
Newsline , Society

“Winter of Peril” in Biden’s America

Posted on Monday, December 13, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Claire Brighn


In the months leading up to his inauguration, Joe Biden embraced the “Green New Deal” as a central component of his policy platform and an essential part of his plan to “save” the world from the supposedly existential threat of climate change. He said he would be willing to “sacrifice” hundreds of thousands of blue-collar jobs to carry out the “clean energy revolution” this required. From the U.S. Capitol steps, with his presidency about to unfold, Biden forewarned: “We will press forward with speed and urgency, for we have much to do in this winter of peril and possibility.”

Now, gas prices are 49.6 percent higher than last year, grocery prices are climbing, and real wage growth has fallen. Nearly half of all American households face financial hardship, with seven in ten low-income households reporting that they are struggling to get by. To top it all off, weather experts predict that this winter will be one of the coldest on record – so much for global warming. All told, this may in fact be a “winter of peril” for families, but it won’t be due to the supposedly imminent climate crisis. It will be because American families this winter tragically find themselves struggling to choose between food and fuel thanks to soaring costs resulting from the Biden administration’s policies.

In many parts of America where temperatures are expected to hit below zero, the budgeting decision is a Sophie’s choice. Natural gas, which nearly half of all American families use to heat their homes, is expected to cost 30% more this winter than last. The average cost of propane and heating oil is up roughly a dollar per gallon. And to pile on these problems, in some places furnace parts are unavailable due to ongoing supply chain woes – also exacerbated by ill-advised policies from the Biden administration.

Millions of Americans who rely on coal-fueled power plants to heat and power their homes can’t rest easy, either. John Kerry, Biden’s Climate Envoy, said just last week that we should be “closing coal plants five times faster than we are.” Meanwhile, according to the Institute for Energy Research, Biden’s war on American energy has actually driven up coal demand at utility companies to help power homes. Now, as the bitterly cold months of January and February rapidly approach, these essential coal stockpiles are at a dismal 87 million tons, down 35 percent from last year. Just ask families in Texas who had a loved one freeze to death last winter when “green” energy sources failed about how important it is to keep the coal fires burning when winter fully sets in.

Much of the trouble can be traced back to Biden’s early executive actions that crippled the American energy sector. On his first day in office, Biden effectively killed the Keystone XL Pipeline (even though his Energy Secretary admitted “pipe is the best way” to transport fuel), eliminating thousands of American jobs. Biden also prohibited new leases on federal lands, choking out investment, jobs, and American energy independence. And now, as Americans may face over 50 percent higher heating costs than last winter, Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan currently being debated in the Senate proposes a “home heating tax.”

Biden has also installed numerous radicals throughout the federal government who are just as fanatical about the crusade against American energy. Tracy Stone-Manning, the current head of the Bureau of Land Management, has ties to eco-terrorist groups. Saule Omarova, who Biden nominated to be Comptroller of the Currency before she ultimately withdrew her nomination after bipartisan opposition, is on record saying “we want [oil, gas, and coal industries] to go bankrupt.”

Critics have also pointed out that the administration’s energy policy has been filled with hypocrisy and seeming contradictions. For example, after killing the Keystone XL Pipeline project because, in short, “pipelines are bad for the climate,” Biden removed sanctions on Nord Stream 2, a pipeline between Russia and Germany, effectively giving his stamp of approval to the project. After implementing a series of policies aimed at drawing down domestic energy production, ostensibly over concerns about “carbon emissions,” Biden begged foreign oil producers to increase their output to alleviate price increases. When that didn’t work, Biden instead tapped into the U.S. strategic petroleum reserves, which the National Association of Manufacturers slammed as merely a “band-aid” solution.

But really, this American “winter of peril” should not be surprising to anyone who listened to Biden on the campaign trail in 2020. Biden admitted then that there was “no middle ground” in his effort to finish the devastating war on American oil and gas he helped orchestrate as Vice President under President Obama. Just as with other failed Obama-era policies, Biden has doubled down on his embrace of the far-left’s view on the need for a “green revolution.” But rest assured that no one will cut the heat off at the White House this winter – it’s only those families who can least afford it that will suffer under Biden’s plan to “save” the world from climate change.

Claire Brighn is the pen name of a conservative researcher and writer with previous domestic and foreign policy experience in the Executive Branch.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Yup, 81 million people flocked to the polls in Nov. of 2020 & voted for the man that has brought all of us this pain & what has occurred thus far is the platform Biden ran on…
Shutting down the XL Keystone Pipeline & REMOVING the sanctions on the Russian Nordstream II, all in the name of the Green New Deal, hardly…
In reality for this individual, i.e. yours truly, back in the 1st week of Oct. I had my inground 1000 gal. LPG topped off for the winter ahead. Under Trump whilst America was a net exporter of petroleum products versus under O’Biden & America now a net importer of oil, I paid $756.00 more to top off the tank @ $2020.00, whereas under Trump it would have been approx. $1264.00 dollars…
I am simply ( 1 ) small sample of what has happened across the states with winter now upon us…
Those fuel price increases I suffered have only got worse since Oct. folks…
The real tragedy here as stated in this article are the families living at the poverty level that are now forced to go without food for the table or heat for their homes, this is the CURRENT tragedy hoisted on the America people & it is the reality of allowing for a FRAUDULENT 2020 Presidential Election to stand, an election that should have been DECERTIFIED long before now…
Biden & his team of Obama socialists within his faux cabinet are not done with us yet, they have much more suffering for the American people in the works, FORCED MANDATES, more SHUTDOWNS, VACCINATION CAMPS, MANDATE PASSPORTS, more poison jabs on a regular basis are planned, the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th & now I’m hearing a 7th shot is in the works…
I do believe it is time for the apathy of the American people, i.e.” sheep ” to stop here & now… Enough is enough already…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Reopen the damn pipelines & etc NOW or lose Huge for 2022.
Lose the Midwest, NE votes

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

I appreciate the review. Voters elect people whom they believe will carefully make decisions which are in the best interests of citizens.
The massive stimulus now in process offers to spend much borrowed money on competing items. If it all goes into effect, the waste and collapse will be shocking. Yes Schumer and his team will be replaced at some point, but how many Solindras does it take for the folly to be realized????

PattyRN MA
PattyRN MA
2 years ago

And the beat goes on. Vote, vote, vote in 2022 so that we create a tidal wave of Conservative politicians who can replace the Leftist lunatics who are destroying our country. We are in desperate danger of losing the country we love. Don’t fail our country. Vote the Conservative line.

Rodney Ernst
Rodney Ernst
2 years ago

Just another reason for America to wake up and vote for the RIGHT people in the mid terms, and the 2024 elections. The borders are open so the left can flood the country with illegal people to vote Democrat. Nothing is being done to stop this madness. It’s really a joke that all these people are leaving there countries that are socialist to go to a better life here, and find out it will be no different if it keeps going like it is now.

Red Allosaur
Red Allosaur
2 years ago

There has always been climate change. Just ask the dinosaurs and the woolly mammoths.
Unfortunately, you can’t fix libtarded stupid, pompous pinheads who have managed to fix elections.

Mike S
Mike S
2 years ago

The problem is that a very large portion of those who vote have this all paid for them by those who work. They will not notice anything except maybe getting an even bigger handout. I think we are beyond the tipping point where those who pay can out vote those who take. A luxury once sampled becomes a necessity. The takers are not going to vote to reduce or end their freebies.

2 years ago

Patriots, When are the true Americans going to stand up and start protesting and marching in mass numbers ???……this country is almost ruined !
Forget the elections start marching NOW !

2 years ago

Winter of peril? No. Winter of discontent. Soon the dissaproval will exceed Biden’s handlers’ ability to shield the coot from it.

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
2 years ago

The “people” wanted him and now you have him. I don’t think the country can return to where it once was, too much corruption and rot at all levels in this administration. To be honest I don’t trust Republican party either. Too many RINO’S. Read your history books so you can tell your grandkids how great the US used to be.

Johnathan Smith
Johnathan Smith
2 years ago

Biden rimes with incompetence!

2 years ago

Whoever is controlling Biden is bound and determined to destroy America.

2 years ago

the car didn’t take over the horse & buggy until it was cheaper, more dependable, & more efficient.
green energy is not cheaper, is not efficient, & is not dependable. We saw the disastrous results of wind & solar energy last winter. Homes were destroyed by damage, which caused hardship on those having to pay their deductibles & wait months for materials & competent people to make repairs. And now everyone will have higher insurance bills because of it. In Texas a child died as a direct result of ERCOT & Biden’s dependence on green energy. How many will die this winter because of bumbling Biden? Why won’t they let green energy grow organically like the car did? $$$$$$$$$$$ They support the inefficient, expensive, undependable green energy with OUR tax money so they can get big kickbacks from the green energy. Remember how much we “invested” in Solyndra? only for them to go bankrupt in due course. Climate change is a hoax to make money for the elites. Hypocrites don’t live what they preach.

James Smith
James Smith
2 years ago

I hope all the Idiots that voted for this incompetent Jerk are the ones that have to suffer for electing him but I know this won’t happen. Our only hope is there is a RED tide this coming November and Mitch McConnell is not voted Senate majority leader.

2 years ago

When are the LIBERALS going to throw Biden and his pitiful REGIME in the DUMP and realize they made a huge mistake by voting for this DEMENTIA LADEN SLIME BALL who has hurt the middle class and screwed the suburban FEMALE POPULATION and their kids and families//2022 looks good for changes in the CONGRESS and SENATE to get our country in a positive mode instead of this loser and his Midget Buddy FAUCI////////////////////////

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
2 years ago

Thank God we move out of the Northeast to Arizona seven years ago. We just turn on our best three days ago. Can’t imagine how some lower middle class working families will pay to beat their homes. Of course not looking forward to turning on the A/C next summer, I’m sure electric prices are going to sit rocket.
Is this being done to force more people to rely on the government for some type of assistance? I smell Socialism in our countries future!

2 years ago


2 years ago

We the People need to remove joebama and ALL the marxist democrats that are destroying America.
This is the party of divisiveness, corruption and greed. They promote racism,hatred,class envy, to conceal their misdeeds.
Nothing good for America or its legal Citizens.

2 years ago

The mere fact that the elites wont consider nuc power tells me that there is way more to this obvious insanity than meets the eye. In short, they dont want cheap non carbon based energy. There can only be one reason. They’re aiming at a soviet style consolidation of the tens of millions of Americans who got ahead by hard work and deferred gratification. The commies yap about the very rich a lot but the fact is they wish to be them and hobnob with them. Marx himself despised the middle class; the bourgeoisie. They want human pets they can rule over like the gods of olympus. Btw, theres a so called super volcano under yellowstone that could provide carbon free electricity for hundreds of yrs. The commies will fight that to the death even though horizontal drilling could access the heat with zero damage to yellowstone.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Any of you libs and others think abt. goin solar, better check outwhats invlved. Battery replacement. I looked at some a man replaced on a Alaska show. Maby 10 or 12. But looked them up on line and were 600 dollars a piece. Also. You may needf a new roof before the panels are installed. Check all that out. Kyle L.

2 years ago

hack the systems that are controlling all of DC heat and all the power system and see how they like to be freeze out

james michalicek
james michalicek
2 years ago

AMAC wants readers to donate to fund their “Journalism and Advocacy”? Have you spent any money that has removed any Biden crooks from office? Put any in prison? Done anything to punish any of Biden’s crime family? Here’s a deal for you. Pick a project, like “Put Hunter in prison”. Let us know what your project is and then DO IT!!! I really believe that if you can show your readers that you have accomplished something the donations will follow.

2 years ago

Not only Will the White House heat not be turned off, because of the old piece of crap that lives there it’ll be turned up. Think about all the foreign countries that they literally don’t care one iota about. It’s always quite liberals that push every bad communist type law, thought, idea, legislation on the rest of society because they think they’re above it and will rule us. They will rue the day they hurt real Americans.

2 years ago

All we as a country need to do to solve most of our problems is to stop voting for Democrats.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

I would like to push biden in his easy chair down Penn. ave. in front of a bus. Kyle L.

Geraldine McGann
Geraldine McGann
2 years ago

Someone SHOULD cut off the heat in the White House. Biden needs to suffer the consequences of his bad policies.

2 years ago

Biden and his administration is still growing like a cancer on American citizens. It will get worse before it gets better. Biden the TERRIBLE! How does such a weak president do so much damage?

Mike Marrin
Mike Marrin
2 years ago

Bravo Amac! Your Newsline reporting which includes primary and secondary factual backup links is so refreshing. Your reporting demonstrates a media standard abandoned by most “so-called” American journalists. Thank you, Amac, for your member advocacy and your additional efforts to pursue and report the truth.

Thomas S
Thomas S
2 years ago

When are people going to realize that the Democrats hate prosperity? That their bread and butter is poverty, misery, and fear? That is what they use to get elected and that is what they are going to keep on using until Americans wake up and realize it.

2 years ago

Yea we all worry about the way the story is presented. What I want is the right to dig their heels in like the lefties who got us here and break through the swamp that supports their ruin of America. Which is why they hate President Trump and work non stop to silence him. This should bother more people that their rights are being stolen by a ruling minority backed by big money.

2 years ago

So, how long does this go on?

2 years ago

It is more than frustrating to watch Biden, the pseudo, corrupt, stupid president, destroy our country one day at a time — and there has been NO day gone by that he hasn’t done something disastrous. How are we going to save ourselves and our country?

2 years ago

Biden/barack, the Communist Party AKA demonRats, and 98% of Congress are plain and flat out murderers.
All this destruction of the middle class is a deliberate action by the Communist Party. They historically wipe out the middle class. (Are all you braindead democrat Commies ready to die?) Understand, all this damage and evil is PLANNED. And until we get it together and destroy the Commies, they will continue this murderous behavior.
It is how they operate.

Patty L
Patty L
2 years ago

Thank Mitch McConnell for giving Biden and the Democrats a free pass! Is he really a Republican?

Gregory Russell
Gregory Russell
2 years ago

Since we all know what we get when demon-crats are elected into any office, we can only surmise that there are those who hate the United States and wish to see us crumble from within, and that is why they continue to vote in these anti-America traitors. They are the domestic threats to the Constitution that our elected employees swear an oath to defend the Constitution against. I know of no way to protect the Republic from these cockroaches.

Gregory Russell
Gregory Russell
2 years ago

Suddenly posts have to “wait for approval”? What is this, facebook?

Retired USN
Retired USN
2 years ago

All these programs and plans Biden and the Democrats are pushing have one common goal. They are designed to destroy America, and turn us to communism.

Jay H.
Jay H.
2 years ago

Unfortunately, the idiots that voted for this worthless POS liberal puke traitor of a president, have only themselves to blame!! LETS GO BRANDON!!!!!!

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

We just went through a whole year of “Biden Peril”. If folks don’t show up and vote in 2022 we will have more years of Biden Peril. I can’t believe that anyone would still think he has any intentions of doing right for the American people. He shut down our oil pipeline but didn’t think twice about helping the Russians and Germans, and he had no problem with cutting our oil supplies and wants OPEC to produce more so we can send more of our money to them. Complete Lunacy.

2 years ago

What better way is there of killing people than to freeze them to death? Plus the stress of being cold will reduce their bodies immune resistance. Maybe this will make their COVID work better and kill more people. Many in our government do not care about the bulk of the population. There are a few that do care. But they cannot control congress. And with the cheating voting machines and voting policies like mail in voting, same day registration, and others, Conservatives will never have control again!

2 years ago

Let’s not forget the radical progressive democrats claiming that we must stop payments and forgive student loans because it would be a hardship on those who BORROWED the money!
What these so called college educated freeloaders do not understand the definition of BORROWED????
Unbelievable how in a year the useless democrats can destroy so much!
President Trump had America being GREAT, these clowns are a DISASTER !!!

2 years ago

If the wind turbines in TX freeze again this year causing targeted black outs like last time, people will freeze to death. This isn’t funny. The greens in the Administration are already guilty of murder from last winter.

2 years ago

Do you identify “liberal” researchers the way you tag “conservative” ones?

2 years ago

If the editors at AMAC have so much time and money on their hands that they can spend their days censoring their few readers, well then let the games begin. We will do to AMAC what we did to YahooNews. That is a legendary story of MSM stupidity and every editor in America knows it well.

2 years ago

The democrats are grossly incompetent, America hating, morally depraved aniamls.

Let’s Go Brandon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Douglas Proudfoot
Douglas Proudfoot
2 years ago

I hope that this time the Republicans have lawyers on tap to challenge all the changes to election procedure, contrary to state law, in court. We should also make sure that Zukerbucks don’t get used to slant the elections from inside government election offices.

The most important thing is to swamp the margin of fraud. This can be done, and it has been done. In the 1982 Election for Governor of Illinois, Cicago Machine Democrats cast 100,000 fraudulent votes. Republican Jim Thompson won anyway, by just under 9,000 votes. Subsequent federal prosecutions put 63 Machine Democrats in jail.

2 years ago

Yes what I am going to say is cruel and mean and whatever you wish to call it…we need a long, cold, hungry, people sick winter in which leftist parents get to watch the family suffer. Most conservatives I know are prepared for this and will be uncomfortable but fine.

Smarty Pants
Smarty Pants
2 years ago

Seriously, economics is much more complicated and the rise in inflation we’re seeing is far more the fault of Trump’s $6 trillion injection of stimulus into an overheated economy than by ANYTHING Biden has done! Anyone saying otherwise, is just plain out lying!

Ron mann
Ron mann
2 years ago

It is what he has wishdc for

2 years ago

This resident of the white house is a total village idiot and his administration is mentally challenged.

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