Since neither side seems ready to blink, then yes declare a national emergency and get paychecks flowing back to 800,000 federal employees.
Ivan Berry
5 years ago
For too long the sheep of America have had no shepard, but like a good shepard, the President is doing all he can to protect us from the wolves.
They will never relent, so whatever it takes to make the US soverign and self governing, he should be allowed. Shutting down the government, really shutting it down without all getting back pay, could be a good thing since most of government is ruled from the swamp by those wolves that brought us to this juncture in the first place.
Being ruled from the swamp does not equate with being self governing. Being ruled is the operative. We should not be ruled, but should ourselves be in charge of our lives instead of being at the mercy of rougue politicians or rougue aliens.
5 years ago
Here’s the likely reality of how things will play out, if President Trump decides to go the declare a national emergency, and then signs the Democrat legislation to re-open the federal government. There is a reason why both the MSM and every Democrat pundit on TV keeps bringing up this option, because it is a trap. Deep down, I feel President Trump knows this. Which is why he has been trying to stick with the legislative route. Within 10 minutes of President Trump signing the last of the budget spending bills to re-open the federal government, the Democrats will have an Obama-era or Clinton-era federal judge issue a injunction blocking the administration from diverting one penny from the military budget for wall construction. The Democrats have likely already lined up who the judge is and who is ready to sign such an injunction once the President signs the last of the federal spending bills needed to re-open government. Why is this highly likely? Because this is exactly what the Democrats have done to stop every national security initiative the President has tried to implement since Day One. From the travel ban from countries even the Obama administration had identified as threats to national security to recent attempted procedures to expedite the removal of illegals caught at the southern border. Every single one was quickly blocked, for at least several months, by a progressive federal judge stepping in and issuing a restraining injunction.
The MSM and the Democrats are trying to taunt President Trump into going this route, because once he signs those spending bills to re-open the federal government, he loses ALL his leverage to pressure the Democrats via any legislative solution. Then the Trump administration lawyers will spend the next several months going through the same long and drawn out federal court appeal process before they finally end up at the Supreme Court. In the meantime, we will be that much closer to the 2020 elections, with no additional wall being built, and our feckless Senate Republicans will be in full campaign re-election mode. Like every election cycle, the closer we get to election day, the less interested they are in anything but their own re-election prospects.
We need to be smart enough to understand what the Democrats are counting on and NOT fall for the same ploy over and over again. While I feel sorry for the federal workers, the truth is that tomorrow (Friday the 11th) will be the first paycheck they will miss. Are we really willing to trade away our national security over the threat of some federal workers missing a few paychecks, that they will always get back when the federal government re-opens? The President will never have this degree of leverage again for the remainder of his first term. If we are willing to fold so easily, then this nation is farther gone than most of us think it is.
5 years ago
This is the last chance we’ll have for a long time to get the border secured, which is what any sovereign nation would do under these circumstances. Why should our country put up with the carnage caused by these illegals crashing our gate? Why should we taxpayers be forced to pay the costs incurred by their illegal activities (drugs, murders, rapes, costs of services)? I support President Trump in this effort, even with the shutdown, and I wrote to legislators representing my state asking them to support the president by building the wall/fence and defending our borders.
Did you catch that news clip showing Jim Acosta (CNN) standing by the steel slat fence? He pointed out the fact that no one was trying to climb the fence, and that it was “tranquil” there…implying that since no one was around, there was no need for a fence! Didn’t he realize the fallacy behind his statement, as he stroked the fence, and that the Wall was the reason??! Loved it; hope it goes viral. You have to see it!
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago
But for those of you who lack critical thinking skills, IT’S NOW OR NEVER – MAGA !
Ed R.
5 years ago
I’m very disheartened that there is even a debate about a border wall. Any sovereign country concerned about the safety and security of its citizens would do anything they can, including building a wall to secure the border. The fact that the progressive, left wing democrats are fighting this is ludicrous. Any clear thinking, logical individuals should be very upset that the democrats are more concerned about “Globalism” and illegal aliens. They’ve made it clear where their loyalties lie and their actions clearly are not in the best interests of this nation!
Skeptic Al
5 years ago
Presidential actions regarding matters of national security should be immune from orders issued from judges. Only the Supreme court or Congress should be able to question or restrict Presidential actions…
5 years ago
Yes, yes, yes do it. Whatever it takes, just build that wall and keep foreign riff raff out of this country. The Democratic Party has gone nuts. They are hellbent on achieving a one party system. If that happens we all will loose our freedoms while “the democratic establishment” lives in luxury. I find it hard to understand how so many people want to destroy their own country, the country that made it possible for them to achieve their lifestyle. They seem to want it all. Once they get it all, what can they do with it? They, too, one day will be pushing up daisy’s. I guess then they plan to take over Gods kingdom FOOLS.
Connie Leraas
5 years ago
What will happen the money collected by the triple amputee veteran, who now has some billionaire backers? Should he be put in charge of the wall? I’m thinking that if a greater deal of publicity and the Wall could belong to the people and Congress could go take a hike and leave their pay in DC!
Tina Carlson
5 years ago
5 years ago
craig arledge
5 years ago
i live in a border state. we are being over run by third world savages. even those people who have good intentions are still 3rd world peasants who cannot acclimate to a prosperous productive lifestyle. they ALL become burdens to U.S. taxpayers. we need a bastille day type rebellion with the democrat leadership being on a platform peering through a noose.
5 years ago
Read Deuteronomy 32:8…God set up boundaries to separate/divide nations…what better role model of national leadership! No matter whether one reverences the Bible as the ultimate Word or not, its fact and its history is applicable to the current border debate. Is it safe to override God’s example?
5 years ago
For those that think the Dems in congress will ever work with the administration to secure our borders you better think again. They wouldn’t go along with the President and the Majority of the Border Agents if Their Lives depended on it. If the President had a guaranteed cure for cancer they would vote against it because their hatred for him blurs all common sense.
5 years ago
Liberalism is a plague which may have to run its course like the Black Death or the Spanish Influenza. After the dust settles and the dead are buried, maybe, just maybe… people’s brains will be awakened.
Russell J Jr.
5 years ago
If this is the only way, I’m all for it. President Trump should take the left wing lunatics leadership to a series of town hall meetings across the southern border. Meeting with the folks effected by their inaction. Insulated by a TV news camera this morning, Nasty Pelosi articulated a ridiculous and nonsensical response to a question of how she would respond to a parent who lost a loved one by the hand of an illegal. I’d pay money to see her respond face to face a group of those people! She is a gutless ancient coward whose time to retire has long past.
Richard Williams
5 years ago
Of course we need a wall. Every sovereign country in the world has laws and practices against illegal immigration…many with extreme consequences to violators. Illegal immigrants already in the US are consuming millions of taxpayers’ dollars with “free” programs not even available to low income citzens. We need immigrants that pledge allegiance to the United States, become legal citizens, and support the values of “One Nation”, with the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Illegal immigration doesn’t support that notion, and is tragically divisive. Building a wall to ensure that the US maintains it’s heritage of Freedom and Opportunity is mandatory to get illegal immigration under control NOW!
Mike D
5 years ago
The Dems sole mission is to get Trump out of office at any cost. Sadly half the country chooses to listen only to fake news fed to the media by the Dem Party s gospel without question. Trump has provide proof of a national crisis emergency at our southern border. He held a meeting with AZ & TX sheriff and other law enforcement agencies who layed out the stats RE: drugs, child trafficing, etc coming across the boarder contrary to Dems claim that it is a manufactured crisis. Sadly broad cast only on CSPAN, Fox & Friends, Hannity. We must support the President to get the wall built. Dems passed up chance for Trump’s 4 phase immigration legislative last year that likely would have eliminated a need for the wall and a gov’t shutdown. Why on earth do people keep putting the Chucks and Nancys in office only to make then rich and powerful only continually keep we citizens down.
5 years ago
demon-crtas are all mentally unstable and domestic terrorists. chuckie and bride of chuckie are leading the pack with their delusional take on whats right for America. Our nation is absolutely being invaded. These are NOT "immigrants". Immigrants come into a nation the right and lawful way. There are illegal aliens, and they come in to take jobs, or suck dry our precious social services, which theyve never paid a dime into and have zero right to. They refuse to assimilate and learn English, and they send hundreds of millions of dollars back to wherever they came from, taking even THAT out of our economy. Illegals have killed and murdered American citizens, and the so called “deamers” are rude, haughty, entitled little goons who flip America the bird while they demand all we have. Too many politicians have forgotten, if they ever even knew, that THEY are accountable to US, NOT us to them. Build the wall, then systematically remove EVERY last illegal from America, including, and especially all their children.
5 years ago
Tammy M
5 years ago
It is amazing just how narrow minded the Democrats can be. Since Trump has been elected, they have done nothing but to try and undermine his every move and I mean every. Anyway, I feel the wall is needed. We are not saying no one can come in, we just want it done the right way. I for one do not want to leave this country I’m a state where my children and grand children have to constently have to leave in fear either from the terrorists or the cartels.
border rider
5 years ago
Suspend Habeas Corpus and jail all demorats and RINOS. Shutdown WaPo NY times and other libtard publications round up all illegals, jail and fine all so called sanctuary cities and officials and this is just for starts. extreme? no it’s what the demorats want to do to us so hit them preemptively now
5 years ago
If Obama was still in office and the Republicans wouldn’t give him something he wanted, he’d just use his trustworthy old phrase, “I have a phone and a pen”. And the media was be triumphant in their kudos! The MSM, are nothing short of “TRAITORS” to this country’s Constitution! They would fit right in with Ribbentropp(sp?) and the NAZIS in Germany!!!
Robert and Disgusted
5 years ago
This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. This is a right and/or wrong issue. The people namely Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, and a large number in the news media are a clear and present danger to the constitution and the amendments to this great document of the United States. They are deliberately and directly undermining this document. When you take an oath to defend the Constitution from foreign and domestic enemies and completely and purposely disregard it, that in my opinion is direct criminal contempt for this Constitutional ideal. I call this Criminal conspiracy to commit High Treason to the United States of America. I do not like using this language. I believe there is substantial evidence of this going on, “complete and deliberate” on this political stage. The very foundation of the U.S. Constitution is directly being attacked by the Progressive socialist liberal left in this Country. Nikita Khrushchev said it back in the late 1950s, or early 60s. “We will take you from within”, well here we are Ladies and Gentlemen.
5 years ago
We need a huge grassroots movement to demand TERM LIMITS on Congress.
Without TERM LIMITS this nightmare stranglehold on our government has no chance of ending. The president is only allowed two terms. Why should Congress members have a career position in our government, it’s ridiculous!!!
Shirley Jane Timmons Nance
5 years ago
I believe the President should use the funds for Senators & Congressmen, for building the wall.
Chris Quackenbush
5 years ago
Without a border, we have no country. Dems are just importing as many liberals as they can to change the demographics and create an insurmountable blue wave. They don’t care about solving DACA. They just want power.
Debra A Ellsmore
5 years ago
I as an American citizen, both 1/2 Native American and whose other 1/2 of family came here legally through Ellis Island I want my tax dollars to take care of Americans first ..get our homeless off the streets…feed our starving children and elderly whose food stamps were cut under Obama mother included before she passed …build the wall by any means possible
Linda Browning
5 years ago
Maybe the Democrats want President Trump to declare the situation at the border a national emergency so they can add even more criticism to his goals of protecting the US. IF Democrats happen to win in 2020, which would be horrible, they’ll use that very thing to change the Constitution, maybe even eliminate it. Take away more and more rights , reverse everything President Trump has done with their complete hate of him. I hope the Democrats keep up their agenda for free everything, open borders, taxing the top money making industries because hopefully people all across America will open their eyes to the disaster of the Democratic ideas. It’s unbelievable that a lot of people actually believe this would work. Also I hope Democrats running for the presidency will increase and there will be so many they wouldn’t have a prayer!
5 years ago
If an executive order declaring a national emergency is delayed by a restraining order from a judge, then the restraining order should be ignored and the executive order acted upon immediately. Only the Supreme Court should be able to adjudicate presidential actions.
5 years ago
We the citizens of a sovereign constitutional republic country must invoke our 2nd amendment right and declare this government tyrannical and thus the enemy of the people. By declaring war on a tyrannical government the ones in office will be subject to military tribunals. We the people can end this tyranny now. Capitol hill is leaving us no other option.
5 years ago
Work with Congress;do you live under a rock? That idea is loooong goooone!
Richard P.
5 years ago
President Trump should just declare the emergency and get on with it!!! The wall should have been built long ago! Too many innocent American lives have been lost! Too many illicit/illegal activities have been going on for years/decades! All due to the current border situation! The sooner the wall is built and controlled the better! The democrats are just playing games, and we all know it! $5 billion dollars is just a drop compared to what is wasted each and every year! Whomsoever could vote for the democrats anymore have no sense of right and wrong, no conscious, no common sense of security and respect for the hard working people who built this country and do so each and every day!!
MAGA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
larry johnson
5 years ago
supposedly the incoming democrats have ear marked 12,000,000,000 for foreign aid but say there isn’t any money available for the wall just because of who wants it.if you go back during the last few administrations you will see where each president suggested we build that wall. and now that a president wants it built it’s oh no we done need it as it will not work. but walls work look at all those who oppose it and you will see that they all have a barrier or wall of some kind around their homes [property]. just hatred of this president and of the people who elected him. guess someone must be pulling strings again behind the scenes.
5 years ago
We the people have always wanted a secure border and have been promised such every election but it never happens. I think that the only way it is going to happen is for Trump to just do it but look for Democrats to condemn it and us forever.
Dominic benecasa
5 years ago
The signs are obvious it’s needed if you are unsure. 70,000 overdose deaths by opioids last year, 90% of the drugs come across the southern border, just 10% of those deaths is double the number of gun deaths the democrats want gun control over.
Robert Knapp
5 years ago
Securing our border is much more important than reopening the PARTIAL government shutdown, but unfortunately worthless Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer are being paid.
Robert Knapp
5 years ago
As an 82 year old middle aged retired Vietnam veteran I would gladly volunteer to go to Texas and help build the security to keep out aliens who are draining out treasury coming into our country illegally and then spending more of our dollars prosecuting them and providing prison cells for life after they kill someone. The BIG Picture is greater than the narrow mindedness of Pelosi, Schumer and their pundits.
5 years ago
I am so surprised that the Democrats have forgotten they were ALL for building a wall just a few years ago. I have a great solution: STOP giving money to all the stupid “grants” which come up to research some ridiculous idea. Example follows: ” In early 1975, psychologist Ronald Hutchinson was proceeding smoothly with studies INVESTIGATION WHY RATS, MONKEYS, and HUMANS CLENCH THEIR JAWS??? !!!.” WHO cares and why would this be SO important that the project, bankrolled to the tune of $500,000 by several federal agencies over a decade, had placed Hutchinson at the forefront of research into the biological causes of aggression. But that April, a fiscally conscious legislator from Wisconsin skewered the research with a “Golden Fleece Award,” the second ever, designed to be bestowed monthly upon the agency responsible for “the most outrageous example of federal waste.” from “The Scientist” December 1988. Sounds like government WASTE. Thousands of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars spent on ridiculous “research.’ Let’s make sure our elected officials aren’t wasting taxpayers money on something like this.
Pam Koontz
5 years ago
Do you all remember President Reagan saying, “Mr. Gorbachev, take down this wall!” And now you all want to build an American wall?!! Hypocrites!!! Oh, or is it okay for the United States but no one else?!! We have the laws necessary to keep illegals out of our country, let’s hire the people to enforce them and we won’t need a wall. Oh wait, how many “quality” people do you think will be anxious to work for the US government when their livelihood can be taken away through no fault of their own? How many of you can survive without a paycheck (better yet could have when you were younger and not retired) … many families live paycheck to paycheck and this is putting a real stress on their families. Put yourself in THEIR shoes and THEN what would your response be?
Charles W.Curry
5 years ago
It’s the only way it’s going to happen. The Democrats will never agree to it. It goes against everything they believe US security is not something they believe is important.
T Bob
5 years ago
Walls are immoral. Since Nancy P states that as fact, I implore her to lead the House to introduce legislation to tear down the existing barriers/walls since they are immoral and serve no purpose (see Jim Acosta). Added to the legislation would be a mandate that all gated communities be outlawed. Remove the guards and pass through barriers and gates. They too are immoral. Next, outlaw locks for homes, cars, offices, etc. Include outlawing padlocks of any kind. I would love to see the Dems remove all hypocrisy from their argument by trying to ban all walls and gates. Sound foolish, Chuck and Nancy? Now we agree.
Charles W.Curry
5 years ago
That’s the only way it’s going to happen. The Democrats do not believe in US security, including the defense of our nation. They only support things like women’s rights, protecting the environment, gay marriage and things on their agenda.
Angela Adams
5 years ago
The importance of the Wall is imperative now. Before the illegal immigrants would come by themselves but now they are bringing their quite large families as well.
The reason we need the Wall now. They will only bring our country down. Wake up People!
5 years ago
I think we should load up about 10 Salvadorian Illegals and 10 Honduran Illegals and deliver them to Pilosie’s and Shumer’s residential door step to set up their tents in their back yard and see how they like that. That is if they can get past their twelve foot fence and armed guards.
Construction Hero
5 years ago
We must have a border wall, I would prefer that President Trump used the Democrat Representative’s and Senator’s salaries to finance it. All they are doing is being obstructionist to the American public who I believe overwhelmingly want border security.
James Monaco
5 years ago
I am still weighing the precedent that will be set should the democrats (unfortunately ever) regain the Whitehouse and the Federal Legislature. I don’t understand why the House democrats aren’t upholding their oath of office to defend the Constitution (and country) against all enemies foreign and domestic.
“He serves his party best who serves his country best.”
Blind ambition and obsession with political power are terrible things.
B lapp
5 years ago
Build the wall! Finally!
Verlis J. Collina
5 years ago
For too long the sheep of America have had no shepard, but like a good shepard, the President is doing all he can to protect us from the wolves.
They will never relent, so whatever it takes to make the US soverign and self governing, he should be allowed. Shutting down the government, really shutting it down without all getting back pay, could be a good thing since most of government is ruled from the swamp by those wolves that brought us to this juncture in the first place.
Being ruled from the swamp does not equate with being self governing. Being ruled is the operative. We should not be ruled, but should ourselves be in charge of our lives instead of being at the mercy of rougue politicians or rougue aliens.
I agree with this statement well said
5 years ago
It is so refreshing to see that we actually have a president who has the guts to fight the Swampsters. He knew that he as up against a lot of crooks and self serving leaders in DC when he took the job. Yes, Trump should and will do whatever it takes to protect this country. Anyone that says that the border wall is not necessary is either uneducated in world history or they don’t care and have not had anyone in their family harmed by an illegal immigrant… yet. Its scary to think that a lot of lefty people are actually running the country. No fear folks, that is why Trump is here. What does it matter where he gets the money to get the job done. Heck, look at the ransom money that Obama gave away, or the Uranium Hillary gave away. We could of done so many good things for our country with that money, but no body whined about that. Like I said, its scary to think of who all is running this country. Also, anyone who was unable to figure out what Trump meant when he said Mexico would pay for the wall is either uneducated in comprehending the financial aspect between countries or knows what he meant but is standing their ground on being in the Left Camp. We can hash this subject of the wall all day long and they do in the media, the job will still get done. If you are one of those that think he is only building the wall because it was a campaign promise, you bet he is. I like a president that keeps his promises, especially a promise that will keep this country safe. Its ok if the Swampsters go against everything Trump stands for. It sure doesn’t slow him down any. That’s just part of draining the Swamp. One more observation that is so obvious no one talks about it. The Trump-haters don’t hate him, they are basically yellow with JEALOUSY and green with ENVY. Here is a guy that has never been in politics except to donate to a campaign, which they did not mind accepting. He has taken a country with big problems and turned them successfully and completely around within less than 2 years. No one in the history of politics can make that claim, period. Running a country is a lot like running a business. Money in and money out! How you handle that money determines whether you stay in business or not. Trump has mastered that. The old timer whiners are just ticked off because now they have to actually do some work and the gravy train of the lobbies have been stopped. Yep, the democratic colors are not only blue, but add a little yellow and green to that. They are an embarrassment to the real Americans in this country. Its ok, Trump can handle the DEMO-the-Country-Rats!!! Go TRUMP!!! Build that wall as high as the moon! PS: Wont be long before we see the swamp floor!!
Since neither side seems ready to blink, then yes declare a national emergency and get paychecks flowing back to 800,000 federal employees.
For too long the sheep of America have had no shepard, but like a good shepard, the President is doing all he can to protect us from the wolves.
They will never relent, so whatever it takes to make the US soverign and self governing, he should be allowed. Shutting down the government, really shutting it down without all getting back pay, could be a good thing since most of government is ruled from the swamp by those wolves that brought us to this juncture in the first place.
Being ruled from the swamp does not equate with being self governing. Being ruled is the operative. We should not be ruled, but should ourselves be in charge of our lives instead of being at the mercy of rougue politicians or rougue aliens.
Here’s the likely reality of how things will play out, if President Trump decides to go the declare a national emergency, and then signs the Democrat legislation to re-open the federal government. There is a reason why both the MSM and every Democrat pundit on TV keeps bringing up this option, because it is a trap. Deep down, I feel President Trump knows this. Which is why he has been trying to stick with the legislative route. Within 10 minutes of President Trump signing the last of the budget spending bills to re-open the federal government, the Democrats will have an Obama-era or Clinton-era federal judge issue a injunction blocking the administration from diverting one penny from the military budget for wall construction. The Democrats have likely already lined up who the judge is and who is ready to sign such an injunction once the President signs the last of the federal spending bills needed to re-open government. Why is this highly likely? Because this is exactly what the Democrats have done to stop every national security initiative the President has tried to implement since Day One. From the travel ban from countries even the Obama administration had identified as threats to national security to recent attempted procedures to expedite the removal of illegals caught at the southern border. Every single one was quickly blocked, for at least several months, by a progressive federal judge stepping in and issuing a restraining injunction.
The MSM and the Democrats are trying to taunt President Trump into going this route, because once he signs those spending bills to re-open the federal government, he loses ALL his leverage to pressure the Democrats via any legislative solution. Then the Trump administration lawyers will spend the next several months going through the same long and drawn out federal court appeal process before they finally end up at the Supreme Court. In the meantime, we will be that much closer to the 2020 elections, with no additional wall being built, and our feckless Senate Republicans will be in full campaign re-election mode. Like every election cycle, the closer we get to election day, the less interested they are in anything but their own re-election prospects.
We need to be smart enough to understand what the Democrats are counting on and NOT fall for the same ploy over and over again. While I feel sorry for the federal workers, the truth is that tomorrow (Friday the 11th) will be the first paycheck they will miss. Are we really willing to trade away our national security over the threat of some federal workers missing a few paychecks, that they will always get back when the federal government re-opens? The President will never have this degree of leverage again for the remainder of his first term. If we are willing to fold so easily, then this nation is farther gone than most of us think it is.
This is the last chance we’ll have for a long time to get the border secured, which is what any sovereign nation would do under these circumstances. Why should our country put up with the carnage caused by these illegals crashing our gate? Why should we taxpayers be forced to pay the costs incurred by their illegal activities (drugs, murders, rapes, costs of services)? I support President Trump in this effort, even with the shutdown, and I wrote to legislators representing my state asking them to support the president by building the wall/fence and defending our borders.
Did you catch that news clip showing Jim Acosta (CNN) standing by the steel slat fence? He pointed out the fact that no one was trying to climb the fence, and that it was “tranquil” there…implying that since no one was around, there was no need for a fence! Didn’t he realize the fallacy behind his statement, as he stroked the fence, and that the Wall was the reason??! Loved it; hope it goes viral. You have to see it!
But for those of you who lack critical thinking skills, IT’S NOW OR NEVER – MAGA !
I’m very disheartened that there is even a debate about a border wall. Any sovereign country concerned about the safety and security of its citizens would do anything they can, including building a wall to secure the border. The fact that the progressive, left wing democrats are fighting this is ludicrous. Any clear thinking, logical individuals should be very upset that the democrats are more concerned about “Globalism” and illegal aliens. They’ve made it clear where their loyalties lie and their actions clearly are not in the best interests of this nation!
Presidential actions regarding matters of national security should be immune from orders issued from judges. Only the Supreme court or Congress should be able to question or restrict Presidential actions…
Yes, yes, yes do it. Whatever it takes, just build that wall and keep foreign riff raff out of this country. The Democratic Party has gone nuts. They are hellbent on achieving a one party system. If that happens we all will loose our freedoms while “the democratic establishment” lives in luxury. I find it hard to understand how so many people want to destroy their own country, the country that made it possible for them to achieve their lifestyle. They seem to want it all. Once they get it all, what can they do with it? They, too, one day will be pushing up daisy’s. I guess then they plan to take over Gods kingdom FOOLS.
What will happen the money collected by the triple amputee veteran, who now has some billionaire backers? Should he be put in charge of the wall? I’m thinking that if a greater deal of publicity and the Wall could belong to the people and Congress could go take a hike and leave their pay in DC!
i live in a border state. we are being over run by third world savages. even those people who have good intentions are still 3rd world peasants who cannot acclimate to a prosperous productive lifestyle. they ALL become burdens to U.S. taxpayers. we need a bastille day type rebellion with the democrat leadership being on a platform peering through a noose.
Read Deuteronomy 32:8…God set up boundaries to separate/divide nations…what better role model of national leadership! No matter whether one reverences the Bible as the ultimate Word or not, its fact and its history is applicable to the current border debate. Is it safe to override God’s example?
For those that think the Dems in congress will ever work with the administration to secure our borders you better think again. They wouldn’t go along with the President and the Majority of the Border Agents if Their Lives depended on it. If the President had a guaranteed cure for cancer they would vote against it because their hatred for him blurs all common sense.
Liberalism is a plague which may have to run its course like the Black Death or the Spanish Influenza. After the dust settles and the dead are buried, maybe, just maybe… people’s brains will be awakened.
If this is the only way, I’m all for it. President Trump should take the left wing lunatics leadership to a series of town hall meetings across the southern border. Meeting with the folks effected by their inaction. Insulated by a TV news camera this morning, Nasty Pelosi articulated a ridiculous and nonsensical response to a question of how she would respond to a parent who lost a loved one by the hand of an illegal. I’d pay money to see her respond face to face a group of those people! She is a gutless ancient coward whose time to retire has long past.
Of course we need a wall. Every sovereign country in the world has laws and practices against illegal immigration…many with extreme consequences to violators. Illegal immigrants already in the US are consuming millions of taxpayers’ dollars with “free” programs not even available to low income citzens. We need immigrants that pledge allegiance to the United States, become legal citizens, and support the values of “One Nation”, with the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Illegal immigration doesn’t support that notion, and is tragically divisive. Building a wall to ensure that the US maintains it’s heritage of Freedom and Opportunity is mandatory to get illegal immigration under control NOW!
The Dems sole mission is to get Trump out of office at any cost. Sadly half the country chooses to listen only to fake news fed to the media by the Dem Party s gospel without question. Trump has provide proof of a national crisis emergency at our southern border. He held a meeting with AZ & TX sheriff and other law enforcement agencies who layed out the stats RE: drugs, child trafficing, etc coming across the boarder contrary to Dems claim that it is a manufactured crisis. Sadly broad cast only on CSPAN, Fox & Friends, Hannity. We must support the President to get the wall built. Dems passed up chance for Trump’s 4 phase immigration legislative last year that likely would have eliminated a need for the wall and a gov’t shutdown. Why on earth do people keep putting the Chucks and Nancys in office only to make then rich and powerful only continually keep we citizens down.
demon-crtas are all mentally unstable and domestic terrorists. chuckie and bride of chuckie are leading the pack with their delusional take on what
s right for America. Our nation is absolutely being invaded. These are NOT "immigrants". Immigrants come into a nation the right and lawful way. There are illegal aliens, and they come in to take jobs, or suck dry our precious social services, which they
ve never paid a dime into and have zero right to. They refuse to assimilate and learn English, and they send hundreds of millions of dollars back to wherever they came from, taking even THAT out of our economy. Illegals have killed and murdered American citizens, and the so called “deamers” are rude, haughty, entitled little goons who flip America the bird while they demand all we have. Too many politicians have forgotten, if they ever even knew, that THEY are accountable to US, NOT us to them. Build the wall, then systematically remove EVERY last illegal from America, including, and especially all their children.TRUMP SAID IT BEST IN HIS ADDRESS TO THE NATION, WHEN HE SAID, “WE DON’T BUILD WALLS BECAUSE WE HATE THE PEOPLE ON THE OUTSIDE, BUT BECAUSE WE LOVE THE PEOPLE ON THE INSIDE.” HEAVEN HAS WALLS-HELL HAS OPEN BORDERS. GOOD ENOUGH FOR GOD-GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE USA! LET SANITY RETURN TO THE USA-BUILD THE WALL!
It is amazing just how narrow minded the Democrats can be. Since Trump has been elected, they have done nothing but to try and undermine his every move and I mean every. Anyway, I feel the wall is needed. We are not saying no one can come in, we just want it done the right way. I for one do not want to leave this country I’m a state where my children and grand children have to constently have to leave in fear either from the terrorists or the cartels.
Suspend Habeas Corpus and jail all demorats and RINOS. Shutdown WaPo NY times and other libtard publications round up all illegals, jail and fine all so called sanctuary cities and officials and this is just for starts. extreme? no it’s what the demorats want to do to us so hit them preemptively now
If Obama was still in office and the Republicans wouldn’t give him something he wanted, he’d just use his trustworthy old phrase, “I have a phone and a pen”. And the media was be triumphant in their kudos! The MSM, are nothing short of “TRAITORS” to this country’s Constitution! They would fit right in with Ribbentropp(sp?) and the NAZIS in Germany!!!
This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. This is a right and/or wrong issue. The people namely Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, and a large number in the news media are a clear and present danger to the constitution and the amendments to this great document of the United States. They are deliberately and directly undermining this document. When you take an oath to defend the Constitution from foreign and domestic enemies and completely and purposely disregard it, that in my opinion is direct criminal contempt for this Constitutional ideal. I call this Criminal conspiracy to commit High Treason to the United States of America. I do not like using this language. I believe there is substantial evidence of this going on, “complete and deliberate” on this political stage. The very foundation of the U.S. Constitution is directly being attacked by the Progressive socialist liberal left in this Country. Nikita Khrushchev said it back in the late 1950s, or early 60s. “We will take you from within”, well here we are Ladies and Gentlemen.
We need a huge grassroots movement to demand TERM LIMITS on Congress.
Without TERM LIMITS this nightmare stranglehold on our government has no chance of ending. The president is only allowed two terms. Why should Congress members have a career position in our government, it’s ridiculous!!!
I believe the President should use the funds for Senators & Congressmen, for building the wall.
Without a border, we have no country. Dems are just importing as many liberals as they can to change the demographics and create an insurmountable blue wave. They don’t care about solving DACA. They just want power.
I as an American citizen, both 1/2 Native American and whose other 1/2 of family came here legally through Ellis Island I want my tax dollars to take care of Americans first ..get our homeless off the streets…feed our starving children and elderly whose food stamps were cut under Obama mother included before she passed …build the wall by any means possible
Maybe the Democrats want President Trump to declare the situation at the border a national emergency so they can add even more criticism to his goals of protecting the US. IF Democrats happen to win in 2020, which would be horrible, they’ll use that very thing to change the Constitution, maybe even eliminate it. Take away more and more rights , reverse everything President Trump has done with their complete hate of him. I hope the Democrats keep up their agenda for free everything, open borders, taxing the top money making industries because hopefully people all across America will open their eyes to the disaster of the Democratic ideas. It’s unbelievable that a lot of people actually believe this would work. Also I hope Democrats running for the presidency will increase and there will be so many they wouldn’t have a prayer!
If an executive order declaring a national emergency is delayed by a restraining order from a judge, then the restraining order should be ignored and the executive order acted upon immediately. Only the Supreme Court should be able to adjudicate presidential actions.
We the citizens of a sovereign constitutional republic country must invoke our 2nd amendment right and declare this government tyrannical and thus the enemy of the people. By declaring war on a tyrannical government the ones in office will be subject to military tribunals. We the people can end this tyranny now. Capitol hill is leaving us no other option.
Work with Congress;do you live under a rock? That idea is loooong goooone!
President Trump should just declare the emergency and get on with it!!! The wall should have been built long ago! Too many innocent American lives have been lost! Too many illicit/illegal activities have been going on for years/decades! All due to the current border situation! The sooner the wall is built and controlled the better! The democrats are just playing games, and we all know it! $5 billion dollars is just a drop compared to what is wasted each and every year! Whomsoever could vote for the democrats anymore have no sense of right and wrong, no conscious, no common sense of security and respect for the hard working people who built this country and do so each and every day!!
MAGA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
supposedly the incoming democrats have ear marked 12,000,000,000 for foreign aid but say there isn’t any money available for the wall just because of who wants it.if you go back during the last few administrations you will see where each president suggested we build that wall. and now that a president wants it built it’s oh no we done need it as it will not work. but walls work look at all those who oppose it and you will see that they all have a barrier or wall of some kind around their homes [property]. just hatred of this president and of the people who elected him. guess someone must be pulling strings again behind the scenes.
We the people have always wanted a secure border and have been promised such every election but it never happens. I think that the only way it is going to happen is for Trump to just do it but look for Democrats to condemn it and us forever.
The signs are obvious it’s needed if you are unsure. 70,000 overdose deaths by opioids last year, 90% of the drugs come across the southern border, just 10% of those deaths is double the number of gun deaths the democrats want gun control over.
Securing our border is much more important than reopening the PARTIAL government shutdown, but unfortunately worthless Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer are being paid.
As an 82 year old middle aged retired Vietnam veteran I would gladly volunteer to go to Texas and help build the security to keep out aliens who are draining out treasury coming into our country illegally and then spending more of our dollars prosecuting them and providing prison cells for life after they kill someone. The BIG Picture is greater than the narrow mindedness of Pelosi, Schumer and their pundits.
I am so surprised that the Democrats have forgotten they were ALL for building a wall just a few years ago. I have a great solution: STOP giving money to all the stupid “grants” which come up to research some ridiculous idea. Example follows: ” In early 1975, psychologist Ronald Hutchinson was proceeding smoothly with studies INVESTIGATION WHY RATS, MONKEYS, and HUMANS CLENCH THEIR JAWS??? !!!.” WHO cares and why would this be SO important that the project, bankrolled to the tune of $500,000 by several federal agencies over a decade, had placed Hutchinson at the forefront of research into the biological causes of aggression. But that April, a fiscally conscious legislator from Wisconsin skewered the research with a “Golden Fleece Award,” the second ever, designed to be bestowed monthly upon the agency responsible for “the most outrageous example of federal waste.” from “The Scientist” December 1988. Sounds like government WASTE. Thousands of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars spent on ridiculous “research.’ Let’s make sure our elected officials aren’t wasting taxpayers money on something like this.
Do you all remember President Reagan saying, “Mr. Gorbachev, take down this wall!” And now you all want to build an American wall?!! Hypocrites!!! Oh, or is it okay for the United States but no one else?!! We have the laws necessary to keep illegals out of our country, let’s hire the people to enforce them and we won’t need a wall. Oh wait, how many “quality” people do you think will be anxious to work for the US government when their livelihood can be taken away through no fault of their own? How many of you can survive without a paycheck (better yet could have when you were younger and not retired) … many families live paycheck to paycheck and this is putting a real stress on their families. Put yourself in THEIR shoes and THEN what would your response be?
It’s the only way it’s going to happen. The Democrats will never agree to it. It goes against everything they believe US security is not something they believe is important.
Walls are immoral. Since Nancy P states that as fact, I implore her to lead the House to introduce legislation to tear down the existing barriers/walls since they are immoral and serve no purpose (see Jim Acosta). Added to the legislation would be a mandate that all gated communities be outlawed. Remove the guards and pass through barriers and gates. They too are immoral. Next, outlaw locks for homes, cars, offices, etc. Include outlawing padlocks of any kind. I would love to see the Dems remove all hypocrisy from their argument by trying to ban all walls and gates. Sound foolish, Chuck and Nancy? Now we agree.
That’s the only way it’s going to happen. The Democrats do not believe in US security, including the defense of our nation. They only support things like women’s rights, protecting the environment, gay marriage and things on their agenda.
The importance of the Wall is imperative now. Before the illegal immigrants would come by themselves but now they are bringing their quite large families as well.
The reason we need the Wall now. They will only bring our country down. Wake up People!
I think we should load up about 10 Salvadorian Illegals and 10 Honduran Illegals and deliver them to Pilosie’s and Shumer’s residential door step to set up their tents in their back yard and see how they like that. That is if they can get past their twelve foot fence and armed guards.
We must have a border wall, I would prefer that President Trump used the Democrat Representative’s and Senator’s salaries to finance it. All they are doing is being obstructionist to the American public who I believe overwhelmingly want border security.
I am still weighing the precedent that will be set should the democrats (unfortunately ever) regain the Whitehouse and the Federal Legislature. I don’t understand why the House democrats aren’t upholding their oath of office to defend the Constitution (and country) against all enemies foreign and domestic.
“He serves his party best who serves his country best.”
Blind ambition and obsession with political power are terrible things.
Build the wall! Finally!
For too long the sheep of America have had no shepard, but like a good shepard, the President is doing all he can to protect us from the wolves.
They will never relent, so whatever it takes to make the US soverign and self governing, he should be allowed. Shutting down the government, really shutting it down without all getting back pay, could be a good thing since most of government is ruled from the swamp by those wolves that brought us to this juncture in the first place.
Being ruled from the swamp does not equate with being self governing. Being ruled is the operative. We should not be ruled, but should ourselves be in charge of our lives instead of being at the mercy of rougue politicians or rougue aliens.
I agree with this statement well said
It is so refreshing to see that we actually have a president who has the guts to fight the Swampsters. He knew that he as up against a lot of crooks and self serving leaders in DC when he took the job. Yes, Trump should and will do whatever it takes to protect this country. Anyone that says that the border wall is not necessary is either uneducated in world history or they don’t care and have not had anyone in their family harmed by an illegal immigrant… yet. Its scary to think that a lot of lefty people are actually running the country. No fear folks, that is why Trump is here. What does it matter where he gets the money to get the job done. Heck, look at the ransom money that Obama gave away, or the Uranium Hillary gave away. We could of done so many good things for our country with that money, but no body whined about that. Like I said, its scary to think of who all is running this country. Also, anyone who was unable to figure out what Trump meant when he said Mexico would pay for the wall is either uneducated in comprehending the financial aspect between countries or knows what he meant but is standing their ground on being in the Left Camp. We can hash this subject of the wall all day long and they do in the media, the job will still get done. If you are one of those that think he is only building the wall because it was a campaign promise, you bet he is. I like a president that keeps his promises, especially a promise that will keep this country safe. Its ok if the Swampsters go against everything Trump stands for. It sure doesn’t slow him down any. That’s just part of draining the Swamp. One more observation that is so obvious no one talks about it. The Trump-haters don’t hate him, they are basically yellow with JEALOUSY and green with ENVY. Here is a guy that has never been in politics except to donate to a campaign, which they did not mind accepting. He has taken a country with big problems and turned them successfully and completely around within less than 2 years. No one in the history of politics can make that claim, period. Running a country is a lot like running a business. Money in and money out! How you handle that money determines whether you stay in business or not. Trump has mastered that. The old timer whiners are just ticked off because now they have to actually do some work and the gravy train of the lobbies have been stopped. Yep, the democratic colors are not only blue, but add a little yellow and green to that. They are an embarrassment to the real Americans in this country. Its ok, Trump can handle the DEMO-the-Country-Rats!!! Go TRUMP!!! Build that wall as high as the moon! PS: Wont be long before we see the swamp floor!!