
Earlier this month, pro-abortion activists u2013 concerned that the Supreme Court may overturn Roe v. Wade - descended on Washington, D.C. and in cities throughout the nation. Which of the following statements most closely reflects your opinion on how Americans view abortion?

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Mac McIntyre
Mac McIntyre
2 years ago


David Cabral
David Cabral
2 years ago

SCOTUS needs to repeal Roe v. Wade.

David Merrill
David Merrill
2 years ago

Decision should be made between man and woman and doctor, right or wrong, not government involvement.

2 years ago

I have no idea what I would have done, if I had to make the decision to keep or end an unplanned pregnancy. But I know that that decision would have been made early, before a heartbeat, before it is able to live on it’s own or before it is actually born.

suzanne Merrill
suzanne Merrill
2 years ago

There are other ways rather than taking a life. We adopted 4 of our 6 children. I have always believed life begins at conception. So tragic!

2 years ago

Planned Parenthood should never have recieved any government money and should be banned from all government support in the future.

2 years ago

I do not know how anybody would believe in abortions unless it was a life or death matter but then again think about that question if it’s a life or death matter somebody’s going to die either the mother or the child or maybe both I know it’s a tough situation but I tell you I do not hold back when you have people having babies just to have babies and do not want to be responsible for what you’re doing we have so many uneducated people out here when it comes to abortion it’s not just about your body your choice It’s about personal responsibility if you do not want to have a child do not get pregnant real simple common sense or get your long ways You have young women out here having babies just to collect their welfare check that is absolutely 100% wrong you’re no better than a drug trafficker or a human trafficker making money

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
2 years ago

All Americans including the unborn have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

2 years ago

It should be legal for all card carrying Democrats for life.

I am all about aborting every Democrat in the country!!!

2 years ago

…”youth should be taught to honor the sanctity of human life”…and so should the murdering drug companies and the modern stone-age medical system which is killing 100’s of thousands every year. While abortion is an extremely important issue, we are facing an ever larger battle…the fight to survive big pharma and their poison mRNA injections as well as starvation and freezing due to lack of energy. If pharma, gates and Mengele fauci have their way, there won’t be many women even getting pregnant and having babies. Abortion would then be rendered a moot issue.

Mike Flanscha
Mike Flanscha
2 years ago

Follow the science, science tells us that human like begins at conception, than only one thing can happen during an abortion. All the black lives matter signs say science is real, and give love a chance what part of an abortion shows any kind of love.

2 years ago

It’s indescribable to me that women march for the right to kill their own baby. It’s another sign that our nation has slipped into the bowels of this earth and proof of that is the act is considered legal. Where are we going next? Baby born with wrong hair color, grandma turned 80, dad has dementia. We are turning into a Godless nation…..

Karen hamers
Karen hamers
2 years ago

I am adopted…pre Roe vs Wade so fortunately I am alive. I am happily married 44 years and have 6 grandchildren. If I were aborted all those lives wouldn’t exist. It is simple-be responsible for your actions and deal with the consequences and do the right thing and give up your “mistake” for adoption and make another family happy. The selfishness of ‘easy abortion’ is massively destructive to our values, morales and mindset of our country.

2 years ago

Abortion, Yes, I believe it should be legal for every card carrying Democrat.

I’m all about aborting every Democrat.

J Rea
J Rea
2 years ago

While I am pro life and anti abortion the question was what do Americans believe. Most Americans are pro life but not so anti abortion. And American Law is pro abortion. Our politicians cater to the Planned Parenthood lobby and allow Abortion at any time . Our laws provide less protection for the unborn than most regimes. If our country really respected to Right to Life, politicians like Biden Harris Schumer and Pelosi and their enablers in the House and Senate ( including Manchin whose vote made Schumer majority leader) would not be in power. Any voter who voted for Biden, or a Democrat House member or Senator has contributed to the current pro abortion polices of the current administration.

J VanHorn
J VanHorn
2 years ago

Personally I believe life begins at conception and there are many ways to keep that from happening. First off if you don’t want a baby then don’t try to conceive one. This garbage with this is all about women’s health, BS. Maybe a fraction of abortions are truly about the health of the women, but mostly it is just a way out of what they didn’t want in the first place. Call it what you want, to me it is murder. If life doesn’t begin at conception then why is it if someone shoots and kills a pregnant woman, why are they charged with 2 murders? Bottom line, since abortion is legal (federally) and I doubt the Supreme Court has the kahoonees to overturn it why are my tax dollars being used to pay for someone’s murder?

2 years ago

Abortion is murder ….

2 years ago

I am one of those who believe that life begins at conception. Human development is unique and extraordinary. Abortion is a milk toast description of what actually takes place. I believe if people could witness this occurring a significant portion would understand the horrific murder that it is. Young women, fortunately not all, seem not to respect themselves and allow their abuse. For those who have suffered rape support is necessary and available so that they do not suffer the assault of abortion which adds to mental and physical trauma. It is all about getting the truth out there.

Pam Pugh
Pam Pugh
2 years ago

I recommend the book Choose Life: Answering Key Claims of Abortion Defenders with Compassion, January 2022, available for pre-order. This book covers the topic from scientific, medical, social, historic, legal, etc. perspectives.

Robert H Megee
Robert H Megee
2 years ago

While I can give you my view. I would not begin to think that I could speak for other people. The issue is too complex and American’s are too diverse.

2 years ago

I cant speak for most Americans only for myself. I think personally it’s wrong to kill babies. Your question is not one I can answer nor would I try to.

Gregory Russell
Gregory Russell
2 years ago

I DON`T CARE how the majority of Americans view abortion. Abortion is the taking of an innocent human life. PERIOD! It MUST be STOPPED.

2 years ago

Abortion, the PC word for murder.60 million murders since Roe vs. Wade in “73. Not all 60 million abortions placed the mother at risk!. This is a DIRECT attack on ones religious beliefs in the sanctity of LIFE. Who is it to determine when LIFE should begin and end? The Government? Has Government replaced God?

John Gannon
John Gannon
2 years ago

There is $ money to be made in Fertile Tissue by Planned Parenthood etc selling it to China, Medical Labs etc so the push is to keep Abortions not in educating Children etc in future problems in their own health and stress in making a fast decision that is pushed by Individuals with are in their for the money

2 years ago

A Pew Research Poll from May of 2021 shows that 59% of Americans believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases. So, this is what “most Americans” seem to believe.

2 years ago

At 16 my biology teacher brought in 3 large jars, one had the lungs of a smoker, the next the brain of an alcoholic and the third a aborted 12 week baby. It changed my life. My folks smoked and my dad was an alcoholic. Needless to say I beg them to quit and I knew if I ever got pregnant IT’S A BABY, not just because I was raised a believer because at 16 my faith was thin. But because this teacher showed me the facts. Education will prevent this thinking from growing. Yes my parents both eventually quit! Sadly late in life cancer took dad. But both are gone home now after 67 years together.

2 years ago

I’m totally in agreement with free choice. With that choice comes responsibility. What is not discussed is that the choice was made at the time of conception.

P. Earnest
P. Earnest
2 years ago

If you don’t have LIFE, nothing else matters nor is relevant. Birth control is too readily available, in many instances for free. You make your “choice” when you choose to have unprotected sex. Choices have consequences, and the child conceived is not responsible for the consequence, nor should they be made to pay for it with their life. Many couples want to adopt, but probably more often than not must go abroad to do it. Abortion is big business, big bucks. If you haven’t seen “Unplanned,” a true story, it lays it all out. The vast majority of abortions are for birth control (something in the high 90’s %). Aborted fetal tissue is in the “virus vaccines” being given today. God will not wink at our apathy in this situation.

John Di Donato
John Di Donato
2 years ago

BLM babies lives matter

2 years ago

My body, my choice….what a convenient little false lie when it comes to authorizing murder…What about when it comes to forced inoculation of an unproven vaccine? No longer my body my choice I guess…Roe V Wade was probably the biggest stain on America’s past. It has killed millions of innocents. God will have HIS day of judgement for this horrendous and evil Un-Supreme Court decision.

2 years ago

The serpent’s lie in Genesis 3:4-5 infects humanity to this day. We either receive our life and honor as God’s beloved children and strive to do His will, OR, we insert ourself as our own god of our own little universe (“be like God.”) If a baby invades our little universe, we can therefore, view the new life as “evil” and eliminate it. This is self-idolatry taken to a tragic degree for the mother, after, and of course, the baby. It will not end until we, individually and as a nation, repent and return to God our Father.

Rollin D Hough
Rollin D Hough
2 years ago

I didn’t put on my vote what I believe. I believe ALL abortion should be banned. However I think the majority of American’s wrongly feel they shouldn’t impose their views on others, not realizing it’s barbaric murder.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
2 years ago

Thanks to the liberal machine, abortion has become a primary source of birth control for the lazy irresponsible liberals in the country. With the technical advancements in birth control including virtually instant birth control, there is no longer a need for the “Industry” that has been built around this procedure. Unfortunately due to the Socialist Liberal system of public education, our youth has been convinced that abortion is a necessity of life like eating and sleeping. It’s time for the education of our youth to be taken out of the hands of each and every individual who can not teach the truth, our history and how it applies to everyday life, the truth about economics, and without expressing personal biases. It is not up to our school system to teach sexual preference, promiscuity, or how abortion is an acceptable method of birth control. Take this out of the hands of liberal educators and put it into the hands of medical professionals.

Robert Drescher
Robert Drescher
2 years ago

“It’s a woman’s body so it’s her choice,” is the statement of a science denier. Genetic science tells us that the DNA of the unborn child is unique and different from the birthing person so, scientificallly, it is not her body. Pro-choicers should listen to the scientists. Why is science so important for COVID but not for “Choice”?

Zoie Keating
Zoie Keating
2 years ago

We all have made our own mistakes but when the consequences of our thoughtless action is possibly pregnancy somehow baser instincts take over. That said there are simple solutions to prevent having an abortion

Do not have unprotected sex
Do not have sex

Thankfully it seems our younger generation, using common sense, are realizing that abortion is killing a human being and are more supportive of Pro-Life organizations.

The use of abortion as birth control has led to a society that wants no accountability for ending a human life at any stage of pregnancy and could lead to any stage of life.
The truest form of disposing of people “judged” useless/unwanted.

Man/womankind making this decision are playing the role of a supreme being
I’m pretty that God is not pleased.

2 years ago

In this day with the ability to prevent conception. Why do we need the butcher shops??

2 years ago

God says in the bible He knew us from the womb. That means we are going against God. Even before I was saved, I felt if it turns into a baby than it must be a baby at the beginning. So how can I swcond guess God? My daughter was going to have an abortion so I took her down to the Women’s clinic to dhow her what was inside her. They also showed her what happens to the.baby with each puff on a cigarette. She stopped smoking and also picked out the parents to adopt her.Now she is grown and married. She wanted to not only give her life but a better life.

Ivan Weisz
Ivan Weisz
2 years ago

Abortion is the most extreme experience for both men and for women. As a young man, I had caused an unwanted pregnancy. My girlfriend, then was in college on a student visa. This was 1965 and she would have had to end school, return to her home country in big disgrace etc. We found an illegal abortionist in a scary neighborhood, paid $ 250.00 cash and I watched as this older woman inserted a straightened coat hanger wire with a 3 pronged fishing hook taped at the end into my girl. She pulled this around in and out causing big pain and heavy bleeding. Afterward, the next day, we had to go to the ER at Elmhurst Hospital for further treatment. At the ER she was diagnosed with a misscarriage, treated and released. She could have bled out. Yes, I believe 56 years later, that abortion is very wrong. But, remembering my experience with an illegal abortion, I would want a legal option to be available if such a circumstance demanded one. No woman should be forced to undergo such horror. We were young, not God fearing, selfish. This is the first time I have ever mentioned this abortion caused by my needs for sex. I have felt guilt, shame and revulsion since 1965 every time I just hear the word.

2 years ago

Ever notice that all pro abortion people are alive?

2 years ago

The poll ask to state our opinion of how MOST Americans view abortion. My vote doesn’t reflect my viewpoint. I’m afraid most Americans are intellectually lazy or downright indifferent to abortion.

Sue Olivier
Sue Olivier
2 years ago

I abhor abortion, why I’m against current vaccine options but sadly I think many Americans just want to ignore this issue because it is so dividing. It shouldn’t be. If you kill a pregnant woman it’s also infanticide. Why isn’t abortion?

Dave Stout
Dave Stout
2 years ago

Here’s a (likely )unpopular comment about this subject.

Does anyone think that a woman’s choice can be applied to her responsibility to prevent pregnancy through birth control?

Also this applies to her sexual partner.

It’s amazing to me that my body, my choice does not address personal responsibility to prevent unwanted pregnancy? How about making that choice in personal behavior and doing what is necessary to prevent the pregnancy?

In the event that a pregnancy does occur, what about the rights of the unborn body growing inside?

Maybe, before anyone opts for an abortion, they should work for a day in a clinic, and then decide if a fetus is/ is not a human being.

2 years ago

As a Christian, I believe that the lord is angry at this country for all the abortions. This is why evil is in power now. Also, planned parenthood should not be funded by taxpayers money to pay for abortion. It’s not right and abortion is not a form of birth control.

Kenneth Rice
Kenneth Rice
2 years ago

We are a free nation and sorry to say the government has no right to interfere with our right to choose. I am very anti abortion, but some beliefs are stronger

Wendy Felsenthal
Wendy Felsenthal
2 years ago

The question was “ how do I think most Americans feel’…..I think most think its ok but not after first trimester. That is NOT however I feel about it but that’s how the question was asked . I feel irs wrong period .

2 years ago

The original premise of abortion(RvW), from what I remember, was very different than what is now considered abortion “rights”. That being, “when is a fetus human a human?”. Science has proven what is common sense-those cells that multiply are making a zygote, fetus, baby-a human. If you have sexual relations of intercourse (consensual or not), assume you are possibly putting those cells together to make a human. I personally have not met a person who does not regret having an abortion – years later. What is remembered is the date of the abortion, the “birthday” and the age of the child that was never born. Abortion does not appear to remove everything.

2 years ago

I don’t believe “most Americans” can agree on any of your choices. As I read the questions I tended to agree with all of them except those that felt most Americans felt Pro Life or Pro Choice. I chose “unsure” because I do agree with both arguments on this issue.

Mary Cathey
Mary Cathey
2 years ago

I believe that most Americans had learned to live with the decision of Roe versus Wade and had wished the issue would just go away. You didn’t provide that as an answer. If pinned down I believe the answers would very by age and gender and personal circumstances

David Helin
David Helin
2 years ago

I believe women have the right to choose I am .however, totally against the abortion clinics being funded by the government. In other words we tax payers are footing the bill for someone’s carelessness.

David Gag
David Gag
2 years ago

Heart beat in 18 days. ENOUGH SAID. FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!

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