President Biden wants additional authority to tackle the border crisis. He says that he’s ready to shut down the border once Congress acts. That he’s otherwise out of options. The New York Times reports that the president is frustrated. He feels stymied. “I’ve done all I can do,” he said this week.
Hasn’t he done enough? As a result of Biden’s policies, migrant crossings have reached historic levels. Border Patrol agents took into custody or processed more than 300,000 people last December—the most on record. His encouragement of asylum-seekers and illegal immigrants affects not only border states such as Texas, but also blue states such as Colorado, Illinois, Massachusetts, and New York. Immigration is rising to the top of voters’ priorities. All voters, not just Republicans. And these voters blame President Biden—rightly—for the mess we are in.
Cheeky, then, for Biden to turn around and say that he’s immobilized by congressional inaction. Cynical, too: If Congress fails to pass a supplemental bill that includes aid for Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific, as well as immigration law reforms, Biden will try to shift responsibility for the border crisis onto the GOP. He might even succeed.
Yet Biden’s claim of powerlessness is a crock. He’s asking for a legislative solution to an executive-branch problem. He could clamp down right now if he wanted. Indeed, he could demonstrate seriousness on the issue of border control by reversing the executive orders that promoted the migration in the first place.
Biden could match his recent hawkish rhetoric with deeds. He could take dramatic action, even if the courts ultimately reversed his decisions. But, like Bartleby, he prefers not to. He’d rather fight with Texas governor Greg Abbott (R.) over fencing.
Where are Biden’s pen and phone? Did Major hide them somewhere on the White House lawn? For years, liberal presidents have informed a recalcitrant public that they hold unitary power to impose the latest progressive scheme—to establish equity, legalize Dreamers, reduce climate change, or any of a dozen other left-wing goals.
Yet suddenly, when the southern border is overwhelmed, when cities are filled with homeless migrants, when drugs and gangs and individuals on the terror watchlist are entering the United States, the president is helpless. A wreck. He needs Congress to bail him out.
Odd. Biden didn’t say he required congressional approval when, on his first day in office, he reversed his predecessor’s order to exclude illegal immigrants from the Census Bureau’s calculations for congressional reapportionment; insulated Dreamers from legal challenges; ended restrictions on entry into the United States for citizens of nations deemed a national security risk; paused deportations; stopped construction of the border wall; and extended the ability of Liberian immigrants to remain in the United States.
Nor did Biden say he required congressional approval when he ended his predecessor’s Remain in Mexico policy; first tried to halt Title 42 authority to remove illegal migrants deemed a public health risk; and expanded presidential parole to admit more than 1 million migrants to the United States.
Biden didn’t go to Congress when he extended the pandemic eviction moratorium. Or when he announced a blatantly unconstitutional workplace vaccine mandate. Or when he revived an egregiously expansive interpretation of the Clean Water Rule. Or when he erased $400 billion in student loans.
True, the courts tossed out the eviction moratorium, vaccine mandate, EPA overreach, and the initial student loan forgiveness plan. If Biden assumes that the courts also would intervene on the border, then he should say so. The point is that Biden’s self-imposed limitations on executive authority have appeared only when the issue is illegal migration.
Why? Because of the Democratic Party coalition. Biden isn’t worried about losing black and Hispanic voters concerned about illegal migration and border security. He’s worried about losing the college-educated liberal professionals who exercise undue influence in his administration and who have been radicalized into believing that unchecked migration is a human right. His dependence on these college liberals constrains his actions and weakens the country. And it is long past time for him to change course by enforcing current immigration law and taking executive action to strengthen the border.
Such a correction is unlikely. Chances are that Biden will continue to pursue an immigration deal that won’t pass the House of Representatives, and that he will continue to lament his lack of executive authority. Only to rediscover his pen and phone as soon as progressives cook up another wacky idea that voters dislike and the courts reject.
Biden…..You opened the border with the stroke of a pen. Now close it!
Biden is such a liar! He needs to be impeached and held accountable for all his crimes.
Biden and the Biden family are a disease on this country!! He could close the border today if he wanted to!! Close all borders. Airports. All access to our country!! He lies and manipulates!
More lies from the so called president. It would be nice if he would actually do something instead of blaming the republican party for his mistakes.
We need to remember that when people came through Ellis Island they were often approved but some were sent back. They had a health exam and needed to be able to support themselves. It was called the Island of Tears as families were at times separated and one went back while others stayed. We need to know that people coming in can support themselves and not be hungry on the streets, bringing in drugs etc. If the Border has a setup like Ellis Island it would help. Otherwise, people could not enter illegally. Just my thoughts..
Biden’s phone and pen are in Obama’s pocket
He has had 3 yrs to solve(prevent) the disaster. He has the power still. Now he wasn’t to play politics with the issue. A fraud, a hack, a criminal. His only interests are self serving.To hell with the good of America.
Biden is a boldfaced liar! He already HAS the authority and the resources to close the borders to the illegal immigration. He had it before he started allowing all the crossings back in 2021. On his 1st day in office.
Biden is the reason the border is being invaded. He’s the only one that can change it. He lies, and his supporters believe him. Sad people that think he has done all he could. He is doing everything to destroy our great America
Thank you for sharing. When will the crazy train finally go off the rails
Joe Biden is the worst thing that ever happened to our country, the way paved for him by Obama. And now they won’t even prosecute him for the classified documents he left scattered around, because “he’s a feeble old man with a poor memory”. Send him to a jury and let them figure it out, like they do with everyone else. He, and the Democrat party are so despicable I don’t have the words to excoriate them!
Biden could close the border in a New York minute with the stroke of his pen. He’s just playing with all of us.????
Why do people keep referring to a party that does not exist? There is no Democratic party, it is the Democrat party that is not even democratic. The closest to being democratic is the desire for mob rule, as the undernine the Republic and show no sense of ethics or mkrals to limit their corruption. There is no party that stands for the founding principles of this nation, term limits are needed to help rid us of career political hacks that care more about entrenching themselves than this nation as they have no remorse for violating their oath of office. Every election has become a decision on the lesser of the evils, as there is no candidate honestly viewd as good for this nation and “We the people”
The Democrats knew exactly what they were doing when they nominated Joe Biden.
They needed a democrat with some political history, but, more importantly, they needed someone who was morally and mentally compromised enough to promise and follow through with a lawless plan to injure our country… by letting enough (9 million +) illegals in to remake the electorate in their favor. Never mind the human trafficking, drug traffic and street crime that will endanger us and our children into perpetuity.
President Biden also stymied our domestic oil production to the point where our economy and the finances of many millions of our citizens were significantly damaged by it. Now, as he claims “victory” after only having increased budget deficits for our nation AND millions of people who lost large amounts of their hard-earned savings, and he falsely points to a “victory”.
The Democrats enabled a hapless, witless agent of destruction named Joseph Biden, by promoting him and handing him an unearned election victory through a corrupted election process that lacked chain of custody for millions of paper ballots.
They cheated us out of our voting rights, while executing a coordinated effort (for their own political future’s sake), to undermine our constitutional republic, and make our United States a weaker, far more dangerous and far less prosperous country.
His people know and we know what he has
said all along. Come on in before anyone can
stop my dereliction, and treason of FREE
Citizens of OUR USA!
NOT STUPID or with them!
In Obama’s pocket, and he is about to give them to Michelle!
The Dems have managed President Biden like an organ grinder manages his monkey. Everyone with life experience and common sense knows that President Biden was used by the Democrats to do many damaging things to our nation… for the purpose of remaking the electorate (mass illegal immigration) and generally destroying the status quo.
As the Dems predicted, President Biden is now conspicuously wounded by following bad orders given by their non-managers, so now it’s time to get rid of him… as they had planned all along. America just got taken for a ride.
Well written.
Forget the ineffectual nitwit’s pen and phone. Joe Sly-den is guilty of extortion and various criminalities under color of official right.
Americans are not so stupid as to believe Bidum when he says he has done all he can. That is total BS and everyone knows it! Immigration was in control under President Trump! Our ancestors came to America, legally under the same laws, for the most part that still exist today. There was limit then of 250,000 immigrants per year before Dimocraps raised it to one million per year. (250,000 is probably the maximum that can be “vetted” in a years time) but Dimocraps don’t care. This is not about labor needed to pick fruit, the only purpose is to allow every illegal, to illegally vote for Bidum! And dimocraps have already tried doing this to see if they can make it work! America has to stop this illegal leftist take over of our government, our freedom is at stake!
Do they really think people are this STUPID and believes his lies and garbage.
Brandon can’t remember where he put them,
Stereotypically, old people with dementia are obsessed with people walking on their lawns but apparently, this grandpa is OK with people walking on everyone else’s! But if Biden’s not mentally diminished, have him race around the White House in his 67 Stingray and let’s see what happens…
He & his cabinet & party are such bleeding heart liberals who cannot see the forest for the trees! … Open your eyes & look! We should impeach all of Washington, sending everyone home … with an empty house & senate we could not be any worse off!
Biden needs to become a republican, and join in with the repblican Party.