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Will The Mythical Suburban Mom Cost Joe Biden the Congress?

Posted on Tuesday, January 11, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


Over the past few years, politic-watchers have heard endless theories on how the two parties should go about appealing to the mythical “suburban woman” who was allegedly key to Joe Biden’s electoral coalition and was ostensibly an Achilles’ Heel for Donald Trump.

Now heading into the midterm year, soccer moms and housewives promise to be critical once again. But as Democrats try to hold on to this key demographic, they may be running up against an uncomfortable reality: over the past year, Democrats’ policies have made these women’s lives worse, not better, on every front. Consider the life of the prototypical Suburban Mom in 2022.

Inflation is driving the price of everything from a gallon of milk to a new car through the roof

Under President Biden and the Democratic Congress, ordinary American families who saw record wage gains and a historically strong economy under President Trump have now suddenly had their financial security ripped out from under them by an anemic economic recovery from the pandemic and soaring inflation thanks to reckless government spending.

Suburban moms were promised an economic rebound; instead, it costs twice as much to fill up their minivans, and the mainstream media told them to ditch the Thanksgiving turkey last year to save money on skyrocketing grocery bills. Not only is mom paying more at the grocery store, but she also wasn’t able to get her kids the latest gaming console this Christmas because of supply chain problems that the Biden administration seems disinterested in solving.

New moms looking to upgrade from their beat-up sedan to a much safer SUV have also likely received a shock – prices for new cars are up nearly 10 percent, while prices for used cars are up nearly 40%. Both aren’t expected to decrease anytime soon. And they can forget about that half-acre lot on the corner – housing prices rose nearly 20% between March of 2020 and October of 2021, the largest such increase in 45 years and a trend that is only likely to accelerate in 2022.

The pandemic has gotten worse, not better, and now schools are threatening to close once again

Joe Biden ran for president on a simple promise: to end the pandemic, put the “adults” back in charge, and orchestrate a “return to normalcy.” The reality has been anything but, with more deaths from COVID-19 in 2021 than all of 2020. The country is now seeing nearly a million new cases a day, and public trust in the nation’s public health infrastructure is at an all-time low.

For suburban moms, this means that they are watching helplessly as not only their kids’ childhoods but their futures are being taken from them. Already forced to wear masks in school and eat lunch on the floor or in the rain due to “social distancing” rules, now kids may once again be forced to endure “online learning.” For an administration that was handed three vaccines, dozens of therapeutics, and the most robust testing infrastructure in the world from the previous administration, such a colossal failure is unlikely to sit well with the Moderate Suburban Mom.

The Left’s radical social agenda is turning children against one another

Another central promise of Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign was an easing of racial tensions after the violence that rocked the nation’s cities that summer.

Instead, Suburban Women are now seeing their children taught that “Whiteness” is a contract with the devil, America was founded to promote slavery, and that everything from Halloween to advanced math classes are examples of “systemic racism.”

For girl moms, their daughters’ sporting careers are now also being threatened by radical gender policy that allows biological males to compete against females on the same field. And forget about your daughter making the swim team at UPenn.

To top it all off, President Biden has weaponized the FBI against parents who dare to defy this new woke curriculum in schools. The left’s message to parents who push back? Stay out of our way, or we will blacklist you and your children and harass you at your home.

Rampant crime is making once-safe neighborhoods more dangerous

Suburban moms who were tired of seeing scenes of horrifying violence on the evening news were promised a great national healing under Democratic rule. Instead, violent crime, carjackings, and organized looting have soared across America. Shopping centers across America are being struck with the newest crime fad – “mass lootings” – just the latest devastating result of Democrats’ “reimagined” criminal justice policies. Joe Biden’s Open Borders policies don’t help either—as hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens with criminal records crossed our borders last year.

But the real worry for many a Suburban Mom is that crime has now made its way to once quiet suburbs, making the streets unsafe for their children. Carjackings and drive-by shootings are skyrocketing in suburban Chicago, while one suburban New York police chief said last year that “I’ve never seen the gun violence like it is.” Many suburban moms fled cities to escape exactly this sort of violence—but increasingly, there is nowhere else to go.

If Democrats do not rein in their extremists, they may soon find that many of the same Suburban Moms who helped put them in power will be the ones most eager to see them go in 2022.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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Deborah Olandese
Deborah Olandese
2 years ago

I believe there is nothing “democratic” about democrats.

2 years ago

I don’t believe suburban moms voted for Biden. I don’t believe anyone voted for Biden except maybe the indoctrinated asswagons on college campuses.

2 years ago

Let’s hope more than the suburban Mom finally wakes up to the corruption in the Dem party!

2 years ago

It all depends on how “woke” any particular “suburban mom” happens to be. Your typical “suburban mom” in New York, New Jersey, California, etc. is a lot different from one in say Texas, Montana or Arkansas. Again, another article that talks in vague generalities, as opposed to going to several states around the country to get first-hand feedback from people on the ground. Then again, so much of what passes as journalism today is done by people that never venture outside their cozy offices to speak to anyone they are writing about or gather any actual facts. It’s all coulda, shoulda, woulda with some vague pronouncement at the end of the article that neatly fits their narrative.

2 years ago

Any American citizen that understands the effect of Joe Biden ‘s management and decisions as POTUS would be an utter fool to support virtually anything Biden says or does. I think a hugely bigger slice of American citizenry realizes the incompetence and evil political intent of Biden and his Democrap Commie buddies (and apparently not many Delunaware citizens over time) have done to put the Nation’s welfare on a track for Communistic governance by the Democrap Party. I more than disagree with the policies and management of the Democraps … I despise their role and existence as a political body in this great (but now in trouble) Nation. ELECTIONS DO MATTER …. and …. RIGGED ELECTIONS CAN BE CATASTROPHIC OF NEAR SO FOR A CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY GOVERNANCE.

2 years ago

Suburban moms need to realize that President Trump would not allow the politicians and MSM of the Washington DC swamp to popagandise the people of the United States with all the lies, and called them out in his “mean” tweets. At the same time fought for the people against Russia Gate’s Muller’s million dollar investigation, attacks on him and his family, and two impeachments, creating the best economy ever, energy independence, international security through peace trough strength gaing respect from our allies., boarder seciuriy and being pro active on fighting the China Virus.
At the same time having a non stop working ethic, rivaled by no one.
Do you miss him? I do!
Does anyone believe Joe Brandon got 81 million votes?

Audrey Jane Spaulding
Audrey Jane Spaulding
2 years ago

I am so sorry that all of these American Women got dupped!!! I was not crazy about Trump, but I have known people with Dementia before and there is nothing great about this President, not his Wife, nor any of the Socialist Spewing Propaganda that the rest of the Administration is going to do.
I hope that they all get hung out to dry in a Prison Cell. They are Liars and Thieves. I really think that Obama is behind the Curtain running the show and the Obama, the Clintons, the Bushes need to be sent to prison for a very long time. All of the Administration needs to be run out of Washington DC and the many Democrats who act like they are your friend should be run out as well.

Spade David
Spade David
2 years ago

I really don’t think suburban moms voted for O’Biden in the last general election, and they certainly won’t vote for him in the next presidential election. In fact, O’Biden has little chance of even being the president one year from now. The Marxist Democrats have failed so many people in this country (including millions in the Democrat party), that they stand little chance of ever controlling the congress in at least the next two decades. They have been moving through the fog of confusion, and their far left-of-center votes have all but diminished their effectiveness for the average American. They have brought this malaise upon themselves because they could not stand up to the people in their party would focused on dividing America for their own self interests.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Wa Wa Wa Wa…maybe those “suburban moms” should think clearly next time and actually listen to and read truthful news and not spend their time looking at Facebook and every other idiot social media outlet. They get what they deserve!

I am an older homemaker who actually has a clear thinking brain in her head and doesn’t fall for lunacy propaganda!

2 years ago

I don’t think Moms, Seniors, or the Z generation will have any impact on the elections’ results. It will go exactly how it’s rigged! We have no control over that as the states that counted have never cleaned up their election registries, and would NOT even consider the idea of an investigation into the possibility of maybe there might have been a tiny bit of corruption in the last election. (Sarcasm intended.)

Don Brinks
Don Brinks
2 years ago

Another highly inflammatory article from AMAC intended to spur conservatives to action. Don’t get me wrong, basically everything stated herein is true. But the intended result will not be as we the people would desire it to be. You see, many running for elected office this fall will be running for purely personal reasons, that is, personal gain. Those are not the type of people we need in Congress right now. We need people who are running first and foremost to correct all of the problems created by the current administration. To put it another way, we need people who will represent the people first as well as support and defend the Constitution as written, not as interpreted by an activist judiciary. So we need to clean house. No RINOs. No personal agendas. No party commitments. Just people who are committed to do the next right thing.

And, honestly, right now, I see very few of those people running for office this fall.

2 years ago

Nothing this man has done has been good. He is a failure; his election is a blot on the Press and the Democrat Party. Woe to America. Immigration; energy; inflation; COvid; people leaving the job market; intelligible speeches…. sad….

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

I urge use parents in school board sessions as Voting base .

Mic J Palazzolo
Mic J Palazzolo
2 years ago

No. Not while internationally rigged federal elections still exist.

“We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud
organization in the history of American Politics.”

-Joe Biden, October 24, 2020

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

Conrad Black has written an excellent piece just published on American Greatness. He is right: democrats have tied themselves to a sinking ship. America has reached a turning point. I hope we all stay vigilant and do our best.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
2 years ago

I would just like to say that every American citizen who is “truly” fed up with what is going on in our country needs to stay vigilant and make their feelings and perspectives known even if only in the voting booth because that is where it is really going to count. Each of us, as American citizens, must remain aware of “political manipulations”. Career politicians are master manipulators. They use words to manipulate, words that play on the emotions of people. Most use words and terms that the average person isn’t familiar with, therefore they are boring to listen to and most don’t want to listen to boring that can only be learned in Ivy League 101! Career politicians use people’s emotions when presenting their political platforms when running for office. The politicians learn about the people’s concerns and play on these things when running for office. Yet, as demonstrated, most career politicians do not care about what the people think. Many, many prove my point once elected into office. Career politicians see politics as a power trip, having the ability to control the people and a pathway, using tax dollars (or insider trade knowledge) to enrich themselves. Right now, in our country, we have politicians at every level of government who continue to demonstrate this one truth, “Do as I say, not as I do”. The politicians of this country are using the emotion of fear to control and change our culture, our country forever in a negative manner. Why are people fleeing their countries to come to America now? Listen to their stories. The common denominator in their stories is “fear”, fear of. Our politicians, those who are working to destroy our country, are also using “fear” to manipulate and control the citizens of the United States of America. Their message is again, “Do as we say, not as we do”! They throw it in our faces, daily via technology. Every country has its problems and issues and we are no different but socialism, marxism, fascism, communism and any other “ISM” are not the answers. There are two responses/reactions to “fear” in both human behaviors and in the animal kingdom. Those responses/reactions are “fight” or “flight”! We can run and bury our heads in the sand or we can fight. We have mid-term elections coming up this year. Voting is our ultimate weapon when all is said and done. Let’s take our country back. Let 2022 and 2024 be the years of “We the People”!!!

2 years ago

According to the head of the FBI, aka The Federal Bureau of Intimidation, the suburban mom is a terrorist. Be forewarned for your family’s safety under the hijacked and corrupt dictatorship of Wrong-way Biden; all federal agencies are considered enemies of the citizens of the United States.

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
2 years ago

In my local region, soccer mom’s did vote for biden. Trump was mean and made nasty tweets. Did not matter what the guy did as president, he was mean. Even today I read letters to the editor on how all this is Trump’s fault.
Well, to all of you who voted for this bafoon, you wanted him, you got him.
I wonder, if we had an honest media, if biden would still be in office?
Finally, why isn’t Biden on TV doing Prevagen commercials?

Carolyn Wilson
Carolyn Wilson
2 years ago

We need Governor Don De Santis to be OUR NEXT PRESIDENT!

2 years ago

Mom does not always know what’s best. Right mom? Pay attention, because if you don’t, the MSM and Democrats will create your reality for you, as they just did.

Here’s a quote that has served me well in my personal and business life.

“As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.”
― Andrew Carnegie

47 years of empty “saying” vs 4 years of promises kept “doing”.

Preaching here is inefficient. Most AMAC members did not vote for this installed demented puppet regime that has the stench of socialism about it.

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
2 years ago

What do we expect this is Obama 3rd term in office in a different face

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Don’t mess with kids and school.
Soon they will blame the crime problem on gun owners.

2 years ago

The citizen public needs to get up-in-arms (not violent) and go after every level of government and every politician to come up with a Constitutional based voting system that is nearlly perfect as far as being a truly one-man-one-vote event and insures that (1) any and all votes privately cast are kept completely private as regards as to how the voter actually marked his vote; in other words, NO person can know or find out precisely and correctly how any voter actually voted. Sending unmarked blank votes out to prospective voters should be absolutely forbidden; and it follows that no vote can be given to a legal voter and marked outside the premises of the voting area. All votes should be marked and submitted in a designated voting area… period. Special areas should be set up to deal with voters who have physical issues that make the process unduly difficult for them., any special assistance must not violet the principal of keeping the vote cast 100% known only by the voter. In some areas, there should be more than one day scheduled for voting, and tight security should guard the locked premises when the poles are closed. And I do believe it is time for legal voters to receive (renewed every four years (and more often if the voter has a change in voting location). a voter ID card with a current photograph, full name, address, and SSN. When voters show up to voting sites, the administrators that distribute the blank vote should check the info on the ID Card and check for accuracy (both major parties should do this for every voter, including that the SSN is accurate when compared to a computer listing. Of course, any voting site should have a full and complete listing of all voter eligible to vote in that location . And the Democrats will still find some few ways to do a little rigging, but … a dog has fleas and Democrats cheat by rigging elections.

2 years ago

Traitor Joe’s administration (Where everything is for sale) and his party are done, unless they get to pull of another mega fraud but after 2020 I doubt that even David Copperfield could top the, in Joe’s own words, “…largest, and most comprehensive voter fraud organization in American history…” Probably the main reason why he is hard at work preventing our border to be controlled so that he can import a constituency, of illegals albeit, that will willingly vote for him “com’on man! legal, illegal,.. did you say I get a beagle?”

2 years ago

Just because the Dem’s are a disaster when it comes to governing doesn’t mean the useful idiots won’t vote for them.

2 years ago

Whatever works! Too bad we can’t get rid of Biden at the same time!

2 years ago

This article sums it up. In one year the Administration has created so much damage.

2 years ago

The facts of the 2020 elections are being successfully hidden by the MSM. They want to prove they are the ones in control. The problem is, for them, that many people are getting turned onto internet talk shows. And their lies are being exposed.

2 years ago

This admin cannot be trusted for there is always a hidden agenda. Create fear and uncertainty on the virus right up until the 2022 election with magic ballots appearing in the dead of night!
No admin. could be this incompetent creating one crisis after another, if not by design.!

2 years ago

The photo of Buck Fiden would be more inspiring if had shown him wearing a gag instead of a mask!!!

Steven H
Steven H
2 years ago

It seems the President and Democrats are intent on breaking the back of Americans. Any economic gains made have been eroded by politicians with their destructive policies/legislation. They care nothing for the people of this country.

2 years ago

I did not vote for this stupit Idiot, he was never a decent individual. Unfortunately my family has to suffer this whole disaster. Shame on the people who voted for him but I hope they suffer too. He also has severe Dementia which he really can help it. But shame to the people not recognizing his illness. He is a incompetent buffoon always has been corrupt to the core. L

2 years ago

Name 1 thing that Biden has improved since stealing the Presidentcy! . . . Oh, that’s right, he’s made more people aware that the Democratic Party is more Communistic in their beliefs! . . . Geez, thanks Joe, even though that wasn’t his intention!

2 years ago

The suburban working non-college educated moms ARE a political demographic force now. And they are fed up, especially with CRT and all the left indoctrination. They are the ones that moved the recent election in Virginia! Not only moms but African Americans, Hispanics, Latinos and even some democrats are fed up and moving to the GOP. There is a National Conservative Patriot Populist Movement freight train that is rolling down the tracks in our country! 2022&2024 elections are going to be a huge RED tsunami! WE WANT REPRESENTATION NOT DICTATORSHIP! THE PEOPLE ARE SOVEREIGN!

2 years ago

I have to ask, where are the Suburban Dad’s? Fox has a mom’s panel. When NewsMax speaks to parents, they tend to speak the mothers.

This is part of the Democrat Socialist Communist Party’s dream: take dad out of the picture and the conversation.

Bring us back in. We still love our children and care for our families. Our thoughts and opinions might just interest you.

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

The “suburban soccer mom” has only two choices, vote for freedom or socialist/marxism. Just like the rest of us. End of discussion.

2 years ago

Not only will the ‘suburban mom’ cost Joe Biden the Congress, but anybody with half a brain and an ounce of sanity will cost Biden the Senate too. If you think that I have just implied that all Biden lovers do not have half a brain or an ounce of sanity —– you would be right.

2 years ago

First of all, I find it hard to believe that suburban women voted for the senile evil old man occupying the White House. Second, these so called vaccines are not vaccines at all. A vaccine keeps a person from getting a disease. These shots actually allow people to get the disease without the symptoms. I think it’s a crime that this shot is being forced onto people who don’t want it for whatever personal reason they see fit. Remember, my body, my choice. So it’s ok to give people the choice to murder babies, but it’s not ok if they choose to get a disease that may or may not kill them. However, we can force a shot on them that could cause major health problems up to and including death. Cynical, diabolical, evil regime that cares nothing about human life or freedom

Therese Brezin
Therese Brezin
2 years ago

And, don’t forget the threat of violence, rape and kidnapping (for trafficking) that Moms and Dads have to watch for. With so many violent pedos, rapists and murderers let out of jails and allowed across our borders (including the many UNVETTED muslim men whose “religion” allows them to kill, rape, behead, etc. young non-muslims), how are our children safe?

2 years ago

Ho Hum! So tired of all this stuff.
Suburban MOMS……ya better wise up!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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