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Time to End Affirmative Action?

Posted on Wednesday, February 2, 2022
by Outside Contributor

Americans are fed up with racial preferences.

More than three-quarters of Americans believe President Joe Biden should consider “all possible nominees” to succeed retiring Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, rather than only Black women, according to a new poll.

Likewise, nearly three-quarters of Americans, including a majority of Hispanic and Black people, oppose affirmative action. They don’t want Black and Hispanic college applicants favored over other applicants who have higher test scores and grades, according to Pew Research.

A group of Asian victims of Harvard’s affirmative action are suing, represented by the nonprofit Students for Fair Admissions. The Supreme Court announced last week it will take the case.

That announcement has provoked woke outrage and predictions about the return of Jim Crow. Georgetown University law professor Paul Butler warns the Court will “take this country back to the time where straight White men ruled everything.” There isn’t a shred of truth to that warning.

Court papers document how Harvard rigs the admissions system to disqualify as many Asian applicants as possible. It systematically gives Asian teens low “personal” scores for subjective qualities such as courage and personality in an attempt to offset their higher scores on standardized tests.

A black student with a Preliminary SAT score above 1100 might get invited to apply to Harvard, but a white student from the same area of the country would have to get a score above 1310; an Asian girl would need at least 1350, and an Asian boy at least 1380. Unfair? You bet.

It’s a repeat of what Harvard did in the 1930s to keep Jews out, according to Kenneth L. Marcus, assistant secretary for civil rights in the Trump administration’s Education Department. “Just as Harvard in the 1930s thought that Jewish students lacked the character to make them good Harvard men, so today they often view Asian students as lacking the appropriate character,” Marcus said.

The Supreme Court never intended affirmative action to be permanent. In 2003, when it upheld the University of Michigan Law Schools’ use of race to promote diversity, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor wrote, “The Court expects that 25 years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary.”

Fast forward, and the evidence is clear that affirmative action failed and should be replaced by programs that give a leg up to the poor, regardless of their skin color.

When the University of California tried affirmative action, Black and Hispanic students admitted with low scores floundered and graduated at far lower rates than non-affirmative action students.

In 1996, California voters — usually left-leaning — banned affirmative action. Afterward, the University of California showed how to promote economic mobility without using race, explains UCLA law professor Richard Sanders. UC recruited at inner-city high schools and counseled students on the nuts and bolts of applying to college. UC targeted teens determined to study hard and succeed, never mind their skin color.

Harvard could do the same. Only 4.5% of students admitted to Harvard come from households with incomes in the bottom fifth of the nation. Many Black students admitted are children of academics and professionals. Yet they’re pushed ahead of Asian applicants whose parents are first-generation unskilled workers. 

Diversity, the way Harvard and many other universities practice it, is a scam. In reality, it gives privilege to Black students.

Take Biden’s two leading candidates for the Supreme Court: federal Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson and California Judge Leondra Kruger, both Harvard College graduates, Jackson’s father is a lawyer; Kruger is the daughter of two physicians. Both women are cookie-cutter duplicates of the court’s current makeup — Ivy Leaguers, who once clerked for the Court.

For real diversity and fairness, Biden should consider a broad field, including Chief Judge Sri Srinivasan of the District Columbia Court of Appeals, who has not only a law degree but also a business degree. That’s something none of the current justices has, though business cases dominate the Court’s docket. 

It’s time for America to end affirmative action. It’s a polite euphemism for an ugly process — reverse discrimination. It hasn’t made the U.S. economically fairer, and another 25 years won’t change the results.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.


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2 years ago

AA is racist.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

results of affirmative action are all around us

2 years ago

Way past time to end this reverse discrimination initiative. The best person, period, should be selected.

2 years ago

Absolutely. It has done enough damage already . I was against it from the day it was enacted and think it was the most unAmerican thing in my lifetime. It was the end of the basic American belief that all people deserve equal opportunity.

2 years ago

Biden will put in as career organized crime & communist evil criminal as he is , for SCOTUS .

2 years ago

‘Affirmative Action’ was wrong when it first started. It is just ‘another social justice’ type of program that has never really worked. It has helped to ‘divide’ our country more and more, but…I think that was the ultimate purpose behind it to begin with.

2 years ago

This is the WORST president ever!

Joseph L. Sexton
Joseph L. Sexton
2 years ago

I’m a Nam War Vet, they used Affirmative Action to give a promotion to a Minority & then a Position with another company that wanted my 33 years of experience. I mention Nam because I lost a position to a Vietnamese Woman with less than 2 years experience over my 33 years.In Nam we were killing them now they take our Jobs.

Rj from Az
Rj from Az
2 years ago

I think the idea of AA was ok at the beginning, but once you get politicians involved, your best intentions turn to mud. No, get rid of it. It has and will continue to cause problems among people just because of skin color and not qualifications..

2 years ago

I don’t see why we need to give a “leg up” to anyone, not if the criteria for access to anything is set and holds no bias aside from skill and competency. For me this is all about bias. SAT test scores have no correlation to a student’s success and should be disbanded. Skills tests are better suited…..and if someone lacks certain skills then they know where to enhance their performance to excel. As an employer, I would seek the potential worker who had a certain set of skills and capacity as well as an ability to learn as criteria for hiring…..race was not even a factor…..the “purple people eater” could work for me if he had the needed skills and a capacity to learn….9.the only draw back for him is he would have to CHANGE his eating habits). I think this country has had enough of the ploy of affirmative action that only ruins education and work ethics and makes us less able to work and succeed.

2 years ago

Affirmative action is the very definition of racism.

2 years ago

Affirmative Action = Reverse Discrimination

2 years ago

Best qualified period. Race should never be a question asked.

2 years ago

Didn’t agree with it when it took effect and still don’t. One of the worst things our government has done. And there’s a long list of them

2 years ago

Affirmative Action does a disservice to minorities. It calls into question their qualifications unfairly.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

If people STOPPED worrying about what the white man “MIGHT” do and did something positive things might actually change. I hope this dufus reads this.

2 years ago

Affirmative Action was the wrong solution to a problem requiring a much earlier start. Affirmative Action is like closing the barn door after the cows are already out. If you really want to address the problem of education with minorities and those who live in poorer areas, then it makes much more sense to address improving the education at the earliest grades first, not college, that is a little too late. Inner cities are notoriously poorly run for several reasons and do not allow the students to learn at the pace and level of more middle class and affluent areas. Changing those areas by giving them safer schools, better teachers as well as better choices for parents to send their kids to schools who are performing at least at the national average would be a start. Waiting until the students reach college age and then lowering the bar, or worse sending them to elite colleges just to balance the so-called diversity of color just dooms many to failure. At least send them to a college where the likelihood of them graduating and becoming successful is greater. Giving all students equal opportunities to succeed is all we can do for them; the rest is up to the individual, let us leave color and or social class out of it and just put everyone in the same basket, Americans

2 years ago

I’m starting to wonder if when Affirmative Action first came about, it wasn’t about race or gender at all. I wonder if what they were actually addressing was centered around ‘physical’ attributes. Whether one was short, over weight or had a speech impediment or a physical deformity or impairment. I don’t think that should be ignored regarding this issue. We know the way the Left works, and they’re probably the one’s who started throwing race and gender into the pot; especially when it came to LGBTQLMNOPXYZ.
It seems like I recall efforts from organizations supporting persons with disabilities, that they were encouraging the work force to acknowledge them for their possible contribution in ways other than the physical. The Left always finds ways to undermine and twist an originally successful idea for good social policies to their depraved agenda. No one ever accused a anti-moral Liberal of not being clever, just hypocritical, and unintelligent. So, I think affirmative action on behalf of those who were viewed as unemployable because of their physical impairments is a good thing. Race and gender, I have a feeling was the opportunity for Liberals to take advantage claiming people of race and those who make certain life choices were being discriminated against as well.

Robert Dapper
Robert Dapper
2 years ago

This should never have started. This is the beginning of classic ” white guilt”.

Dolf Reeves
Dolf Reeves
2 years ago

Affirmative action should have ended when President Barack Obama was elected. Electing a black president sent a message that racial division was dead in the USA and people were heading the call of Reverend King to “judge on the content of character and not the color of one’s skin”.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

How can any computation determine that affirmative action is now sufficient and therefore is no longer necessary? Discrimination never works. .

C.V. Compton Shaw
C.V. Compton Shaw
2 years ago

I read an online article recently which asserted that white men in the USA are more
dissatisfied with the way they are treated than white men of any other nation in which whites
have a large presence. Affirmative action against white males, of course, is one of the main reasons for the same.

2 years ago

Affirmative action should have been stopped decades ago. It was devised as a crooked, corrupt means to advance Blacks over Whites.
It was the beginning of White destruction. It was always meant to be.
WHY don’t people see these pogroms in time to stop the evil?

2 years ago

220202 daily caller article about lisa cook, a marxist indoctrinated affirmative revenge racist hate America to destruction monger victim-o-gist b

lisa cook is a typical marxist indoctrinated affirmative revenge racist hate America to destruction looter victim-ol-ogist [short form : affirmative revenge racist hate monger] posing as a legal and politi’Kal hack… because, she obviously knows nothing, except her marxist indoctrinated affirmative revenge racist hate mongering, lisa could prove to be one of shotgun Joe Quisling’s finer Marxist toady henchwomen.

As to reparations, when the issue comes up there should be a detailed reparations bill presented for

1. the + 4,000 years of black on black slavery foisted on the rest of mankind;

2. The black on black slavery racket which sold black on black slaves into the New World = black on black slavery is the single force that made black slavery possible in the New World;

3. The black on black slave trade refusing to stop internal and external, black on black, slave trading in the teeth of the white people of the world, after 1860 and moving as one, trying to put an end to slavery across the world;

4. Specifically, in America, the

4.1 the billions poured into the black people for unearned : unwarranted public assistance over the last 59 years;

 4.2 the last 59 years when you wokes used direct affirmative action revenge racism to suppress, oppress, and loot white people = because we are white;

4.3 the gross estimated value of woke nominated white privilege… a unique affirmative revenge racism constructive fraud about which + 95,000,000 white Americans know nothing and haven’t gotten a dime… since you wokes know all about it you have a clear and present public duty to get us our white privilege bucks – NOW !

5. the gross adjusted value of the each billable reparations above, with interest rates applied at the IRS value on all unpaid balances, for each black on black : local and global slavery depredation during the last +4,000 years in the crisis of black on black slavery – the + 460 years of subjecting the west and the new World to the vicissitudes and economic depredations – stagnations – lost job opportunities as a consequence of/by/from black on black slavery in America – the 76 years of black on black slavery that resulted from having to roll black on black slavery into the American Constitution to create a unified county;

6. the entire cost, adjusted to maintain real purchasing value at IRS interest rates, of the American Civil war which Constitutional supremacy establishing victory created the social and legal environment in which the institutional slavery caused by : sustained by black on black enslavement could be outlawed by White America Citizens.

               6.1 costs include paying true value for every individual who lost their use of life as an outcome of the Civil War. 

7. the total value of whatever you wokes think you want to bill as your revenge racist victim-ol-ogy sums [plus interest] should be reasonable punitive damages for the + 4,000 years of black on black slavery you wokes are trying to use as the pretext to extort the wealth of other people : Americans : Europeans under the guise of your woke marxist indoctrinated affirmative revenge racist Hate America and Europe to Destruction looter victim-ol-ogy.

There probably should be an additional fee billed to you woke for refusing to contribute to the concept of : the development of government by Law : for you choosing to relentlessly push your old white guy made-up looter victim-ol-ogy cloaked in your Marxist revenge racist Hate Mongering mask to hide the + 4,000 year history of black on black slavery : that durable – that all pervading crime against : misery on humanity that scars the soul of mankind to this day. 

2 years ago

Affirmative action is itself a discriminatory practice.
Instead of singling out any person based on race ,gender or religion, just allow merit to be the guide and set the same standards for all.
It’s SO simple!
Every time someone tries to force equity, it’s an abject failure!
Just leave it alone and normalcy will occur.
Always a biased opinion that creates more bias.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

End IT & Jim Crow laws mindset

Rush Glick
Rush Glick
2 years ago

WAY past the time to end it!

2 years ago

Agree totally and very well presented. . I have always felt that affirmative action is actually reversed discrimination, as I have been affected by that throughout my career. Nothing more discouraging than even while very qualified not being able to get the job you wanted or school you want to attend , because it’s required to hire a percentage of less qualified minorities and you didn’t make that racial cut. That sucks !

Mike J
Mike J
2 years ago

Affirmative action has and continues to be one of the greatest impediments for businesses and government agencies in hiring the most qualified applicants for positions of employment!

Over the course of my 41 year working career I have seen many extremely qualified individuals turned away and less qualified individuals hired because of affirmative action and hiring quotas.
A person should be considered on the basis their qualifications !Whether they are male ,female, black,white, Asian or any other nationality should make no difference.
If you want an example: pick up your phone and call the IRS and try to get a straightforward correct answer to your tax questions!!

Doug S
Doug S
2 years ago

Race is all the Democrats have the fight Republicans with, And they’re losing the argument.

2 years ago

May the best person win. Anyone that is afraid that white, straight men will run everything must deep down feel that white, straight men are superior intellectually and as leaders. In sports, the team is made up of the most talented people and that’s the way everything should be. Also, due to affirmative action there are times we see a person of color in a certain position and wonder if they got that position based on ability or the fact that they are a minority. That in itself hurts minorities. There was a time when affirmative action was needed but the pendulum has swung so far the other way that we are cutting off our nose to spite our face. Taking the best applicants is only common sense and will only make our nation better. How many schools like Howard University are there for non blacks in the US? There wold be an uproar. There is no common sense left when it comes to college admissions and this was not the original intention. May the best person win.

2 years ago

I think if a person is qualified and has a proven track record of doing the job should be hired based on qualifications, intelligence, work ethics and leave out race or skin color. I’m sick of that bullshit. I want people working at jobs that have brains and know how to answer questions.

2 years ago

You are either qualified or your not, end of the bullshit, f*ck liberals and double f*uck tge Marxist Pig leftists.

2 years ago

Will – spot on commentary!

2 years ago

Denise , these democrat hypocrites only follow MLK if it fits THEIR agenda!
Just like the lies they’ve fed African Americans for 50 years!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

When will affirmative action END? As soon as whites become the minority!

2 years ago

the correct reference is affirmative revenge racist hate mongering action.

apply the principles and terms in the follwing material to work to stop the just past 59 years of affirmative revenge racism driven social justice.

220203 daily caller article about lisa cook, a marxist indoctrinated affirmative revenge racist hate America to destruction monger victim-o-gist c

lisa cook is a typical marxist indoctrinated affirmative revenge racist hate America to destruction looter victim-ol-ogist [short form : affirmative revenge racist hate monger] posing as a legal and politi’Kal hack… because, she obviously knows nothing, except her marxist indoctrinated affirmative revenge racist hate mongering, lisa could prove to be one of shotgun Joe Quisling’s finer Marxist toady henchwomen.

As to reparations, when the issue comes up there should be a detailed reparations bill presented for

1. the + 4,000 years of black on black slavery foisted on the rest of mankind;

2. The black on black slavery racket which sold black on black slaves into the New World = black on black slavery is the single force that made black slavery possible in the New World;

3. The black on black slave trade refusing to stop internal and external, black on black, slave trading in the teeth of the white people of the world, after 1860 and moving as one, trying to put an end to slavery across the world;

4. Specifically, in America, the

4.1 the billions poured into the black people for unearned : unwarranted public assistance over the last 59 years;

 4.2 the last 59 years when you wokes used direct affirmative action revenge racism to suppress, oppress, and loot white people = because we are white;

4.3 the gross estimated value of woke nominated white privilege… a unique affirmative revenge racism constructive fraud about which + 95,000,000 white Americans know nothing and haven’t gotten a dime… since you wokes know all about it you have a clear and present public duty to get us our white privilege bucks – NOW !

5. the gross adjusted value of the each billable reparations above, with interest rates applied at the IRS value on all unpaid balances, for each black on black : local and global slavery depredation during the last +4,000 years in the crisis of black on black slavery – the + 460 years of subjecting the west and the new World to the vicissitudes and economic depredations – stagnations – lost job opportunities as a consequence of/by/from black on black slavery in America – the 78 years of black on black slavery that resulted from having to roll black on black slavery into the American Constitution to achieve a unified county;

6. the entire cost, adjusted to maintain real purchasing value at IRS interest rates, of the American Civil war which Constitutional supremacy establishing victory created the social and legal environment in which the institutional slavery caused by : sustained by black on black enslavement could be outlawed by White America Citizens.

               6.1 costs include paying true value for every individual who lost their use of life as an outcome of the Civil War. 

7. the total value of whatever you wokes think you want to bill as your revenge racist victim-ol-ogy sums [plus interest] should be reasonable punitive damages for the + 4,000 years of black on black slavery you wokes are trying to use as the pretext to extort the wealth of other people : Americans : Europeans under the guise of your woke marxist indoctrinated affirmative revenge racist Hate America and Europe to Destruction looter victim-ol-ogy.

There probably should be an additional fee billed to you woke for refusing to contribute to the concept of : the development of government by Law : for you choosing to relentlessly push your old white guy made-up looter victim-ol-ogy cloaked in your Marxist revenge racist Hate Mongering mask to hide the + 4,000 year history of black on black slavery : that durable – that all pervading crime against : misery on humanity that scars the soul of mankind to this day. 

2 years ago

time is way past getting rid of “affirmative action”.

Steven H
Steven H
2 years ago

Like so many government programs, Affirmative Action is one which has outlived it’s usefulness. In fact, it has become a tool to discriminate against whites and Christians. Our government needs leaders who will really examine the alphabet soup of bureaus, agencies and programs to determine if they are functional and efficient or not. If not, they need to go away. We don’t need NATO here anymore. Most of the bureaus and agencies have become political tools for the ruling party and, therefore, are biased by that political climate.

2 years ago

Just one more thing to be gone with the rest of the liberal crap.

2 years ago

I’m a white male who lost a Government job in the mid-80s to Affirmative Action as they had, quote “already filled their quota of white male attorneys.” I was openly discriminated against because of my sex and/or gender. Funny how none of my liberal friends (who say they abhor any and all discrimination!) will admit this was wrong!

2 years ago

The real virus to be eradicated is leftism.

2 years ago

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
2 years ago

Affirmative Action is racist. It always has been racist. Affirmative Action has created way more problems for citizens of all ethnicities than it has ever done good for those who have truly benefitted from it. Most likely, those who benefitted from Affirmative Action would have done well without it. In the meantime, entry levels for so many things have been lessened in order to promote Affirmative Action. Since Affirmative Action was put into place, Black citizens who progress in life, regardless of how they did so, have been looked upon as not being quite as good as other ethnicities in the same progression simply because they were always thought of as having been given an unfair advantage. In the meantime, many citizens who were more deserving of school entries and jobs, were disregarded in the name of Affirmative Action. This only served to cause more discontent between citizens based on ethnicity alone. I can’t even believe that Affirmative Action was ever considered a good idea at the time because it is so blatantly racist and so blatantly wrong minded. Affirmative Action was just one more way for Progressives to obtain minority support and votes.

Dave Smith
Dave Smith
2 years ago

So government sanctioned racism and sexism may actually be ending finally? With a socialist, race-card, sex-card fear mongering democrat fecalfest of an administration? Not likely but it should! From it’s inception “affirmative action” has been a beacon of racism and sexism but it’s exactly what weak minded, lazy people put forth as “answers” to a problem…don’t work to make things better, accept your government handouts and keep quiet!

2 years ago

AA is racist.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

results of affirmative action are all around us

2 years ago

Way past time to end this reverse discrimination initiative. The best person, period, should be selected.

2 years ago

Absolutely. It has done enough damage already . I was against it from the day it was enacted and think it was the most unAmerican thing in my lifetime. It was the end of the basic American belief that all people deserve equal opportunity.

2 years ago

Biden will put in as career organized crime & communist evil criminal as he is , for SCOTUS .

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