Newsline , Technology

SURVEY: Nearly Half of EV Owners Looking to Switch Back

Posted on Wednesday, July 17, 2024
by Allison Schuster

Despite the Biden administration spending billions over the past four years trying to convince Americans to make the switch to electric vehicles (EVs), sales have stagnated, leading to enormous losses for EV manufacturers and lots full of unsold cars. Now, a new survey also suggests even those who did make the switch are looking to reverse course.

According to a survey out late last month from McKinsey & Co., 46 percent of EV owners in the U.S. said they were “very” likely to switch back to a gas-powered vehicle for their next purchase. This trend further suggests that liberal policymakers who attempted to create an “EV revolution” spurred on by the left’s radical climate agenda have not only failed at their goal but likely created a brewing political backlash in the process.

“I didn’t expect that,” Philipp Kampshoff, the head of McKinsey’s Center for Future Mobility, told Automotive News. “I thought, ‘Once an EV buyer, always an EV buyer.’”

One of the primary grievances voiced by EV owners is the logistical challenge of charging their vehicles. Many say it’s inconvenient to charge at home, either because American homes were never built for it or because it requires expensive upgrades to accommodate the chargers.

EV owners without garages face greater challenges, relying on commercial charging stations that are not only more expensive but also less available. For families managing busy schedules, spending hours waiting for an EV to charge is virtually impossible.

These problems become particularly acute during extreme weather events and in the wake of natural disasters – something that was on full display following Hurricane Beryl in Texas, when many EV owners were unable to find working charging stations. In cold weather, not only do EV batteries not last as long, they also take longer to charge. This past winter, some owners were forced to wait five hours or more just to charge their vehicles.

Moreover, EVs often prove to be more of a financial burden than many people anticipate. While advocates often justify the higher upfront cost of EVs with promises of long-term savings, customer dissatisfaction comes with the true cost of owning EVs accrued from massive battery replacement costs, range limitations, higher electricity bills, and other hidden costs. The cost of insuring an EV can also be substantially higher than that of a comparable gasoline-powered vehicle, due in part to higher repair costs and the specialized nature of EV parts.

EVs have also historically depreciated far faster than gas-powered cars. Many Americans may thus find themselves stuck in an EV they no longer want after finding out that their car’s value has collapsed in just a few years or even months.

Of course, all of these problems have been exacerbated by the Biden administration. Biden’s energy policies, in addition to making the cost of electricity more expensive, have threatened the reliability of the power grid – even as it experiences a surge of demand from new EVs.

The Biden administration has also imposed a new rule requiring EVs to make up 50 percent of all new car sales by 2030, despite ample evidence suggesting how unpopular that policy is. Last year EVs made up less than 10 percent of all new car sales in the U.S.

What’s worse, these regulations affect more than just the cost of EVs. They’re also leading to an increase in the price of gas-powered vehicles. When carmakers have to comply with regulations requiring that a certain percentage of their manufacturing be of EVs that don’t sell, they’re forced to make up for those losses by charging more for cars that do sell.

The Biden administration has also wasted billions of taxpayer dollars trying to force people into EVs that they don’t want. Biden allocated $5 billion to EV charging stations as part of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure law he signed 3 years ago. As of a few months ago, there have only been a handful of charging stations to show for the years-long investment. The government has sold Americans a false bill of goods and everyone, including EV owners and non-EV owners, are paying the price.

In short, the Biden administration has offered tax credits to buyers, and billions in government incentives to manufacturers, and even many Americans who opted for EVs don’t want them anymore. In light of this, it’s perhaps no wonder the administration has now resorted to government mandates effectively forcing people into EVs.

Americans know what cars they want – lawmakers and regulators in D.C. just need to let them choose.

Allison Schuster is a contributor for AMAC Newsline, the Federalist, American Greatness, and the Conservateur, as well as a proud 2021 graduate of Hillsdale College.

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2 months ago

all this for climate change, research climate change is a fraud ,some people are making millions on this fraud.

Virgil Miller
Virgil Miller
2 months ago

The true story comes out how bad EV’s are

Dr. Greggory Lanzen
Dr. Greggory Lanzen
2 months ago

Excellent article, Allison! You hit the nail right on the head. You’ve effectively and concisely touched on just about every weakness of the EV market. No wonder 90% of American’s prefer the freedom of purchasing and driving fuel driven vehicles.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
2 months ago

The Democrat party has always believed in tyranny, from its founding by Andrew Jackson ‘til today. C’mon folks, wake up!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

NO Charging centers
Insurance costs
battery fires
Locked in/Out
No AAA Service

2 months ago

What does one expect when the cart is put in front of the horse! There was totally no thought on the part of the elite who just filled their coffers with money as some idiotic states passed laws that have hurt the economy overall with the EV syndrome. Will these states back down and reject the laws that have passed and save their economies? Only common sense will tell.

2 months ago

I would assume that this mandate is on the top of the list for President Trump to address once he takes over in January 2025. Meanwhile the Dems are scrambling to enshrine every regulation they can think of to make it harder to undo them. We all need to convert at least one Democrat or one Independent voter to get America back.

2 months ago

I guess that, once again, the feds and environmentalists have misunderstood the consumer, miscalculated the general public and misunderstood the concept of mandates!! “Once an EV owner, always an EV owner” – we might be willing to try new things but don’t count on us loving them as you apparently do!! They are expensive, they are unreliable in certain circumstances and the create entirely new set of consequences and life factors and planning!! We have found out that certain things about EV’s have been lied about or intentionally omitted and that only makes many of us suspicious of your intent!! I still believe that elite politicians and environmentalists invested heavily into companies that would profit nicely if EV’s were to become the new thing so how better to make that happen than to mandate that every car sold in America is an EV!!! That’s pathetic!! It has nothing to do with the climate or the planet – it’s all about greed!!!!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 months ago

I hope 5he biggest percentage of dissatified peo-le are you enviro nuts. There will be a time fo5r electrics, but not noiw. Kyle L.

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
2 months ago

Hitler had his VW Biden has his EV! Only the names have changed but DICtators just the same.

2 months ago

I have an EV. Every EV owner I have spoken to loves theirs. Hard to understand the hate for them. Regardless of opinion and emotion, EV’s will get cheaper. That is the threat to gas powered vehicles. The government shouldn’t get in the middle, let the market decide.
That being said, EV’s right now are best for commuting. They are less expensive to power than gas….that’s a fact. I don’t see the US converting to even 50%+ EV’s, but the day will come where EV’s may be 30%+, Hybrids another 20%+, and the balance combustion.

2 months ago

Today, a friend told me her husband bought an EV a few weeks ago without discussing it with her. The dealership apparently had very experienced salespeople. Already, he wants to sell it. They’re going on a long road trip soon and I asked her to take notes on how difficult or easy it was to charge it, how long it took, and if they like it or hate it any more. We’ll see, but I think I know what she’ll report.
The federal government of a free nation has no right to mandate quotas for EV sales. Buying a car is a private decision “free” people can make for themselves. Nor do I condone taxpayer-funded rebates for anything. What a scam!

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 months ago

EV’s and the manufacturing of EV’s put out MORE POLLUTION than gasoline/diesel powered vehicles. Then add waiting hours to just charge the EV’s and NO mechanics. Yet alone NO place to charge them. They still haven’t told people how you’re going to charge it when there is NO POWER to charge them. Or how high your electric bill will be from it and that the power grids can’t stand the load. The A.I.’s are draining our power grid and our water on top of it.
People bought into the Global Warming lie and SCAM. They spent gobs of money for a lie for something that is NOT reliable or feasible.
Remember when obama wanted every vehicle to run on Natural Gas and gasoline jumped sky high just like for the past 3 and half years for a lie? To this day under obama’s BS, all the government vehicles that are supposed to run on Natural Gas never happened. It was a SCAM just like EV’s.

2 months ago

knew this was coming! EVs are not environmental friendly. Time to wake up. Greed is running this country!

Herb S
Herb S
2 months ago

No EVs in my lifetime.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

This insanity would never happen had it been a private enterprise and government had not been involved Perhaps on small scale in the weather favorable conditions sun and wind could be harvested but not right across the whole country Vehicles are OK in theory only Reality is a different matter We can’t control the nature only our own behavior to not destroy recklessly

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