
house bills passed

Approval ratings of Congress have polled in the teens for a decade. Americans consider it broken. What’s MOST wrong with the institution?

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Donald G Worrell
Donald G Worrell
2 years ago

Congress does not work with eachother to form a common ground. Too divided amounts themselves

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

Too many career politicians whose biggest concern is reelection.

2 years ago

They don’t give a damn about us. They are control freaks whose greatest desire is power over us.

2 years ago

You didn’t give us the choice of “all of the above “.

2 years ago

None of the above. The seniority system keeps constituents voting for the same people so they can bring home more pork. Term limits would be good but a Convention of States is fraught with too many unknowns. What we need is for citizens to do their duty and do vote our the corps of permanent politicians.

2 years ago

no term limits

Peter Stroempl
Peter Stroempl
2 years ago

As presented below.. most are self-serving.. Nancy Pelosi is an example. These folks put the American citizen last.

2 years ago

It’s very obvious that too many are life timers and nothing but political prostitutes. Term limits would help resolve this and limit somewhat who runs.

2 years ago

The House & Senate should have Term Limits, and the Supreme Court should have specific age requirement for retirement. (even if it’s 85, which is 20 years past the normal retirement age)

2 years ago

There shouldn’t be anything resembling a senate or Congressional retirement.

2 years ago

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer!

J VanHorn
J VanHorn
2 years ago

It is all about power and control to them. How else can 99% of them become multimillionaires on a 175k salary? We learned a ton over the past 5-6 years. When you’re not one of the club, ie Donald Trump, and can’t be controlled you see what happened. For many years it was about the economy, energy independence, jobs, low unemployment, and strong foreign policy. Trump did all of that and got chastised for it. We have been played for ever and it’s getting worse everyday. We the people are a joke to them. Just keep electing the same morons though. Definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

2 years ago

I didn’t see the option that said they’re all a bunch of lying crooked scumbags

2 years ago

The 1st action a congress person starts ,when elected, is start their reelection campaign. They are not open mined. They are puppets for the political party that ‘‘em get elected

2 years ago

there’s a hidden agenda here to turn us into a socialist Government

2 years ago

There’s A: Too much money in politics B: Too much government C: Too much power with an unelected bureaucracy

2 years ago

Term limits-convention of States

2 years ago

As soon as the Congress and the Washington elites are subjected to the same rules as the rest of us, things will change dramatically

Jim Ott
Jim Ott
2 years ago

Congress needs term limits

2 years ago

The problem is no term limits, big perks and They are able to give themselves raises. Too many career politicians And they are power hungry.

2 years ago

Corruption is the biggest problem. Hunter Biden syndrome.

2 years ago

Dumb ass people one and all. The one best solution would be term limits.

2 years ago

We are inundated with emails, phone calls and mailings begging for $$$$ constantly, daily and minutely and I cannot see any good that we’re getting from our dollars! Term limits across the board needed!

Pamela Ward
Pamela Ward
2 years ago

Term limits are needed. And prosecution of criminals., corruption appears rampant.

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
2 years ago

Like other polls like this one: most probably every option is sadly true.

2 years ago

Search for ‘Convention of States’ (using something other than Google) and get on board!

2 years ago

Well let’s look at the biggest problem with Congress. Our founding fathers had it as close to perfect as you can get with a few exceptions. The biggest problem at the moment is the lack of term limits. As you know our founders did not plan on the career politician, you went to Congress to serve you country and returned home and back to normal life. Senators were appointed by the state legislature and were called back if they did not do the best for their state.
So let’s just say term limits will solve some of the problems but our federal government is just too big and more power should be returned to the state governments.

Rob S
Rob S
2 years ago

Career politicians, corrupt politicians, no accountability for their action politicians … we need term limits and a way to hold them accountable for what they do and how they represent their states and people.
Heres one suggestion, They should be paid by their states NOT from a congressional budget, not by the fed. This way they are more directly involved and accountable to the people they serve.

2 years ago

Term limits as in the ancient British Wickerman tradition.

mark sligh sr
mark sligh sr
2 years ago

I totally agree there should be term limits on almost all elected jobs in Washington,,,, ONCE AGAIN GET OUT AND VOTE PEOPLE …PLEASE

W Grosse
W Grosse
2 years ago

The real solution is a Third Party! Unfortunately, the two parties have made a third impossible.

2 years ago

Remove Communists. Special interest groups, lobbyists, billionaire donors, voting machines, ballot harvesting and drop boxes.No more foreign born people in our Government.

2 years ago

The number one problem was not listed! We need term limits!!!!

2 years ago

First time I didn’t vote as the choices do not reflect the needed change. Term limits and individual accountability for their lying to voters are what is needed. Swift expulsion from office should be
the penalty for lying – they have no right to serve out a term limit when they lie.

Gerald Hamilton
Gerald Hamilton
2 years ago

Full of crooks

2 years ago

Term limits.

2 years ago

Part of the term limit problem is the lack of investigating the average voter does to know the candidates. Most end up voting for the same names and not really knowing what that candidate has or hasn’t done. What Congress needs is a good flush, maybe at this point a courtesy flush is necessary!!

Charles Sills
Charles Sills
2 years ago

For two years I get 30 to 40 calls, emails, text’s and mailing begging for more money and not one solution to anything not one proposal to do anything but spend more money!

2 years ago

They are selfish like most politicians. They are not looking out for we the people. Their reelection and their wallets come first, then the misfits and foreigners. The working class American is the last group that they care to satisfy.

2 years ago

The biggest problem with Concress is they don’t even try to follow the Constitution. We don’t need a Convention of the States; we need them to only spend time passing laws that are grounded in the Constitution!

Jason Goodison
Jason Goodison
2 years ago

Corruption and greed are rampant. These ???????????? “representatives” use their positions to enrich themselves rather than to do what is right and needed for the American people. Stop voting for establishment Dems and Republicans and start voting in good honest people who truly want to give the power back to the people. COS is a good start

Jack Glessing
Jack Glessing
2 years ago

Term limits please. If the elected officials had to go back to work like the rest of us, hopefully they would rethink how they govern

James A Bolfer
James A Bolfer
2 years ago

The game is not being played for the American people. The game is to take advantage of the American people. We do not need life time positions and desperately need term limits.

2 years ago

All of these are valid points. There are many. TERM LIMITS would solve many of these problems. We might get people who would work at their job instead of working to stay in power.

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
2 years ago

We need businessmen, not lawyers, to solve problems and improve American liberty. Bring back the “House on un-American activities committee” to eliminate the socialists and communists within our government.

Owen A. King
Owen A. King
2 years ago

The biggest issue with congress is no term limits and retirement pay/medical.

2 years ago

Term limits!!!

2 years ago

Too many are career politicians like Biden. They are bought and paid for by lobbyists and foreign interests. Some are just “dumb”. It’s like watching a high school student council. There need to be term limits. But for them to pass such reforms will never happen because the fox is watching the hen house. That is why a citizen “reset” is required!

2 years ago

Civil war or a convention of states? I choose a convention of states. Our country seems to be headed that way, where a civil war would only bring in the UN troops, and we don’t want or need globalists ruling over us. It’s bad enough that the WHO wants total control over our healthcare now.

2 years ago

Both sides bought and paid for by lobbyists….Start from scratch everyone out. 2 terms max on either side. If this even helps the lobbyists are a major problem. no one listens to each other. The worst now is actually the republicans who pretend they are for conservative values and then just turn around and stab in the back their constituents. Sans for maybe 10-15 members in the entirety of congress they have sold America out. They literally do not care for this country.

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