
The Biden Administration has slowed the distribution of life-saving monoclonal antibody therapy for people afflicted with COVID-19 to states in the Southeast including Texas, Florida, Alabama, as well as others nationwide. Which statement most closely represents your opinion of this policy?

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2 years ago

I hope the administration starts taking covid antibodies more serious. I hope they realize that they to send medication to where the demand needs it until people are recovered. Each state area will be hit at different times so the medication won’t always need in one srate.

J VanHorn
J VanHorn
2 years ago

This administration is totally out of control. This is more proof this pandemic was a trial run for a biological attack between the Democraps and the communist Chinese government. The Biden administration has no intention of stopping the virus but rather institute more control over the American people and to make money for not only them but their political buddies and anyone that stands in their way or opposes them will be punished.

Russell Klinger
Russell Klinger
2 years ago

Incompent Joe and Horizontal Harris Ground Chuck Schumer Drunk Pelosi the racist squad all other Democraps and liberals are lower than whale sh-t. If you don’t like this country pick one you think is better and go f-ing live there instead of trying to ruin this country.

2 years ago

Biden is not just incompetent. He is evil, willing to be complicit in people’s deaths for his own political power.

Tom Reeves
Tom Reeves
2 years ago

Biden is being used by Satan to seperate as many of God’s created beings from Him.

Anthony Truppa
Anthony Truppa
2 years ago

Americans please ask yourselves these questions…,, can this and other terrible policy decisions being made by the Biden administration and those in congress simply be mistakes merely made by the gross incompetence of fools or are these the efforts big purposeful operators implementing a carefully thought out plan to plunge our nation and it’s citizens into straight out socialism and despotism? I never thought I’d pray for stupidity to win the day but with the aforementioned questions I’m afraid the answer is the latter!

Think, question and share your thoughts with those you interact with. We need more critical reviews of what’s happening currently, then we need action and there’s plenty of groups out there to support and work with!

God Bless The USA!

Anthony Truppa

Bruce David
Bruce David
2 years ago

Bumbling Biden is a professional liar [the only thing he’s competent at] & among the worst president in my lifetime bordering on being a traitor

Dinner Torres
Dinner Torres
2 years ago

They think of themselves as gods, they have no idea who the one true God is, if they did you would not see power plays like these. God takes care of those that love Him and we will win this battle either way.Just pray for them to see the Truth.

2 years ago

By holding back the distribution of monoclonal antibody therapy, He’s to Brain Dead to realize that it’s not Politics he’s playing – If just one person Dies because of his actions, He is guilty of Crimes against Humanity by Forcing people to take a Vaccine that does not work. Why would anyone that has been vaccinated still get Covid? Why is Big Pharma allowed to control a Drug that I took back in the early 70’s Hydroxychloroquine when we joined the Military in case we were shipped to Vietnam??? And now Big Pharma is trying to stop the Distribution by forcing Medical Personal from Prescribing monoclonal antibody therapy.

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
2 years ago

Their is another word for refusing to provide life saving medicine, Homicide.

2 years ago

America has no president at this moment in time. ‘President’ Burden is a tyrant and a Terrorist. There is innocent blood on his miserable & maladroit hands. He must be removed by any means necessary. ANY means. #TRUMPWON

Michael R Towler
Michael R Towler
2 years ago

Democrats and their accomplices in the media, academia now the medical establishment have become nothing more than a gang of murderous, control-hungry thugs. Lucifer is certainly calling the shots around the world. If any time was ripe for the “end of the world” it is now.

2 years ago

Joey is a clown in a suit. A dibble-witted pawn. He is definitely not making any decisions of importance and is controlled by the WEF, elitists and Commies. These decisions to limit or severely restrict any and all remedies or opposing treatments to mRNA poison injections are completely dictated by BIG PHARMA and/or their satellite agenices, the FDA, CDC, NIH and AMA and even Mengele fauci.

Big pharma wants everyone injected with numerous yearly doses of poison mRNA nano-particles of which we know absolutely nothing much about or what the long term consequences will be. No pandemic has ever lasted this long and considering that we have modern stone-age medicine to fight the virus, it should now be history. Marks these words…if 100% of the world could by injected with these terrible substances by the end of 2021, the same fake pandemic will still be with us 5 years from now. That is because it is not novel and was created by evil men. We are not going to get our freedoms back without blood in the streets.

2 years ago

AMAC needs to stop ‘pulling punches’ and call those sub humans in Washington what they really are.

2 years ago

It is obvious in this action that it is purely a political move. Rice and Obama are making these decision not Biden as he is too incompetent and mentally unstable.
This is coming from as proof as in Obama care to control health of the citizens and unlawful.

2 years ago

Infuriated is how I feel. Covid plandemic is blatant, evil Alinsky playbook tactics to destroy the United States, targeting primarily conservatives and Trump supporters and Christians. They will not succeed! Americans are pushing back, praying, standing up and standing our ground.

2 years ago

Sad excuse for a president, I hope everyone who voted for this mess is happy.
With that said it’s DIVIDE, DIVIDE, DIVIDE and ofcourse “never let a disaster go to waist ” it’s the playbook of Obama and his administration on steroids.

2 years ago

This partisan policies will only hurt our country for generations!! Childish, and vindictive bickering will ruin the foundation of this country, while they worry only about their voting blocs!!

William D Scott
William D Scott
2 years ago

Biden is a totally worthless president. He is the most disgusting one that we could ever conceive of. In fact it calls for some of the character pf Paul Revere.

Stephen M. R. Ellis
Stephen M. R. Ellis
2 years ago

“life-saving monoclonal antibody therapy for people afflicted with COVID-19”
Are you sure that this statement is truth? I’m not. Is it just another way for the corruption within the sickness industry to make money?

Lew Rigaud
Lew Rigaud
2 years ago

Comrade Joe & Cameltoe are being controlled by the half breed muslim bastard & his partner Susan Rice. We need another American Revolution.

Kim Newlin
Kim Newlin
2 years ago

To ration life saving supplies is criminals d murder if citizens Re dying as a result of such policies.

Tamara Tarbell
Tamara Tarbell
2 years ago

Obama’s 3rd term is abysmal. The Democrats are getting exactly what they deserve. We The People are recruiting more every day

2 years ago

He is also playing with innocent , sick peoples’ lives. I never dreamed our country could sink so far morally . So sad for the youngsters growing up today. They will have it very hard. Of course, people who study the Bible see all of this as fulfilling the predictions of the great prophets.

2 years ago

A nurse friend in a local ICU tells me they currently have 16 patients there being treated for covid. Of those, FOURTEEN had been vaccinated. I don’t think many could have envisioned that when the Dems stole the election(s), we would be witnesses to a kind of tyrannical power grab the likes of which this country has ever seen. We are still a year away from the midterms which might provide a measure of power to block further damage. But then, they have also had another two years to strengthen their voter fraud actions.

2 years ago

It’s wrong in every way possible.Once again using his power as revenge against the conservatives. As always with this administration it seems to be America last!

Garland Burdette
Garland Burdette
2 years ago

If Trump would have done something like Biden he would have been perceived of being a killer. The criticism would have been harsh and long of Trump for doing the same thing.

2 years ago

Biden doesn’t know what he is doing, someone else is pulling all the strings. He’s just been a gasbag his whole career. He is also as dishonest as they come.

Mark A Tegtman
Mark A Tegtman
2 years ago

This administration is probably the worst I have ever seen. There are people in the background that are running this President as his capacity to do so is very limited and this thought is about the Vice President also. The push for socialism has been in the making for years now and it is very clear that if it isn’t nipped in the bud soon we will become a Socialist country! Woe to those who want it. I could go on forever but I will stop. Maybe I am wrong but this all started back in the 1960s’ with the Timothy Learys(sp), Hippie movement, the pushing of Marijuana, etc. Sorry to rattle on but you wanted my thoughts. By the way abortion is another part of our decline; morality is out the window!

2 years ago

Since Dr. Carson said that this treatment saved his life and many GOP governors are using this primarily in the fight for Covid patients, he wants to punish them for not following his mask mandates and other virus restrictions. His hate for conservatives takes precedence over saving people’s life.

Randine bodo
Randine bodo
2 years ago

We have to stand together in 2022 and 2024 to get this administration out! They are destroying our country. Let’s band together the way the dems do and get rid of them!

Henry W Rowland
Henry W Rowland
2 years ago

There should be a category for “All of the above”. Biden is not and has not done anything good. All his policies are anti-American. He should be impeached and up for charges of treason.

Linda K
Linda K
2 years ago

The results of this poll show that members are overwhelmingly against Biden withholding this treatment. My question is, what is AMAC going to do with this information?

2 years ago

This Administration is pure evil! They obviously don’t care that there are also democrats who live in these red states and need this medication also. Biden should be impeached for so many reasons. Thankful for Governors who stand up to him!

John P Beres
John P Beres
2 years ago

That is treason. His roll is to protect the citizens of the United States, not play roulette with their lives.

2 years ago

Biden is incompetent and a tyrant. His policies are to destroy America. People need to wake up instead of being “woke”!

Ethel Bardsley
Ethel Bardsley
2 years ago

This is just another move toward Communist Dictatorship from the “so called” President of our country. Americans have to Wake Up to what is continuing to happen against our Constitution!

2 years ago

I don’t think Biden is running this country. Obama is. He’s got everything right back as it was when he was president. The whole covid fiasco is control! We are on the fast track to becoming a communist country and we as conservatives are fighting a losing battle. I don’t understand how the Democrats representing “the people” can live with themselves.

Cliff Chandler
Cliff Chandler
2 years ago

It’s outrageous that people’s lives are literally at stake just for political points. Someone should sue the administration.

Carole May
Carole May
2 years ago

Enough talk! Where’s the action?

Teresa Russoniello
Teresa Russoniello
2 years ago

This administration is disgraceful, they should all resign, and put the Trump administration back in office.

James Sheffield
James Sheffield
2 years ago

It’s time for Trump to step up and reclaim his presidency. We the people were willing to stand with him when he walked away and we are more than ready now. We can not wait in false hope for 2024. He needs to act now! We need our leader to LEAD now. The time for diplomacy is done. It is time to act and remove these traitors from power.

2 years ago

I commented, when Obama was President, most of his policies toward American citizens seemed to be like policies of punishment, as if we were children requiring time-out for misdeeds. Seems we are witnesses to the same mindset with Biden. Of course, we know Biden isn’t capable of coming up with these actions, he is only the puppet. The ‘M’ ‘O’ of these punishments (crimes) against the American people is the same, so you know who is calling the shots. We MUST take back our country.

I must add, the Bible has several accounts where the children of Israel faced overwhelming armies. God often intervened, at times telling their warriors to ‘be still’. God caused the enemy to turn on itself. Are we, thru our prayers to restore our country, witnessing the same miracles? Woodward tells about Gen. Milley, Biden says he never was warned about Afghan from Milley, Milley says he did, Biden then says it was the State Dept that failed him…Durham investigation ramping up…AZ audit, TX audit, DE audit…Vax protests…vax failure…Politico now mentioning Hunter’s emails exist….$3.5 trillion bills that can’t get passed. The Democrat wagons that always circle for protection are falling apart in unusual ways. Think about it.

Gene Deutscher
Gene Deutscher
2 years ago

Joey is a bully. His intent is to punish those who disagree with his policies.

George Ruhnke
George Ruhnke
2 years ago

I’m 75 years old and I never seen a president. That is as bad as this one. I truly believe he xand his goon squad hates America

J Holt
J Holt
2 years ago

Biden should be impeached, not only for actions such as this, but also the border situation and Afghanistan

2 years ago

This is not FREEDOM, people. This is ALL about totalitarian monopolistic WEALTHY elitist power TO control human lives. It’s all about the MONEY. Billions and billions and billions to be made. The wealthy elitist rule in Washington and they DON’T GIVE A “D” ABOUT US. According to them we are just, “fly over deplorable country”. We want REPRESENTATION! WAKE UP FELLOW AMERICANS.

Howard Smith
Howard Smith
2 years ago

Biden is useless and just an Obama puppet his administration is destroying this country.
My cat is smarter then him Bring back the Trump administration and impeach the let wing loosers.

Charleen Frankie RN
Charleen Frankie RN
2 years ago

What needs to happen, is that the vaccine needs to be halted, due to severe side effects, deaths and long term effects that will affect many people. The vaccine is a another powerplay by this incompetent, fake POTUS, to control the masses and possibly eliminate the elderly, due to their “burden” on the health care system. Obozocare had information about this in the thousands and thousands of pages that were produced, so nobody would find their plan to eliminate the elderly and save money.

Wakeup America
Wakeup America
2 years ago

I wish I was surprised, but based on the history of this administration, there is an obvious and blatant disregard for American lives and American values. They are openly seeking ways to replace the current demographics with those more aligned to a historical communist marxist ideology. As it turns out after all these years, the conspiracy theories were not actually false theory…. the so called “truth” was. It is so obvious that they either think or hope or are actively trying to create a nation of idiots and followers. Anyone who would say a 3.5 T bill would cost nothing are assuming that nation already exists – and some days it seems to. WAKE UP America, and remember your values, what your ancesters fought and died to preserve (liberty and justice for all). Remember the many who gave their lives. Do not let these current unelected leaders hijack your beliefs or impose their very racist view which are full of propaganda, hate and bullying. Most everyone I know in the south has a family of mixed races and ancestry and no longer think about it… God bless and protect the United States of America and restore the values of fairness, honesty and one nation under God.

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