds of the States.” -Jefferson’s Letter to William Johnson
“The final resort within the purview of the Constitution lies in an amendment of the Constitution, according to a process applicable by the states.” -Madison’s Letter to Edward Everett
“By the fifth article of the plan…we may safely rely on the disposition of the state legislatures to erect barriers against the encroachments of the national authority.” -Hamilton in Federalist 85
“If in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates.” -Washington’s Farewell Address
I have heard that the left already has a new constitution written and delegate who will support it. I would not trust them to hold a fair convention.
The last two COS turned out much differently than originally intended. I can see the Dems cheating and doing away with the Constitution!
This is a “Trojan Horse” if there ever was one. Trying to enact the necessary changes we Conservatives want will open the door to the abolition of the 2nd Amendment and portions of the 1st that Liberal fanatics want. We cannot control these well-organized and funded groups from setting the agenda. SCOTUS, as currently organized, is our only hope.
THERE’S would be a major mistake as it would be hijacked by left wing liberals who would not only cause chaos but would work harder to establish a Socialist government in place of a master plan which we now possess. If you want real representation then increase the number of representatives in the House and restore the appointment of Senators by the state legislatures. Repeal the amendment to elect the president by popular vote and restore that process to the Congress and Electoral College. Strife will be lessened and fewer choices in the polling booth will cause the voters to select carefully.
Please educate yourself on article v and CONVENTION of states, it is NOT a constitutional convention.. go to convention and read up on it. Most comments here are inaccurate. This is the only way to save ourselves from continued federal government over reach. Educate yourself!!!!!!!
In recent years the Federal government continues to pass legislation that limits the rights of states and to impose taxes and other hardships upon their citizens as a preci=ondition of accepting Federal funds that the Federal government took from the states’ citizens in the first place. If there is a provision in the Constitution for redressing this encroachment, I am strongly in favor of it.
I really thought that by now we’d be further along.
The Federal government and all state governments should have the same fiscal responsibilities and constraints that the public has and that is… to only spend what you make. A Balanced Budget Amendment is 100% necessary with a Presidential line item veto on any appropriation passed through Congress..
Let’s not forget the brilliance of the founders. Remember that 3/4ths of the states must ratify any changes. That means only 13 states need to vote “NO” to kill any proposed amendment -OR- any attempts to change the current amendment & ratification process (which also must be done by a ratified amendment).
Count the number of states with majority GOP legislatures and realize the odds of any wonky leftist ideas actually getting through — that 3/4ths of the states will actually agree with — is rather daunting. And vice-versa, this also means only 13 DEM state legislatures are needed to kill any GOP ideas.
Thinking about how politically polarized the nation’s politics have become at all levels, and how far too many of our elected representatives (both sides) are consumed by pettiness and vindictiveness, there is more than a fair chance that nothing substantive comes out of it at all.
This second amending part of the constitution has never been implemented. The serious tries have often gotten the Congress to react thus quelling the try. I wish the Convention of States group the best. It is a noble effort.
Government has grown way to big. Time to go on a diet and reduce the pork fat and get back to the Founding Fathers original concept & keep government small. Also, Stop the twisting of words in which the foreign influence is implementing!
A major concern of mine is that we, the US, are in a state of dismay right now with our current leadership. If we were to convene a COS, I feel that our international adversaries would take advantage of our situation, more so than they are doing right now, and really catch us with our pants down.