

Which is your view of the bipartisan budget compromise, endorsed by the President but opposed by many congressional Republicans, that increases both defense and domestic spending?

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Mary Ann
Mary Ann
5 years ago

No guts no glory. Interesting how many narcissists are in our congress. The only thing important to them is their power and their re-election. Doesn’t matter if they’re R D or I. I’ve lost hope

5 years ago

Rhino’s n Republicans’s always think Trump is wrong. please look back @ how many times we’ve heard this crap.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago

thanks to reckless spending by the power mad DEMOCRATS and RINO’s.
I’m praying that Trump wins reelection and that more Conservatives (SCOTUS too) are elected.
The fiscal morass we now find ourselves in wasn’t created in just one administration and it won’t be solved
in just one administration.
Of course, there is no end to the treachery of the Left so let’s pray that POTUS will lead us to victory that we may
begin to take back our country for future generations of Americans.
Until then, pray for the best and prepare for the worst.

KAG/MAGA/#TRUMP 2020 – Deus Vult !

5 years ago

When I participated in Tea Party rallies (’09-’12) in Washington, D.C., I carried a sign that said, “Overtaxing + Overspending + Over-reaching the authority of government = “ECONOCIDE”. If this madness doesn’t stop, our “conservative” party will end up looking like the misguided progressive-liberal-socialist democrats now sweeping across the capitol and just about every major city around the country. How’s that workin’ for us so far?

I hate to be reminded of the President’s promise to never again sign such a budget proposal when he signed the last $trillion-plus bill. Pouring huge sums of money into losing propositions is like pouring water into an empty flower pot–none of it sticks around and there are no blooms to show for it. I’d like to see President Trump shave off 1% or 2% from every federal government department’s budget. And I don’t mean slowing the INCREASE in spending, I mean cutting from last year’s REAL budget numbers. It’a about time we practice what we preach!

Arlene Faul
Arlene Faul
5 years ago

I’m speculating that Trump is hoping for another Republican House and Senate. Then, the Republicans will be under pressure to find ways to reduce the deficit. In the meantime, the President is fulfilling his campaign promises. We just have to hope and pray the votes go the way they need to go.

Jeffrey Fuller
Jeffrey Fuller
5 years ago

It saddens me to see legislators willing to spend more and more of the money they don’t have while ignoring pressing issues that, if addressed effectively, would require less spending. My sadness is for the nation my children and grandchildren will inherit.

Pete Johnson
Pete Johnson
5 years ago

After 2020 elections do the right thing, deep cut spending. First and most important get rid of Democrats!

Allen B
Allen B
5 years ago

I was under the impression that this was an organization for conservatives. It is very sad to see so many that approve of this budget deal!

5 years ago

not sure HOW it can be done, but a compromise budget (as this one) should include a goal of balancing the budget within 20 years – doesn’t have to be overnight, but develop 5 year goals to make it happen within 20 years!

C. A.
C. A.
5 years ago

President Trump is doing the best he can under the circumstances. The democrats will fight for illegals and the destruction of America before they will do what is right for our country because they hate President Trump. We must rid our government of the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, and the four Islamic lunatics. Islam destroy from within and now they are in our government doing just that.

5 years ago

It is unfortunate that your poll choices are limited. I would respond to this poll by checking off BOTH of the first 2 responses, but it appears that this is not the response you allow.

Patrica Espinoza
Patrica Espinoza
5 years ago

Democrats want to talk crap about budgets and fiscal savings yet they invite every illegal to America under any condition. Does this sound fiscally smart? We support the illegals and their children. Just think how many children Hispanics have? They have large families. We will be paying for the families with 5-6 kids for years. They will be the majority. Money, money, money we will be paying. Don’t call me racist I am Hispanic and Native American. My family in the Spanish side has been here since 1600’s and the Native American side well forever.

michael smith
michael smith
5 years ago

I dont think he will start cutting till he gets reelected, at least that`s my hope.

Frank j Lind
Frank j Lind
5 years ago

When are you going to do about Hillary and Obama and some of the democrats that threaten your life if I were to do this I would be in jail and for the wall take money from there pensions like they did t us

5 years ago

Bipartisan compromise?
Try bipartisan Sellout!

Ovide Rajotte
Ovide Rajotte
5 years ago

I believe it necessary, as the earlier politicians did not use the taxes as intended, therefore leaving our infrastructure and economy in disrepair, to say the least. Where were the congress when Obama spent so much, for little or no advantage, not to mention the racist divisiveness he fostered.
Meanwhile, one would have to look deep, to find a politician who has NOT become a millionaire, while in office. It is important to look at our politician’s actions, rather than just listen to their words. President Trump is our best hope to reverse this Socialistic direction, our congress is pushing upon our country. One only needs to step back and take note of the apathy, with which we now accept what was once unacceptable. From the simple acceptance of airline flights delayed for the simplest reasons (without notice of any reason), to watching the beheading of fellow Americans (with little, if any, response from our government). We have been slowly anesthetized into complacency of acceptance of more Socialistic behavior, though our educational and governmental processes.
This, I believe, is the reason our politicians are fighting, so fiercely, against the president, to maintain their control and manipulation of the people of the United States. They fear the loss of their manipulation, control and personal wealth, achieved over the past forty or fifty years.

5 years ago

Part of the budget should include an auditor for each an every line item. It is amazing that so much money disappears without a trace or accountability.

Rich Anderson
Rich Anderson
5 years ago

Trust the President

Edward Fleck
Edward Fleck
5 years ago

As much as I like what the President has been doing I am not happy that all we keep doing is delaying the task of balancing the budget to our grandkids and that’s not right. Just a penny from every dollar allocated to each department over the year would have a good impact on lowering the debt

5 years ago

Back in the day we found ways to come to a compromise at the center. The hard thing to realize is the center is farther left than any conservative has ever been before. We have need to pray continuously for our leaders and our country. We were blessed by the founders as they met and debated and followed through with a constitution that espoused Christian values. David Barton has done a great job of reminding us how this nation came about, and who stood for what. Let us not revise history anymore. Let us stand up and be accountable and recognize that we need each other and Jesus to be all that this nation was called to be.

Having said that, the world we are living in, is the world that Revelations in the Bible talks about.

Carl G
Carl G
5 years ago

A $22 Trillion debt cannot be paid without hyperinflation. If interest rates rise a few percentage points government payments on the debt will crowd out spending for social security, medicare, the military and just about everything else. This might be an example of the “Cloward-Piven Strategy” of the hard Left to take down the USA. (Unfortunately, some “conspiracies” are real.) If politicians do the right thing and run large surpluses for the foreseeable future the damage might be contained. And if the economy remains robust. Given the political realities, it is likely that politicians and uniformed voters would balk at the necessary spending constraints.

Lynn Hoffman
Lynn Hoffman
5 years ago

If I ran my business like that I would be bankrupt in a very short time.

5 years ago

A strong military that is second to none, is the only requirement I want from the federal government. That’s it. Everything else is a waste of money. I want a president that will say “the gravy train stops today.” Let the states govern themselves. They could do a better job than some bureaucrat.

5 years ago

I’m disgusted that they decided to “kick the can down the road”. I always thought that the budget was supposed to be a yearly thing. Now we have pushed it out so that it won’t be a talking point in the next general election. Worse than that, we have manage to destroy not only our grandchildren’s financial future but probably their grandchildren’s as well. Unforgivable actions on the entire executive and legislative branches of government.

5 years ago

Not happy about the increases however this has taken budget issues off the table for the reelection campaign for 2020. They might have been outsmarted.

5 years ago

It’s a shame that we have forgotten the wordcompromise, negotiation as the process that keeps our nation moving ahead. Disputes are never left on the table. You WORK until a solution is agreed upon. We are teaching our future leaders a very bad lesson!

Charles Martin Sever
Charles Martin Sever
5 years ago

Let us hope President Trump has a plan when he and the good Republicans take over this government and he can come out and slash this programs that are not needed and reduce others we can cut back. The President wants to securer our border and the democrats wouldn’t vote for nothing less then their give away.

Jeffrey Hess
Jeffrey Hess
5 years ago

Until the members of Congress are subject to the same laws/pressures that “we the people ” are i.e. social security, providing for our health care and funding our own retirement I’m not sure anything will change!

5 years ago

The Constitution defines what the government is there for and why taxes are collected. How distorted it has become!!!! I’m all for giving people a hand up but the Dems are over the top, buying votes but still keeping the very people the programs they support under their thumbs for votes. They and the Liberal Media hate Trump because they have absolutely no control of him as he never needed the ‘dark’ money from shady entities. Therefore, he can speak out on all the craziness going on. Of course, then he’s racist, or sexist, or….etc. What a list of adjectives they have for him.

E Anderz
E Anderz
5 years ago

Wow…some very insightful comments posted here. I’m making a comment with some hesitation. I possess a limited vocabulary. I see the signing of this bill as a slick campaign move. Now that it’s out of play for the election the Republicans have removed the leverage Democrats always seem to have during the past 10 years of elections. The threat of Closing down the Government. I personally don’t agree with Bill but I agree with the tactic.

Thomas Alton
Thomas Alton
5 years ago

We are to the point now that an increase in interest rates would make the interest on the debt more than we could possibly tax. Someone will soon see that we have spent ourselves to a point of no return. This is when the dollar will cease to be world reserve currency and our ability to print our way out of debt ends. Countries like China will demand land in US to pay our debts. Our Congress has been totally irresponsible for decades.

William Coates
William Coates
5 years ago

Consecutive terms in Congress must be forbidden – the only way to get rid of re-election fever and campaign contributions by lobbyists.
Also, check out the new book ‘Try Common Sense’.

5 years ago

{ would scrub the entire budget and add back only those items are the real responsibility of the government to pay. Get rid of pork items. Kudos to Rand Paul and others who voted no!!!!

5 years ago

I never thought Trump to be a conservative….or a liberal.
With the political climate he is working with and past performance(s)/actions I think he may have given a little away to gain much more later.
I realize that $1.7T is a lot of money but now one ever thought we would have the relationship we have with the “Norks” either. As Trump has said before; “we’ll see…”

S. Johnson
S. Johnson
5 years ago

I’m more upset over the vote of the House Republicans (and the Senate is also set to approve it) GOP legislators (140) voted for a bill drafted by business groups and Democrats which provides a green card giveaway to 300,000 Indian contract workers and dramatically increases the incentives for more Indian graduates to take college graduate jobs in the United States.

5 years ago

I would not refer to this legislation as a “budget”, more like an overspending bill. This really shows the need for term limits. Most ,not all, feel the need to spend more to get re-elected. Term limits would allow for our elected officials to do what is fiscally responsible for the Country and not worry about getting donations for future lifetime elections…..BillG

5 years ago

This is just another compromise deal to appease so-call democrats (That is, if there are anymore democrats left in this Country). This budget will fad from the News shortly, and [we will all] pay for it in the many years to come. I love our Military; I love Donald Trump; I will certainly vote for Donald Trump again, but please Mr. President, no compromises.

Efrain Hernandez
Efrain Hernandez
5 years ago

This budget over the next 10 yrs. How much did obama increse the deficit by over his term? Our presidents hands can’t be tied because of obamas reckless spending, bailouts and giveaways. Maybe we can get some of that money back from Iran.!??

5 years ago

We have no money . We are in debt . Are there any adults in Congress . I am so disappointed in our representatives. Only in congress can we spend more than we take in with no consequences.

Wayne D Peterkin
Wayne D Peterkin
5 years ago

It’s a lousy deal. I despise it. BUT…the alternative would have been a government shutdown that would have been blamed by the Democrats and their comrades in the media on conservatives in general and the GOP in particular as we are entering an election year. The timing for refusing this deal, the political “optics”, would have been very bad regardless of how it violates my principles. So I don’t like it, but if we can get Trump re-elected and a GOP congress again, maybe, note I said maybe, some fiscal sanity might prevail in a second term although the Democrats will still resist. Our best hope for resolving the debt and spending crisis permanently is the Article V Convention of the States that is being organized already that can develop a couple of constitutional amendments that cannot be challenged by congress, any political party, or any court including the SCOTUS. The states and the people would be in complete control for a change. Two proposed amendments being seriously debated and written are Term Limits for congress and a Balanced Budget Amendment, both desperately needed and neither will ever come through congress. So I suggest we all support that effort. It is the only practical way of permanently solving the debt issue.

Scott Davis
Scott Davis
5 years ago

In 2010, Beck put out a five points pledge to get as many candidates for office to sign as possible. First one : I believe in a balanced budget and will therefore vote for a freeze in spending until that goal is realized.
May, 2010, I witnessed Rep. Fred Upton sign up. August, 2010, and since then he’s broken the pledge. I’m truly thankful that President Trump has kept most of his promises, but the debt is at a tipping point. This must change or we’ll fall from great to broke.

Gary Brittain
Gary Brittain
5 years ago

Cutting domestic spending is impossible in a divided congress, full of RINO republicans as well. Until the swamp is drained of the RINOs and conservatives hold both houses of congress, domestic spending cuts simply will not happen. It is interesting that the same people who criticized Trump saying that he would not be able to function politically due to his propensity to avoid compromise is now criticized by those same people for doing exactly that! It’s time for the Republican voters to realize the importance of supporting Our president, stop listening to their own RINO representatives, and vote them out.

The last 4 years of the Trump presidency (2020-2024) represent the best opportunity since WWII to get big government under control. If we do not take advantage of that, shame on us!

5 years ago

First and foremost, Congress as a whole, Republican and Democrat, has failed the American people, AGAIN!! We will never be strong as long as we are unwilling to get our fiscal house in order. You can’t spend what you don’t have. Ask anyone who is in debt. You just dig yourself deeper in the hole. We need to get away from entitlement thinking (government handouts) and start thinking self sufficiency. Producing not consuming. Abandon socialism and think capitalism. Rein in government spending. Period.

5 years ago

2 years? plenty of time to adjust it. Getting rid of a looming shutdown & budget battle just before the election makes this worthwhile. Gotta pick your battles.

Connie Hayes
Connie Hayes
5 years ago

I can’t answer bc my opinion is that it’s time for a Convention of States. We can’t keep caving to the idioscy & chaos on the left.

5 years ago

The word “compromise” used anywhere except in the swamp is definitely a bad thing.

Kenneth Lowe
Kenneth Lowe
5 years ago

Typical politician behavior. Kick the can down the road and let the next politician solve the problem. The whole Congress needs to be replaced but it’s not going to happen. These idiots in Congress are saddling heir grand children and great grand with a debt that is cannot be paid but they don’t care.

5 years ago

“…that increases both defense…spending…?” Absolutely. Besides, President Trump is a shrewd businessman and negotiator, a constitutional visionary, not politician. He’s betting on the future more than we realize. I trust him both implicitly and explicitly.

5 years ago

It is sad that the only thing our Congress can do is spend our money!

Brian Cummins
Brian Cummins
5 years ago

Our great President can reduce the deficit if he makes it a priority. I would like to see him put the wheels in motion to a path of deficit reduction.

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