
AMAC is constantly at work, seeking like-minded partners who wish to offer over 2 million AMAC members discounts on their products and services. How valuable and necessary do you believe offering estate planning services (wills, trusts, health care power of attorney), at a discount is to our membership? nWhich is most accurate in your situation?

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1 year ago

What many of us need is a reduced price to get this taken care of.

1 year ago

Why is it, that a majority of businesses don’t EVEN recognize AMAC? When asking for discounts as AMAC members, most businesses look at you like youhave 3 heads! THEN, as usual, they tell you, “we honor aarp” members. Typical response. Is AMAC even trying to get us any REAL discounts???

3 months ago

I came here looking for information on how to set up a trust for transferring my assets to my children. I wasn’t expecting a poll. This is disappointing.

1 year ago

So a Chinese spy balloon is sailing across our nation sucking up intel and the geniuses at AMAC are advertising estate planning. Wow!

Bernadette Agnes Kolb
Bernadette Agnes Kolb
1 year ago

Have also a TODD (Transfer of Deed upon Death) legal in Texas. Avoids probate.

1 year ago

There is only one person whom I trust with my money. Me.

1 year ago

Now you are using the weekly polls to provide data to your business partners??? No thanks, I’ll pass on this poll!

1 year ago

Not sure with the way our communist government is acting that anyone will have an estate to give.

jim wood
jim wood
1 year ago

With all the lies our liar and chief states daily, this is the best you could do? Come on, at least give some thought as to what we can continue to do to get rid of this moron and his party in their continued effort to destroy this county. Disgusting poll.

Love Mycountry
Love Mycountry
1 year ago

How about discussing that damn Chinese balloon flying over our more and worry less about your marketing your company. Which relative talked you into this

Tim J
Tim J
1 year ago

The “American Dream” is rapidly becoming the American Nightmare. With the Democrats and Republicans (mostly RINOs) getting rich off the American taxpayer and with no advocates in Washington, D.C. to represent the hardworking citizens of the USA, my plan is to survive the best way I can. I have little faith in the stock market or the banking institutions. At 62 … I’m witnessing the decline of the American empire and the emergence of the One World Government, and it’s digital surveillance and digital currency. We can kiss America (as we’ve always known it) goodbye. My advice is to invest in tangible items, i.e., emergency supplies; tools; Harvest Right food freeze dryer (and the food to dry); water filtration devices; backup generators; gold & silver; guns & ammo; etc. We’re in for a rough ride and investment planners aren’t going to save us.

1 year ago


1 year ago

My renewal is due in march – for two months you have been blacking out random articles – trying to get me to renew early. We are losing or have already lost out country – this is a waste of time & money.

James R Stewart
James R Stewart
1 year ago

I love AMAC’s approach in identifying areas its members could use practical assistance and investigating viable solutions (cost effective, convenient, and effective). Going forward, I would be interested in locating a good lawyer and accountant (may get well paid, but does the job, and looks out for me first, not himself/herself – that is, a fiduciary person!).

P. S. I do not know whether it was intentional or not (for whatever reason!), but cannot help mentioning the text box “AMAC’s Trusted Smart Finaicial Planning Service : Annuities . Life Insurance . Investments” misspelled “Financial”.

Ron Page
Ron Page
1 year ago

I had REAL HOPE, that Amac stay on issue’s that we non-rino’s would have an upto date platform but NOT TRUE. Amac Is just an ad-based platform, just one ad after another ad
WE HAVE A NATTIONAL invasion of our US Air space. And our government and amac just SAY NOTHING TO SEE HERE.
AND to top it off you send a Pole about Estate planning???????????? WTF!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like we need to cancel amac and direct/at&t…..

1 year ago

What I needed were the basic documents: a simple will, financial power of attorney, and medical proxy. Don’t need estate planning, trusts, or anything complex. How about partnering with a company that can provide these basic documents for a discount? When one has led a simple, and legally uncomplicated life, finding a trustworthy firm to do this is often a shot in the dark.

Maurice D
Maurice D
1 year ago

Honestly, Tim J, your discernments are prescient and salient.
You might say, “Termites destroy the castle (USA).”
Why are we invaded by endangering illegal aliens, terrorists, and invaded by confederates of CCP “old friend,” Joe Biden? The nation has been severely compromised by coy, cozy pretenders across all levels of political life. 
Institutions: marriage, family, education-scholarship, economic stability; personal-spiritual security; speech; and justice have been maliciously decimated. 
We’re energy dependent, tax-burdened, and +$31 trillion dollars in debt – on the path to eviscerating our economy and US dollar – the last pillar of the ruin of the nation.
Are National security and “accountability” subjects for SNL? 
Sovereignty has vanished, as we “monitor” and “review options” to respond to arrogant and menacing CCP. Citizenship is hollow.
Is the Obama-Biden-CCP “transformation” – “transition” a wretched reality?
That said, “great evil portends the onset of great good.”

1 year ago

Right now Americans are more concerned about the documents our hapless president has stuffed in numerous locations than we are about document services AMAC is offering.

The lyin’ Biden administration has no clue how to handle the big balloon (or should I say balloons) situation. They are about as competent in securing our airspace as they are in securing our border.

Americans aren’t buying CCP’s “oh, our weather balloon drifted off course” explanation, yet China assumed that Biden would. Somewhere in his feeble mind he probably does.

This is the same CCP government that denies there is genocide against over a million Uyghurs and once claimed that COVID started in Italy.

All the while idiots like John Kerry insist we must negotiate with the habitual lying machine (the CCP) on issues like climate change. He’s probably doing back-flips thinking China really is floating “weather balloons” to study his favorite topic. Hey John, you are a major cause of our “stormy weather.”

Sadly, America is becoming a laughing stock to the rest of the world. This administration must hate our country so badly that they are leading us in a downward spiral at warp speed. God help us!!!!!

1 year ago

Using the poll for advertisements? SHAME ON YOU AMAC. You are on your way to becoming another AARP. I may have to rethink my membership.

1 year ago

Those getting repeatedly jabbed need to get their wills, trusts, etc in order yesterday so as not to leave family and friends with the mess they have created.

1 year ago

Why am I not allowed to vote on the comment from “Donna” re the Chinese spy balloon? I get a message that states “You are not allowed to vote on this comment” Why post it then if you are not allowed to vote on it. Even worse, are you censoring comments now (shades of the old twitter and facebook)?

1 year ago

AMAC is just testing the wind to see how valuable this service would be to it’s members. I’m not surprised that the largest group is people who’ve already done this work. Shows the type of people who are members are the kind to get it done.
What is not show in the poll but is clearly evident in the comments is a large number of you are nattering nabobs of negativism.

1 year ago

Been selling and gifting assets for years. Rest in joint ownership or with listed beneficiaries. My dad said that he came into the world with nothing and could go out with nothing. Made sense to me. No need for more costly expense or unnecessary taxes.

Ed Martin
Ed Martin
1 year ago

Look like somebody is prospecting for customers in the estate planning business.

Frank La Dieu, Jr.
Frank La Dieu, Jr.
1 year ago

Yeah, that was a sneaky one 🙂 just gonna let it slide like all the others.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

I don’t need any Amway products either, thanks!

1 year ago

You know, I can complete all the polls you put in here, but did you ever stop to think some people (myself) cannot afford other services, hence the reason for my answer in the poll. I don’t have any more blood in my stone to contribute to these services. I would love to see the FREE services you can offer us.

Jim W.
Jim W.
1 year ago

My affairs were in order prior to the recent death of my wife. I will now need to make some changes though they will be minor in nature and are already agreed on with our children.

1 year ago

They don:t know how to spell financial, how can they help with anything else?

Julie C
Julie C
1 year ago

I am not good at making these types of decisions, but I have used AMAC for my Medicare supplement and changed cell phone plan to Pure Talk, so I may be looking into their recommended Estate planners. I trust AMAC and feel they listen to us.

1 year ago

The balloon is shot down….FINALLY…of course it served it’s purpose for the CCP. This could have been done in Alaska, but Biden isn’t that smart.

1 year ago

I am sorry but this poll is useless for creating the path of doing an estate plan because there are never any fee costs (even if just the average costs). I may not be rich but I don’t want my assets (however the amount) going into any probate setting. None of the lawyers in my area will offer cost estimates without consultation and don’t think I need to spend $1500 minimum to write up a basic will listing my assets (which don’t involve any real estate holdings, just personal possessions). I only need the lawyer to type up the official copy of my will and notarize it so it is official. More people would write up a will if getting this done was explained better. It is bad enough I have to travel/commute to any lawyer in my area because there are no state listings of every lawyer to check their credentials unless you know where to look. Some of these services don’t need to be a high cost for most of us. So, please in addressing issues like this, provide links for those of us who are not rich.

T Davis
T Davis
1 year ago

I dunno, so I asked my wife to do this poll, and she was afraid someone would call !
Amac, we know it’s important, but with all else going on right now……how about a poll on the NFL Gambling Operation fixing games? I bet that would get some reaction. Who watched the Bengals/Cheats game (I mean , Chiefs?). The larger question is, anyone else notice how the dark left side has taken away just about all of our joys?? I know I’m done with Roger Goddell’s gambling operation!!!

1 year ago

First, I have an estate accountant and lawyer on retainer. When Joe (Stalin) Biden became President, I became very concerned about my wife and I’s future finances. His plans forgoing after Retirement savings and 401K plans really had me looking into what options were available. There were a few options but only one that suited my needs. First, I had to move all of our finances out of the country and make plans to get out of the People’s Socialist Republic of Illinois as fast as possible. There were penalties and fees to pay but in the long run I did manage to save money with the financial move. The Biden Cartel did manage to take right around 50K when that was through. I had to open a Non-Resident Account with The Royal Bank of Canada but I also had to establish proof of Significant Financial Assets to qualify. That took almost two months .I kept a small bank account for checking and credit cards. Then to make our escape from the Gulag of JB Pritzker domain before the next real estate tax rape. We found a place in a neighboring state that we to our liking. We Put our two story, four bedroom, 3.5 bath Victorian (1880) 3600 sq ft. 3 stall garage on 2.5 acres. Put it on the market on a Monday and a week later reduced the price 100K and sold it the following Monday. Took a big hit but I was out of Illinois, the land where Taxes are HIGH and if you live outside of Chicago YOU have NO voice.
The peace of mind has no price. Yes we are both retired……

1 year ago

I don’t think I would put anything of value in Canada at the rate Trudeua is confiscating assests. He is one of the “young Leaders” of the WEF. I live in the socialist state of CA & am looking for another state with more sanity to move to.

Dale W Turner
Dale W Turner
1 year ago

Trying to “up sell AMAC products / services”?

1 year ago

I wonder how good the services are at a discount. You need to have top notch people to set this up.

Dallas H
Dallas H
1 year ago

Is this a poll, or fishing expedition questions for AMAC advertisers? I’m not answering questions like this in this public forum, just to have some semi-automated email or phone call from an advertiser wanting to help me help them keep the lights on.
I’m disappointed, AMAC

Tim Darnell
Tim Darnell
1 year ago

I have been a part of a wealth management group for 20 years and have been very pleased with their service in these areas. I am not in need of any of these discount plans right now.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

This topic for the poll this week can be appreciated by giving thought to the question ” How valuable and necessary do you believe offering estate planning services ( wills, trusts , health care power of attorney ) at a discount is to our membership ? Considering how important these matters are can probably be fully appreciated if some thought is given to what would happen in the absence of these services . What these services provide is a large part of order ( as in law and order ) and it helps to remember how inheritance law had a significant influence on who could vote well into the 1800 ‘s . I’m referring to the requirement that many states had that someone needed to own a certain amount of property in order to vote in elections . So, reform of inheritance laws made it possible to have a fairer system that enabled more people to be able to vote. As for the health care power of attorney there is an example of fundamental freedom being protected and that sure enough is of great value, great importance.
These matters are all indicators of a civilized society that has respect for doing what is right , in the spirit of maintaining law and order. I appreciate and trust what AMAC is doing. In the spirit of respect for guarding Faith, Family and Freedom.

Eddie Price
Eddie Price
1 year ago

Like the truth

1 year ago

Suggest AMAC stay in the realm of identifying discounts for the membership.

Brenda Keller
Brenda Keller
1 year ago

Having estate documents protects you

1 year ago

This POLL is stupid. What happened?

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