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Orange Annulus
Orange Annulus
1 year ago

What does orange semen taste like?

1 year ago

Another grift from Grifty McGrifter

1 year ago

This is a joke right? You cultists worshipping a man who tried to overthrow an election by means of force and with fake electors is quite something.
Trump, your hero-God and his merry band of con-men lost every electoral fraud case in multiple jurisdictions including judges he appointed himself.
You cultists should form your own country. Take all the Southern states and leave the rest of the world to deal with the real issues while you live in Trumplandia where you can shoot each other while he takes your every penny.

1 year ago

If only you all had proof of voter fraud. I know what you can do – investigate all the republican governors, republican state law-makers, republican judges at all levels (including the SCOTUS) with many of them appointed by Trump (including the SCOTUS), and the republicans that have led 100% of the audits who have not found any massive voter fraud. They would have all had to have had a hand in your fantasy scenarios of Trump being cheated out of the presidency. OR since you’re the Association of MATURE Citizens, maybe you can all put on your big boy and big girl pants and join the real world.

Gwendolyn Cummings
Gwendolyn Cummings
4 years ago

Corona virus or not we should be showing our ID’s when voting at a poll. We in Washington state have had to vote by mail for year’s and we have no idea who wins legally.

4 years ago

Dems are history, they destroyed their party and rinos are not far from doing the same thing! a new party is about to come up!! The American Party!!!

Taylor Williamo
Taylor Williamo
4 years ago

SUPER alternative to AARP!!!

Dave S
Dave S
4 years ago

Stop voter fraud…absolutely. His efforts…not sure. Think he has gone about this in the wrong way, and too late. Should have been in front of the situation. Now it appears to many to be self-serving. Am I way off base here?

Allen Floyd
Allen Floyd
4 years ago

The future of our republic depends on fair and honest elections. It’s much more than just one presidential term on the line. We must also find a way to have an honest and unbiased press. They are doing us no favors keeping half of the electorate uninformed.

4 years ago

We can’t let the terrorists win !

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Deter Voter Fraud:
o Voter ID
o signature Dbase for mail in ballots, drop ballots
o UV./Bar code scanning on ballots
(color code by state)
oRecycle idle ballots unused
o Vet USPS workforce
o Voter ID= DMV lisc, pilots lisc other
Set National Stds

4 years ago

800+ results in pole only two comments. These are grandparents of conservative America. Is this nothing more than an exercise let me feel good today. Your grandchildren and children may deserve what our generation has delivered to them. Are you proud yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW GET OFF YOUR ASS AND GO TO UNRESTRAINED WAR AGAINST THIS EVIL.

4 years ago

I can’t imagine how there could be any votes to not stop voter fraud. But I never thought many recent events were coming.

Frona Goins
Frona Goins
4 years ago

Yes, voter fraud needs to be stopped as does the many abuses which are causing friction and unrest. The democratic process of choosing our leaders has, for some time, been circumvented. We as a free society should be assured the integrity of the vote as our voice in our country. It is certainly necessary, in my opinion, to do the utmost to insure the integrity of an honest and above board vote of and by the people Unfortunately, we as a general rule expect people and most especially our so called leaders to conduct themselves in an honest manner, which has not been happening for some time now. We as the people of these United States need to come together as one and take the necessary steps to insure our liberty and justice.

Terry Edens
Terry Edens
4 years ago

Anyone, and I mean anyone, including Joe Biden, caught committing any kind of criminal acts against America, including voter fraud. should be arrested, tried, and charged for treason.

Bob Al
Bob Al
4 years ago

This is it; we must encourage all of our families to support voter reform. We lose the vote we lose our Country, FREEDOM,AND ALL THAT MEANS.

Michael Peck
Michael Peck
4 years ago

If mail-in balloting is going to be continued for future elections, despite the apparent massive problems, this past election should be thoroughly audited to determine whether problems, including possible fraud, were encountered. If it is determined that these occurred, controls designed to capture and eliminate innocent problems and fraudulent ballots must be implemented, before ballots are counted. 

A thorough examination of all of the new policies instituted for this election should be supported by both the Democrat and Republican parties. 

Special attention should be paid to situations such as:

Making sure the Voter Lists are purged of any voter who has moved out of the jurisdiction, or deceased, so millions of usable ballots are not available to be completed and returned by someone other than the voter. The requirement for the voter to initiate the process via a request for a ballot should be maintained. During the Primary Election, in PA, the voter could mark a checkbox, requesting an automatic mail in ballot for all future elections. This procedure should be eliminated unless a control is put in place to ensure events, such as moving to a new precinct, or becoming deceased, result in an update of the voter registration database.

Reinstate a signature match requirement. There was no reason to drop this requirement, as the PA Supreme Court did, despite the fact that this is completely outside the bounds of their authority, other than to encourage fraudulent voting. Personally, I find it disgusting that our State Supreme Court Justices reached such a blatantly partisan ruling. I am certain that will erode faith in that institution. Every PA voter should keep this outrageous behavior in mind when they next stand for a retention vote, and purge those who failed to live up to judicial standards.

I have seen a number of news stories ‘debunking’ the idea of voting fraud where the reporter investigated by asking the individuals, who would be complicit in the fraudulent activity if it is occurring, whether they have seen any indications of fraud. Not surprisingly they respond “I am shocked, SHOCKED that there is gambling at Rick’s American Cafe”. Or words that are just as unconvincing.

4 years ago

we need to STOP voter fraud. Totally un American. Need honest and unbiased news reports. Seems nothing is bipartisan anymore. The Dems want everything partisan. Apparently they want complete control and socialism. uphold our constitution instead of trying to change it. Our forefathers must be rolling in their graves. All lives matter!!!!! Lets keep America great again. God bless our country and our president.

Kristine Wright
Kristine Wright
4 years ago

Write to President Trump to audit all 50 states for 2020 election. Send hard copy to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC 20500. Hard copy today.

Kristine Wright
Kristine Wright
4 years ago

President Trump requested we write to him to audit all 50 states via Newsmax. Please do it today.

4 years ago

Dems learned from 2016. Do anything to stop President Trump in2020. Mail in ballots the perfect tool. Anybody else wonder how Trump was leading in key states when they all decided to stop counting around the same time ? Seems like a planned strategy to me.

DaLeen L Petersen
DaLeen L Petersen
4 years ago

i believe in doing things fairly, i don’t think this election was done that way.

4 years ago

It’s very scary really. Maybe when the illegals start pouring in for free health care, all of our cities look like Los Angeles (a map to keep tourists away from human excrement, really?!), N Korea, China, Iran etc start overtaking our country (in many different ways), and we cant get enough energy to cool or heat our homes, maybe then, maybe, the crazy socialist agenda, and mainstream media, will begin to realize what’s going on and start to push back. Maybe.

Fred Bendall
Fred Bendall
4 years ago

New election, no mail in ballots!

4 years ago

For the past four years, we have heard nothing but constant accusations of foreign interference in our elections. Quite frankly, it appears the corruption and interference is homegrown in America!

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
4 years ago

No democracy can ever survive if the voters cannot be assured that results are fair, honest, and ethical. Yet every single change to election procedure this past year has opened additional potential for fraud and dishonesty. Mail-in voting and ballot harvesting are the two worst along with unexpected ballot boxes that suddenly appear after polls have closed heavily tilted to one candidate. That simply cannot be permitted for the nation’s survival. Voting is NOT a right, it is a privilege.

Don Noonan
Don Noonan
4 years ago

In our statement in the Pledge of Allegiance, One Nation under God, is the statement that solidifies our being a God honoring society. As we are seeing across the country this is being thrown to the wind. We either turn our hearts back to God and honor His Word, America will experience the judgement of God like unto ancient Israel. Israel itself needs a Holy Revival as well as America. We need America to reassert itself as a God honoring nation, reflecting His image in the earth.

Drew Griffith
Drew Griffith
4 years ago

The only way to have truly fair and legitimate elections where the public can truly trust the accuracy of the results is with in person voting along with verification of the identity of the person voting. Early voting with photo ID works. Unsolicited mail in ballots are truly a recipe for election fraud and manipulation

Ken Willison
Ken Willison
4 years ago

Voter fraud is a minor issue compared to election integrity! How our votes are manipulated by computer algorithms is a much bigger threat to our Constitutional Republic. Check out Dr. Shiva on YouTube. Our election system is broken and “We the People “ must search out the truth and demand honesty which is verifiable and unambiguous in our election system.

Louis Deaux
Louis Deaux
4 years ago

Stalin said, it’s not the number of votes that matters. It’s who counts the votes that matters. Every election it seems like the fraud and mistakes occur in Blue run jurisdictions…

…just like riots, civil failure, loss of police and fire protection, massive infrastructure failure, crime, looting, skyrocketing murder, rape, drug addiction (all Blue run places).

4 years ago

I just find it interesting to say the least that thousands of ballots were “found” and zero were for Trump in Pennsylvania

4 years ago

Who are the 26 voting ‘no’ to eliminating voter fraud?

Frances Perry
Frances Perry
4 years ago

It saddens me to see what our country has become. I can remember in my earlier years reading about all the deceit that was happening in foreign countries and how thankful I was that I lived in the United States where I thought all citizens were honest and law abiding; Where things were done on a legal basis and that people who ran for public office had the desire to give of themselves in making and keeping our country the best there was. However, greed and selfishness have overtaken so many who are now in positions that are so integral to the day to day managing. We have reached the point that we cannot sit down and put all ideas on the table and take the better points of each one and put together the best plan for the country as a whole. Sadder even more so that we stoop to the buying of votes and the lying and cheating that is ongoing to get elected. May God have mercy on us and bring us to our knees in repentance before His judgement falls on us.

4 years ago

Should be some prison time for these Demorats. These equipment and software companies should be put out of business but not until they pay for a total re-vote in the states in question.

Dianne Karis
Dianne Karis
4 years ago

The idea that a certain party really pushed the severity of this pandemic set up the ripe conditions for voter fraud by mail in ballots with no accountability. If this election stands then there is no reason in the future to even have an election for they will not be trusted by the people. This is shameful and audits must be done. A fraudulent election is no election at all.

4 years ago

If this fraud continues, our country is finished! We need to stop the socialist/communist who are attacking from within. Start at the schools and get rid of all the professors who are brain washing our children. The younger generation can’t think for themselves and need to start learning why this country is so great and what they are doing by following these traitors. If the schools would get back to teaching the 4 R’s and stop using Alensky’s rules we could be saved.

Daniel Passer
Daniel Passer
4 years ago

This morning, on the Glenn Beck (radio) Show, Glenn reported that leftist voters are temporarily moving into the State of Georgia, in numbers sufficient to throw the run-off elections to the two ultra-leftist senatorial candidates. The election law loophole in Georgia that is incentivizing these citizens to temporarily move into Georgia in order to vote in the run-off elections must be closed ASAP, in order to help preserve integrity of the election process in these two run-off elections in Georgia, in January. Only citizens of Georgia who were already citizens of Georgia during the general election of 2020 should be legally allowed to participate in the run-off elections, in January, for the two senator’s seats. Even if these leftists are prosecuted for election fraud at a point in time after they move out of Georgia, it will be too late to undue their voter fraud.

4 years ago

Next time just hang the hammer & sickle flag at the voting booth and hand me a ballot with one name one it that’s already been checked off. Everybody feels good they got to vote and better yet it was unanimous.

4 years ago

We’ve got to start putting a stop to the nonsense in our beloved country! If we don’t address problems now, we are heading down a very frightening path regarding our constitutional rights and our freedom! Patriots matter!

4 years ago

This is a DNC pattern for politics and has always been. Surprise!

4 years ago

I personally would like to see everyone be honest in all their dealings. That includes DON’T TELL LIES. FOLLOWING THE LAWS. IF YOU DON’T LIKE OR AGREE WITH THE LAW WORK TO GET THAT LAW CHANGED.
There too much dishonesty everywhere. I don’t want to deal with dishonest people. Remember our National Motto IN GOD WE TRUST, and remember GOD HATES LIARS, according to The Holy Bible Book of Revelation Chapter 21 Verse 8, the liars will be in the lake of fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

4 years ago

Its Tim ed to stop the fraud. Can president Trump declare the election invalid and issue a dire five for federal photo id requirement and I person voting ?

Pat Staples
Pat Staples
4 years ago

We need a fair, honest, fraud free elections. That will never happen with mail in ballots or ballot harvesting. Both of these are a direct result to the chaos and voter fraud that happened on election day. If we want honest election we need to pass a Photo Voter ID or Drivers License once you have proven to be a Citizen before voting in person.

4 years ago

One thing that should always be 100% transparent is voting. Any attempt to make it less than 100% transparent must be considered fraud. If they were going to claim Covid as a reason to keep people out of the counting room or to far away to be able to do their job, they should have video taped all counting. From now on, we should have every election set up to have all handling of a ballot by someone who did not fill it out video taped.

Tom H
Tom H
4 years ago

There has to be a fail proof unified voting system void of fraud. People do not realize the Deep State is ALIVE and controlling so much with their tentacles reaching far into our government system. Trump is a deciding hope to combat the Deep State and give government back to the people!

Sandra Sowers
Sandra Sowers
4 years ago

Our elections must be honest to keep our great republic. My worry is that the postal service cannot deliver the mail-in ballots as they should be; also, have the mail-in ballots been timely delivered in the first place. I am 80 years old and did not receive a notice of doing the mail-in ballot like some of my friends did. Another question is whether the election judges have been qualified to serve and protect our votes. Have also heard that many of the military voters did not get their vote counted, hopefully that is not true!

P Labue
P Labue
4 years ago

If people are not afraid to go to the store for groceries, Home Depot, Lowe’s, gather to protest, riot, loot, destroy public monuments or buildings, or terrorize sections of a city then they can can go vote at their voting poll and wait in line to show proper credentials. Mail in voting is subject to abuse. This election was a fares and rigged by the Democratic Party with soros’ money backing it.

Robert Whorton
Robert Whorton
4 years ago

Why don’t the voters of AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA, WI, maybe the entire USA file a class action law suit for disenfranchising all Republican votes?

Tim Jackson
Tim Jackson
4 years ago

Not only should President Trump “sniff out” the obvious voter fraud but the so-called “justice department” and the Federal Bureau of Incompetence should start charging, arresting, and prosecuting everyone involved in said fraud. Of course, we know they won’t. The Swamp is a close-knit family of Globalists and Marxists bent on overthrowing our Constitutional Republic (not “Democracy”).

Tom Wanamaker
Tom Wanamaker
4 years ago

I would like to read the actual petition. I saw an explanation of how the petition will be distributed, but I didn’t see the actual petition itself. Is it posted somewhere?

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